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Bridal Shower Pt. 08

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Syndie learns how much Missy loves her.
2.7k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/06/2021
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I opened the front door of Mom and Donna's house and stepped inside.

"Hi Mom," I called.

My Mom looked out from the kitchen, smiling, as she said, "Syndie, I was just about to have some wine, would you like a glass? I'm trying some great white wine from Italy, it's a Pinot Grigio, from Candoni vineyards" my Mom said.

"Oh yeah, love it!" I replied, as I kicked off my shoes, and sat down on the couch in the living room.

She came into the living room from the kitchen, gave me a glass, and seated herself next to me. She turned so that her body was angled towards me, and asked, "So, how did it go today? How did John, your no longer fiance, take it?"

"Surprisingly well, actually. It almost seemed like he had been expecting it. There were no raised voices, or yells, or anything like that. I wonder if he was feeling the same way. I told him, that after a lot of soul searching, and examining my feelings closely, that I was too young to tie myself down, and I was calling off the wedding. Of course, what led to my decision was not divulged."

My Mom smiled, and said, "Good idea. He doesn't need to know exactly why, just that you've had a change of heart, and there is nothing wrong with that. I'm very proud of you baby. You could have just rushed ahead blindly, thinking that getting married would suddenly wave the magic wand, and everything would be fine. But you were smart enough to know that it was a train wreck looking for a place to happen, and you did the right thing."

Just then, the front door opened, and my no longer future Mom in law entered. Donna smiled when she saw us. I felt a jolt as I realized that she had gone from future Mom in law, to future Stepmom!

"Syndie, great, I was hoping you'd be here!" Donna said as she walked over to us. My Mom stood up and pulled her close.

"Hello sweetheart, welcome home," my Mom cooed, and Donna whispered, "Hey baby", and they joined lips in a passionate kiss.

I smiled, after getting over the initial shock from finding out they were engaged, it was nice to see two people so much in love. I only wished I could find love like that, a part of my mind whispered.

Breaking the kiss, Donna and my Mom went into the kitchen and soon reappeared with my Mom carrying a tray of crackers, cheeses, and some hard salami slices, and the bottle of wine in an ice bucket. Donna was carrying her own glass of wine, and three plates.

"Gotta have some munchies with the wine, Syndie just told me about the break-up, and why don't you bring Donna up to speed baby?" my Mom suggested.

I did so and saw Donna nodding, then she said, "You did the right thing Syndie. Marrying the wrong person is a disaster. Never do that unless you are 100 percent sure."

I said, "Yeah, but now I get to start all over from scratch. God, the dating scene, ugh, I hated that. Everyone's so fucking phony, a bunch of guys who are nothing but walking dicks, saying anything to try and charm us out of our clothes, and into their bed."

I saw Donna and my Mom exchange a look, my Mom gave a sigh, and said, "My god Syndie, I love you, and you're a great daughter, but you can be so dense sometimes!"

"What does that mean?" I challenged.

Donna joined in, "Can't you tell that Missy loves you like crazy? Not like a friend, or a fuck buddy, she's in love with you!"

I gaped at them, as I stuttered, "How...when....what??"

My Mom said, "Donna and I could see it right away. When she talked about putting on the shower for you, and all the time at your shower when she was looking at you. Baby, she looks at you with love, true love in her eyes, and it's no illusion."

I was flustered, and I said, "But dating a girl, that's...that's..."

My Mom had a slight edge to her voice, a smile that was not meant to be amusing, when she cut in, "Be careful what you say next, my daughter."

I looked at my Mom and Donna together on the couch, snuggled up next to each other, and shut my mouth. I thought carefully before I started to speak.

"Dating a girl is challenging, there's still a lot of anti-gay nutbars around. Even here, where gay marriage is legal, you still have to watch your back. Have you and Donna ever had any hassles?"

My Mom replied, "No, we've had no problems. Of course, we don't march up and down the street, yelling 'we're here, we're queer, get used to it!' "

Donna giggled, and joined in, "Nor should we have to. The one I love is right here with me, and I don't feel the need to broadcast who I love, or the gender. I believe in privacy, the right to love who you want, when you want, the same way I don't need to know about my neighbor's sexual proclivities. If you're an adult, and everything's fully consensual, that's all that matters. We are not hurting anyone, as for the idea that we'll hurt supposed traditional heterosexual marriage, well, how about Britney Spears and her 55-hour wedding? Or Kim Kardashian and her 72-day wedding? Just because those were heterosexual unions, they didn't pose a threat to traditional marriage, but the idea of two people who love each other, and just happen to be the same gender, is going to cheapen or demean traditional, heterosexual marriage? The people who spew that traditional crap need to get a new brain, they obviously lack a functioning one."

I said, "I'd never suspected that Missy could be in love with me. Sure, we'd been best friends, and yeah, we'd been in a wild orgy, and she'd taken me to her bed, but other people have done that, without being in love with the other person. I guess that I just assumed she loved me but as a best friend, not anything deeper like that."

My Mom asked, "Did you tell Missy about what happened today?"

"Not yet, I didn't want to just give her a quick blab on the phone, and that would be that."

Donna smiled, picked up the phone, and dialed.

"Missy? It's Donna here, are you free, can you come over to our house? Great...okay, see you in 20 minutes. Bye Missy."

Donna smiled at me, and said, "Now, you can tell her."

A thought struck me, "Oh my god. I just realized...she's been in love with me, and she was helping to plan my wedding, the idea of her watching me get married to someone else, while she loved me so much, it must have been torture. And here I was, the happy, totally oblivious one, twisting the knife!"

My Mom said, "Syndie, stop that! You didn't know, you were focused on your wedding, how could you know? You didn't intentionally hurt her, I am sure she won't hold that against you."

"Well, when I told her that I was calling off the wedding, I noticed a hopeful look cross her face," I said.

"Yes, you have some things to sort out Syndie. If you can fall in love with Missy, I know she'd love you like no one else. But, if it doesn't happen, we can't make it so. You will have to search your feelings, and decide if you can have a deeper love for Missy." Donna said.

My mind was a whirl of feelings and emotions. I really needed to sort through things carefully.

Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Donna went to answer it.

"Missy, come in, come in, it's great to see you again!" Donna said.

"Hi Donna, thanks for inviting me over, I was just sitting around, feeling bored, thanks for giving me something to do!"

She walked in past the entryway, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Knowing how deep her feelings were for me, made my heart race, and I mentally urged myself to calm down, calm down.

"Hi Lisa, Syndie, wine, cheese and crackers, and salami, yummy, got a little party going on here!"

My Mom chuckled and said, "Yes we do, Donna, let's get Missy a glass of wine and a plate, and let's bake that pizza we made earlier, now that there are enough of us to enjoy it, the cheese and crackers have really sharpened my hunger!"

Missy sat down next to me, I looked over at her, and she leaned in, to give me a kiss. Though she was not trying to start anything, my lips tingled from the contact, even after she pulled her head back.

Missy asked, "So, how did it go down?"

I gave her the rundown on the breakup, as my Mom and Donna came back in, carrying a wineglass and a plate. Missy's glass was filled, and we toasted to new beginnings.

Donna said "Speaking of new beginnings, I went to see my son also, it was late afternoon. He told me that you two were no longer a couple, and I told him that I was going to get married, and when he asked me who, I looked him straight in the eye, and told him that I was marrying Lisa Talbot, his no longer to be mother in law!"

Missy giggled, and said, "So how did he take that?"

Donna replied, "Well, shock and surprise, but at least he didn't freak out on me. I think he's just been handed a lot, and it's gonna take him a while to process it all. His future mother-in-law is now going to be his Stepmom, getting married on the day his ceremony was supposed to be."

"Just like you will be to me Donna," I joined in.

"That's right Syndie baby, and I'm going to love having you as a stepdaughter," she said softly, her eyes glowing with affection.

I felt saddened that John had been hit with a double whammy, but I couldn't be sorry for the fact that I had not rushed ahead into marriage, thinking it would be everything and then some.

Missy was eyeing me, she knew what I was thinking, she put her hand over mine, and said softly, "It had to be done Syndie."

I looked at her, the love and concern in her eyes made my heart beat faster. Now that I knew, I could see it clearly, the naked love she had for me, far beyond the simple friendship love, her eyes were filled with full-on love. I heard a rumble of thunder in the distance, and lightning flickered.

"Looks like we're in for a storm, that cold front is gonna feel good though once it passes through, it's been way too hot for my liking," my Mom said.

"Missy, it may be a good idea to pull your car forward, the garage is full, but you can get the protection of the carport covering, we might be in for some hail," Donna said.

Lightning flashed, and the thunder sounded, oh yeah it was getting closer.

Missy went outside for just a minute, moved her car forward, and just got back in the door when the clouds opened up, and sheets of rain started to pour down. A lightning flash, with a crash of thunder a split second later, made us jump, and the lights went out. Then the rat-tat-tat of hailstones started.

"Oh great, way to go Con-Ed!" Donna grumbled, "I'll light the candles, and get the flashlights. Glad we have a gas oven, so we don't have to eat half-cooked pizza!"

A golden glow filled the living room, and Donna brought out two flashlights, so we wouldn't have to go blundering through the darkness of the other rooms. Donna refilled our wine glasses, and the hot, delicious aroma of freshly cooked pizza filled the house. Oh, that pizza was like heaven on earth, Donna's Italian heritage really showed through when she wanted to cook her native dishes. I realized, with a pleasure-filled thought, that with my Step-mom married and living with my Mom, I could probably cadge more than a few Italian dinners from my two Moms. I smiled, really warming up to the idea of having a Mom and a Step-mom that were married to each other.

The rain was starting to let up, it had been pouring, and the radio warned us that flash flood conditions existed.

My Mom said, "Well, we're not going to let you go out and risk death in a flooded car, Syndie and Missy, you're both staying here tonight."

Missy grinned, and said, "Sounds great, I'll be happy to grab the couch."

Donna replied, "No need to do that, we have two guest bedrooms, so you and Syndie can both stay over."

My Mom said, "Does anyone need anything to wear to bed? Donna and I always sleep in the nude, but we have some T-shirts if anyone needs them."

Missy grinned, as she lifted up her T-shirt, patted her belly, and said, "This is what I sleep in, just my skin! Instead of sleeping alone, how about if I want to sleep with you and Lisa? Is that still an option?"

Donna and my Mom exchanged a grin, and Donna said, "Oh very much! We'd love to share some pleasure with you baby."

Donna said, "Syndie, if you want to come to us later, don't be afraid, even if it's the middle of the night, you are always welcome in our bed. You don't have to come for sex, if you just need comfort, we'll be there for you. I know it's been a difficult day, even though you and John cut the cord cleanly."

I could feel my eyes trembling, on the verge of tears. I felt so conflicted, and Donna came over, put her fingers under my chin, lifted it up, and locked her eyes with me.

"Syndie, never feel pressured, we only want you to enjoy life. Life is too short for recriminations, fears, guilts, and sadness to rule your life. This is the beginning of a whole new vista for you, look forward, and look up. Just remember, we want you to be a part of our life, and having you share pleasures with us is a part of what we would like our life to be, but, only when YOU decide that you want to be with us."

I felt my tears start, I was feeling as close to Donna as my own mother, and I said, "Oh Momma, I love you so much!"

I grabbed her, and she let me cry on her shoulder, gently massaging my back, cooing comfort to me. Through my tears, I realized what a warm, wonderful wife she would be to my Mom. I understood why my Mom had fallen in love with such a wonderful lady, and I felt very glad that I would have such an awesome step-mom. I looked up and saw her looking at me with a warm glow of love.

Donna's voice had a hitch in it, I could see a glint of tears in her eyes, as she whispered, "Thank you, sweetheart, calling me Momma has made my day."

My voice, wavering, whispered, "Can I sleep with you all, for comfort, I really need comfort right now."

Donna stood up, took me by the hand, and cooed, "Oh yes Syndie, come with us, come to our bed baby."

Missy and my Mom joined us, and very soon, in their big bed with Donna spooning me, Missy holding me close in front of me, and my Mom lovingly spooning Donna, I felt my tears start to dry, and I snuggled in, feeling surrounded by love and comfort, soothing me to sleep. The last thought before sleep took me was the idea of loving Missy the way she loved me, I hoped I would feel it.

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