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Brother on the Lamb


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"Social workers pulled me out of class to ask if they'd ever done anything to me and then everyone in school ..."

"Put it out of your mind. As far as everyone here needs to know, you are a perfectly normal person with nothing exciting or in any way unusual in your past. Be boring. Boring is good. Don't start smoking and don't start drinking. Just be 100% clean."

"No parties?"

"I'm not going to say no parties but life of the party? No. You go to be entertained not to entertain others. If anything about you should stick out and get noticed, let it be your school work."

"I do wonder where my sister is sometimes, though. Like, where did they go?"

"I don't know. Maybe the same place our brother Shelby went."

"I heard about him. So, it's true that he ..."

I nodded. "Oh yeah. I remember that well."

"I just don't understand how that sort of thing happens. Like, how would it even start?"

"Well, in Shelby and Mirella's case they didn't know."

"Yeah but later, when they did know and they got back together, I mean, how do you even start that conversation?"

"Beats me. I guess one of them just took a chance and even though they didn't know how the other one would respond, they just decided to go for it?"

"That would be really scary."

"Maybe. Or maybe they'd both sort of sent the hint to the other already that they were open for something more to happen. I mean, I don't know exactly how Mirella's life had been up to that point but for Shelby, marrying his sister was just a drop in the ocean. And if he could have something good in his life for once, I'm happy for him."

"I guess it would have to be something like that because I can't imagine just going up to one of my brothers and saying I wanted to be with them. I mean, the incest thing wouldn't scare me but the rejection would. You know what I mean? It would be worse than just getting rejected by anyone else. That would just be total ... a total wreck. The whole relationship would be just so broken if the other person said no."

"Well, you've got no worry of that from me."

"Not that I was saying or asking or ..."

"Me either. But even if there was anything like that going on, you wouldn't have to worry. I'll keep you safe no matter what."

"I guess it's a good thing I know that you're actually my brother. If I didn't then ... you do seem like the kind of guy I'd want to date."

"Well, we do know. But either way, we keep that to ourselves. It doesn't leave this room. We'd already have a hard enough time convincing people around here that we're related even it there wasn't a reason to hide it."


The first week she was in my home, things eventually started to feel normal. I wasn't used to sharing a home with someone but she stayed out of the way and once she slept off her jet lag she got out and started looking around on her own. Once we got used to each other it was no trouble having her in the house. There weren't any instances of us accidentally bumping into each other when we were just getting out of the shower or anything. I used the bathroom on the second floor and she used the first floor. We were good.

She was enrolled as a student at the college but until the new term started all she could do was audit classes because you can't join a class half way through. She didn't see the point but I did and I made her go.

One thing I just knew she'd love about this place was the low crime rate. You could just walk around without fear that some guy would jump out at you from around the corner with a gun. Stupid shit like that just didn't happen here. Life was easy and you didn't have to be on high alert all the time.

The only thing was that she worried about her mother so I showed her how to send an untraceable letter so she could reassure her mom she was fine. A few days later her mother posted it on social media so we knew she'd gotten it.

On Monday of the following week, after her classes were over, I brought her down to my shop, which technically wasn't just a shop. There were some interesting B2B back office services we provided as well. I had Denise interview with my general manager, Pam, and then we gave her hours on the schedule. I let my sister know I wasn't forcing her to work for me. If she found a job somewhere else it was fine. But if she ever had trouble finding work, my shop was always there for her.

"These people really go overboard with Halloween." she commented after we both got home. Mrs. Ava, my housekeeper had dinner waiting for us and we both sat down to eat.

"Oh yeah. They even close school."

"So, what are you going to be?"

"Nothing. I usually don't get up to anything."

"No party?"

"The guys at the shop will do something but they don't have as much fun if I'm there."

"Aw. Can I go?"

"Sure. Knock yourself out. And let me know if anyone molests my copy machine."

"What do you mean?"

"Last year I found out that a bunch of them photocopied their asses on my old one so I had to replace it."

She laughed. "Did you keep the pictures?"

"What? No. Of course not."

"Cause like, you probably could have blackmailed them."

"I already pay their salaries."

"So, you're not doing anything for Halloween?"

"I'll be here handing out candy. The kids all make a line to my door."

"You're not going on a date or anything?"


"Um ... So are you seeing anyone or anything like that?"

"No. I haven't really dated in a while."

"Why not?"

"Don't know. It's just not on the list of things I do in a day."

"Yeah but I bet you have women just throwing themselves at you."

"Not really, no."

"But you're good looking and you're only 32."

"Women don't like a man who's guarded. They think I'm keeping secrets, which of course I am. They think I'm lying to them, which of course I am. Once they feel uneasy, there's no way to get them to not be suspicious of every little thing. They all start thinking that I'm cheating on them."

"Do you?"

"No, of course not. But see I avoid trouble my carefully managing what people know about me and what people are able to verify about me. That's a problem for the vast majority of women out there."

"That's so sad."

"Honestly, I can live without the headache."

"What headache?"

"The headache a woman gives me when she starts asking all these questions about my parents and where I grew up and yada, yada, yada."

"Just set a ground rule at the beginning that she can't ask about that."

"Tried that. It kills date one early and prevents date two from ever happening."

"Well, if you ever need a date to go to some, you know, like thing where you need to have a date, just ask me. I'll date you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

After dinner, I went into my library to just relax. What was I going to read, or pretend to read, today. I couldn't say why but whenever I pulled out one of those old Greek texts and started plodding through it I just got so tired that I'd fall asleep in my chair. I guess it helped that it was a comfortable chair. I never had to take sleeping pills. No, just looking at Greek letters and reading the text would knock me out.

Tap, tap, tap.

I opened my eyes and my sister was standing in front of me in just a camisole and some skimpy panties.

"You fell asleep."

"Oh, yeah it happens."

"Have you read all these books?"

"Most of them. I seem to have a hard time with this one though."

She came with me up the stairs to my room where she'd already put out some pajamas for me. I expected her to leave while I changed but she just stayed there. I wasn't going to act bashful in my own house. I just changed right in front of her.

"You know, I think I owe you something." she said.

"What's that?"

"Under your desk you've got a sign." She was referring to a sticker that said 'If you can read this, you owe the boss a blow job'.

"Oh, that. What were you doing under my desk?"

"I was just exploring the space."

"Well, my old partner, Tim, put that down there."

"But it's still your desk."

"I'm sorry. I should have taken that down a long time ago. I just forgot about it."

"It's ok. I'll give you one if you want one."

I looked over at her. She better not be playing with me because I don't work that way. I'm not coy and I don't dance around issues. She'd have to learn that about me. It was no way to go through life saying one thing but really meaning something else.

"Here. Go ahead if you fee like it." I said as I pulled my dick out for her.

"Ok. But I don't want you to think I'm easy. I'm only doing this for you because you're my brother."

"I'm only letting you because you're my sister."

She didn't verbally respond to that but she gave me a look that said something like 'touche'.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and then waited for her to chicken out or do like she said. She got down on her knees in front of me and then, without hesitation or pauses; without agonizing or moralizing; she just put it in her mouth. She didn't even have to think twice about it.

It's one of those things that's so difficult to explain to people who aren't this way. How do you explain to someone who's scared of zombies that you are not scared of zombies? How do you explain to someone who isn't scared of heights what you feel when you are terrified of them? For once in my life I'd found someone I could talk with. She was someone I could be completely honest with. She knew who I was and it was ok with her. I didn't need to lie and I didn't need to hide.

I knew people who loved Superman comics. They just loved how Superman and that reporter lady were all in love. To me, that was disgusting. He wasn't even human. He was an alien. It was just wrong. That's how I felt about it. But, I'm not going to censor anyone. If those people wanted to read about Superman then it was none of my business. I wasn't going to read it. But I leave them free to do so. They just had no way to understand my way of thinking and I had no way to understand their way of thinking. I couldn't wrap my head around how it was that they in any way thought that a fucking alien and a human woman could get together and that be ok.

I looked at my sister sucking my dick. Yeah, she was my sister. She was someone I cared about. She was family. And I knew that. And I also didn't think there was anything wrong with what she was doing. Sure, I knew the intellectual arguments but as far as how I felt, there just wasn't anything there telling me that there was anything wrong with her.

Now, if she'd been married or I'd been married, that would be a problem. I think I had this mental block about cheating spouses. It really burned me up. But just being my sister, and only my half sister at that ... nope. No problem. She was a woman and I was a man. We could do this. It was fine.

Ah, but she didn't seem to be very good at sucking dick. She got me hard and that was about it. She didn't really know what she was doing. Eventually she stopped and asked if she could take a break. I let her know that was enough for the night. She gave the head of my dick a kiss with her beautiful, soft lips.

"You know, fair is fair." I said. "Take your panties off."


"So I can go down on you."

"Oh. I've never done that before."

I stood up and gestured to my bed and she slowly started to get out of her clothes for me. She was naked in my bed and then she cautiously opened her legs for me. She had a very cute pussy.

Unlike her, I knew what I was doing. I kissed her thigh all the way down to her pussy and then my tongue started to work its magic. Most of my attention was on her clit but I did also tantalize the surrounding area.

I really liked how easy it was to get her off. I liked how easy she'd made it to be sexual with her. Maybe she originally expected this to just be a joke. Maybe she was feeling me out or trying to drop a hint. But she already knew the kind of life I'd lived. I knew the kind of life she'd lived. With all those other bad things to compare this to, this didn't seem bad at all. This was a good thing. A good moment. A precious memory to cherish going into the future. It was our way of showing each other that we did really care about each other. We were on the same wavelength.

Yeah, I know that normal siblings did other stuff, like help each other with their homework, give each other advice, or get birthday presents for each other. In my family, shit didn't work that way. We didn't have access to all that normal stuff. This is what we had. So this is what we did. Denise understood that. She probably started thinking of fucking me from the very first moment that she found out I was her brother.

Oh, and if you're curious, no she didn't fuck any of our other brothers before getting to me. Nor had I ever had sex with any of my other sisters. So then you might wonder how it could be that I could just generalize so much about what was and wasn't normal for us. I don't know. But what I can say is I completely understood and felt the same way when my sister had said she was only doing this because I was her brother. I get that and I was on board.

I gave her two orgasms that night with my tongue. At least, I think I gave her two. Afterwards, I asked her how many I'd given her and she didn't want to answer the question but she indicated that it was more than one. We were in my bed naked and I kissed her. She had such nice soft lips. They contrasted with the rest of her athletic body. Her skin was smooth but where other women had squishy parts, my sister was firm and almost muscular. I mean, I was no slouch in the muscles department myself. I did work out and I was particularly proud of my arms and upper chest. But I had to admit that though my muscles were clearly bigger (much bigger); I lacked the kind of definition my sister had. I was sort of envious of her.

Now, some of you might be thinking that after I got her off twice (at least, I think) and not getting off myself yet, that I would just jump on top of her and fuck her until I was able to cum. Well, no. If you think that then you're missing what this was actually about. This wasn't sex for sex sake. This was a kind of body language that let us communicate between each other. She was telling me something and I was responding. We were building something between us so that we could feel those filial and familial connections. It wasn't about sex. Sex was just the tool we were using to put this on fast track.

The next morning when we both woke up naked with each other I had no thought in my head that she was now my lover or my girlfriend or anything like that. She was my sister. She was my little sister. Sure, she was almost 21 but in a way I sort of felt like she was my daughter or my ward. I was responsible for her. And as far as I could tell, she saw the relationship the same way. We both had a deeper understanding of our bond with each other and that was great but that was it.

We had our normal breakfast. I brought her to school. I taught my one class. Then I went to my shop. Later that day, she showed up to work and everything was normal. It got to be the normal time for me to go home (which was earlier than everyone else but that's ok since I owned the place) and I left.

I didn't go directly home. I got some other errands done and then I noticed that it had come up to the time that Denise would get off work so I swung back by and picked her up. We stopped by the dvd rental place and got a movie. I got home just in time to thank Mrs. Ava for cooking and then my sister and I ate before we watched the film.

I was going to go to my library and read a bit, or try to when my sister asked me to come to her room for a moment. In the back of my mind I think I was starting to guess what it might be but I wasn't going to jump to conclusions.

But, I'd been right. She was in her bed naked and she was ready for me. I got out of my clothes and went to her to kiss her. She wrapped her legs around me and indeed we were going to fuck. Ten minutes doesn't sound like a long time but we made the moments last. My sister was giving herself to me. She wanted to show me something and I think I understood.

That isn't to say we just let ourselves get completely wrapped up in the moment. When I was ready to cum I pulled out of her. It was actually very interesting to see my white cum on her tan skin. She kissed me more and then we both took a shower together. In the shower she gave herself to me even more and I fucked her from behind. That moment was probably the closest to the sex just being sex because she was hot and I wanted to fuck her. The rest of the time, it was really more about me telling her I cared about her.

And that was our normal day. We went to bed, we woke up, and then we repeated. That isn't to say we had sex everyday. It was sort of often but not everyday. And we never really talked about it. She got a little better at her blow jobs and we tried out a few different positions. The main thing that I think we both understood about it was that the sex was our thing. It was our way of being brother and sister. Even though we had to hide that fact from everyone else and pretend we weren't related, in secret, our sex was because we were brother and sister.

A month passed and we celebrated Thanksgiving together. I usually forgot to even think about it but she reminded me. Instead of turkey, we had goose. It was a nice dinner. It was a really nice dinner. And it wasn't just me and her. I invited my housekeeper and her husband. Sure that's small for most people having Thanksgiving but as I kid I almost never had anything like it and it was a treat for Denise as well.

Well, as the universe would have it, after a really good day, I had a really shitty day. That Friday just sucked. It wasn't any one big thing either, but a bunch of little things that all added up. It started just as soon as I woke up in the morning and life kept sticking me with all these little jabs all through the damn day. Flat tire, broken lock, addition error in the till, you name it. The shit was about to hit the fan when I took a call and heard one of our main customers complaining that we'd sent the completely wrong thing to them. I rarely ever get angry with my employees but I was right at the edge of raising my voice to someone. Then I remembered, I didn't actually have to be there. That shop ran itself whether I was there or not. I pulled my general manager to the side and very calmly I told her to fix the problems and have everything back to normal by Monday. I was going to take the weekend off and she was not to call me unless she really needed me for something. On Monday I wanted a full report on every issue and I wanted them to not be issues anymore.

To my amazement, she smiled.

"Don't worry, sir. I can handle it."

I found out later that she was overjoyed that I'd trust her so much as to just leave everything in her hands for the whole weekend. She'd been waiting for that opportunity for a long time and she really didn't want to disappoint me. She looked up to me as a sort of father figure and I really have to say I was extremely happy with the work she put in while I was gone.

On my way home I realized that the wind had turned a bit too cold for what I was wearing and I was freezing my ass off as I took public transportation back to my house. I should have just taken the rental car.

When I got home I heard music. Denise was in the living room in just a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt.

"Hey." I said loudly.

"Scott. You're home early."

"Why aren't you in class?"


"That's not a holiday here."

"I know but I thought it would be ok."

"Music off, please." She did as I asked and then sat down and prepared herself for what I might say.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you're not really taking classes but you have the chance to go down there and learn something. Credit or no credit, that helps you."

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