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Bob's Skinny Mom

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The opportunity of a lifetime.
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Bob's Skinny Mom

The opportunity of a lifetime.

All sexual activity that is described in this story occurs between people who are 18 years of age or older.

I got to know Bob when we both went to elementary school. He lived south and east of the school and I lived north and west of the school, so in those younger years we never went to each other's house to play, but at school we became good friends and hung together at recesses and at lunch. At school Bob and Les (that's me) were practically inseparable.

Then Bob moved. It must have been over the summer, because the next year when I came to school and was looking forward to seeing Bob, he wasn't there. He wasn't in my classroom and he wasn't in the other fourth grade classroom either. I felt bad, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I doubted that I would ever see him again.

That wasn't to be the case. I got a driver's license at age 16. The family had two cars. Dad took one to work. Mom was a stay-at-home mom. My grandparents had retired and moved out of the suburb where we lived to an area that was just beginning to develop. They had about 3 acres of land. They craved a little more breathing space between themselves and their neighbors. They also wanted to garden. By the time I had my driver's license my grandparents needed some help with the upkeep of their yard and garden.

So I would be allowed to use the second family car to go out into the country to help them one or two days a week. I had also bought an old motorcycle and had rebuilt it, so could take it out to the grandparents in nice weather (I was a fair-weather biker).

One afternoon I was out helping grandpa when a belt on the garden tractor broke. I had ridden out on my motorcycle (from now on simply referred to as my bike). Grandpa gave me some money and asked me to go to the dealer who sold lawn mowers and garden tractors and pick up a new belt.

And who did I run into as I walked into the store but none other than Bob! At first I was not sure it was him, and he was not sure about properly identifying me, either. But we looked each other up and down for a few seconds and I tentatively asked, "Bob?"

And he tentatively replied, "Les?" And within seconds our friendship was renewed. Bob had moved out to this same area, and in fact his family lived on the same street as my grandparents and only about 3/4 of a mile away. When we were done at the store I followed him home to see where he lived. Then he followed me down the street so I could show him where my grandparents lived. We exchanged phone numbers (this was before cell phones) and promised to talk with one another soon.

He worked a part-time job a few nights of the week. My part-time job was in the mornings. That meant that we both had the afternoons off. Even though I had things to do for my grandparents and his mother had him doing some yard work, it left us time to meet together in the afternoon every once in a while.

We learned that both of us liked to golf. And if there were too many rainy days in a row, we liked to bowl. And we liked going to the beach. We lived near the southern shore of Lake Erie. And where there are lakes, there are beaches. Unlike many guys who preferred to wearing board shorts for swimwear, both Bob and I preferred to wear competition suits -- the kind worn by competitive swimmers and divers. We felt the tan lines left by board shorts looked silly.

And then. when we turned 18 it just so happened that an underwear company came out with very small and stretchy bikini briefs for men. They came out in four colors: white, navy blue, red and black. All were unlined. Both Bob and I got a pack with all four colors. We used them as swimwear. The white suits became transparent when wet, so we only wore them when we spotted a MILF who was wearing a yellow, light blue or white bikini which would also become transparent when wet. Spotting a MILF like that we would go to the bathhouse and change from our colored bikini into a white one.

When the MILF went into the water, we would quickly enter the water, too, wait for her to get out, and when she was at her beach blanket we would come out of the water and walk close to her, admiring her nipples, areolas and camel toe as we showed off our cock and balls walking by in our almost transparent suits.

Yes, it is true that some guys at the beach tried giving us shit, but neither Bob nor I were small, we looked like we could take care of ourselves and, quite frankly, a number of MILFs liked our bikini briefs and would give us an approving nod or smile or even stop us to ask us where we got our suits because they really liked them, although none of them specifically mentioned the white see-through ones.

But I'm getting a little ahead of myself, here. I never knew how much work grandpa would have for me to do or how long it would take on any given day. So when Bob and I first talked over the phone he told me that when I got done at my grandparents' house, if I did not have to go right home for supper, I should stop by at his house and he would introduce me to his mother (and his sister if she would happen to be home) and then, if nothing else throw a baseball around or just catch up some more on what had elapsed in our lives since elementary school.

That's what I did. The next time I was out helping grandpa I was done around 3 in the afternoon, so rode my bike down to Bob's. He welcomed me into his house and introduced me to his mom, who made me feel right at home. The one thing that I noticed about her aside from the fact that she was very nice to me was that unlike most moms that I knew, she had avoided the middle age spread. She was thin. "Good for her," I thought. Generally speaking I found heavy people to be unattractive -- men or women.

As I was leaving, Bob's sister came home. Now she was an attractive young woman, a couple of years older than Bob and going steady with some guy, Bob informed me later, "So don't get any ideas."

We kept our friendship alive for the next two years even though we were in two different school districts. It is after those two years that this story picks up. We had both graduated from High School. We were both 18.

The month of June had me doing a number of things for grandpa, so I was out there quite a lot, and almost every day before going home I would go over to Bob's for an hour or two. I also met Bob at the golf course on Tuesdays and we went to the beach (weather permitting) on Saturdays.

It was a Wednesday when I went over to my grandparents before noon to make wood. By that my grandpa meant that we were going to cut up a rather large tree, cutting the trunk and large branches into 16 inch logs. Then we would split the logs and pile them up to be used in their fireplace in the winter. He had a neighbor who had a large chain saw who actually felled the tree. But all the work that grandpa and I would do in cutting logs would be done with a large, two-man crosscut saw.

By lunch time Grandpa was tired and was hoping that a nice lunch would rejuvenate him. It didn't. So Grandpa sent me home. Except, rather than going home, I went to Bob's house. I knocked at the kitchen door and his mom let me in. She explained that Bob had just gone golfing. Now that she said it, I remembered that Bob had told me that he would be golfing in the afternoon. In fact he had invited me along, but I told him I would be working with Grandpa all day.

I was about ready to leave when Bob's Mom stopped me by saying, "Do you know anything about these?" She had been doing wash and evidently Bob had thrown a pair or two of his bikini briefs in the wash.

I was too slow at creative fiction to come up with anything better than the truth, so I blurted out, "They're men's bikini briefs. They're rather new on the market, but Bob and I heard about them and each of us bought a set -- they come in four colors."

"I bet you look really good in them," she said, much to my surprise. In fact, I was so surprised that what came out of my mouth next should not have. But it did. "Yeah, Bob and I wear them to the beach for swimwear and a few people have asked us where we got our suits because they really like them."

But she was full of surprises. "I'd like to see that -- see you wearing one of these like it was swimwear. Would you do that for me?" she asked me in a kind of seductive whisper.

I was hemming and hawing and not knowing what to do or say when she said, "Tell you what. I've made a very revealing bikini for myself. I intended to only wear it at times when everybody else was out of the house and I was all by myself. It was a good idea that didn't work. Bob's sister came home when I was wearing it outside. So now I've made one for her, too. So if you put on this little white bikini of Bob's, I'll show you my new home made bikini on me. Fair enough?"

She didn't wait for an answer. I didn't know what to do. I stood there like an idiot for a couple of minutes. Then I took off my shoes, socks, pants and underwear and put on the bikini brief. Bob's Mom wouldn't see anything. My shirt tails covered it.

She came out of the room into which she had disappeared. Her bikini consisted of three small triangles that she must have knit herself. One triangle covered each small nipple and areola. The third triangle was upside down about an inch and a half wide at the top. The sides of the triangle were about two inches long and tapered down, disappearing into her pussy slit. It hid her clit and inner lips and that was about it. The rest looked to be knit strings, holding the triangles on the top and the triangle on the bottom in place. In thinking about it, I think the strings must have been attached to and covered some elastic. It was a micro string thong before I had ever heard of anybody making or selling micro string thongs.

Upon seeing her, "Oh shit!!!" was the first expression to come out of my mouth.

"Was that a good, 'Oh shit,' or a bad 'Oh shit,' she asked, unperturbed.

"Definitely good!" I replied. Now I realized that Bob's Mom was not exactly skinny. I had seen her in what my mother called house dresses. Such dresses were made to be comfortable, I guess, but were not form fitting in the least. And now that I saw her body I could tell that she should have been wearing a size 2 or 3 and what she usually wore was a size 9 or 10. Bob's Mom was definitely not just skin and bones. Her legs were thin but shapely as were her arms. Her ass was round, her tummy was flat. One could slightly make out the crest of her pelvis. Her tits were small. Just looking at her slender body, she was quite pleasing to the eye. She had brushed out her hair and had put on some makeup and was wearing a pair of white 3 inch heels. She was quite attractive!

She turned around as she entered the room and as she approached me she was swinging her hips. "Good enough to fuck?" she asked. I did not know how to reply.

"All right," she said. "I was right. I knew it. Sit down," she continued as she went to the fridge and got me a beer. Legally I wasn't supposed to drink until I was 21. I was only 18. She explained, "You just had lunch and I see I have some 'splainin' to do and the beer may help take the shock out of what I am about to say. The lunch will keep you from getting tipsy.

"My guess is that you are worried about my marriage, my husband and maybe what Bob might think if he were to find out," she continued. "My husband thought that if you were horny enough to wear competition suits to the beach that when I offered myself to you you would jump my bones. That was the plan.

"I thought that even if you were that horny and a teenager laced with testosterone, that nevertheless you and Bob, too, for that matter, were too decent to let yourselves be ruled by your little head between your legs. You'd actually consider the broader consequences, so here's the deal. You better take a sip of that," she said pointing to my beer. "And take off your shirt. I don't want to be the only one bare chested here.

I started to remove my shirt. "Stand up while you do that," she said, "Mommy needs some eye candy." I did as she asked. A little wet spot of pre-cum appeared on the front of my bikini. She rubbed it with her finger, then brought her finger to her mouth and licked the pre-cum off. "I like it," she said.

"Now where was I?" she asked as I sat back down, and then she proceeded by saying, "It is generally understood that men are more sexually excited than women are. Unfortunately, in my marriage that is not the case. My husband loves me but a romp in the hay a couple times a month is enough to keep him satisfied. I, on the other hand, am horny all the time.

"In our younger years, after we were married and discovered this disparity between the two of us my husband tried to step up to the plate more frequently than he felt was necessary for his own satisfaction, but did so in order to try to satisfy my cravings. Now that he is getting older he is even less desirous of sexual activity and he doesn't have the stamina he once had.

"When Bob's older sister turned 18 it was evident that her interest in sex was inherited from her mother. She uses birth control and is sexually active. But the guys she has been with have never been able to completely satisfy her. They guy she is with right now wants it as often as she does, but is done way before she is - while the poor girl is just getting started. She needs more than he can give. I did not force myself on her. We pretty much came up with the same idea at the same time and now help keep each other sexually satisfied. We call it mother/daughter bonding.

"But what we do cannot fully replace what a cock can do. My husband and I thought about approaching Bob when he turned 18 to help his father out. We knew that Bob probably takes after myself and his sister in that his sexual drive appears to be greater than his dad's, and maybe even a little greater than most of his peers. I gleaned that from the number of tissues he went through in a week and also the fact that he insisted on wearing competition suits to the beach even when his friends would not. In fact he stopped going to the beach with his friends because of all the grief they gave him for wearing them. He didn't start going to the beach again until you came along.

"Take another sip of your beer," she said before she went on. "I was always a little leery of approaching Bob. I was sure he could do the job sexually, but there was always the incest thing. I am by nature a conservative. That means, in this instance, that since there have been laws against incest for a very long time, I shouldn't just toss aside those laws willy-nilly. I should give some benefit of the doubt to the idea that maybe there is a good reason to avoid incest and if there is, then maybe I should avoid the incest thing with Bob even if I don't completely understand why.

"But then you came along, and seemed to be cut of the same highly sexual cloth from which Bob is cut. If you and I can fuck and enjoy our time fucking together, my husband will be greatly relieved. Right now, while I try to assure him that it will not happen, he worries that some guy around my age will get to me and steal me away from him or at least wreak some havoc upon our marriage..

"He is not nearly so worried about a young guy who still has to go to college sweeping me off my feet so that I would abandon my husband to live with someone a generation younger than myself. And he figures while a young guy will appreciate the romp in the hay with a MILF or a Cougar eventually he will want to settle down with a coed his own age, not a woman the age of his mother. In a word, my husband thinks that you would be safe.

"That leaves the question of adultery out there. But my husband and I both agree that if you are fucking me with his full knowledge and approval and it's not going to destroy our marriage, adultery is a non-issue.

"There you have it. So what say? I'll take care of birth control. You wanna have some fun with a horny mommy? Say, 'Yes,' and I'll rock your world.!"

"This is about every guy's dream come true," I replied.

"Then let me make a few modifications to your swimsuit," she replied, "and we'll go outside and toss a Frisbee back and fourth just to have an opportunity to show off our bodies and to perv on one another."

I stood up and came to her. She had two white shoe laces. The first one she used on the front of the suit and the waistband, turning the front of the suit into a pouch that showcased my equipment. Then she had me turn around and using the second white shoelace turned the back of my suit into a thong. "Much better," she said. "Now let's go out and throw the Frisbee around."

"What about the neighbors?" I asked.

"The ones closest to us are gone until supper time and the ones farther away can't see us. Don't worry."

I didn't worry. I spent all my time looking at Bob's mom. Shortly into our game, I stopped to ask her, "What should I call you?"

She thought for a moment and a wicked smile came across her face. "Call me Mommy," she said. "It will sound especially nasty when you're fucking me."

After we had fed each other enough eye candy, she took me by the hand and led me the glider that was on the patio in their back yard. We sat down next to one another. "I'm afraid I'm not very experienced," I said.

"That's fine with me," she replied. "Sometimes a man who is experienced doesn't realize that there are still things he could learn. So he does the few same old things over and over again and his partner gets bored. If you recognize that you don't know everything, you're open to learning and we can try all kinds of things together. We can laugh at our mistakes and enjoy the things that really bring us pleasure. We can have so much fun!! I'm looking forward to it." With that being said she leaned into me and we started to kiss.

The first one was awkward, but each succeeding kiss got better. She took off her top. "They're not very big but they are sensitive. Play with them and kiss them," she said.

I did as I was told. All I needed to do was to be sensitive to her moans, sighs and reactions and I quickly found what she liked me to do. She was rubbing my genital lump, but the modifications she had made to the swimsuit I was wearing prevented her from getting inside my suit.

Eventually, she said, "Stand up." When I did she quickly undid the shoelaces she had used to tie up my suit and then she pulled the suit off of me. I sat down and she took off her bikini bottom. I was still playing with her tits with one hand, but started playing with her pussy with my other hand. She wet the fingers of one hand and moistened up her pussy. I'd know enough to do that myself the next time. Shortly after I started playing with her, she started producing her own moisture down there.

She was now playing with my cock. Soon her head was down there, sucking on my cock and covering it with her saliva. After a while of enjoying that I asked her, "Can I lick your pussy?"

She took her mouth off of my cock and replied, "I'd love that." I got down on my knees in front of her and explored her pussy with my mouth. I knew enough about the clitoris to know that it was sensitive and could cause a woman to orgasm. I licked with my tongue and played with my fingers all around her pussy before approaching her clitoris. I came to it gently at first and then listened for her verbal cues to let me know when I was doing something right. I could tell from her motions that she was getting more and more worked up. Then, suddenly she yelled out, "I'm cumming. Oh shit! I'm cumming hard! Oh fuck!" and as she was saying that she released a bunch of fluid. It wasn't thick like cum. It was watery. I took it to be a good sign.


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