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Blowjob Hairband

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Ezra puts on a Blowjob Hairband (bi).
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After multiple unsuccessful possible connections I was finally sitting next to a hot and sexy girl. She was wild and carefree. Witty and crazy. We were really hitting it off and clicked like never before in a speed date setting like this.

I was so engrossed in a conversation with her that I failed to really hear the sponsor saying, "If you're willing to give a BJ as part of today's festivities, take one of those colored elastic hair bands from the dish on the table and put it on your wrist. I mean, the words rolled around in my head, but I wasn't paying attention and I certainly didn't comprehend the meaning.

Without breaking stride in our conversation, the enchanting woman across from me casually reached over and put one on her wrist. If I HAD been paying closer attention it would have thrilled me to no end. But, quite absentmindedly I followed suit, placing a neon green band on my wrist.

Ten minutes later and we were still having a fantastic emotional connection when the DJ who was orchestrating the events asked everyone with a hairband to come up on stage.

Rachel took my hand and the two of us ran up excitedly. She skipped like a schoolgirl dragging me along saying, "These dating games are always so much fun."

We were the only two on stage and the small crowd cheered raucously for us. How exciting!

Our DJ was determined to make the day entertaining for all. "Now, everyone with a desire, and the means, to - captain a boat - come on up."

Two young studs stepped up.

"OK, we're gonna have a little trivia and the, ahem, couple that scores the most, may choose to rent a boat for the day where we will send them out with plenty of complimentary alcohol and a picnic lunch.

Throughout the contest the DJ kept hinting about the blowjobs and hairbands. Oh so gradually, the understanding broke through my ignorance.

I could see how both guys were looking forward to getting their dicks sucked. Even the guy I was paired with in the game.

I felt like THAT guy who shows up to a costume party only to discover that he'd read the invitation wrong.

The contest was almost over and my 'team' was winning. Soon I was going to be out on a date with this guy and he was expecting me to provide. I was in too deep to just fess up so publicly when surely I could get out of it more discreetly.

Causing us to miss the last questions, I threw the contest. Unfortunately, it was still a tie.

Rachel turned to me, "Let's make it a double date. Doesn't that sound fun?" She didn't wait for my answer and the DJ thought it was an exciting idea which spiced up his event.

They railroaded me into accepting the prize. Rachel took my arm, "I can't wait to do the guys with my new gay friend."

I would just tell my partner, Nick, privately that I was backing out.

The DJ was explaining the details, "OK, guys, we're gonna send the four of you lovebirds out on a boat and it'll only cost $275." Both guys made arrangements and paid up.

On the way down to the pier my guy kept trying to put his hand around my waist. "Nick, this isn't working for me. It's a mistake." He was getting peeved. "Look, I'll pay you back for the boat."

Nick was less annoyed, but he was still disappointed to miss out on the fun activities that were planned for us all. Then I had an idea, "Rachel's a hot lady. I bet she'd do you both."

He was actually ok with the idea: "Well, sure. that would be swell as long as she's ok with it."

It was a thirty foot speed boat with plenty of space for all of us. We could see a cooler full of booze, a shrimp platter, swimsuits, and games all laid out for the double date.

The other three were engrossed in going aboard while I explained the alternative plan. By the time I made my proposal to Greg we were standing next to the big steering wheel, where he was pretending to be a captain.

Of all the people to not go along with it I didn't think Greg would be as opposed to it as he was. "Absolutely not!" He popped a big cocktail shrimp into his mouth. "We can't just go and turn the whole world topsy turvy."

Rachel had already changed into the provided bikini right there on deck under the open blue sky, "You can't bail on me, Ezra. I need my buddy." Her arms were crossed and she was pouting mightily.

Greg, of course, shot me a dirty look. "Don't. Make. My. Date. Unhappy."

Meanwhile, Nick played peacekeeper, "We'll just discuss it out on the water. No need for anybody to be upset."

Was nobody listening to me? Didn't I make it clear that I wasn't gay?

The next thing I knew the boat lurched and we were zooming out into the lake. Am I sexist for not thinking Rachel would know how to operate a boat? She was apparently both quite proficient and impatient.

When I turned back to Nick and Greg they had both changed into swim trunks and were reclining in the bow with a beer for each.

Nick called out to me, "Don't be a party pooper, Ezra, it's ninety degrees out and you're still wearing long pants and long sleeves."

This wasn't going well but there was still hope. I found one swimsuit left: a women's flag themed bikini. Perspiring profusely I turned away from the group and put on the bottoms. They weren't any worse than men's speedos.

Everyone joined me in the main seating area for more drinking and sexually charged talk. I complimented Rachel's body - just another way to drive home that I was straight. In turn, she told us guys we looked strong, and Nick said he loved my hairless physique.

The food was good, the alcohol flowed freely, and mostly I forgot the impending problem which still needed to be resolved.

With the way everyone was talking dirty and hinting about naughty crap, it looked like Greg was advocating for me to put the bikini top on when he made comments about Rachel being the odd one out.

She missed his intention and saved me when instead she unabashedly removed hers, revealing the most amazing pair of breasts I've ever seen in real life. All three of us guys failed to hide our excitement. And soon enough that excitement was displayed physically in the form of three boners.

Soon after, she was sitting in Greg's lap making jokes about submarines and seeing what 'comes up'. She was really moving around, animated in her conversation, and naturally it had an effect on Greg.

Our wild vixen suggested Nick was missing out and they all agreed - looking at me. Slowly and hesitantly I sat on Nick's lap, though not without first trying to sit on just one leg.

His cock found a way to snuggle between my buns and really it was the only comfortable place to put it. Though I WAS protected by my bikini fabric.

Rachel jumped up, heading to the wheel again, "Let's get away from all these other boats. The college boys keep gawking." She headed toward a secluded bay at breakneck speed hitting the choppy waves roughly as she sped. Greg pressed up behind the shapely lady, wrapping his arms around her as we went.

Meanwhile, my body threatened to be thrown off Nick's lap, so he held me tightly. With every bump and lurch, his cock was driven into my crack. No longer convincing myself that he was turned on solely by Rachel, I had to admit that it was me having such a salacious effect on my guy. Impulsively, I tested that theory, just the once, sliding my crack along his pole. Nick groaned appreciatively.

The boat slowed and pulled into a bay. With new drinks in our hands Greg was playing with Rachel's black hair band on her wrist, so Nick started snapping my green one, drawing attention to it.

It didn't take more than a second before Rachel was kneeling between Greg's legs deftly wrapping her pony tail up in that tell-tail hair band.

I tried one last time, "Rachel, think how fun it'd be for you to go down the line on all of us?"

Grumpily, Greg again hated it, "Sounds like a lot of waiting."

Always missing the point, or going her own way, Rachel suggested another contest, "You seem understandably keen on getting me to slobber your pole. But since you didn't win that prize I'll give you a chance: If my guy finishes before your guy, I'll take care of you too."

Yet again, Greg complained, "I don't want you to rush it baby."

She finished securing her hair and winked, "We've got the boat long enough for round two."

Saying that, she immediately yanked off Greg's shorts and started licking his dick with with long lollipop licks. She only stopped long enough to say, "I'll start slow and relish every moment."

Nick was guiding me to the deck next to the girl who should have been mine. The girl who still might suck my cock if I can somehow get Nick to cum fast.

By the time I was between his legs, his trunks were already gone. Rachel was leaving these sweet little kisses on Greg's dick, sensuously traveling up and down the length of his shaft. Greg sounded overjoyed, "Nice start, Girl."

Jealously, I watched her obviously enjoying herself. I saw Greg's big dickhead waving free in the air, noting that she had not yet tasted the tip.

In contrast to Rachel's enthusiastic approach, my attitude led me to figure that those kisses could be a way to postpone meeting the wet end.

With one hand on each thigh, the green band mocked me as much as it had double-crossed me. I leaned forward, dubiously letting my lips touch the least objectionable part of his cock. Nick copied Greg, "Nice start, Buddy." At least he hadn't called me 'girl'.

From the corner of my eye, I witnessed Rachel jerk Greg's pole a few times, then resume her kisses, though her lips parted slightly making them wetter now.

This was my salvation. I would just give Nick lots of kisses, kisses that I was already stuck doing, and jerk his cock until he came.

Rachel licked Greg's furry balls with gusto. He loved it, "Yea baby! That'll get my engine revved."

Nick looked down at me, "If you wanna get my engine revved too, you'll have to honor the balls."

I included my left hand, rubbing and caressing his smooth sack. "That's not gonna get me anywhere. They'll beat us for sure."

Reluctantly, I moved my lips to his balls. Not knowing what else to do, I kept up with the kisses. Nick reached down, and with his thumb, popped one big egg into my mouth.

I was stunned to have a guy's nut in my mouth. All my planning to keep his cockhead out and I'd never considered his balls. His hands were on my head, keeping me there. Well, it WAS easier to beat his meat this way. I jacked furiously, knowing I'd get him off in no time.

Greg turned to Nick, "Our lovely cocksuckers have a contest going. But there's nothing in it for us. What'ya say we have our own?"

"What'd ya have in mind?"

"If I beat you, then the girls give us duals later for round two."

"You mean both on the same cock at the same time?"


"And if I beat you then we just switch."



Rachel sat back for a second, rubbing her neck, "I think Ezra and Nick are beating us, Greg. Let's catch up!"

Nick piped up, "No need to worry Rachel, the way Ezra's using his hand, I'll never finish. He's gotta have the worst handjob technique ever."

"So here I was with my mouth and hand on a cock and I was going to get no reward for my efforts. Reluctantly, I just resigned myself to the notion that if I was going to be down here, I might as well win. Wasting no time, I let go with my hand, going straight for the head.

I figured it'd be like diving in cold water. You just have to take the plunge. Nick complimented me, "I knew you'd get into my cock. Just slow to warm up, huh?"

Next to us Greg urged Rachel on, "You hear that? They're gonna give us a run for our money?"

She removed her lips long enough to suggest, "Pull my ponytail if that'll help."

"Really?" He asked, She was already sucking hard so she just hummed a yes.

Nick was addressing me again, "I'd really like to switch later. Can I do what I want?" I gave an unqualified assent. Though I should have been able to predict the outcome.

Nick grabbed my head much like Greg had taken Rachel's ponytail, except he put one hand under my chin and one behind my head.

With all the leverage he needed, he proceeded to go deeper and harder than I had been trying.

The wind and the waves rocked our watercraft, making me accept more of the slick tube than anticipated.

The thick crown kept hitting the back of my throat causing me to make obscene guttural noises which attracted Greg's attention. It seemed like I could see him paying more attention to us than to Rachel.

I was just about to finally put an end to the rough treatment when Nick called out, "Fuck! Bitch, I love reaming a good throat. As long as I'm in control I'ma nut soon!"

The sooner the better. I could hold on another minute.

Nick started trying to force the end into my throat. His shaft bent and it made me choke, but he said he was that much closer so I stayed in place letting him do as he wanted.

Next to us I heard Rachel sputter a bit, then cough unpleasantly,

"What the fuck, Greg! Just pull gently. And just the hair."

Greg watched me and Nick enviously. And while Rachel did her best, it just wasn't what he was wanting.

Earlier, I had thought I might get lucky and beat Rachel. But it was looking like I was going to win based on skill. Not that I was doing much more than being taken for a ride and struggling to keep my teeth out of the way.

Nick pulled steadily and hard, eventually pushing his whole cock all the way down. Meanwhile, Rachel kept complaining about Greg being too rough. Guess she wasn't as wild as she let on.

I couldn't breath, but when Nick's balls pulled up tight I didn't care. He used my mouth like a pussy, pulling out until just the mushroom head was past my lips, then plunging down until they were crushed against his stomach.

He was groaning and squirming and holding on tighter than I'd ever dared when getting a blowjob. And I kept reassuring myself that I was gonna finish first as long as I let him.

Eventually, I heard Greg declare, "Ahh, it's no use!" And Rachel quit.

Nick started cumming all over the place. He came deep down my throat, he came on my tongue, and he accidentally shot some on my face too. It felt like he was never gonna stop, jerking my head this way and that as he pumped his hips, butter-churning me like crazy.

Rachel moved over to a bench seat with her arms crossed over her boobs, "I can't believe you went soft. Are you gay like Ezra or something?"

Wiping my mouth I stated yet again, "Actually, I'm not gay."

Greg was adamant, "Me neither! But Ezra looks pretty good right now."

She was pissed at the slight, and turned away from us all, huffing as she did it.

I moved over to sit next to the sexy topless girl, "Don't worry Rachel. I think you're the best! I wanted to be with you ever since that first moment we sat across from each other." She softened, looking into my eyes. "Give me my prize and I'll finish real quick. I think you're so sexy I'll have trouble not cumming too soon. Especially since I'm gonna give Greg his round one at the same time.

Rachel squeezed my cock, "It WAS hot watching you work."

I held her close and she melted into my arms. "Then we can cruise around a bit before round two."

Author's note:

If you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you'll see all my stuff.

I try but don't always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I'm doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I'll answer your friendly comments.

I often attempt to create tension in the main character's motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.

I really appreciate polite comments! It's what motivates me to write more.

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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStoriesabout 3 hours ago

Are you kidding? This was a great story….it just ended too soon. Seriously, this could have5 more chapters where they fuck him and turn him. I absolutely loved this story!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

How can I meet Rachel?

trisetristrisetris9 months ago

Thanks for the story, I think it could have used a little more of Ezra reluctantly having to admire their cocks n the speedo or having to admit their cocks were so much more impressive than his. But otherwise really enjoyed it

Equus7Equus710 months ago

Good fun story. I liked him slowly being drawn into sex with Nick. I would like to see Nick giving a blow job or even fucking his date.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Part 2, please!

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