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Blowing Off The Laundry

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She's taking the day off from being a Mom. He's a bonus.
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I had the strangest sensation I was being watched. Not icky, like scary watched. More like admired. Some weird Mom sixth sense just told me that someone's focus was on me. Totally.

It was a warm day and I'd just gotten home from running to the grocery store, had stopped to grab the mail and was now putting everything away. The kids were at camp for the next two weeks and I could rest for a minute after all the packing, driving and logistics of getting them there and settled. I couldn't believe I had the rest of the day to myself. That never happened.

The sun was out and I made the executive decision to blow off the four loads of laundry and other assorted chores for a little me-time. I'll live with the guilt; it'll be hard for sure, but I'll manage.

Stripping off my ribbed tank top and yoga pants, I walked naked into the laundry room and tossed them into the hamper. Walking back into the bedroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored closet door and realized I'm as white as a ghost! Holy crap – middle of summer and I look like a Minnesota tourist.

Pulling out my kid approved black one piece suit, I hesitated a minute and then decided "what the hell, no one's going to see me" and grabbed my itty bitty string bikini. The one that I'd never, ever wear in public. Even wearing it around our pool in the backyard brought groans of embarrassment from the peanut gallery. Whatever.

Usually I don't worry too much about how I look. On the slender side, I was only 5'4 but I had a nice 36C rack. Belly slightly curved after two kids – the kind of softness that no amount of crunches will ever get rid of. Longish auburn hair in a pony most days and hazel eyes that had crinkles in the corners from smiling too much. Not that I'd felt much like smiling in a long time.

Pulling on the bottoms, I adjusted the string bows over each hip a little more securely. Was there more of me than the last time I wore this? Hmmmm. Oh well, my mother always said 'tan fat is better than white fat – don't believe me? Check out a pork chop.' I bent over and checked out my rear view. Not too bad, I told myself as I grinned at my reflection. Grabbing one of the beach towels out of the closet, my ear buds, phone and iPad, I headed out back.

It took me a few minutes to get situated and then I realized that I'd forgotten my suntan oil and I might as well bring a drink with being as hot as it was. I left my things on the chaise lounge and walked back into the coolness of the kitchen with that vaguely uncertain feeling again that I was being watched.

Throwing some ice into a tall glass, I added lemonade and then feeling a little naughty, a double shot of Absolute Citron. What the hell, I deserve it, I thought. Eighteen months after the divorce, the kids are finally accepting the change and I'm finally able to take a break from worrying about their mental state and worry a little about my own.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt feminine or desired. I tried to remember the last time I'd had sex, had to expand it to 'even with myself' and drew a blank. Oh my. Well, here's my chance to maybe get my sexy back. I had a trash novel loaded on my iPad that was just calling my name. Maybe I could lose myself in someone else's fantasy life for the afternoon, since I hadn't had much luck even buying one of my own.

I stretched out and got myself all nicely oiled up. I'll worry about the backside later, I thought as I tried to balance my iPad in a position so the sun's glare wasn't an issue. The story was crap, just a thinly veiled excuse to have a hot monkey sex scene every 7-10 pages. "Relax, I told myself, you're not a critic for the Times – just enjoy the sex part and stop overanalyzing the rest."

Actually, it's not half bad. I wiggled a little and felt the old tickle invade my pussy. Thank God. For a minute there I thought I was broken. I giggled and leaned over to take another sip of my drink. Sucking an ice cube into my mouth, I rolled it around for a few seconds and then popped it into my fingers.

Dragging it down my throat and across my chest, it left little trails of cool water on my skin. Feeling a little naughty, I dragged it across my nipples and then circled again watching them bead up and swell, pushing against the triangles of my top. Good, those were still working.

There wasn't too much left, but as I let the cube slip from my fingers, it landed on my belly and slithered into the band of my bottoms.

Fingers still cool, I kept my eyes closed and followed the water drop into my bikini bottoms, swirling around my clit and then lower opening my warm pussy lips. The sun was so hot and the shock of my cool fingers was producing lovely little shivers inside me.

One finger, then two entered my swollen, hot pussy. I could feel the juices rising as I thought about the male character in the story and what he did over and over to the female lead. I twisted a little on the lounge chair and sprawled a little more, thighs opening wider in the sun.

Harder and faster, my hand moved over my open slit. My right hand moved up and I drew the pad of my thumb and forefinger over my nipple, pulling gently before realizing how very good that felt. So I pulled a little harder and added a pinch.

I heard myself moan and then a similar sound that didn't come from me. Startled, I opened my eyes and looked all around, but I was alone. Shit.

I jumped all of a sudden when I heard the unmistakable sputter and catch of a lawn mower engine and scrambling up, took a running dive into the pool. Jesus, that was close. Better I should cool off and attend to business in private. The water was brisk and I did a few laps trying to bring myself back around but having a hard time thinking about anything but how very good it had felt to let go.

Getting out, I decided to peek over the fence separating our yard from the neighbors and that's when I caught site of the Parker's son Luke. Must be home from college, though I thought his mother had said he had a job that would keep him upstate over the summer. But here he was and damn he looked good.

I watched him walk back and forth in neat, tidy rows taking the grass down to a smooth green carpet. Light brown shaggy hair, that I remembered as tow-headed when he was younger. Lightly muscled chest bare, he just had on a pair of khaki cargo shorts and sneakers. I watched the way his back flexed as he pushed the mower and admired the tightness of his ass cheeks faintly visible in the shorts. Oh my.

All of a sudden he finished the row and swung around heading straight towards me – he looked up for a second and must've caught a glimpse of my head above the wooden privacy fence. He stopped and turned off the mower. Busted.

Oh shit; "hey Luke, I called over the fence, I didn't realize you were home."

He walked over to the fence separating us and leaned against it.

"Hey, Mrs. G. - yeah came home for a couple of weeks to try and earn a few bucks. My internship doesn't start until the first of next month." he said in a voice much deeper than what I last recall.

Maybe it was the unexpectedness of my appearance, but Luke looked really uncomfortable and wasn't meeting my eyes directly. Then I realized I was standing there talking to him in what amounted to less than square foot of material. Wow.

"Well, hey – you're bound to pick up a bunch of odd jobs around here if you're interested," I started to say. Then I realized he wasn't just not looking me in the eyes, he was looking at all of me. I could feel his stare burning over me. My nipples hardened and poked at my top. That warmth that the pool managed to douse started to rekindle.

He wasn't shy about his perusal now that we were face to face and I was having a hard time meeting his eyes when all I wanted to do was follow that trail of fine blonde fur that was snaking across a six pack the likes of which I hadn't seen up close in... years. Follow it right into the top of those shorts that suddenly seemed to have a hard time containing Luke.

I swallowed and jerked my eyes up. "Um, I'm going to get back to my book, but feel free to jump the fence when you're done and take a swim. It's hot as hell out here and I think I may have a lead or two for you on some people who might, uh... need some help while you're here."

"Thanks, Mrs. G. I don't want to interrupt your private time," he said with a small smile.

"Oh, it's not a big deal," I said. The house is empty and it's kind of nice to have some company." Holy shit, where did that come from?

I retreated to my chair and picked up my drink and the iPad and started to settle back down. Looking at the glass I realized that it was damn near empty and I surely don't recall drinking that much. Maybe it was evaporation... it was damned hot.

Walking inside, it took me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the lower light. Filling up my glass to the top again, I decided to offer my potential guest a cool drink as well. Me being a good hostess and all.

Back outside, I could hear the engine moving back and forth, closer to the fence dividing us. Us? There is no us. What am I even thinking inviting that boy over here? But damn I'm lonely and nothing's happened yet and maybe nothing will. But maybe... I know what I saw.

Lying back on the lounge chair I picked up the iPad and pushed the Home button to turn it back on. The screen flashed and I reread the last page. The page that had made me so warm and wet just a few short minutes ago. Damn, but it was having the same effect. I kept reading, finally hearing the sputter and choke of the lawn mower's engine die off as Luke finished the yard.

"He may not even come over," I thought to myself as I angled my body a little more in the sun. "He's probably got shit to do with his friends or girlfriend or something." I couldn't help but feel a tiny cramp of disappointment at the idea.

But then the creak of the latch on the fence had the tiny hairs on my arms prickling and I felt, rather than saw, him approaching me.

"Damn, it's hot, I really hope your invitation to cool off is still open," Luke said as he stood over me, his shoulders and chest blocking the sun for just a moment.

"Of course, make yourself at home" I murmured as I indicated he should have a seat next to me. "I made you a drink when I got myself a refill. Got I.D.?" I joked.

He laughed and picked up the glass next to mine and swallowed half of it with the first gulp.

"Easy there fella, I know you're not driving but I don't want to be accused of getting you drunk and taking advantage of you!" I squeaked out.

Holy hell, who was writing my dialogue?

Luke laughed a nice deep sound that matched his deep brown eyes and his even deeper brown tan. I couldn't look away from his chest and stomach. When he laughed those muscles just bunched up and then relaxed back into a frickin' washboard. Washboard, hmmm. I was supposed to do laundry today.

"If I were you, I'd be more worried about me getting you drunk and taking advantage," he said very slowly.

I looked back up into his face and saw that though the tone was light and teasing, the heat and hunger in his eyes was anything but.

I wasn't sure if this gorgeous young man was making fun of me or not. He was certainly not what I remembered from years past as far as making adult conversation. Honestly, I couldn't really remember him talking to me much at all unless it was to politely answer a direct question.

Clearing my throat, I got up and walked to the steps of the pool and waded in. I needed a few seconds to myself to gather my thoughts. Or my nerve. I hadn't really decided which yet.

I hadn't made it to chest deep water when I heard a splash and looked up at the deep end to see Luke come up from under the water and push his hair out of his face. Fuck.

He swam towards me and then stood beside me, making me feel very small and feminine. He met my eyes and then dropped down and started floating so he was closer to me. He bumped against my thigh accidentally on purpose, brushing against me as he apologized.

"Sorry, he smiled.

"You are not," I smiled back adding a splash for good measure.

"You're right, I'm not..."

He laughed and ducked under the water swimming around me in a circle. All of a sudden I felt a tickle on my belly, then another closer to my underarm. I laughed and tried to get away from him, but he caught me around the waist and held me still.

Coming up wet and slick, he pulled me closer and the laughter stopped as he looked at my lips, licked his own and then moved in for a kiss.

Hot and cold rushed through me at the same time, making my lips tingle and burn and want it not to stop. My hands were pressed against his hard chest and without thinking; I brushed my fingers over his pecs, drifted my fingertips over his nipples and then draped them up and over those broad shoulders.

Angling my mouth, I felt him slip his tongue deeper into me, touching and lapping and sending little shocks up and down my legs. They started to tremble as I caught his tongue and began to suck on it lightly.

I relaxed a little bit more and took stock of the situation. One hand was on my ass, massaging it gently and at the same time, moving my pussy into rubbing his hard cock. The other hand was drifting over my collar bone and down to rub the back of his knuckles across my tit and tease my nipple.

I broke the lock he had on my mouth and pushed back a little bit. Wading towards the steps, I climbed out and headed for the chair. Flopping down I took a huge swig of my drink and stared at him as he walked towards me.

Neither of us said anything. I felt like a gigantic idiot. Why was I backing off? What was the problem? Jesus, I really just needed to relax and ... get laid.

Sometimes realizing that things are a lot easier than you thought they were is kind of funny. I snorted a laugh. I pulled the towel over my face in embarrassment, but I couldn't stop giggling once I started. He sat on the end of my lounger and pulled at the towel. I pulled back.

"Going to share the joke?" he asked. I took a deep breath and let go of the towel.

"I'm the joke, I'm laughing because I'm such a chicken shit" I told him.

"I'm not laughing, I think you're a hot sexy woman, I don't see anything chicken shit about you" he murmured while moving closer to my ear.

"I think I just need to relax," I huffed. And with that I flipped over on the chaise and closed my eyes.

"You do need to relax; maybe I can help you finish what you started earlier..." he whispered.

My eyes popped wide and suddenly I knew. I knew that I was being watched. And I knew what he had seen. He saw it the second I realized it.

He pushed me back down gently, one hand on the back of my neck and said, " Shhhh don't get so worked up, it's not like it's a big deal. Hell, if I could figure out a way to get a steady income out of it, I'd never let my dick alone."

"It was hot and it was erotic and I never wanted to be an ice cube so fucking bad in my life."

I laughed again and felt the tension ease out of my shoulders and neck. I closed my eyes and decided to let things play out. Suddenly there was a warm stream of liquid that dripped across my back and dribbled down my spine to pool above my ass. I felt a tug at my neck and then another quick one in the center of my back as the strings holding my top were untied.

Rough, strong hands were kneading my upper back and neck muscles. Firm but with great care, they moved over my skin and I felt the loosening of my muscles. Muscles that seemed always to be taut, just waiting for the next catastrophe to hit.

He hit a particularly tight spot with enough force to make me moan.

I coughed. "Um, sorry," I choked out. Both of us knew that the moan was more than from a simple massage. Every bit of me was focused on his hands and where they were going to go next. He moved down the center of my back, rubbing up both sides of my spine and then finishing just a hair's breadth away from my ass.

I held my breath as he leaned back to add more oil to his hands and then I felt them on my calves, moving upward sensually, my skin recognizing the kind of touch it had been bereft of for so very long. Up behind my knees, where he tickled me and I jerked and twisted a little on the towel. Up to my thighs where he suddenly became extremely diligent. Both hands massaging and pushing into the muscles and all the while moving slowly up towards my pussy.

I tried not to clench my thighs, told myself to relax and enjoy it and as he moved up just one more inch, he brushed my pussy lips through the fabric of my bathing suit and I sighed.

It was the signal we both were waiting for. In an instant I felt a tug on the bow on my right hip, followed immediately by the other. I felt the strings flutter against the sides of my thighs and then the coolness as he uncovered my ass. I opened my thighs wider on the towel and felt his warm hands rest on my cheeks before squeezing gently. And then harder.

Rubbing, dipping in the crevice, moving back down with strong fingers and finally finding the wetness waiting for him.

"Fuck, you're hot. Wet, too." He growled.

I felt him shift behind me and then his hands gripped me by the hips as he pushed me up onto my knees. I gasped and caught myself so I didn't topple over. I felt the warm silkiness of his hair against the backs of my thighs and his fingers as they carefully pulled my lips apart. And then a kiss.

Soft, then a suckle. In for a deeper, more thorough tasting and finishing with a quivering bit of tongue against my clit. I was in Heaven. I angled higher to get more of his delicious mouth and tongue. And now the moans came from a different place.

He dipped and licked deeper and harder and I could feel myself start the climb. He added a finger moving deeper in circles inside my sweetness and then I felt him run another finger from my neck to the dimples above my ass collecting oil as he went. What the hell?

And then he moved up between my cheeks, kissing and licking before his slippery finger circled my rosebud softly before pushing in.


I pushed back against him, but I wasn't sure if I was pushing him out or trying to take more of him inside me. I shivered and shook and tried to relax against the pressure that was mounting in my ass as well as my pussy.

He suddenly became relentless, licking, sucking and nibbling around the fingers slamming into my pussy while his other hand worked his magic in and out of my ass. I was up on my hands and knees, panting and asking him to please let me cum. I felt it building and every part of my body began tightening up like a rope being knotted over and over again.

Luke sucked my pussy lips so deeply in his mouth I thought I was turning inside out. Then pushed his tongue as deep as he could inside my cunt as I came crashing around him.

I started to collapse forward onto my forearms but he caught me around the waist and pulled me back hard against him. I felt his hard, hot cock bounce against my ass and wondered when he'd taken his shorts off. Suddenly I felt the head of his dick and his wrist come in contact with my pussy. I was still vibrating from my orgasm, still feeling his unexpected entry into my ass. He circled his cockhead against my opening and then with one thrust, filled me up.

I cried out from the size of him. I hadn't even had a chance to see this cock that was filling me so completely. It was thick and hard and it felt like a piece of steel with sweet hot velvet over it. And it tunneled in and out of me so exquisitely that I wanted to cry in relief.

He rode me hard and my tits were bouncing wildly against the chaise.

I pushed up and back and felt him positively wedge his cock at the back of my pussy. He lifted my chest up so that I was leaning back against him, on my knees only, with him holding me up as he churned in and out of me from behind.


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