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Brookhaven Inn

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A country inn goes clothing optional.
10k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/26/2017
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This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any real person or entity are entirely coincidental and unintended.


I suppose that I should start by telling a bit of my background in order to put this story in context. I grew up in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. I went to college and law school in Chicago and then was hired by a huge law firm in Cleveland. I spent eight years there as a "litigator" (I can't say trial lawyer because damn few cases go to trial any more) defending the rights of business. I had a very serious relationship with a wonderful woman, Kim, who was a hospital administrator.

I slowly realized that my life was not satisfying. First, I really didn't feel like I was helping people. Second, I just didn't know that many people capable of paying $500/hour for a lawyer. Bringing in new clients who would pay the firm's fees was, of course, the primary factor determining your advancement within the firm. I was very interested when I heard that a retiring lawyer had his "general" practice in a smaller college town in the southeast part of the state up for sale.

After some very cordial negotiations, and after signing a distressingly large promissory note, I bought the practice and moved to the town of about 25,000 (plus around 20,000 students) in the Appalachian foothills. Kim came to visit a few times in the months after my move. However, she was attached to her life in the city and we drifted apart. To my surprise, I found that I was fairly successful doing a little bit of everything. Ten years on, I had paid off the note and was making a comfortable living. Because of the university, the town and the county were very progressive. I had made a number of good friends in the community, although no girlfriend, and was somewhat politically involved.

Among the clients I had acquired when I bought the practice were Carl and Helen Moore. Carl and Helen owned a small inn, Brookhaven Inn, on about 35 acres in an unincorporated part of the county abutting the state park. Because the area was largely woods and hills, it was particularly beautiful in the fall. That fact, along with proximity to Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Columbus, had led to several small inns opening in our area. The name "Brookhaven" was due to a small stream that ran out of the park and across the Moore property. The unique feature was a small waterfall at the very back of the property where it abutted the park.

Carl and Helen were in their early 60s when I met them. They were both vigorous and ran the inn themselves. Helen's great work in the kitchen was well known around the region and their restaurant operation alone was sufficient to keep them in business. Because I had drafted their wills, I knew that Carl and Helen had an adult daughter who did something in finance in San Francisco. Once Carl and Helen were both gone, the inn would pass to the daughter; although, as Helen said, "I'm sure that she'll just sell it."

Helen was diagnosed with cancer not long after the tenth anniversary of my arrival in town. She and Carl fought the disease hard. Too hard for Carl, who died of an unexpected heart attack. Losing Carl drained all of the fight out of Helen. She passed a few days after Carl did.

I had first met Helen and Carl's daughter Cassie when she was in town during her mother's illness. Cassie was in her early to mid 30s. She had wavy brown hair and a very pretty, if somewhat unusual face. Cassie's face was rather wide with very prominent cheek bones. What you noticed most were her piercing blue eyes. When she was talking to you, Cassie never lost eye contact and you had the feeling that she could see into your deepest soul. The jeans she had worn into my office obviously covered long, slender legs and a very nicely shaped, small butt. Her casual jacket bulged enough to suggest a nice chest. Cassie was obviously very bright, understood things immediately, and asked very good questions. She definitely made an impression.

I saw Cassie next at her parents' funerals. Her black suit was fitted tightly enough to confirm my earlier impression of an excellent figure. Despite her loss, Cassie was very poised. I knew Cassie hardly at all, but Carl and Helen had been well known and well liked in the community. After offering my condolences to Cassie, I found a number of friends to talk to. As I was leaving the funeral, Cassie stopped me to say that she would be in to talk to me about settling her parents' estate.

Cassie came to my office a few days after the funeral. The estate was straight-forward: everything went to Cassie. The estate just missed being large enough to be taxable. I got the estate through probate as quickly as possible and recorded the court deed transferring the inn property to Cassie. I expected that to be the end of my dealings with Cassie Moore.

I was a little surprised when my secretary, Angie, told me a couple of months later that Cassie Moore had called for another appointment. My schedule was never completely booked. I made time to see the daughter of my late clients the next day.

The business suit which Cassie Moore wore into my office that day did nothing to impair her beauty. Cassie was a very attractive woman. I suspected that she had learned how to use her appearance to her advantage in whatever she did in finance on the West Coast.

Cassie opened our meeting. "Mr. Stone, I need your help, both for legal matters and for your connections and knowledge of the community. I'm sure that you assumed that I would sell the inn. I don't want to do that. I grew up there. The inn is special to me. However, during mother's illness, the business declined dramatically. It is not just Brookhaven Inn that has suffered. I have been doing research. The lodge which the state opened in the park four years ago has really hurt business at all of the private inns and lodges around here."

Cassie paused as Angie brought in coffee for her. "For the last ten years," Cassie resumed, "I've been working at a consulting firm that turns around distressed businesses. I know how to revive Brookhaven Inn. Brookhaven needs to be something unique, to fill a niche that no one else in the area is serving."

Cassie took another sip of coffee. A slight smile crept onto her face. "I think that I have found that niche. Please hear me out before you say anything. I want to make Brookhaven Inn clothing-optional."

I was a bit stunned. "What does that mean?" I asked to make sure that I wasn't misunderstanding her.

Cassie's smile grew slightly. "I want to make Brookhaven Inn a place where the guests can go nude. Clothing-optional is one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry. There are four major cities within four hours' drive of the inn. The data shows that those cities and their suburbs are home to up to 100,000 people who have experienced, or who would try, nude recreation. There are a few pretty rustic nude resorts in the state and in western Pennsylvania, but nothing upscale. Brookhaven can fill that void. The Inn will need substantial renovation. I need to install a sauna facility and a year-round pool. I have a tentative commitment of some capital from some investors in California. Before I move forward, I need to know, first, can I legally do this?"

"Well," I said, "I'll have to look into that. The property is already zoned to allow a 'hotel' use. I doubt that the zoning ordinance addresses what guests must wear, but I'll check. I will have to look, but I don't recall any state regulation of nudist resorts. My biggest concern, off-the-cuff, is the liquor license. The state Bureau of Liquor Control has a statutory duty to guard against 'immoral' behavior on licensed premises. I'm not sure how the BLC will construe that duty in this situation. While I expect that you'd run into strong opposition if you tried your idea over the county line, this county is pretty progressive and local government has a 'live and let live' attitude."

"Would you please look into it and let me know if my proposal is legal?" Cassie asked. "I obviously need to know that before I can raise capital and start specific planning. As quickly as you can would be very nice."

Cassie stood, we shook hands, and she left. I figured that Cassie Moore was probably very effective in business negotiations. There was something about her that caused you to want to make it happen when she said that something would be "very nice."

I quickly verified that there was no state law regulating nude resorts. As far as that state was concerned, it was a lawful business. The county zoning ordinance did not, as I expected, have any provisions about what hotel guests could, or must, wear. There was a section for "adult entertainment" and Brookhaven Inn was not zoned for that. However, that was pretty clearly aimed at strip clubs and I didn't think Cassie would have a problem keeping Brookhaven outside the definition of "adult entertainment."

Angie was shocked when I asked her to get online and find out if there were any nudist resorts in the state that had a bar. "What are you planning for the weekend?" she asked.

"No, no, this is for a client," I replied.

"Cassie Moore?" Angie asked and gave me a sly grin.

"Yeah. She wants to turn Brookhaven Inn clothing optional," I said. "That will give you and Ryan (Angie's boyfriend) a new place to hang out."

Angie blushed and hurried out of my office. I got on the phone to Tom Adams, the most liberal of our three county commissioners. Tom was a personal friend and political ally of mine. Despite what I had told Cassie, I wanted a read on how the county would react to her idea. Without naming names, I explained to Tom what Cassie had in mind.

"Well," Tom dragged it out as he thought, "Thompson (another commissioner) sucks up to the right. But he's very pro-business. If your person comes across as serious businessman, we can probably bring him around; particularly if we can honestly say 'job creation.' If Thompson is on board and I'm on board, Fred (the third commissioner) will jump on board. You know he never wants to take a position by himself. Your guy is going to have to do some one-on-one. I hope that he's good at it."

I smiled to myself. "I think that 'he' will be," I said.

Angie found me two nude resorts in the state that had bars. I called the resorts' offices and asked to be put in touch with their lawyers. The first resort politely told me to go away. The second gave me the name and number of the lawyer whom they had used in Cincinnati. She turned out to be a great resource on dealing with the BLC on behalf of a nudist resort. The liquor license was doable.

Less than two hours after she had left my office, I was on the phone to Cassie Moore reporting that her project was legally feasible. I went through an outline of steps she needed to take and alerted her to some landmines to avoid. Cassie was very pleased and said that she'd be back in touch.

About ten days later, Cassie was back in my office, looking delectable in tight jeans and a silky cream-colored top. She wanted me to set up a limited liability company which would own and operate the Inn. The initial members would be her and something called "SE Ohio CO Venture, LLC" that had a San Francisco address. The operating agreement would give Cassie day-to-day management authority. Cassie would also have the authority to bring in another member from the vicinity of the Inn on "such terms as Manager deems appropriate" subject to the consent of SEOCOV "which shall not be unreasonably withheld."

SEOCOV had given Cassie $ 1 million in initial capital. I was becoming impressed with her ability to get things done.

Cassie planned major renovations at the Inn and wanted to use local vendors to the extent possible. She asked me if I knew a good local architect. I put her in touch with another friend, Shay Anders, who was a good architect.

Cassie was back in a few days. The preliminary cost estimate for her planned renovations was $ 1 million. We both knew that the final cost would be higher and there were other capital needs. Cassie wanted a debt component to the Inn's new financial structure. Did I know any possible lenders?

The bank which Cassie's parents had always used had been bought a couple of years earlier by one of the large national banks. I didn't think that a nudist inn would run well in the computer programs which the big banks use to make their lending decisions. Shay Anders' wife Debbie was senior VP at a bank based in town which had five branches over a three-county area. She undoubtedly already knew a little about Cassie's project. Seeking financing through Shay's wife might seem like a conflict of interest, particularly since they were both close friends of mine. However, in a town this size, that is simply how things are done. Everyone is already connected to everyone else.

Debbie Anders called me a few days later. "Thanks for sending over Cassie Moore. She is a powerhouse. You should see the package she gave me. There is everything from five years projected occupancy rates to pro forma financials to my husband's renderings of the renovated facility, and the data supporting all of her projections. I think that I can sell this to the loan committee."

With an introduction from Tom Adams, Cassie also worked her magic on Commissioners Ralph Thompson and Fred Ent. She became friends with the County Health Commissioner, who had jurisdiction over her restaurant, her proposed pool and sauna, and the Inn's sanitation system. She befriended the owner of our local newspaper which, surprisingly given his evangelical views, began to give the Brookhaven Inn project positive publicity. Cassie had the whole county eating out of her hand. Even the grim people from the BLC seemed to like her. Cassie's people skills were the critical element in making her project a reality.

The renovation work took most of a year. I helped Cassie with everything from permits to problems with contractors to contracts with travel agencies. We even went out to dinner a few times, although those were genuinely work sessions. Still, I'd say that Cassie Moore had become a friend. Not a girlfriend, but a friend. I was, of course, attracted to her. She was (and is) a very attractive woman and a very attractive personality. But, she was a client.

Cassie aimed to re-open the Inn with its new clothing optional policy on Memorial Day weekend. She already had some bookings. The renovations were completed, and the Inn was completely furnished and re-equipped, by May 18. It looked wonderful.

On Saturday, May 20, Cassie had a "pre-grand opening party" to thank everyone who had helped her with her project. The guests included the county commissioners and their wives, Shay and Debbie, and many others. It was a clothed party of course.

The party intentionally broke up early. The last thing Cassie wanted was someone drinking too much at her party and having an accident or getting pulled over on the way home. By 8:00 p.m., almost everyone had gone. Cassie's staff was practicing cleaning up. Cassie and Shay gave Debbie and me a final tour of the finished product. It was impressive.

The tour ended at one of the major additions to the Inn: the new pool and in-ground Jacuzzi. Shay had designed a series of plexi-glass panels could be run out on a track around the pool deck. Topped with the same material used in some stadia roofs, this enabled the pool to be used year-round. That Saturday night was gorgeous, however, and the pool was open to the air.

As Cassie and Shay shoed us around the pool, I couldn't help but notice the large sign affixed to the building which housed the pool equipment and protective panels: "NO CLOTHING PERMITTED IN POOL OR SPA AREA." Debbie Anders saw the sign and giggled. "We're in violation of house rules."

Cassie Moore stopped, thought for a moment, and kicked off her shoes. "Someone needs to break-in this pool. Anyone going to join me?" she asked as she pulled her top over her head.

Debbie Anders replied pleasantly, "Maybe someday, but I'm not ready yet. Come on Shay, we need to head home."

Shay and Debbie left, leaving me alone with Cassie. Cassie undid her slacks and slid them down her legs. After draping them over a pool chair, she turned to face me. In just a bra and panties, Cassie looked very beautiful and damn sexy. "Come on Harry," Cassie said. "I think that I've earned the right to see my lawyer naked." Cassie unhooked her bra, revealing two lovely, firm breasts.

As I said earlier, when Cassie Moore asks for something, you feel a strong urge to give it to her. Hesitantly, I kicked off my shoes and pulled my polo shirt over my head. I thought that I was probably making a huge mistake.

As I started to undo my belt, Cassie pushed her panties to the ground. She was absolutely stunning naked. She did a small twirl so that I saw all sides of her. She stopped, facing me, cocked her hip to the side, and asked "What do you think?"

I smiled. "Ms. Moore," I said, "You should go naked more often. Your skin looks wonderful on you."

Cassie smiled. "I plan to go naked a lot more often," she said. "How can you manage a clothing-optional resort and be clothed? Hurry up and get those pants off. I want a look at you."

I undid my belt and took my trousers and boxers down together. I threw my clothes over a chair and stood nude facing Cassie. The situation was getting to me and my dick had started to rise a little. "Turn around," Cassie giggled. I did a full turn. "Very nice," Cassie said. I lifted a fair amount and thought that I was ok for a guy in his forties, but "very nice?"

Cassie stepped over to me, took my hand, and led me to the edge of the pool. Releasing my hand, she dove gracefully into the pool. I followed. The pool water was warm, like bath water. We swam for a few minutes before I leaned against the pool wall in water about chest high.

Cassie swam up to me and stood right in front of me. "Diane and Shay have told me a lot about you," Cassie said. "You had a serious girlfriend in Cleveland who dropped you because she didn't want to move here. I had a serious boyfriend in San Francisco who wouldn't move to 'flyover country.' We've both sacrificed and made a commitment to this place."

Cassie came closer so that we were almost touching. "We've worked very well together over the last year," she said. "I know that you're attracted to me, a girl can tell. I'm very attracted to you also. I also know that your lawyer's ethics say that you can't have sex with a client. So, I'm making the advance. I'm taking advantage of my dominant position as the client. I usually get what I want and I want you." Cassie leaned forward and kissed me.

What do you do when a beautiful and intelligent woman tells you that she wants you, especially when neither of you are wearing any clothes? I put my arms around Cassie and kissed her back. I felt her hand cup my balls and then rub along my rapidly hardening dick. Cassie and I were giving each other tongue like high school kids.

I heard something behind me and saw Cassie's eyes shift. Cassie pulled slightly away from me and called out "Beth, could you come here?


A slightly plump girl in the new Inn uniform walked to the edge of the pool. She looked at us and could clearly see that we were both naked. "Beth," Cassie said, "could you get us a couple of towels?" Beth nodded and walked away. Cassie boosted herself up onto the pool deck and said, "Come on Harry. Out of the water."

We were both standing naked and dripping on the pool deck when Beth came back with two towels. Beth looked us both up and down. "Beth," Cassie said, "tell Anthony that we need to get a water-resistant cabinet out here stocked with clean towels. Also, remind everyone that the pool is open for the staff all day tomorrow but it is skinny-dipping only."

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