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Bred by the Hive Ch. 23

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Marion pleased as son Ryan makes rider for sister Rach.
8.6k words

Part 23 of the 54 part series

Updated 09/20/2023
Created 09/29/2022
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Marion tossed and turned all night. She wasn't sure why. She hadn't had any reluctance bringing Ryan into the Hive; why should Rachel be any different? They were both her children. The only difference was that Ryan was male and Rachel was female. Somehow the difference was profound to Marion, but she couldn't really put it into words.

In the morning Marion felt relief as she watched Rachel gobble down her breakfast under her father's predatory eyes and prepare to head off to her classes at the nearby University of Charlotte.

"What time will you be home, dear?" Paul asked.

Rachel shrugged. "The usual. Three or four." She had no idea what was in store for her. "I have a big chemistry test tomorrow. I really have to study tonight."

"Good luck with that," said Paul, with a forced smile.

"Thanks Dad," she said. She got up and left. In a moment they heard the front door slamming behind her.

Paul turned to Ryan. "You will take her this afternoon, after school."

"Paul, you heard her! She has a big test tomorrow. Can't this wait one more day?" Marion asked.

"The Hive does not care about tests, any more than it cares about your absence from your job or me from mine," said Paul. "Once Rachel joins the Hive, she will be given a new set of tests to complete. You will bring her into the Hive today, Ryan."

"I can't wait," Ryan grinned.

There was something about Ryan's grin that discomforted Marion. "Ryan... did Michelle give you any instructions when the two of you were... recreating?"

"She sure did, Mom," Ryan grinned. "She told me to make Sis beg for it. To squeeze the need out of her, to bring her to the edge and keep her there for a while. She said I'd enjoy the taking better that way."

"No, Ryan," Marion protested. "You are not bringing Rachel into the Hive that way!"

"But Mom, Michelle said-"

"I don't care what Michelle said. You are going to bring your sister into the Hive with gentleness and compassion, do you understand?" Marion looked over at Paul, as if daring him to contradict her. But Paul simply shrugged and turned away.

Later that afternoon, when Rachel returned home from her classes at the University of Charlotte, Marion and Ryan gave her a few minutes to settle in, and then joined her. As soon as they entered her bedroom, their riders started to emit the airborne pheromones.

"What is that smell?" Rachel asked, wrinkling her nose.

"It's nothing, dear," said Marion. "Sit down, and let's have a talk."


Marion wanted to make Rachel's transition into the Hive as painless as possible. Rachel would be scared and confused at first. That was natural, of course. Marion hoped that in the loving company of her mother and brother, that they could make the process a little easier for her.

Marion was unsurprised when she found Ryan dressed only in a bathrobe when Rachel arrived home from school. What surprised Marion even more, though, was that she was wearing a bathrobe too.

She had found herself undressing in the bathroom without being sure why she was doing it. She looked at her heavy titties in the mirror, and squeezed them and smiled. Then she put on her own bathrobe and joined Ryan in Rachel's bedroom. She didn't question what she was wearing until she saw what Ryan was wearing. And then she realized that somehow, her rider expected her to be an active participant in Rachel's conversion.

And so late in the afternoon, Marion and Ryan, both wearing nothing but bathrobes, came into Rachel's bedroom to see Rachel casually studying her Pad. She was lying on her bed with her legs spread wide. Marion made sure to close the bedroom door firmly behind them. There was actually no need for that as Paul had taken Susan shopping, but the closed door somehow made Marion feel more secure for what she and Ryan were about to do to her eldest daughter. Thinking of Paul alone with Susan, Marion wondered if Rachel was the one she needed to be worrying about.

Marion shook her head. She needed to focus on the present.

"Hey Mom, Ryan, what's up?" said Rachel. She had a skimpy short sleeve shirt on and shorts. Her 19 year old daughter had a small frame and small breasts. Marion sometimes thought that Rachel had a childlike body, compared to her younger sister, Susan, who had much larger breasts and was more physically mature. But still Rachel had beautiful wavy brown hair, long legs, and a brilliant smile. All of which would very soon be put in the service of the Hive.

"We have something to talk to you about, dear," said Marion, glancing again to make sure the door was still closed. It was. She smiled as she smelled Ryan's musky scent start to fill the room.

"What is that smell?" Rachel asked, sniffing the air.

"I don't smell anything," said Marion. "Do you, Ryan?"

"No Mom," said Ryan, grinning at her.

"Dear...." How to begin? Marion cleared her throat as her pulse started to race. "Something... something has happened to your brother and I," said Marion. "Actually, your father, your brother, and myself."

"I noticed," said Rachel, frowning. "What have you two really been doing in the bedroom while Dad was gone every evening?"

If she expected them to be embarrassed, she was wrong.

"We were pleasuring each other," said Marion, in a sultry tone.

"What?" Rachel asked. She looked stunned.

"We... we were making love," said Marion firmly, shifting from one foot to another.

Rachel's jaw dropped open. "You... and Ryan?"

"Yes," said Marion reluctantly. This was not going quite as she had planned. Her rider whispered something softly in her ear, too low to be understood. "Perhaps it would be easier if we simply showed you," said Marion. She nodded to Ryan, and they both opened their bathrobes at the same time. And then, in a move that shocked her to the core, Rachel saw her brother and her mother completely naked.

"Mom! Ryan! What are you doing?" Rachel said, scrambling backwards in her bed. Rachel didn't want to look at their bodies, but couldn't help herself. She had seen both of them naked before, of course, but only by accident, and only for a few seconds in odd, unexpected times. But now her mother and brother stood completely nude in front of her, showing off their bodies for closer examination.

Her mother was simply gorgeous. Rachel had always realized what an attractive mother she had, but that was always hidden by baggy clothing. She felt envious as she studied her mother's heavy breasts. Marion had the largest areolas she had ever seen. And between her legs... she had dark pubic curls, and fleshy labial lips.

And Ryan... Ryan had a handsome chest, which she had seen before, and strong muscular thighs. And between those thighs... Rachel looked at her brother's penis. Even flaccid as it was now she could tell it was of a good length. She always thought of him as a boy, but with his hairy penis hanging between his legs he was undeniably a man. Rachel felt aroused and embarrassed all at the same time. Her pulse started racing, and she felt a tingling between her legs. Just what was that smell? It was like Mom's natural scent only... much more powerful.

Marion stood there with her legs spread, letting her daughter study her. At one time Marion would have been ashamed to be naked, even in front of her children. Those days were long gone. She smiled warmly at her daughter and cupped her own breasts suggestively, before letting them fall from her hands.

Ryan's musky, manly scent was thick in the air now. Marion could see a sheen of perspiration starting to break out on Rachel's forehead, and she slowly began to rub her thighs repeatedly as if attempting to put out a fire. The pheromones were rapidly working on her, even if Rachel herself was not fully aware of it.

"Mom, why did you and Ryan take off your clothes?" Rachel asked. She felt confused, as if her mind was wrapped in thick cotton.

"So we can show you this," said Marion. She and Ryan slowly turned around. Rachel's jaw dropped a second time as she saw the riders on their back. Ryan's had its first ring; Marion's had its second, and she was gaining ground on developing her third, the final stage of maturity. Marion's rider was big and meaty, more than four pounds, and more than 3 inches thick as it pulsated on her back. Her skin was red and peeling around the edges of it

"Mom! Ryan! What are those things on your backs?"

"Don't be frightened, dear. They are called riders," said Marion. Moving very slowly, she sat down on the bed next to her daughter. Rachel shrank away. Marion moved closer and put an arm around her. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"What are they? What do they do?" Rachel asked.

Marion smiled at her first born. "They make us very happy. We're here to give you a rider, so it can make you very happy too."

"What? I'm not taking one of those!" said Rachel, abruptly pulling away from her mother. But Marion could see the nipples sticking out of Rachel's shirt. The smell of her mother's musky scent was even thicker now. Rachel was becoming aroused. She would soon be ready to join the Hive.

Rachel looked from her brother to her mother with alarm. "You say they make you happy. What does that mean? What do they make you do?"

"They...." Marion struggled to find words which Rachel would accept. "They are special companions who teach us that love is universal. That we are all sexual beings, with equal needs and desires."

"What does that mean?" Rachel asked, her eyes narrowing.

"I... I will show you," said Marion hesitantly, as she heard a whispered suggestion too low to understand in her head. She hadn't intended to do this, but somehow, she had. Suddenly she knew why she had undressed for the occasion, and why she had been sent to accompany Ryan. Part of Marion was ashamed by what she was about to do next, but a much larger part of her was excited by it.

And then Marion slowly lay back on Rachel's bed, and bent and spread her knees, shamelessly exposing her vulva to her oldest daughter for the very first time.

"Mom! What are you doing?" Rachel cried.

The answer was quickly forthcoming. Ryan, with a shit eating grin, slowly got on top of his mother and inserted himself inside her.

He did it without even hesitating, Marion thought.

"Ryan, no!" Rachel cried. But Ryan didn't even pause as he started to move his penis in and out of his Mother's vagina. He had been instantly erect from the moment he entered her; his rider had seen to that.

Rachel watched Ryan make love to their mother. Rachel was only partially aware as she put her right hand inside her shorts. She had inhaled too much of Ryan's pheromones and had fallen into its grasp without fully realizing it. She felt a burning tension, a tension that needed easing. Rachel's fingers burrowed into her panties and she started to rub her clit as she watched Ryan thrust into Marion.

"You shouldn't be doing this!" Rachel cried, even as she touched herself inside her pants in front of them. "You're mother and son!"

"Ryan is no longer my son," said Marion firmly, as she felt confidence radiating between her shoulder blades. The shame she had felt as she had prepared her body to be used in the master bathroom had all but evaporated. She felt only pride, now, and also joy, as her only son richly penetrated her yet again. She looked Rachel squarely into the eye even as Ryan moved inside her. "Ryan is a sexually mature male, and I am a sexually mature female. Look how well our parts fit together." Ryan sunk his manly rod in and out of her furry bush again and again. Marion's thick, red labial lips massaged his ravaging tool tightly with every thrust. As Rachel watched, the tension in her clit increased, and she felt her heart beating more rapidly.

"A perfect fit," Marion said smugly.

"But you're his Mom!" said Rachel.

Marion shook her head. "I am no longer your mother. I am simply a vagina, a tool to ovulate and incubate fertilized eggs."

Ryan proudly moved his rigid shaft in and out of his mother in front of his sister. "And I am a penis, a tool for fertilization."

"We are both reproductive tools of the Hive, dear," Marion said, looking at the horror in her daughter's eyes. "And you will be too."

Rachel briefly thought of running for the door. But it was too late. She had inhaled too much of the pheromone. Her clitoris and vagina felt incredibly tense, incredibly tight. She needed release desperately. Instead of fleeing, she started to rub her clit even harder.

Marion smiled as she realized that Rachel was almost ready. "Does this excite you, dear?" Marion asked Rachel.

Rachel nodded reluctantly. Her bloodstream was impregnated with the pheromones now. She needed sexual release badly, however she could get it.

Marion gave Ryan a knowing look. That was all that was needed. Ryan pulled out of her. Rachel gasped as his shiny, glistening penis pulled out of Marion's vagina. It looked so long, so hard. She could only imagine how it felt coursing inside of her mother.

Ryan, swaggering confidently over to his sister with his erect, wet penis bobbing in front of him, saw the need etched all over her face. He leaned forward and gave her a strong kiss. Rachel moaned and melted in his arms.

After that, it was simply a matter of undressing her. Marion helped, removing her blouse and bra while Ryan worked on her pants and panties. Rachel was in a daze as she was undressed. She had a slender body. Her ribs showed clearly from the side and her breasts were small though clearly mature. For a moment, Marion worried if her 19 year old daughter would be able to take her son fully inside her. And then that thought was wiped away as Marion felt an intense buzzing in her clitoris.

"Honey, you're so beautiful," Marion whispered, as she stared at her daughter's nude body. She was ripe for the taking.

"I am?" Rachel whispered, out of her mind with lust as Ryan finished pulling off her panties.

"You most certainly are," said Ryan. He gave her another kiss, pressing his nude body against hers.

Rachel gasped as she felt his erection against her triangle of wavy pubic hair, the hardness which she knew would soon be coursing inside of her. Ryan silenced her gasp with a kiss.

A flash of worry crossed Marion's mind as she looked at the size of Ryan's penis and her daughter's slender body. "Take her gently, dear."

"I will, Mom," said Ryan, looking down lovingly at his sister. He kissed her again. When he pulled back, Rachel had a goofy smile.

Marion asked, "Are you ready to join the Hive, dear?"

Suddenly they heard a noise outside, the sound of a door slamming and angry voices.

"I won't!" a woman's voice cried. "Get out of my way, Dad!"

And then the door to Rachel's bedroom crashed open, and Susan entered, followed by Paul. Her eyes grew wide when she saw her mother and sister and brother, all nude, and her siblings on the verge of coitus.

"Mother... Ryan, Rachel...what are you doing?" Susan cried.

Rachel shook her head as she started to come to her senses. "What am I doing?" she asked, pushing Ryan away from her.

Marion glared at Paul with gritted teeth. "I thought you were going to be gone with Susan for at least an hour."

"She insisted on coming home," said Paul.

Marion frowned. That may well have been true, but she suspected Paul didn't fight Susan's urge to return home for his own reasons. Paul wanted Susan to catch them in the act. He wanted Susan to see Rachel being brought into the Hive, so he in turn could bring her into it as well. As she looked into his eyes she knew it was true.

"Mom, what is going on here?" Susan demanded.

"We were about to bring your sister into the Hive," said Marion. "We had just gotten past the hard part before you interrupted us." She glared at Paul again for good measure. "If you hadn't come back so soon, Rachel would now be a happy and contributing member of the Hive."

"The Hive? What is that? And what are those... things on your back? Oh my God, mother, you have a giant slug on your back!" Susan cried.

Her eyes were filled with horror, which puzzled Marion. How could anyone look at a rider and see anything other than a being of tremendous grace and beauty?

"They are called riders, dear," said Marion, with quiet dignity. She sat down on the bed and spread her legs, openly showing her vulva to her youngest daughter. There was no longer any shame, not anymore. "Sit down on the bed with me, dear, and we'll talk about it."

Susan froze indecisively. Marion's 18 year old daughter was a blonde beauty with large breasts on a small frame. Marion patted the bed. "Sit," she said again, in a stern tone. Her sexy thick, dark pubic bush looked so motherly and inviting.

The moment Susan reluctantly came over and sat down on the bed next to her mother, Susan had given in, and they both knew it. Marion put an arm around her daughter. "I guess I should start at the beginning, dear. A few weeks ago I was given a rider, what you see growing on my back, by my sister Chloe. It changed me, Susan."

"Changed you how?" Susan asked fearfully.

"Oh... in ways you couldn't possibly imagine," Marion smiled. She was aware of the eyes of Paul and Ryan and Rachel on her. "It unchained my sexuality."

"You... you've had sex with other men?" Susan asked.

"Oh, yes," said Marion, laughing as she hugged her daughter from the side.

"How many?" Susan asked.

"A lot," said Marion. "It helped open my eyes on what life had to offer. So much so that I brought Paul into the Hive, and then Ryan, and we were just bringing Rachel in when you interrupted us."

Susan's eyes narrowed. "Those things on your back... they control you."

"Yes," said Marion. "But it feels so good to be enslaved, Susan."

"How can you say that?" said Susan, staring at meaty, brown yellow pulsating mound on her mother's back.

"Because it does, dear," said Marion, giving her another motherly squeeze. Susan, uncomfortable being so close to Marion's rider, tried to squirm out of her embrace.

"Enough talk," said Paul roughly. "Ryan, you bring your older sister into the Hive. I will take Susan."

"No!" said Marion sharply. "Our orders were only to bring Rachel into the Hive. We will take Rachel, and Rachel only!"

"Forget it!" said Rachel, who by now had recovered somewhat from the effect of the pheromones. "There's no way you're putting one of those things on my back!" She said it defiantly, but she sat there on the edge of her bed totally naked, her legs spread and her trim pubic triangle viewable to all.

Marion turned to her older daughter. "Rachel, the Hive ordered us to bring one of our daughters into the Hive. We had planned to take you, but we just as easily could take your sister." None of that was true, but the truth didn't matter; the only thing that mattered was satisfying the intense need, pounding in Marion's head and her groin, to expand the Hive.

"No!" Rachel cried. Rachel had a very close relationship with Susan. As her older sister, Susan looked up to Rachel who mentored and guided her.

"The only way you can save Susan is if you take a rider," said Marion firmly.

Rachel bit her lip and rocked back and forth for a long moment.

Marion counted to twenty silently and said, "Very well Paul, you may take Susan-"

"No!" Rachel cried.

"No?" said Marion. "No, what?"

"I'll do it," said Rachel licking her lips nervously.

"Do what?"

"I'll take... a rider." She made a face just saying it. "I'll join your... your...."

"Hive," said Marion.

"No Rachel! Don't do it!" Susan cried.

"Quiet, dear," said Marion. "Your sister is making a very noble sacrifice for you. Don't spoil the moment." She turned back to Rachel. "You made a wise choice, Rachel. Ryan?" She nodded to him.`

Ryan nodded back and went over to Rachel and started kissing her again. The smell of Ryan's manly scent started to fill the air. Some of it wafted over to Susan, and she found herself starting to become aroused.

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