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Brown Eyes, Blue Smile Ch. 04

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Shocking secrets revealed.
5k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 11/01/2009
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Shanice had butterflies dancing in the pit of her stomach right as she got up the stairs of her apartment building and even after entering her apartment as she undressed herself and then went into the bathroom to wash the remains of the evening from her skin. She rested her head on the shower stall, feeling her hand over her erect nipples and wishing Eric was here to make her feel good. Her thumb and forefinger played with her tits while one hand went between her legs to massage her pussy and within moments she was murmuring soft moans of desire. Her middle finger slid into the warmth of her pussy, turning her moans into a yearning sigh. How she wished she hadn't let go of him when she climbed down from his car. He ought to be here with me right now, taking care of me, she thought to herself.

Done with her bath, into her bedroom she went and still the mass of butterflies won't quit their flutter. The night was a never-ending sight as she rolled from one end of the bed to the other. Each time she turned to glance at the opposite side of her bed she saw him lying with his head on her spare pillow, smiling that boyish smile of his at her. Twice she murmured his name in her dreams. Her feet curled in a foetal mode and her hand kept on troubling her pussy, bringing her to slow, screeching orgasm. Her eyes went to her cell phone and she couldn't tell why she resisted the temptation of calling him. Even if she cajoled him to come round and be with her and he refused, just the mere thought of hearing his voice, and him saying something that would make her laugh¬—him being the ointment to her soul¬—or at least say something sweet that would knock her off to dreamland.

He was everything she'd ever wanted in a man; all that she'd always dreamed of finding. Her eyes can still vividly imagine the bold outlines of his face: the tranquil blueness of his eyes—how those eyes seem to look into the very depth of her brown skin, and how she feels lost every time she gazes into his eyes like someone lost in an ocean current—the solid gentleness of his words and voice; there is the caress of his hand when they touch, the spark of electric it made her feel when they first kissed ... Though who would have thought he would be far from what she'd always desired. That she would ever end up dating a white boy was seldom a thing she'd ever given herself time to ponder on. It felt so much like she was still locked in a dream—an Alice lost in the deep woods of Wonderland—she wondered if she would ever make it out of the maze. Would her Prince Charming ever remain true or would it all turn out to be nothing but a dream?

That last thought made Shanice open her eyes and sit upright, her hand fumbling for her bedside table lamp's switch and then finally finding it and depressing the button, bringing light to her bedside. There was a trembling in her heart, and her eyes gazed either way of her bedroom as if she'd felt the presence of a ghost lurking about. She realized then that she was breathing heavily. She decided then that she couldn't hold the urge back any longer—she picked her phone and dialled Eric's number. It rang a couple of times unanswered and she was almost about to give up when the line got picked up.¬

"Hi there, pumpkin," came his familiar voice, although it sounded king of groggy like he'd been asleep before she called. Hearing the sound of that voice was like being rescued from drowning.

"I know it's rather late," she said. "I'm sorry for calling so late—"

"As long as it's you calling, there's nothing to be sorry about. How're you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. Was trying to sleep, but I kept having this crazy nightmare and it just wouldn't let me be."

"Oh, sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. The nightmare's gone right now anyway."

"Was I of any help getting rid of it?"

She smiled to herself. "Hearing your voice was all I needed to drive it away. Why else do you think I called you at this hour?"

"I suspect you didn't just call to hear my voice because of a silly nightmare, so why do you confess."

"Confess to what?" she feigned surprise.

"Confess why you really decided to call me up at," he paused for a moment, and then: "at one-forty in the morning. You could have waited till morning to hear my voice."

"Didn't you hear what I said—I had a nightmare."

"Shanice, I know you. Or at least I know a little bit about you that there's more to your calling. Now are you going to come clean, or not?"

"Okay, okay," she grinned at the phone. "I was thinking about you. I wanted to tell you of how much I miss you and that I wished you were here in bed with me. You happy now?"

"Yes, very much happy," he muttered. "You could have said that earlier. It would have made things a lot easier."

"I know, and right now I wish I did. But is it too late?"

At the other end, Eric was silent for a moment. Shanice was about to call out his name to know if he was still there when he returned to the line. "It's never too late. I can still make it to your door, although I'm going to have to come by with my work clothes. Hope you wouldn't mind?"

"Just as long as you're here, I don't care."

"Alright then. Just let me go wash up my face and gather my stuff. I'll be there within the next hour."

"Make it thirty," she said before hanging up.

Eric didn't make it to her place in thirty but thirty-seven, which was far from being an hour. Shanice was groaning like an animal since the moment she dropped down her phone and began playing with herself while wishing for her lover to hurrying up and come be in her arms. She'd buzzed him upstairs when he arrived and appeared at her front door holding his clothes and a pair of shoes along with a little kit bag in his hands. She'd pulled him inside, slammed the door closed and let everything he had in his hands clatter to the floor while she jumped on him and began smothering his lips with kisses. Eric nearly lost his footing and had to rest himself against the door frame so as to obtain a fighting chance of getting back at her; their hands groped and cuddled each other's limb while they wrestled with their lips and flesh. This wasn't the Shanice he'd had dinner with hours ago. No, there was no way this could be her. He told himself that he was currently in the lair of a lioness, a rather hungry lioness, whose intention was to devour him with love and sex ...

And he loved it.

"What took you so long?" she muttered the question even as her lips were all over his face.

"Sorry. Needed to find a good toothbrush," he replied humorously.

They sauntered into the bedroom. Her hands practically ripped his shirt apart while her nightgown went sailing from her head; she slobbered her tongue across his chest, loving the taste of his scent. One of her legs encircled his thigh even as he held unto her and then dumped her on her bed. She pulled him along, not wishing to let go of him even for a second. They rolled over each other on the bed. Her hair fell over her face and she wiggled her lower body against him. His erection pressed against his pants and she took a short break to free his burden into the open, taking his erect cock out and popping it into her mouth. Eric fell his head on her pillow and muttered a loud gasp. There were the sound of Shanice's lips smacking against his erection, followed by her mouth swallowing as much of him as she could. She took in his pre-cum and just about everything else he could afford to offer her as he was at that moment a sacrificial lamb to her altar. The reign of butterflies was back in her stomach, except this time they were floating all around her. This wasn't a dream, she told herself. This was all real—the feel of her lover's body lying on her bed, the musky taste of his turgid cock right now in her mouth, the sound of his moans, and then there's the presence of his hands caressing her hair, pressing her face down to his pubic zone ... this was so very real, and not something in a dream. He was here in her bedroom with her right now, and she was at this moment making genuine love to him. This wasn't their first lovemaking, she knew, but the event seemed rather epoch-making, like the strange sight of the first creature of Dinosaurs on the world. She didn't want this moment to end, thus she kept on sucking him even as he pleaded for her to stop. And then he announced he was about cumming, and still her mouth remained tightly wound around his shaft. She produced throaty moans in her mouth, though they seemed to be coming from a distant part of her. Her other hand stroked his shaft, drawing him towards the precipice. Eric's hands held her head down as his body tensed up and then he cried out a he shot his load like a rocket into the deepest regions of her throat. His semen slammed into the back of her mouth with the force of streaming water, and Shanice gave an involuntary grunt as instinctively her mouth gulped his cum down her throat and then did the same with the continuous spurts he released. Her mouth still held his cock in its warm grip, and it wasn't until she felt him growing weak that she then let him go and slid up the bed to embrace her lover.

"You devilish woman, you," he cooed just as she kissed him. The kiss was long and passionate.

"I hope I wasn't too exciting for you," she said.

"Why don't you look closer, you'll notice you gave me a heart attack back there."

She laughed.

Eric turned her over on the bed—now was his turn to give her a taste of her own medicine.

Her legs he pushed over her head while his lips searched out the sweet nectar of her sex all within the darkness of her bedroom. He didn't require a road map to find it—there was no X marking the spot—but there it was when he flicked out his tongue and she hissed when it connected with her clitoris. He gave her clit a couple more flicks before turning into a dive-bomber and planting his mouth on her gushing juiciness. His lips pursed together and nibbled on the outward jutting flesh that surrounded her labia before resuming to lick her juice. Shanice squirmed and whimpered like one who was at the throes of death. Gladly it would have been for death to arrive at that moment to lay claim to her, except in the deep recesses of passion she knew this was ten times—a megaton times—greater than dying. This was being alive, a rebirth the likes she wishes she could partake in over and over again.

Her hands grasped and caressed her lover's face. She muttered incoherent words to him; her body shook and jived to his beckoning tongue till like an exploding rocket she too arrived at her own moment of climax.

"Ohhhhh my God!!" she sighed while at the same time panting for breath. "Ohh God, Eric, you're just so wonderful!"

"Don't go thanking me yet, darling," he said to her as he then came up with his erection once more returned to its erstwhile stiffness and introduced it into her vagina. She was already well lubricated from the touch of his tongue, thus his cock slid into her with little effort to slow his down. Shanice raised her head halfway from the bed, grasped her lover's arms, and uttered a sharp cry of delight with it happened. She ground herself beneath him, gave him free reign to take charge of her body and soul as together they began riding the waves of spurious love like two lovers sharing a wild stallion on a lonely verdant land.

"Oh my darling," she murmured breathlessly. "Oh love me ... make love to me ... don't you dare stop."

"I won't," he gasped fervently. "I swear, I won't."

Their bodies clashed in the night of her bedroom. Their fucking achieved rhythm just as their breathing became nearly as one while their arms pressed their torso against each other. They were joined to the limb as only one might picture a pair of Siamese twins: their sweat moulded into a stream, and the stream became a meandering river in search of an ocean. Eric's hands delved down between her backside and the bed sheets to cup the roundness of her ass as he then pulled himself up, taking her along with him, and then falling on his backside. His erection slipped out of her, but Shanice immediately reached for his shaft and returned it back into her warmth. She sat up on him, grinding her ass back and forth over his waist, letting free the doors of her kingdom to his enveloping exploration. She was at this moment more than a mere woman. She was Cleopatra. She was SHE, and he was her Caesar and Mark Antony rolled into one.

"I want to love you always, darling," she breathed as she leaned towards his face.

"I too want you just as much," he replied.

The bed groaned and shook from their screwing—it was the inevitable prisoner to their passion. Eric pulled Shanice towards him, wrapped his lips on one of her breasts at the same time steeled himself for the moment that was about to happen. Shanice felt it too—the rising tide of a super nova explosion and she muttered a sharp cry when their star exploded as one. For a moment neither of them was able to move. She wrapped her legs around her lover's waist while Eric gasped unto her chest with his arms still pressing her body tight to his. This moment was spectacular. This was indelibly how it was when God set forth his Creation, and they both wanted to savour the moment and hope it would remain entrenched in their hearts.

They fell gently back to the bed still with their arms wrapped around each other. Their lips acted as their search light, their tongues roamed and flicked against each other's skin like drawn swords even though neither of them wished to draw blood. Shanice felt the throb of his cock still inside of her, distilling more and more of his seed into her womb. How she would wish right this minute to bear his child. Her parents would huff and fret if ever they heard of her letting a white boy do this to her, but she didn't care, she couldn't care. She had gone past caring. She cared not if he was black, or that he was from Mars—he was hers to keep, just as she too was his.

"I'm yours," she whispered into his ear before sleep took her away.

Her eyes came awake to streaming sunlight coming from her window. The memory of the previous night flooded her thoughts as she gradually came to full wakefulness though she became momentarily frightened when she discovered she was the only one on her bed—it couldn't all have been a dream now could it, she thought startled.

Then her nose picked up the smell of coffee and bacons wafting from the kitchen. Her feet came off the bed and she picked up her bathrobe and wore it on before rushing towards the kitchen just as a shadow was about stepping out of the kitchen doorway. Eric held a tray in his hands and he was whistling a tune which quickly died in his lips when he looked up in time to see Shanice approaching him. They nearly collided into each other had she not seen him first and forced her legs to step on the soles of her brakes.

"Wow there!" Eric too brought him himself to a stop, though it didn't stop Shanice from slightly bumping into the tray but not spilling off anything. "I thought you'd still be asleep?"

"I woke up and thought you had gone," she said rather sheepishly.

"Nonsense girl," Eric gave her a kiss. "I couldn't leave without fixing you some breakfast. I've got you some cornflakes and bacons, though I hope you like you eggs scrambled."

He brought the tray with meal to the bed and Shanice sat before him, crossing her legs like a prim school girl and feeding her eyes on the little growth of hair that littered his chest. Eric picked up a fork and started feeding her bits of scrambled eggs and bacons. The cluster of butterflies were alive and fluttering once more in her stomach—was it love or mere desire, she asked herself. Her hand went to her crotch, getting a hint of wetness there that was starting to wake up the tiger in her once again.

"What time is it?" she asked while busy munching on a bagel.

Eric reached behind his back in search of his watch. "6:25 a.m., it says. I've got to get to hour by the next hour."

"So do I. What's the rest of your day going to be like?"

He took little time to run his mind through his events for the day. "Don't really have much. For all I know, it's going to be another dull and boring day at work for me." He forked some eggs into his mouth.

"I don't have to get too lonely for you, you know," Shanice murmured, running her hand along his thigh and stopping short of his boxer shorts. Her eyes caught sight of his little man becoming awake from her touch and it made her smile. "As long as you've got me, I doubt if your day's going to be anything but dull."

"Now that I get to think of it, I doubt that too." Their lips meet in a kiss. The kiss was tentative at first, but right after their lips touched, it opened up and then their tongues met. Eric pushed the tray away and pulled Shanice towards him. Her breasts pressed against his chest and his erection pressed against her crotch as their kiss deepened. Eventually they let go of each other and lay there cuddling in their embrace.

"Let's do it at my place this time," he said.

"I can take your clothes back there if you want."

"Yeah, that will be really nice. And maybe you can dress up as a Playboy bunny before I return."

She laughed. "Very funny. But you're going to have to leave me with your key."

"That's no problem—I've got two."

"Great. So, how soon do you really need to get to work?"

"Not as soon as I ought to." His hand cupped one of her breasts while their lips met again.


I'm goin' to kill him!

The taxi came to a halt by the curb. The back door flew open and Michelle stepped out and began walking the half a block to her impending destination. This was silly, a tiny part of her mind muttered to her. The taxi could have dropped her in front of the Alleyways, but instead she'd prefer to walk this short distance just so to gather her emotions ... to prepare herself for what was going to happen when she lays her eyes on him. His chin bore a two-day' stubble of beard, and that only added to the dull look about him. Though aside from that, everything else about him looked just fine, at least to her eyes.


Sonafabitch! Oh boy, I'm really goin' to kill him!

But was she really going to do that? And even if she was, how did she intend on doing it—take a fork and hope to cut open an artery in his neck? Tell the truth, wasn't she just as anxious to see him? After all these months he'd been out of sight? She was divided: a part of her wanted very much to know why he'd taken off and how he'd been living with himself all this time. She knew Lincoln, he could barely get along with being alone, not unless someone is there to hold his hand. Such a big baby he often can be. The other part of her simply wanted to strangle his ass. The nerve of him to slip a note through her doorway last night when he could have just knocked. Still she really was itching to see him. Why else would she be wearing her colourful silk scarf today, the one she knew he always liked whenever she put it on. Memories of when they'd made love in her bedroom and she'd worn nothing but this same scarf. Michelle felt blood evidently rush into her cheeks as she recalled this memory, bringing a sudden blush to her cheeks. Anyone watching her at that moment would have noticed her stop to pretend to wipe something off her eyes and never actually realise she's merely stop to allow the wave of memory depart from her thoughts. The memory brought the onset of tears to her eyes and she took out a handkerchief from her handbag to wipe her eyes before continuing with her walk.

The glass doors of the Alleyway deli loomed before her. She got up the short flight of stairs leading to it and then pushed it open. There were few faces in there that she recognised and she paused to say hello to the proprietor before moving further into the big room, craning her head in every direction.


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