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Buyer Beware

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Steve goes in search of a new place to live.
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I was a bit early. Forty-five minutes to be exact. But I'd done that on purpose. The listing I was interested in was clear across town from where I currently lived. Not only was I unfamiliar with the area, as far as ever having gone there to see it, I wanted to get a look at the place from the outside myself first. If I didn't like the way it looked from the outside, there was still plenty of time to call the realtor and cancel my appointment.

I'd recently been published, my first novel. My advance had been enough to lift my eyebrows and paint a smile on my face that felt permanent. Things were looking up, my old apartment, shabby disheveled, and now woefully inadequate for my new status, had spurred me into looking for a new place to live. Not just any place either. I wanted something reclusive, a nice quiet place where I could write, away from the sounds of the city, honking horns, barking dog's...sirens. It had been so long since I'd heard a bird singing, I'd almost forgotten what that sounded like.

I'd been looking at listings for over a week now, found two I thought sounded interesting and called the respective realtor's setting up appointments. The first was an open-house that I was told would be going on all weekend. It was important that I get there today as I was assured the place wouldn't be on the market very long. It had just appeared for one, listed well below the home's value from what I was told, though the reason for that would be explained later, after I'd had a chance to look at the place.

"Yeah sure," I thought to myself wondering. Though the price was indeed within the range I was considering. But I couldn't help but wonder why the owners were in such a hurry to let it go for one, if it in fact promised everything the ad said it had. Still, the agent I spoke to assured me that it would no doubt be gone before the weekend was up. I couldn't help but wonder if that was a typical ploy in trying to get people to jump at a preconceived bargain, not knowing all the facts. Arriving early would at least give me a chance to see it for myself before subjecting myself to the long drawn out sales pitch I was anticipating.

I stopped checking directions, a stone paved driveway stood in front of me, the address I was looking at carved in the stump of what was once an enormous pine tree from the looks of it. Along the drive, several more pines, each one towering majestically towards the sky, giving the long drive way an almost tunnel like feel to it as I turned in.

"So far so good," I thought to myself. The closest neighbor from what I could tell was a quarter of a mile away on either side. The house itself tucked back well within the property, one side shielded against the North winds by a sizeable hill that gave the place an air of rustic, comfy, seclusion, just what I was looking for. I pulled up into the circular driveway just in front of the house, though noticing a three-car garage connected to it as I pulled in. "Perhaps in a couple of years, a few more books, I could actually afford to fill up the garage," I mused to myself stepping out of the car.

I looked up noticed the door was open, a sign with balloons attached to it planted in the ground nearby. I read, "Open house" walking up the carved stone stairway towards the door. With the door open I knocked. Even though the realtor I was expecting to show me the place wasn't expected for another forty minutes or so yet, I knew there might be others there who would be, showing the same place to their clients.

"Hello?" I said stepping in through the door, though no one answered, and no one appeared there to greet me. I wasn't too surprised the place wasn't locked to be honest about it, it was far out and away from a lot of things, including crime from what the statistics had showed when I Googled the area I was considering. Another plus...and a big one! The place was nicely furnished, very much so. Nothing too elaborate or fancy...more comfortable, again rustic. Just the way I liked it. There had been a proviso in the sale of the house, much of the furniture could and would be included if the prospective buyer wanted it for a considerable discount. That too was within my range, and certainly an option. I stood fingering the soft leather upholstery of a particular chair, envisioning myself sitting in front of it by the fire, smoking a pipe. I didn't smoke, but the image fit.


I jumped, not expecting to hear the sound of a female voice. Turning, I saw a beautiful young woman having just come through the door. She wore her dark hair comfortably resting about her shoulders, thick wavy and lustrous, just like her eyes. Her legs were long, disappearing beneath a modestly hemmed skirt, yet hinting at the elegance of their shape. Her breasts full, pressing against the material of her white sheer blouse, the lacy pattern of her bra peeking through it, likewise hinting at the treasures concealed there beneath it.

"Hi, I'm Steve," I said holding out my hand in greeting. "I'm a bit early," I said a little sheepishly.

"Yeah, me too," she smiled back introducing herself. "Darlene," she smiled flashing me the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen, lighting up the deep-set blue eyes I found myself swimming in as I stood there looking at her.

"Nice place," I quickly added, "though to be honest, I've only seen this much of it," I said looking about as I stood there.

"Shall we take a tour of the rest of it?" she then asked. I grinned at her feeling like a teenage kid again, though I quickly followed her into an adjoining room, which was obviously the kitchen area. She briefly pointed out all the obvious amenities, along with a very large fully stocked pantry off to one side.

"That's nice," I said upon seeing it. If I was smart and bought things well enough ahead of time, I'd only have to take the drive back into the city to do my main grocery shopping once a month rather than weekly the way I'd been doing. I soon after followed her up the stairs to what was obviously the bedroom, watching the tightness of her firm ass struggling within the confines of the tight skirt she was wearing. She looked back catching me doing that, at least I thought so anyway, though she smiled.

She stood in the doorway of what was obviously the master bedroom. It was spacious, a bit feminine in décor, but I could easily fix that. I followed her out to what was obviously a spacious deck through a pair of French doors, delighted to see a small, yet cozy patio table and two chairs. The view beyond looking down into a spacious meadow, happenstance perhaps, fate...whatever you want to call it, as a huge Bull Moose stood in the middle of it grazing as we stood there leaning against the railing looking at it.

"That come with the house?" I asked jokingly. It was after all on my property. "Hmm, my property!" I silently mused speaking to myself. Already I was thinking of it in those terms.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she asked looking out, though I stood back slightly behind her, looking at her as I answered.

"Very." Though I was in fact once again seeing myself sitting here out on the deck early morning, cup of coffee, my lap top, bird song...the sound of her voice speaking to me as she stepped out onto the deck from the bedroom. Wearing nothing more than a simple terry cloth robe. I sighed, chasing away the fantasy and the image, though still looking at her as she turned. Once again she smiled as though aware of my thoughts.

"Peaceful isn't it?"

"Yes, I said grinning once again. "Very."

"Romantic too."

That one surprised me, but I nodded my head in agreement.

"Married?" she asked.

"Ah...no, not since the last time I checked anyway," I said trying to keep the mood light. Now it was her turn to nod her head.

"No doubt you'd use one of the other two bedrooms as some sort of study, work room then," she questioned. "What do you do for a living anyway?" she asked curiously.

It was nice, a bit of a self ego boost when I answered. "I'm a writer," I responded, "An author," I amended, liking the sound of that a lot better. Certainly better than my previous profession anyway. "I'm a shoe salesman. Or was..." I said answering myself.

She smiled at that, a twinkle in her eye of curious interest. "What kind of books do you write?" she then asked.

"Book," I thought silently, quickly if I'd wanted to be honest and correct her. But I didn't. "Oh, fantasy mostly...but not the typical variety of a lot of authors," I told her already sensing that Fantasy wasn't obviously part of the genre she was used to reading. "The difference being, my Elves, Gnomes and Dwarves have intimate relations."

She laughed at that, once again her smile lighting up her face, her eyes sparkling in the morning sun back lighting her where she stood, just like an angel. Or a beautiful Elf. And I nearly told her that. She looked like a beautiful sexy elf, all she needed was a pair of pointed ears peaking through the thick main of her dark hair to complete the fantasy.

"I guess I never thought of that," she said still grinning. "Makes sense though, I guess Elves, Gnomes, and what was it? Dwarves? Have sex just like everyone else otherwise they wouldn't exist now would they?"

I didn't have the heart to say the obvious. Fantasy creatures all cavorting about having sex. My own fantasy traveling at light speed here right now as I envisioned taking her while bending her over the railing. Which is about the time I felt the hard press of my rapidly stiffening cock against my jeans. It was time to talk about something else, think about something else before things got any worse than they already were. Her eyes told me as she glanced briefly down however, that was possibly already too late.

"What's the name of the book?" She then asked.

"Dragon's Breath," I said smiling proudly. I watched as she made a mental note of it. Though realizing she had herself corrected my earlier omission.

"What else have you written?" she asked, though turning back to face the meadow beyond, our moose...my moose, only then nonchalantly walking back into the trees out of sight.

Turning her back gave me a bit more courage to answer that one. At least I didn't have to see the initial response in her face as I answered that, which I did, surprising myself.

"Erotica," I said simply, though not wanting it to sound like I wrote nothing more than pornographic books or stories, trying to soften it to some degree. "You know... bedtime stories for adults, that sort of thing."

"Hmm, that's interesting," she said her back towards me, giving me a moment to once again admire her shapely legs, ass, seeing her turn a moment later while doing that. Her movement forced my eyes to look up as she did so. But they were not expecting to see what I then saw as she did. She had opened her blouse entirely, every single button now undone, her lacy bra clearly revealed, the soft pink skin hidden beneath it now even more clearly defining the sexy lace of her bra. I know my mouth was open, because I closed it, swallowing, only then looking into her eyes, forcing my stare away from her nearly exposed tits.

"So I take it you write about fantasies? Or from real experiences?" she asked, her hand suddenly reaching down off to one side on her skirt, the sound of her fingers slowly undoing the zipper on it as she stood there.

I swallowed again forgetting what I was going to say, then remembering. "Ah mostly...just my own vivid imagination," I replied, my cock once again lurching, reminding me this wasn't my imagination that was happening here. Certainly no fantasy either.

I watched her skirt fall down around her ankles as she stepped out of it, now wearing nothing more than a pair of high-heels, pantyhose and her bra as she slipped out of her white blouse, now adding it to the rapidly growing pile. Words failed me.

"Cat got your tongue?" she asked. "For a writer, you sure don't have much to say," she then added, pausing as her bra came undone, catching it with her hands, still holding it against her breasts concealing them momentarily.

"Oh, I'm saying plenty," I finally allowed. "But like any writer, it's mostly inside my head at the moment, I'm writing about a hundred words a minute in fact," I said grinning at her. "And they're all dirty words too," I now confessed, once again hearing her laugh.

"So how would you describe me now? If you were writing the story," she said still shielding herself.

"You want the long drawn out flowery version? Or the short condensed one?" I asked.

Once again she laughed, tossing her head back. I half expected to see pointed ears. I loved hearing her laugh. Better than bird song even. "Give me the shorter version," she answered.

"She had great tits," I said simply.

"How do you know? You haven't even seen them yet," she asked.

"I skipped ahead, I'm already past the part where you let the bra fall away," which it then did, confirming my earlier assumption. "Like I said..."

Darlene stood in front of me, two beautiful twin orbs, heavy against her chest, a tear drop shape, each one capped with dollar sized nipples, light brown in color with hard little protruding extensions that begged to be played with. Once again, she surprised me as she began doing so herself.

"Go on..." she grinned lustfully. "What else? How would you write yourself into the story line now?" She asked.

"Same vein? Or we back to flowery?" I asked.

"Don't change the flow..." she grinned back, fingering her nipples.

"Hard and horny," I responded her eyes once again traveling down towards my crotch, likewise confirming the fact I was.

"So you are," she spoke stepping towards me. "Is this where the female character reaches down and removes his cock from his pants?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I said as she began doing just that. Seconds later releasing my rock hard cock, holding it in her hand as she stood there examining it.

"Now what?" she asked. "What happens next?"

"Next, the male character in the story takes off her pantyhose, then has her lift one leg, placing it on the second railing as she stands next to it," I tell her. She smiled at that, taking instruction, and soon stood, just as I imagined her doing. Now totally naked, save for the heels as she supported herself on the rail, legs spread slightly. I grabbed a cushion off one of the chairs, tossing it down and then knelt on it between her legs.

"What happens now?" she asked, her breath coming in a whisper.

"This is the part where he licks her cunt, makes her come while she stands there," I said leaning forward.

"Oh yeah...I like that part, very much," she moaned as my tongue just then began to run up the deliciously wet slit between her legs.


Finding her clit, I lapped at it lightly, though furiously in the beginning. Darlene rested one hand on the railing for support, the other on my head, pressing my face even more fully against her as I alternated between tongue flicks, to clit sucks as I gathered her tiny nubbin between my lips, gently working it.

"Oh fuck!" she moaned, shaking, her body telling me in the process just how good it was she was feeling, once again moaning softly, mashing my head against her cunt as I continued tickling her clit with my tongue, now adding a finger. "Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!" she exclaimed as I now added a second sensation to her pleasures.

It wasn't long before I felt her fingers literally pulling my hair, she was quaking and shivering uncontrollably, thrashing wildly now, screaming actually, which was music to my ears. But the sudden warm flow of her juices filling my mouth as I latched onto, sucking her clit, told me what I already knew anyway.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" she cried out over and over again. Barely able to even breathe the words moments later when she simply said, "Fuck me!"

I don't think there's a single time when I stripped out of my jeans, along with my shoes, faster than I did now. In seconds, they were all off, and I was stepping behind her as she leaned against the railing, half bending over it just as I'd earlier imagined her doing.

"Fuck me!" she now actually screamed. "Stick it in! Shove that hard fucking cock into my cunt!"

I couldn't have written the dialogue any better. It fit the mood and passion of the moment perfectly. She was still dripping wet after her recent spending as I placed the head of my prick at her opening and shoved. Within a millisecond of time, I was buried balls deep inside that heavenly passage, no words of encouragement now needed as I began thrusting in and out of her. Darlene ground back against me, meeting each powerful lunge, flesh slapping against flesh. I looked up just in time to see the Moose reappear, his head lifted looking in our direction. Darlene's cry of pleasure easily heard, the lusty sounds of our frenzied coupling filling the air as with piston-like strokes I pummeled the recess of that slick wet cunt, fucking it for all I was worth.

She must have been multiorgasmic, it hadn't been any more than a minute since she'd actually climaxed, and suddenly she was doing so again. I felt the additional release of her warm female fluids bathing my cock, surrounding it. The sudden additional squishy sounds emanating from her pussy as I thrust in and out of her, feeling my own surge of needful release tightening my balls. Coincidentally perhaps, she reached down between her legs, finding them.

"Cum in me!" She screamed out. "Squirt that fucking juice inside my cunt!"

Following direction, I did. Surge after delicious surge of my spunk leapt from the head of my dick, bathing the inside of her fuck-tunnel as I continued slamming into it, feeling her release even more of her own female nectar as I did so, coming once again.

It felt like an eternity as the two of us stood there trying to collect ourselves. My cock finally softening just enough that it fell out of her slick, almost too sloppy pussy all on its own. Remnants of both spending's running down her legs, a few cum-puddles dripping out of her with an erotic, decadent "splat" on the redwood deck beneath her.

"Fuck!" Was all I could say as I staggered back, half collapsing down into one of the chairs.

"You can say that again," she grinned with a contented sigh, which is about the time we both heard the doorbell ring. I looked up towards her quizzically. She was already scrambling for her clothes, laughing hysterically. "That's got to be Marsha!" she exclaimed still laughing, still trying to collect her breath.


"Yeah...the realtor?"

I'd managed to get my pants back on, stepping into my shoes. Thank god they were loafers.

"But I thought...I thought you were the realtor!" I half stammered.

"Me?" she burst out laughing even harder, the sound of which we now realized had drawn Marsha towards us as she began making her way up the stairs. "I'm...I'm the owner!" she said literally wiping the tears away from her eyes now, she'd barely gotten her skirt back on, realizing there wasn't enough time for the bra, tossing it over the railing instead as she hurriedly slipped back into her shirt, buttoning it. Even then I knew full well that her breasts, particularly her nipples would be easily seen through the almost too sheer material. Bad enough she was standing there with her wrinkled shirt tail still hanging out in back as the actual realtor stepped into the bedroom, seeing us and came our way.

Once again I was at a loss for words as Marsha joined us. Though she smiled, her eyes took in everything. My hair was a mess as was Darlene's, no amount of straightening could have hidden the fact we looked like we'd just crawled out of bed. Marsha even turned, looking back into the bedroom as though checking to see if the sheets were indeed neatly tucked as they'd appeared to be upon entering.

"I see you've already met Steven," she said speaking to Darlene.


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