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Breaking Stacy Ch. 01

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Bitchy young Mom is broken down by son's college friend.
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Since this is the first Chapter, there is a bit of character building before the sex starts.


Stacy was head-strong, fiercely independent, rational, and of a high IQ. Many a man who lost to her in various wakes of life had called her a bitch. It was not a term she found insulting or even inappropriate by any means. She was a bitch, but she was a bitch who got things done.

Post school, Stacy joined a low paying clerical job at an office which supplied office paper to equally pedestrian enterprises. Within 2 years, she was promoted to a role which involved accounting. Post which, she never tried to achieve career progression. Everybody at the office were idiots. She could siphon off enough money for a comfortable life while building a nest egg for retirement all the while working a low-pressure job where she turned up at the office when she felt like it. Stacy was convinced that she was one of the few who truly figured out life. Avoid the rat race while still setting yourself up for a comfortable life. She felt no moral quandaries about stealing. The powerful exploited the powerless. If she was smart enough to appropriate the money, it was hers.

The only aspect of Stacy's life that she was not satisfied with was her sex life. She was clear in her mind that she was a dominant. From as early as she could remember, she enjoyed exercising power over people, especially men. She worked out and ate clean which meant that she made the most out of the genetic looks she was already gifted with. She was 5'4 and had thick voluminous hair. Her healthy diet kept her fair skin looking young and lush at 31. She was lean with a toned body; her C cup firm breasts and shapely ass complemented her physique in a way that was impossible for men not to be attracted to her.

In the immediate years following adulthood, Stacy experimented quite a bit sexually. Her typical targets were men who considered themselves lucky to be with a goddess like her. She hooked up with many, dated a few, and even tried a couple of times with women. She enjoyed spanking men, making them beg her for orgasms, having them worship her with their tongues. She just did not enjoy it sexually. She often described it to herself in those days as 'it brings pleasure to my heart and my brain, but not my pussy.' From the age of 22, she severely cut down on her sexual escapades with men. It just did not have any utility. No men could give her anything more than what she could give herself with a vibrator and her rich imagination. Still, her orgasms remained weak. It was the only thing that bothered her in her life. Still, she was no quitter. She regularly spent time with her vibrator trying to achieve sexual highs but was unsuccessful in cracking that aspect of her life no matter what she tried.

It was when she stopped seeing men at the age of 22 that she decided to adopt a child. Stacy had no altruistic goals of embracing motherhood or rescuing a child from a bad life. Her reason for adoption simply was that she needed someone to order around. She could not exercise this aspect of her life at work because it was imperative to her pilferage that she maintain a low profile. So, she adopted Ben when he was 9 years old. She went for a 9-year-old because she had no interest in losing sleep taking care of an infant. There was no legal way for a 22-year-old single mom to adopt a 9-year-old child. The adoption was an exciting and challenging affair for Stacy with copious amounts of bribery and blackmail exercised at various levels of bureaucracy but that is a story for another day. The important thing is she had someone she could constantly belittle and order around now.

She was a tiger mom who belittled her child but with no hidden agenda of building him up. Ben was weak academically but seemed artistically inclined. So, naturally art was communicated as a waste of time and something only talentless failures partook in. The only important aspect of life was academics, and it was unforgivable that Ben could not excel in this field. This was Stacy's life for 9 long years. Once Ben turned 18, he had to enrol in a college. Stacy was not yet ready to let her source of entertainment leave so she took the decision that he would continue to stay at home and attend a local community college. She was sure to point out that no other college would ever take Ben in considering his below average IQ and skills. Despite Ben entering college, Stacy continued the tradition of rigorous study hours at home which she supervised. It was during one of those sessions that Kevin entered Stacy's life out of the blue.

Stacy went to answer the door as the bell rang muttering about who it could be at this time.


"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I have come to meet Ben."

"Ben is not available at the moment. You can speak with me. What is this about?"

"I just came to drop this with him. I would prefer to give it to him personally." Kevin said, nodding his head to a rolled-up book in his arm.

"You are not meeting Ben. Give me that." She snatched the book from Kevin before he could process what was happening. She unrolled the book and found a scantily clad woman in the cover page. She opened the magazine ignoring Kevin's protests about how she had no rights to do this. She was expecting a Playboy kind of product, but it actually exceeded her expectations. It was a hard-core porn comic with strips of women getting whipped, flogged, and dominated in other ways. "How dare you come to my house with this filth!"

"Both Ben and I are adults, and we are teenagers. Honestly, what did you expect? This is a legal publication that I purchased using my personal savings. I did not try to show you this. You snatched the book from me. I am bringing it on Ben's request. You are the one who is behaving inappropriately in this scenario." Kevin said in a measured tone.

"SLAPPP" Stacy slapped him right across his face. Stacy had learned from experience that a slap across the face was a sure shot way to break a confident rational man. Men acted stupid after a solid slap; they made mistakes and exposed vulnerabilities.

"You are going to regret that." Kevin continued in the same measured tone. "I see that you don't want Ben to be reading this. Give me my property and I will be on my way... for now." He added the 'for now' with a very menacing tone.

Stacy was slightly pissed he hadn't acted out like she expected. "Give me your parent's number. I will talk to them and return the 'property' to them." She said holding the magazine away from his reach. Kevin left without another word.

Stacy went inside and yelled at Ben. She threatened to kick him out of the house immediately. She spoke of how perverse he was to think of reading something like that. She threatened to report him to the cops herself. After calling him a failure and other colourful epithets for a straight half an hour, she made him give out all the contact information for Kevin. On calling Kevin's parents however, she was faced with failure again. His parents seemed entirely indifferent to the fact that their son consumed porn. It was the father speaking; she yelled at him about the disgusting nature of the specific porn that his child was dealing in and how he was a failure as a parent. To her immense disappointment, the man actually laughed at that and said, "Wow, it turns out the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. See, your complaint has been noted. Kevin will not visit Ben at your house or enter your property again. That seems like a reasonable resolution to the problem. So, please don't call here again on this matter." He hung up as she started to yell at him again.

Stacy went back and yelled at Ben a little more and then left the matter. In an ideal world, she would have preferred to torment Kevin a bit more. But she did get a slap in, and Kevin could not retaliate with anything other than empty threats. Further, she had something to hold over Ben's head for a very long time. Overall, the day was a win; she told herself.

Two weeks after that incident, she was lying in her bed with her trusty vibrator constructing in her mind a scenario where she was dominating 2 men at the same time. There were no fireworks (as usual), but she was content for the moment in her fantasies. She opened her eyes for a second from her reverie and to her utter surprise, she saw Kevin standing in her balcony filming her on his phone though her glass windows. She had not bothered putting on the blinds because there was no direct view to her room from the streets. Her immediate reaction was to rush to the windows and open it. As soon as she did, Kevin jumped into the room.


"What does it look like? I have come to make good my promise. I am here to blackmail you."

Stacy was stunned for 3 seconds. She took a few deep breaths to clam herself down and then responded in her usual confident arrogant tone. "I know you are only 18 or 19 but how stupid do you think you have to be to think you can blackmail me with a video of me diddling the afternoon away. My Instagram handle is stacy11 if you want to send it to all my friends you know. My God, kids are so stupid these days! Maybe you got this idea from all that disgusting porn you read. Let me give you a news flash. Most adults and definitely I don't care about anyone knowing about my sex life. You stupid stupid boy. You are the one getting blackmailed today. I just need to scream right now and call the cops. You are toast. You broke into my house and filmed me without my consent. This is an actual crime for which you will go to jail. Now what oh what I wonder you will have to go through to stop me from doing that. I own you from today."

Kevin was silent during her minute-long victory rant. He now replied in his usual quiet but firm tone. "Wow, I knew you had a high opinion of your intelligence and refer to yourself as an 'unrecognised genius hiding among men as dumb as sheep.' But I must admit I am insulted you thought I was running a video blackmail scheme."

Stacy felt true fear perhaps for the first time in her life. All the blood rushed away from her face in an instant. There was no way he could quote that line word for word unless ... No that was too horrid to even think of.

"Seriously, who keeps a journal in 2023 and how bat shit stupid do you have to be to keep a precise record of all your criminal endeavours in your online journal."

"No. It's impossible. I was careful. There is only one copy of the journal and that is in my home computer which no one else uses."

"Yes, but you have an automatic cloud back-up for the computer. You logged in twice to your account using the computer you share with Ben. I had installed a key logger a long time ago in Ben's computer just because I could. It was a lot of work to work out your password from all the text logged over the past 7 months, but bottom line is I got the password and I have the journal with me. Why don't you check this out?" Kevin said, handing his phone to Stacy.

Stacy was totally shattered by the revelation. Her body operated on auto pilot, and she took the phone. On the screen, she found extracts from her journal along with actual data from her office records which showed forensic proof of her theft over the past decade.

"Once, I knew what I was looking for, it was easy enough to get evidence directly from your office servers. It did take a bit of hacking, but I know someone who is good for that." Kevin said taking the phone back from her.

"I know you are a bit taken aback at the moment, but I suspect you will get back to your rational calculating self in no time. See, that is the difference between you and me. I don't underestimate my enemies. I have uploaded all the data in a website that I set up. If I don't enter a password every night before 12.00 on the website, an automatic email will be sent out to the police station, some major media outlets, and your boss. So, you can't get out of this by even managing to murder me or something. To quote your words from a few minutes ago, 'I own you from today'".

"Okay then, you rudely interrupted my filming you rubbing your cunt. Let's get back to it."

"Listen, I am sorry. Can we please stop this here and now?"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. Sit down on that chair like you were before and start rubbing that cunt!"

Seeing no way out, she sat down on the chair, spread her legs as little as she needed to allow her access and started massaging her pussy over her skirt.

Kevin started hiking her skirt up from her knee to her thigh and higher. "Hey slut, this seems to be getting in the way. Stand up, remove it, and get on with your task."

"Please don't make me do that."

Kevin did not reply. Instead, he started working away on his phone.

Stacy panicked thinking he was sending the files over to the police. She dropped down her skirt in a hurry and yelled, "Okay, you made your point. Please don't send the files over to the cops."

"Shut up, bitch." Kevin said continuing with whatever he was doing. "Since you were so unconcerned about people watching you rub your nasty cunt, I have sent that first video I took to your boss." Next time you hesitate in following an order, it will be the files to the cops instead.

Stacy felt helpless; it was a feeling she hated.

"Since you started stripping anyway, why don't you finish it off. Take of your t-shirt and your underwear."

Stacy complied not wanting to have Kevin make good on his threat to send the files to the cops.

"That's a good slut. Now, back to what you were doing. Sit down ... Good ... Spread your legs more ... That's it, give me a good show ... Good job."

"I am giving you what you want. Can you at least stop saying these awful things."

"Hypocrite! You have said more and worse every time you were with a man. Plus, I am doing you a favour you slut. Look at your cunt leaking. You enjoy being a whore for a man."

She was too shaken to note till now, but she had never leaked so much precum before. She was feeling more pleasure than she ever had. Maybe, she did have an exhibitionist streak, Maybe, this was the answer she had been missing all this time.

"Tell me, why is it that you look so disgusting? You are not even that old."

"I am pretty." Stacy said before she could stop herself. She immediately hated herself for saying it. She was gorgeous but she had no need for this brat's validation on that.

"You should be paying me to keep looking at your ugly mug." He reached out and pinched both her nipples. "How drooped off does your tits need to be that your nipples are not standing up despite your cunt leaking like a faucet. I will help you, you decrepit slut." Kevin kept pinching and mauling her nipples. He would flick them or extend them out as far away from her tits as he could. He started oscillating between the tits as if milking her like a cow.

"Rub that cunt harder, you slut. You know you want to." He was standing behind her now, reaching around her shoulders to maul her breasts. He would take handfuls of her breasts and knead it like dough. He would then centre into her nipples and start abusing them again. He took turns doing this saying "these are mine to with as I please now like the rest of your body."

To Stacy's absolute horror and disgust, she was getting very close to cumming and she was sure this was going to be the best orgasm she ever had. She could feel it rising from the core of her body clawing at her insides just waiting to implode out from her. She kept rubbing, the pain from her chest, feeding into the fire in her pussy. Just as she was about to cross the point of no return and into oblivion, Kevin let go off her breasts, caught both her hands, and pulled them away from her crotch. She was so close that she involuntarily raised her hips from the chair trying to hump her hands that were suddenly out of her reach.

"Please. I can't stop. I need to cum."

"I decide when you cum, whore. And I have decided that you will not cum today till I have. Now, I am going to let go of your hands. If you attempt to rub one out like the slut you are, don't forget I still hold all the cards. I have no qualms in ending this right now and sending you to prison."

Kevin came back in front of her and dropped down his pants. He took his dick out holding it in front of her face. Then, he grabbed her by the hair bringing her face inches from his cock.

"Look at it up close. You belong to this dick now." He started smacking her face with his dick. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Your life is going to revolve around this from today. This will be the only god you worship."

He held on to her neck but let her lift her head up from his cock level. He started thrusting his dick aimlessly into her tits. Stacy instinctively brought her hands up to cover her boobs. Kevin immediate brought down a hand and pinched her nipples with a vice like grip. "Aiiiii" Stacy couldn't help but let out a yelp. "Put your hands down you air headed cum whore." Stacy obeyed immediately.

He resumed slapping her tits with his dick. Sometimes, he would slap her face instead with his dick to keep her guessing. He made her look at his eyes rather than his dick so that there was an element of surprise. At a point, he just tried humping into her chest. It was not really a tit fuck. He had a toy, and he was playing around with it.

After a few minutes of this, he said. "okay bitch, start using your hands. Use both hands. That's how whores like you give handjobs." Stacy was defeated by everything that happened till then and just obeyed immediately. "Yes. Look how eager you are. Whore like you exist to serve dicks. Look into my eyes as you jack my dick off, you slut."

She hadn't been at it for as much as two minutes when Kevin suddenly pinched her right nipple hard and twisted cruelly. "You are awful at this. I am struggling to keep my dick up. You better figure out how to get better at this quickly." He let go of her nipple.

"What would you like me to do?"

"I can jack off in my own room if I have to direct all your actions. Atleast, I wouldn't have to be looking at your filthy body if I were doing that."

She started jerking him off a little harder.

Kevin grabbed both her nipples this time and pinched them as hard as he could. "You dumb cunt. Don't you understand English? I told you to do something different."

"AAAAhhhh. I am sorryyyy. I don't know what to do."

Kevin let go of her nipples and laughed. "Hahaha. Okay, I mean we both know that you are a dumb 2-cent whore incapable of any thought other than wanting to cum or needing a cock. Why don't you tell me that you are a 2-cent dumb whore and that I should help you out."

A tear rolled down Stacy's face as she said, "I am a 2-cent dumb whore. Please show me how to pleasure you bettuhhhgll."

Stacy's sentence trailed away as Kevin caught a hold of her tongue as she was speaking. He started playing around with her tongue. Just holding it out. Rolling his fingers through it. She started drooling a little from her mouth down her face and onto her breasts. He took two fingers into her mouth and started exploring her mouth. She reached into her throat, and she started gagging. Kevin added one more finger. He started fucking her mouth with his hand in short quick thrusts. Three fingers in and out of her throat. All the while, Stacy kept jacking him off. "Does your empty brain understand what to do now?"

Stacy could not figure out why she could not understand earlier that he was referring to a blowjob. Maybe, she was dumb.

"Such a dumb cunt" he said taking his hands out of her mouth. He placed her hands around her head and brought her face down to his cock again. She opened her mouth, and he inserted her face onto his cock as if it were a flesh light. He didn't put her face all the way in though. He just held it around a couple of inches onto his cock and watched her attempting to suck and lick around his cock in a comically amateurish fashion.


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