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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 20

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Kate and Friends Take on Sean Michaels and More.
21.3k words

Part 20 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


Eric's head was spinning. He never, ever thought what Kate was suggesting would fall in his lap. This all along was what he was hoping for and he couldn't be happier. He still didn't wanna jump and rush into anything. He had to hide his enthusiasm in having Kate and her friends to kick-off his endeavor into interracial porn.

He slipped up on the bed and sat back against the headboard. "Kate, I'm wondering if you've thought how doing such a video will affect you personally and professionally?"

She slipped up next to him and swept her long unruly hair from her face and neck and pushed it onto her back. "Listen Eric, this is 2018 not 1918. First of all morals in this country have gone down the toilet. I just finished watching that cunt Alisyn Camerota rip into one of her guests. That whore was okay when she was on Fox News, but after hearing her tear into her guest for his comments on CNN or as I would call it Communist Not News or as Castle calls it, Clinton News Network. The news on my video or any of my friend's video will not sway my feelings about doing it. As long as I'm not wearing my NYPD badge or refer to my job, I believe it should and will not affect how I think what I do outside my NYPD office. I also believe the other women who I am pegging for your videos will feel the same."

Eric laughed all the while, "I love how you and Castle feel about CNN, I feel the same and we, I believe are in a minority here in New York City, unless we work at Fox News. Hey Kate, do you know any of the women at Fox? I'd sure love to have a few of them in my videos?"

She chuckled, "I bet you would, how about a few of them from NBC, MSNBC or CNN?"

Eric scoffed, ""Yeah, there are a few there who are very beautiful, but just hearing them spit out their hateful crap about anyone who doesn't think like them, I'm afraid my male actors may catch some disease or something worse."

Okay, alright Eric, enough about fake news, what do you think about my offer?"

"I'm sorta conflicted; I really want you to do this. I think it would be a hit and sell more than any other video on the market. I just want you to make sure of what the ramifications are of you doing this. I also want you to discuss this with your husband before doing it. Could you please do them both and get back to me tomorrow. I really, really would love to see you do this. I'm doing summersaults in my head just seeing it and having it on DVD will be even hotter. I could lose this portion of my portfolio and it wouldn't hurt me all at. Again, I'm itching to see and your friends do this, but please, please look before you leap!"

Eric got off the bed and slipped into his pants and shirt. He stopped at the door, "Please Kate, think about it and make a real honest and thoughtful decision." He turned and walked out and went to his room and as she hopped out of bed and hurried after him, she heard his bedroom door click as he locked the door.

Kate walked around the penthouse and picked up her clothes where they fell earlier. She clutched them to her chest and walked slowly into her bedroom and she too locked her door. She took a long cleansing shower and after slipping into a comfortable pair of sweats, she climbed into bed and called Castle.

They talked for well over an hour. She gave him her thoughts and how much she wanted to do this and told him about the negative feedback he would get. He told her he would love to see her doing these and would buy a bunch of them. He was afraid if he only had a couple of them, he's wear them out watching them over and over again.

She liked he was on her side, but still wondered what Frank Reagan the Commissioner of the NYPD would think about it. She hung up after talking with Castle, she knew he really loved her and supported whatever she decided. She called Frank and he answered.

"Hello Kate, so how is the protection detail going. I saw you brought down one of Eric's main adversaries."

"How did you catch that, it only happened yesterday?"

He chuckled, "I'm the Commissioner, very little gets past me. So what now, how long before you can get back to your precinct?"

She chuckled, "Ah ha, I do have some news and I need your wisdom. Just to let you know, I really want to do this, but I need your blessing. Don't hold back, but remember, I want this."

He was silent for a moment, "Oooooookay, what's going on Kate, you're making me nervous?"

She let out a long cleansing breath, "Here it goes. You know what Eric is working on. Well after a disastrous day, all of the women who signed up for his endeavor all ran out in a panic. We had a very long discussion and I came up with a solution. I proposed I star in one of his videos. I also pegged Alexis, Erin, Nicky, Abigail Baker and Eddie Janko to also star in one of these." There was a long pause, "What do you think, Frank?"

He, just like she did, he had a long pause. "I don't know what to say Kate. First of all, as far as conflict, as you know, as long as you don't do anything in the video that points to the NYPD, you can't be sanctioned. There will be some heat, but I can handle it. Have you discussed this with Castle?"

She nodded and blurted out in a nervous voice, "Yeah, I spoke with him and he supports whatever I decide."

He once again let out a long breath of air, "Okay, so I guess I give you a backhanded okay. Now concerning Abigail, I'll do the same, but as for Nicky and Erin, I'm not gonna support her in this."

"Are you denying her the ability to make her own decision, or are you saying you don't even want me to bring it up to her?"

He let out a groan, "You know me well enough Kate. First of all, if she ever found out I told you not to even ask her, she'd never talk to me again. What I'm saying, please think about her and her position. She, just like you, will have some blowback, but, just like you, she can make her own decision."

"Wait, what are you saying, I'm confused?"

He released a nervous laugh, "Yes, I could see that myself. I don't know what to say. I'm confused too. I know what you're asking and I really don't have a definitive answer. Just go with your gut." He let out another laugh, "If you and the rest of them do, do this, make sure I get a free copy of the DVD."

She let out a deep breath, "Yeah, unlike you, Rick wants a bunch of them. He said if he only had one or two, he'd wear them out."

"Okay, so I take it you're going forward. I just have one request. If you ask Erin and Nicky, make sure they are there together and please don't try and persuade them to do it. Let them make up their minds and if they say no, please take that as an answer."

She chuckled, "Oh don't worry Frank. I think I know Erin well enough to know when she makes up her mind, no one can sway her."

He whispered out, "Thank you, Kate; listen, I have to go, talk to you soon. I know they will speak to me and ask my opinion and I'm telling you now, I'm not going to give my blessing without pushback, but if they decide they want to do it, I will not scream and demand them to pass. I gotta go, talk to you later."

"Wait, can I say one thing Frank?"

"Yeah, sure what is it Kate?"

"I don't want to put blame, but just remember who twisted my arm to do this detail. Just remember that when you scream and shout at Erin, that is if she agrees to do it."

He nodded and replied, "I got it, sorry and I'll keep that in mind, bye Kate." He hung up and went back to work, but couldn't keep his mind on the job.

Kate called Eddie and Abigail and got their eager yeses. She walked out of the bedroom and went to the wet bar and poured herself a stiff drink. She knew talking to Erin and Nicky was gonna be a tough one, but knew if she painted it in a way she though it was, she knew they would gladly do it. She knew she had to do it with them in person. She went over to the bedroom door when Eric was hiding. She tapped on the door lightly and after a couple seconds the door opened.

He looked a little distraught, "Is everything okay?"

She gave him a weak smile and nodded, "I spoke with Rick and got his blessing. I spoke with Frank and even though he wasn't totally backing my decision, he told me he would back me if there was any blowback, he'll have my back."

He went to hug her, but stopped when he saw how she moved back. "I know you're putting your career on the chopping block. I just want you to know, if for any reason you lose your job, I will compensate you for all lost wages."

She chuckled; "Aw, I don't need your money Eric. What I do is nothing about money, I love what I do and will fight for my job to the end."

He nodded, "I understand and am sorry if for any reason you think I've slighted you. Just let you know, I'll have your back on any fights you have, if there are any. Have you talked to any of the other women you've picked? I'm itching to find out who you picked. I'm sure they are great, but just to let you know, it is my production company. I'll have final say in any women, just in case I'm not happy with any of your selections."

She chuckled, "I already called two of them and got firm yeses. I think you know one of them, Abigail Baker, Frank's assistant. The other is a police officer in my precinct, she's Jamie Reagan's partner, Eddie Janko. I'm reserving the rest of the group until I ask them. Just to let you know, I don't want some cheap wham, bam thank you ma'am screw-a-thon. I want a storyline behind each and every segment."

He took a seat, "I agree, do you have any thoughts about what you want to do and what will be your storylines?"

She sat across from him, "I have some real definitive storylines, but don't want to go over them with you until I speak with the last three women I've picked to be on these videos. Just to let you know, I'll be taking off in the morning to speak with the other three. Once I get them, just to let you know, I'm not going to push too hard. If they say no, then I'll try for a back-up. I'll come back and go over the storylines. Is that okay, I don't want to step on any feet here?"

He nodded, "Listen, right now, this is your baby. I'm here for the ride. Just to let you know, if I have any real issues, I will let you know."

She stood up and started for her bedroom, "I wouldn't want it any other way. I have to get some rest and try and wrap my head around all of this. I just want you to know, as of today, I'm in, but after speaking with the last three, I might change my mind. Please accept my decision, whichever way it goes."

He came over to her and wrapped her in his arms and gave her a tiny kiss on her cheek, "You got it Kate, I understand and will not try and change your decision either way. Have a nice evening and if you want, call room service and order whatever you'd like. Just make sure you vet them and make sure they are not here to kill me."

She chuckled and kissed him back on the lips and pulled away quickly. She did order room service and called Eric and he ordered too. They ate at the dining room table and after that, Kate returned to her room. She called Esposito and instructed him to contact Ryan and be at the penthouse first thing in the morning.

She headed to bed and tossed and turned and finally fell asleep and had a very restless sleep. She got up early, showered and waited in her room for Esposito and Ryan to arrive.

There was a tap on the door and when she answered it, she gave Javi a weak smile, "Thanks for getting here early, after being cooped up here for several days, I have a number of personal errands and should be back by early afternoon."

He saw she was conflicted, "Take your time Kate, we'll hold down the fort. From what I see it's going to be a rather quiet day here."

She left without even having breakfast. She grabbed a coffee on the way out of the hotel and grabbed a cab to the Castle Investigation offices. On the way there, she called Nicky and she agreed to meet with her for lunch. She also got hold of Erin and she too agreed to meet for lunch.

When she got to the office, she grabbed Alexis and guided her to the panic room. She closed the door and had Alexis sit down. She explained what she was trying to do and Alexis was all in. She explained what she wanted the two of them to do and Alexis got turned on quickly.

Kate tried desperately to fend her off, but she finally gave in and they made out like two high school kids. Kate finally managed to break free, "Hold all of that energy for our scene. I know without a doubt we'll melt the camera lens."

Alexis finally gave up and led Kate out of the panic room. She was itching to tell Hayley, Jackie and Colin about the sex movie she was going to be making.

Kate was glad Alexis was in, but she knew the biggest hurdle was going to be Erin. She was confident Nicky would do it, but she would follow her mother's lead. She got to the restaurant early and requested a booth in the back, secluded where they could talk freely.

Erin arrived and Kate's eyes ate her up. Erin was wearing a black pencil skirt that ended a few inches above her knees. Her blouse was a pearly satin shell and her tight breasts were pushing the material out nicely. She gave Kate a brief hug and gave her an air kiss. She ordered a white wine and a salad.

Nicky arrived shortly after and she was in jeans and a simple fuzzy sweater. She was dressed perfectly for February in New York City. She ordered an iced tea and a burger with fries.

Kate leaned in and began speaking, "Listen you two, I have a proposal. We can speak freely; this is why I got a booth here in the back, secluded and where we can't be overheard."

Erin took a sip of her drink and nodded, "I spoke with my dad last night and sorta hinted I was gonna get a call from you. He told me to keep an open mind, but in the end, he said he wasn't happy about the proposal you were gonna make. So tell us Kate, I wanted to call you last night and made sure I had my calendar clear. So don't keep us wondering, what is so controversial that my dad was against it. It has to be something big; especially after all of the things we've done together in the past."

Kate was bursting to tell, but just then the waitress brought over their food, but no one touched it. They were waiting for Kate to speak. She took a big gulp of her wine and put it down. She released a deep breath, "Okay, first let me say, I'm on a detail that your father specifically pegged me for. I'm protecting Eric Vaughn. He's here in New York getting a new business venture off the ground. This is where you and Nicky come in. He purchased the eastern division of a web site and from there they also produce DVD's involving the same content."

Erin cut her off, "Come on Kate, out with it. Quit beating around the bush."

"I was getting there Erin, the website is an interracial website. Do either of you know what that is?"

Nicky giggled, "Yeah, after our wild time at your place in the Hamptons, I was fascinated with the black men that were there. I logged onto that sight and I was so turned on, I nearly went out and I wanted to hook-up with a black man. My better judgement took over and I just masturbated watching all of those large black cocks." She turned to her mother, "Sorry mom, but I couldn't help it."

Erin looked to Kate, "Aw, I know about that kind of website and what they do, but I still don't understand why we are here and what you are asking."

Kate put her hand on her arm, "I'm gonna give you a little background first. Over the past few days, Mr. Vaughn has interviewed a number of naïve, pretty young women. They were all amateurs; yesterday five of them were given their first live audition and when they were confronted with the large black men, all five of them were unable to perform with them. As a matter of fact, they all ran out and left screaming they couldn't fuck these large black men. Mr. Vaughn was stuck between using stagnant established porn stars, which he didn't want to. He wanted to have something fresh and new. His other choice was to keep looking for young new women, but was getting frustrated. I came up with a solution and that is why I have the two of you here."

Erin was getting antsy and she was beginning to blush, "I think I see where you are going, please hurry up and out with it, I'm gonna explode if you don't tell us why we are here."

Kate chuckled, "I'm there, I just wanted to give you background so you could see why I'm asking you. Somehow, Eric learned about the wild parties we had in the Hamptons, so I offered him the following scenario. I told Eric I would myself and could recruit some women to star in his website and more so to record videos with some of the most popular and large black men in the industry."

Erin's jaw dropped and she looked to Nicky. Nicky was bouncing up and down, "Oh my God, Kate, I'm ready to go and do one right now. This is a no brainer for me." She looked to Erin, "What do you think Mom?"

Erin was still in shock. She looked from Nicky who was still grinning from ear to ear and looking back at Kate who was stoned face, waiting for her reply. She licked her parched lips, took a large gulp of her wine and slowly lowered her glass. A smile crossed her lips and she nodded, "Oh my God Kate, I have serious mixed feelings. My first thought is, what the fuck, how can you ask me to do such a thing, but as it sinks in, hell I've seen a bunch of black porn stars and I've masturbated to a lot of them and just thinking about having the opportunity to be fucked my one of them, how could I say no."

Nicky jumped up and threw her arms around her mother's neck and gave her a big kiss on the cheek, "Oh fuck Mom, we're gonna get fucked by a big, black porn star!"

Erin put up her hand, "Wow, slow down there Nicky, we have to discuss this." She turned to Kate, "I know you spoke with my father, what was his reaction to you about this?"

"He was a little shocked when I brought it up. As far as Alexis and I doing it, he saw no legal issues and as long as there wasn't anything in the video showing anything related to NYPD; he could deal with it. As far as having you do it, he wasn't about to ban me from asking you. He did say, because you are his daughter and granddaughter, he doesn't want your naked bodies all over the internet and on someone's DVD player. He wasn't going to tell you, you couldn't do that. He thought that would be cutting his nose off to spite his face. He also asked me not to try and change your mind if you were against it."

She just sat there and took a fork full of her salad and looked down as she chewed and swallowed. She looked to Nicky, "I know how much you want to do this Nicky, but like your grandfather told Kate, once this is filmed, it will be out there forever. There is no taking it back."

Nicky nodded, "I understand Mom, but I'm proud of my body and I'm not ashamed of my sexuality. I think you are a beautiful woman and I would be proud to be in any video with you. My God Mom, do you have any idea how many men would be lusting after you. I know I would watch it over and over again. I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

Eric ate more of her salad, "I agree Nicky. I'm not sure how doing this video would affect my standing in the District Attorney Office. I know they wouldn't be happy, but the more and more I think about it, it really appeals to me." She turned to Kate, "I'm very interested in doing this, but could I sleep on it and give you an answer tomorrow?"

Kate nodded, "No problem Erin, I would be a lot more comfortable going forward if you sat back and took in all of the ramifications of this. I just want to let you know, if you do agree to do this, here is what I propose. I told Eric these videos were not gonna be a wham, bam, thank you ma'am video. We are going to make a high class movie. The one I had you and Nicky pegged for was involving the two of you going to a symphony, dressed in elegant gowns. The two of you are invited after the symphony to the conductor's penthouse. The conductor will be played by Mr. Lexington Steele." Kate grinned at both of them when they both let out a gasp and they shifted in their chairs as they felt a tremor run through their bodies.

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