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Bobbie Says

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A Simon says game takes a twist.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/28/2014
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My first attempt at writing erotica. Please send CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions.


It has been an interesting 60 years of living.

First of all, I don't remember much of my first 3 years of life and the rest was rather Ho-Hum until...

I am 6'0" and at one time weighed in at 255. Now down to 161 I still see myself as at the higher number. I do not recommend open heart surgery and an ulcer as weight loss plans but that is what happened to me.

My penis does not drag on the ground as some other writers claim. If fact, limp I'm a whopping 2 1/8" long while erect I top out at 5 3/8". (Every bit helps.)

The two women I have been with over these decades, both became wives then ex-wives, never seemed to mind.

I have been on 3 blind dates in my life. The first in college. She was an art major while I majored in beer and poor grades. You do the math.

A stint in the Armed Services led me to a marriage of a gal I knew since I was 3. Three kids, a mortgage and a general mood of staleness yielded a divorce and my second blind date.

Now in my 40s, a co-worker set us up. I found out later that she had pestered Sandi for months before Sandi finally said "OK, a lunch date and no more".

A great lunch date and 3 months later I proposed. Open heart surgery with its corresponding depression ended that "date" after 18 years.

So here I am, single, bored, dateless and New Years Eve is coming up. Kari states she is having a New Years Eve party and I'm invited.

"Thanks but no thanks, Kari. I haven't been on a date in over 2 years and the prospects of finding someone on short notice is zero."

"Not to worry, my friend", she says. "I've got it covered." "Samantha is 5'7", 122 pounds, redheaded, liberal like you and she hasn't had a date for a while either."

"Why, why no dates if she's so 'hot'?" I asked.

"Her husband died late last year and she was mourning" was the reply.

My RN training and empathy took over. I asked quietly,"What killed him?"

"A single engine plane crash that he was pilot of" was Kari's reply. "It was completely unexpected as he was an excellent pilot. In fact, he got his license the day before they married 37 years ago or so."

"So you are setting me up with a widow that has known one guy over nearly 4 decades and I am to

compete with THAT??", I asked incredulously.

"No, asshole. You are to be the date of this fine woman for New Years Eve. ONLY!! For God's sake, don't think you have to marry her just because you kiss her at midnight!!" Kari said shaking her head.

Okay, maybe I was reading a bit (?) too much into this whole thing. After getting a few details, all I had to do was wait for the calendar to catch up.

Eight PM on New Years Eve found me stepping out of the shower and drying off. Thinking the 3 Ss were completed-shit, shower and shave, I examined myself in the mirror after cleaning it.

Not too bad for a guy that has more surgical scars than kids. The scar over my sternum red from the hot water. The scar from the gall bladder surgery showing a huge 'dimple' upon my right upper abdomen. Hernia and snipping my man tubes not showing themselves today nor any day, for that matter.

'Better get this over with and get back to my life of reading and watching porn', I thought. New slacks, new shirt and loafers donned in a few minutes and I was out the door.

The ride to Kari's house was short but I took the long way so as not to be the first one at the party. When I finally turned on Kari's block I realized I shouldn't have worried. Easily 15 cars were parked on both sides of the street. I turned onto the next block and walked back to the party. A quick knock on the door and I let myself in. Music from the 60s hit me before the door was opened an inch. "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vita" hit me like a brick! The volume on the stereo had to be at 12 at least! Thinking of dances from high school and college make me reminisce of a by-gone era. But my mind was brought back to the present quickly as Kari threw her arms around me and hugged and kissed my face.

"I wasn't sure if you meant it when you said you would be here," she gushed. Another hug stopped my answer. "I said I would be here," I answered finally. Kari looked her usual beautiful self. Shoulder length blond hair atop a face that artists have been trying to emulate for centuries, a body any woman half of her 42 years would kill or die for and a personality that lights up every room she enters.

Kari's husband, Kyle, brought over a beer saying there was harder stuff if I wanted. As a semi-pro linebacker, I never would live if he knew that I wanted his wife.

"A beer is a good place to start," I replied.

Kari interrupted my first gulp with "There is someone I want you to meet." Pulling my arm next to her breast was all I wanted but thinking the blind date was awaiting and Mr. Linebacker out weighed my by over 100 pounds, I shuffled through the crowded living room and onto the screened in porch with Kari.

I thought Kari was about to introduce me to her twin sister. Differing only in hair color, Samantha was also about 5'7", about 120 pounds and movie star pretty. Her hair accented her green eyes and the nominal makeup highlighted her cheeks and eyes. She smiled as Kari brought me nearer and I noticed the lightest red on her lips.

"Sam, Bob, Bob, Sam" said Kari as she put our 6 hands into a warm pile of flesh. Expecting Kari to yell, "Break" or some other coach saying, I took over and kissed Sam on the cheek, saying,"Kari told me a little about you but not that you were prettier than she is."

An elbow in my side from Kari caught me off guard but the big grins on both of these beauties faces told me I had scored at least one point.

The evening progressed well. Sam told me she had been a mid level operative in the campaigns of several candidates I had voted for. She told of how her husband had flown her or the candidates around the state or to nearby fund raisers. Stories that will not be repeated here informed me that a few politicians are not to be trusted with your wife, girlfriend, sister or any female. Others with your sons.

The time flew by when a shout from the living room announced that midnight was just 30 seconds away. "Who knew that time flies when I'm with you," I said. "I feel the same, Bob"

"Will you kiss me?" Sam asked. "I would love to have that honor, beautiful lady."

We started the kiss as the crowd was counting down from 15. We broke the most tender of kisses about 4 minutes into the new year.

"I loved that" I said.

"Me too"

"Can we do it some more?"

"There is no ask, only do" Sam said in her best Yoda voice.

Laughing and kissing leads to open lips on both kisser and kissed. This allowed my tongue to gently wash over her teeth. She responded by tonguing me back. I sucked her tongue into my mouth with a suction that surprised even me. Sam and I tongue-fucked for several minutes, exploring the taste, sound, feel and smell of each others mouths. My hands were on her waist and I silently prayed they would behave themselves. They did, damn it.

"I need a break or a cold shower," I said as the kiss ended.

"Me too."

"I'm so glad you two are hitting it off," said Kari as she walked into the porch. "I just knew you two were made for each other."

"Well we do fit together nicely," I said. This got me punched lightly by both of these women.

"As I saw it, so far only one part fits together" Kari said with a leer.

I know I blushed and I looked in time to see Sam red also.

"I will have you know, I was a perfect gentleman," I said trying to take control of the situation.

"You were good, bordering on great but perfect remains to be seen...and felt," said Sam.

The laughter from the tree of us brought Kyle from the living room. "These two love birds were just leaving, honey." said Kari. The confusion on Kyle's face and the redness on Sam's and my face lead to another round of laughs.

"OK you are all cut off from the booze," Kyle announced.

"Well, then young lady, let me escort you home" I said as I put my arm out for Sam. She took my arm and hugged it into her breast as Kari had hours ago. I was so glad I had only had a couple of drinks for if I had had more, I would have thrown her on the table and fucked her there..

Sam explained that she and Kari had done shopping for the party earlier in the day and that Kari had driven so she was without a car. "My chariot awaits the lovely woman with the beautiful smile."

"How gracious, you are."

"I'm the nicest guy you've kissed tonight" I said with a smile.

"You are the only guy I've kissed in a long time, Bob."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I almost said 'me, too' but it has been my entire lifetime since I've kissed a guy" I laughed. "But it has been a while since I have kissed anyone as beautiful as you" I said sincerely. "If fact, I have never kissed anyone as wonderful as you"

"But Kari told me you were married before.."

"Yes, twice, but neither of them hold a candle to you. You are smart, articulate, interesting, amazing, wondrous and so very pleasing to the eye. They may have been one or two of those things but you are magnificent."

"Careful or I'll blush again."

"Truth cannot embarrass, only seek more truth."

"Who said that," Sam asked. "I just did!"

Laughing again I turned into Sam's driveway.

The house was in a middle class neighborhood. Maybe just a notch or two above that. I said "You don't see many semi-circular drives in this area of town"

Sam laughed adding "My late husband hated to cut the grass so this left less for him to mow." "Smart man," I said.

Almost before the car was in park I jumped out to run around and open Sam's door. "My, chivalry isn't dead." "My Mom always taught me to be two things: A gentleman and a gentle man."

"I would have liked to met your mother."

"She and Dad lived the storybook life. Met at the start of World War II. Dad had overseas orders but they were lost in transit. So he set up his physician's business there in Seattle and never looked a gift horse in the mouth. Married 55 years and I remember only one argument. It was over if he was to retire at 62 or wait until 65. The argument was settled the next day when Dad's partner offered to buy him out."

We had reached the front door and were bathed in the porch light. If it were at all possible, Sam looked more than beautiful, she was radiant.

"This night calls for a nightcap and I won't take no for an answer," Samantha said.

"But I don't wear anything to bed let alone a nightcap," I teased.

"All the better!!"

When we next looked at the clock it read 5:27 AM. "Where has the time gone?" Sam asked. "Time stands still with you nearby," I replied. Sam leaned across the couch and kissed me softly.

"If you are not tired I know a game, two games actually, we can play that I feel you would be interested in," I said.

"I love games, what is it?"

"It's called 'BOBBIE Says'and 'BOBBIE Asks'. It first is just like Simon Says but if you slip up, instead of being out, you get a demerit. That might be to do something or the like. With 'BOBBIE Asks' you have to answer the question and use the same words I ask the question with. Like if I say, "BOBBIE Asks, do you want breakfast?" The acceptable answers are "Yes, I want breakfast" or "No, I don't want breakfast." If you answer "Oh yes, I want a feta cheese omelet with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes." You get a demerit."

"Sounds like fun. Let's do it."

"Okay, the game starts now!"

"All right, BOBBIE Says go upstairs and remove all your clothes."

"Hey, wait a minute fella!" said Sam.

"Let me finish. And put on a white blouse and a skirt. The skirt doesn't matter:Long, short, loose, tight. You decide."

"All right," Sam drawled.

"I'm gonna step outside and have a cigarette and will be up within 10 minutes. Is that long enough for you to change?"

"I'll be ready in half that time."

"One more thing, if I say something like "Do jumping jacks for 15 seconds, you are the one to determine when the time is up."

"All right, I guess," Sam said slowly.

I went back to my car and took out a toy from the glove box. I wondered if the neighbors thought the broad smile I had was the sun or what.

"BOBBIE Says hug me for 10 seconds."

Sam's hug was warm and soft and exciting and lasted too short of a time.

"BOBBIE Says kiss me for 12 seconds"

We resumed as we had on the porch of Kari's house. Sam's tongue pulled into my mouth as my tongue went into hers.

As I kissed her, my hands roamed from Sam's waist to her shoulders and I grinned to myself.

"BOBBIE Asks did you follow my instructions when we were downstairs?" "Yes, I followed your instructions when we were downstairs."

BOBBIE Asks, and what were those instructions?"

"I was to come upstairs and take off my clothes, put on a white blouse and a skirt."

I decided to shift gears. "BOBBIE Asks do you have a drawer of scarves?" "Yes, right here" And Sam bent down to open open of the dresser drawers. I saw several dozen scarves mostly in silk that were crammed into the small space.

"Did BOBBIE Ask you to open the drawer?" I asked.

"No, BOBBIE didn't ask for the drawer to be opened." I noticed a bit of hurt in her voice.

"Do you realize you have 5 demerits now?"

"Five??? Maybe one but not 5!"

"#1 You were told to take off your clothes. I said nothing about wearing a bra. I'm 100% certain you have panties on so that is #2. #3 was when I told you to remove all your clothes. #4 was when you said you followed instructions regarding the clothes and #5 was just now when you opened the drawer. Are you ready for the demerits to be given?" I asked.

A tremor in her voice was noticed as she said "Yes".

I took one of the scarves and held the ends and twirled it round and round. "BOBBIE Says give me your left hand" Samantha slowly raised her hand to me. I tied it around her wrist and let the other end hand to the floor. "BOBBIE Says hold up your left leg". Holding on to the bedpost Sam raised her leg. Again the process was repeated: twirling and letting the end drop.

"BOBBIE Says hold up your right leg". Silently, Sam did as I commanded. I spoke softly yet firmly.

"BOBBIE Says lie on the bed." Sam complied.

I folded the 4th scarf until it was about a 2" blindfold. I slipped it beneath her head and tied it firmly.

"BOBBIE Asks how do you feel?"

"I'm scared as hell, is how I feel"

"Remember what my Mom drilled into me: Be a gentleman and a gentle man"

"I'm going to hold on to the last demerit for now.

"BOBBIE Says kiss me for 1 minute."

I leaned over the bed and smoothed her beautiful red hair out of her eyes and away from her mouth. I placed my lips at the left corner of Sam's mouth. The thoughts and feelings and desires from last night came flooding back into my mind. Sam's head turned sightly to kiss me full on the lips, her breath as sweet as ever. The touch of her tongue was probing into my lips, seeking my tongue. I relented and allowed myself to be kissed by this woman.

How long the kiss actually lasted is beyond my estimation. But it was bliss. The probing, the sucking, the intimacy of this time together. This woman can really kiss, I thought to myself.

I shifted around a bit more to have more contact with her body.

Sam responded with moves of her own. Sam alternated between raising her chest to meet mine and raising her belly to get closer contact to what she had missed for over a year.

I finally broke the kiss marathon and sighed a sigh that had been building up in me for longer than I can remember. It was a sigh of such utter contentment that I could not think of a time I had sighed like that.

"Can I play SAMMIE Says?" snapped me back into reality.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"You wanted me in just a blouse and skirt, so I want you in just 2 things also. You could leave on your socks, if that is all right."

"I also noticed you tied scarves to my feet and hand but left the ends untied to anything. What were you planning, Bob"

"You want to play this out your way or mine?" I asked.

"I am willing to let you play out your fantasy first," Sam said. Hinting at more fun to come later.

"BOBBIE Asks have you ever kissed a woman before?

And remember, Kari and I have had several talks about you over the last few weeks."

"No, I have not kissed a woman before."

"Demerit!" I said. "You kissed Kari as we left the party."

"BOBBIE Asks have you ever french kissed a woman?"

"Yes, I've french kissed a woman. In college years ago."

"BOBBIE Asks did you like it?"

"No, I loved it"

"BOBBIE Asks have you ever touched a woman's breast with at least one layer of clothing over the breast?"

"NO, I never..."

"Demerit!!" I yelled.

"You and Keri were together for several nights while Kyle was out of town. She told me how frisky you two were together."

Sam whispered, "Okay we slept together. In fact, we didn't get out of bed except to eat and pee for 3 days and nights. What do you want to do with me?"

"I want to give you something. Something you have been missing for a year now. And that is bliss." I spoke in just over a whisper. "But first I need to tell you something."

I saw the furrows in her brow as I said this. I could see she was trying for the correct way to form her question. I cut her off by saying "It began in the spring of 2005. I was walking into work and felt a tightness in my chest. It passed quickly and I thought no more of it. The next day it occurred again. And again quickly passed. But as the day at work got more and more hectic, it returned and got worse. My left arm was sore and the nausea started. Knowing this was the trifecta of a heart attack, I told my boss I was heading to the ER. Once there, they determined I was not having a heart attack but since I drank and smoked and my only exercise was pushing my luck, I had an angiogram. Surgery was scheduled for 2 days later and 4 bypasses later, I awoke in the Intensive Care unit.

"Time goes by and I recover, returning to a full work schedule. I quit smoking for 3 years, ate right, exercised some.

But then IT happened. The IT no single solitary person had mentioned." I felt the old anger starting to rise and took several deep breaths to calm myself.

"IT is the deepest, darkest, most hideous depression that can affect a man. It struck me. Hard. Often. Convincingly. And I was helpless to combat it. My wife tried to talk with me but as I told her years later, 'How could I love you when I didn't even LIKE myself'. Therapy was not my thing as I thought the therapist was sadder than I was.

"I thought about suicide many times and attempted it once. So a few days in the Ha Ha Hotel and I was released. Back to my own devices. I couldn't continue as I was, so I divorced my wife of nearly 20 years, quit my job and was left to my own.

"I left town, became a traveling nurse for a while and ended up here in this town. My daughter and her family nearby. And now a most beautiful woman about to get hundreds of demerits."

"Bob, may I say something before you go on?" Sam asked in a whisper.

"Yes, what do you wish to say."

"I have known one man in my life. He was my everything. He was taken from me by a horrible accident and I have in my 42 years never wanted any one else but Mike, my only lover. But hearing your tale, it has opened something in me. Compassion, a hunger was stoked that I thought had burned out long ago, I don't know how to describe it. But, now I'll be selfish here, I need you. I want you. I want to experience a moment of bliss (as you called it) with you. Take off your clothes and remove mine and love me as only you can do. Please."

"Samantha, I wish I could. For this leads me into the second part of my tale.

"More than half my lifetime I've smoked, I drink occasionally but more than I really should. Those with a mild case of diabetes has left me impotent. Not 100% but I have not been able to enter into a woman in 3 or 4 years. I can only get about half to 3/4s hard."


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