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Cabins in the Snow

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A woman finds her inner slut when snowed in with guests.
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Author's note: A big thank you to all my fans.


We were heading up to our cabin. My husband and I were avid boarders (snowboards) and had a cabin in ski country. We tried to get there at least once a month during snow season. We left the kids with grandma and grandpa and left the day after Christmas. We were going to come back the day after New Years.

I was looking forward to the break. My husband Conner and I were 35 and 32 respectively. Between kids and our busy careers we barely had time to breath. We were both looking forward to some reconnecting time. Don't get me wrong. We love each other dearly, but sometimes schedules don't leave you enough time to be a couple. This was our time to ourselves to get back to 'dating' each other.

The cabin is fairly secluded, about 8 miles from town. We pass one other cabin on the road up. We've met the couple who owned it. They were in their late forties and great people. Often, if we knew the other was there, and we were running into town, we'd call each other and ask if the other needed anything. As we drove by we saw 3 cars in the driveway. They must have had company.

We got to our cabin and settled in. Turned on the heat, unloaded the food, turned on the water. All the things you normally do when you arrive. During the winter we kept the freezer stocked with meat and lots of canned goods around that way all I had to bring up was fresh fruit and produce. It made it easier to come as often as we wanted.

The cabin was small. Two bedrooms and a great room. One bath and a deck, the deck had an overhang to keep the snow off it and a hot tub. Inside we had mostly electric appliances and heat. It was more expensive, but that's how we bought it and we couldn't really afford to convert right now.

The cabin did have a big wood stove though that could heat the entire cabin. We kept two cords of wood on hand to heat the cabin when we were there.

We lit a fire, ate dinner, opened a bottle of wine, and snuggled up on the couch. After a few minutes of cuddling I wanted to get comfortable. I was wearing jeans and a big sweater. I looked cute. I'm 5'5" 145lbs. I have nice curves and can still rock a bikini but I'm no flat bellied college girl. My long brown hair comes down to the small of my back. I can wear most clothes and look good.

I stood up and removed my jeans. Basically wearing the sweater as an extremely short dress. I knew I looked cute. I knew my husband always loved that look, he loved my legs and ass. I snuggled up next to him. He wrapped his arm around me with his hand landing on my ass. It felt good. I love that after eight years and two kids he still wanted to grab my ass.

"Mmmmm," I purred.

"I love your ass," he said. "It's a shame you have to keep it covered. Everyone should see it.

I love being his lover. Sometimes a lover, sometimes a slut, I can let him see all sides of me. I snuggled in closer.

"All yours baby, all yours," I replied.

He turned to kiss me. I love his kisses. We made out for a while. His hands under my sweater. Sliding from my ass to my shoulders. Finally he pulled my sweater up over my head and dropped it on the floor. My bra followed.

He pushed me back on the couch and kissed his way down my body stopping at my breasts and playing with my nipples. I was getting wetter by the minute. He continued down my body. His hands hooked in the waistband of my panties and dragged them down over my hips as his kisses reached my pussy. I spread my legs a bit more for him.

With his head between my legs he lightly sucked on my clit. Then rolled his tongue around it. I shuddered from the pleasure. As his tongue probed my pussy and clit I started moaning. I wanted him inside me. I pushed him away and started helping him out of his clothes. When he was naked I laid back and pulled him on top of me. I reached down and slid his cock into me. It felt so good.

"Fuck me," I said. "Fuck me hard."

He started fucking me, hard and fast. I loved it. I pulled my knees back to my chest so he could drive deep inside me.

"Unghh, unghh, unghh...," I grunted with every thrust.

I felt my orgasm wash over me, "Yes, yes, I love you, yes."

I felt him pull out of me. It was his turn now. I pushed him on his back and took his hard cock in my hand. I then wrapped my lips around it.

I'm no deep threat porn queen, but I give a pretty good blow job, if I don't say so myself. I swirled my tongue around his cock lightly sucking it clean. I could taste my pussy on his cock. I loved the way it tasted. It was not long before his body stiffened up. I clamped my lips around his cock as he exploded in my mouth. Jet after jet of hot cum filled my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could. What I couldn't swallow dripped down my chin. I wiped it away with my fingers and licked my fingers clean.

We headed to bed. There was supposed to be light snow the next day, but not so bad we couldn't hit the slopes. We snuggled off to sleep.

I woke up early and looked out the window. It was just daylight and everything was white. The ground was white, the houses were white, the sky was white. While we'd been snuggling the storm had upgraded itself. Snow was coming down. Our car was snowed in. There was no way we were going boarding.

That's ok, we had tv, videos, plenty of books, and games to keep us busy. Since we were just staying in, I threw on one of Conner's T shirts and nothing else. I made breakfast and we settled in to wait out the storm.

About 10am we lost power. It was fine, we had plenty of wood for the fireplace and wood stove, we had 2 propane camp stoves, and plenty of battery powered lanterns and batteries. We just relaxed.

Around 1 in the afternoon there was a knock on our door. It startled us. We had no idea there was anyone around. We looked out the window. There were four very bundled up people on our doorstep.

Conner opened the door.

"We're sorry to bother you," one said. It was a girl in her early 20s. "We are staying at my uncle's cabin down the road. We were leaving today but we are snowed in. We don't have power or heat or food. We were wondering if you could help us."

"Of course," said Conner. "Come in, get out of those heavy clothes."

It was a group of four kids in their early 20s. One girl and three boys. Her name was Cindy. Theirs were Mark, Bobby, and Rick. Cindy and Rick were a couple.

Conner turned to introduce me. "We are Conner and Alicia."

All of a sudden I remembered that all I was wearing was a T shirt and not a very long one at that.

I greeted everyone and then said, "Well, if we're going to have company, I better put on some clothes."

I headed to the bedroom to change. As luck would have it, when I turned I tripped over a shoe and fell forward. I caught myself but my T shirt did not stay in place. My entire ass was on display and to adjust my shirt I'd have to get up and my pussy would be on display. There was no helping it. As I realized what was happening I had a strange thought. Thank god I just shaved my pussy was the thought.

I normally shave it, but sometimes I'm lazy and let it go too long and it looks awful.

My husband and one of the guys ran to my side to help me up. They were holding my arms so I couldn't adjust my T shirt. Finally I stood up and assuring them I was ok, pulled my arms away and pulled down my shirt.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized for flashing myself.

Everyone assured me everything was ok and they were only concerned for me. I assured them I was ok and headed to my room to change. I was breathing heavy and shaking. I couldn't get the thought that I'd exposed my pussy and ass to these strangers. You'd think I would be horrified, but I wasn't. Frighteningly, I realized I was kind of turned on.

I pulled on a pair of yoga pants under my T shirt. I didn't bother with underwear. I headed back out to the main room. Everyone had taken off their heavy coats and were sitting chatting with Conner. I offered drinks, and they all accepted.

I noticed when I came in that Cindy had her arm around Conner's arm and was talking quietly with him.

After I served diet cokes and beer, I joined the group. Conversation came easy. They were hometown friends and decided to spend Christmas boarding. The snowstorm caught them by surprise and, since it wasn't their cabin, they had no supplies.

My mind couldn't help but occasionally wander to the fact I'd flashed these people. I spent some time just checking them out. Cindy was sat next to Conner. She was 21 and a tiny thing. 5'1" maybe 100 lbs with long blond hair. When she talked she'd pat his arm or often touch his thigh.

The guys were long and lean, about Conner's height, 5'11", but much thinner in that way boys in their early 20s are. I wondered if they enjoyed seeing my ass. No one but Conner had seen my ass in ten years. I wondered if these young guys enjoyed it, or was I too old.

Eventually it was dinner time. The snow had not let up and we asked the kids if they wanted to stay. They were grateful, especially because they didn't have any food left. I told them we had plenty. Cindy offered to help in the kitchen.

As we started dinner I again apologized for earlier.

"Don't be silly. Probably the thrill of those boys lifetimes," she joked quietly. "Plus, Conner didn't seem to mind. Besides, with a body like that you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're pretty damn hot.," she added.

Whoa, that was pretty out there, I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I just said, "thank you." Then I thought, wait? Conner didn't seem to mind? He liked that my ass was on display?

My mind kind of raced. I realized I liked the idea of three young men and this cute girl thinking I was hot. In fact, it kind of turned me on. Second, the openness with which she said it kind of made me nervous, but also excited me.

I was surprised when she went on.

"Those yoga pants don't hurt either. I hope I can keep my figure like you have after I have kid."

"Good genes," I quipped.

"Then I'm screwed," she quipped.

We both laughed and went about cooking dinner. When it was done, we all sat to eat. Again the conversation flowed easily.

After dinner the kids offered to head back to their cabin. There was still no power and it was still snowing, we told them they could stay with us till we got power back.

"Thank god," said Bobby.

"Thank god?" I asked

"Yeah, it's cold and dark there, and we didn't really want to go, but thought it'd be polite to leave," he laughed.

"Well, you guys can stay as long as we're here," I offered. "After all, there's no way to drive out anyways."

They all thanked us profusely. Since there was still no power we decided to play a game. There aren't a lot of games for six players. We ended up playing Cards against humanity. Along with a few bottles of wine, we had a blast. We all got to know each other and spent the evening laughing. I noticed Cindy sat next to Conner and they bantered back and forth. Me flashing my ass came up more than once.

It was finally bed time. The kids again offered to go back to their cabin. We insisted they stay with us. Rick and Cindy would take the spare bedroom, Mark and Bobby the pullout couch. Cindy suggested that they go back to their cabin and get some stuff to wear. . I told them I could find stuff for tonight it was still snowing and too cold to go back. They all thanked me.

I rummaged around in my room and came up with some gym shorts for the boys and one of Conner's T-shirts for Cindy. I brought them out and handed them to the kids. Cindy went to the bathroom to change. The boys just started undressing right in the living room in front of me. I don't think they meant anything by it but they just weren't thinking.

I watch them take off their shirts. They were all long and lean with hard abs. I found myself admiring their bodies. All of a sudden I caught myself, excused myself, and went into my bedroom to change.

Connor was already in the bedroom in a pair of gym shorts to sleep in. Normally we slept naked. I grabbed one of Conner's T shirts for me to sleep in.

Once I'd changed I went to check if anyone needed anything. Cindy was there. The T shirt fit her like a dress. The boys looked really hot in just gym shorts. The shorts were kind of sagging on them as Conner is a bit bigger than the boys. I tried not to stare. I thought back to me flashing my ass earlier. I inwardly laughed thinking I could freak them out by flashing it again.

I asked if anyone needed anything. They all responded they were fine. Cindy came up to me and hugged me.

"Thank you so much," she said. "I'm not sure what we would have done without you." Then in a low voice just to me she added. "I wonder if the boys are hoping you'll fall again."

I was kind of shocked, but, maybe it was the wine, and since I'd been thinking the same thing, not too shocked.

I whispered back, "I doubt they want to see my ass again."

"You kidding," she said. "Even I wouldn't mind seeing it again."

I laughed, let her go from the hug and said goodnight. I stepped into my bedroom door. I was about to close it when I realized only Cindy could see me. A funny thought came to mind. When she looked at me, I pulled my T shirt up, turned around, and wiggled my ass at her. Then I closed the door. I could hear her laughing in the other room.

My husband saw the whole thing.

"What was that about?" he asked. He didn't seem concerned. I told him about the conversation with Cindy and that I was flashing her my ass.

He asked, "Are you sure the guys didn't see!"

"I'm sure," I replied.

His response shocked me. "Too bad, I bet they're sorry they missed it."

I asked what he meant.

"Well, I'm sure Cindy told them what happened by now and they're all sorry they didn't see."

I kind of liked the idea. I surprised myself how much I enjoyed the idea. Between that, the wine, thinking about showing my ass off, I attacked my husband.

About 2am I woke up and had to use the bathroom. I got up and walked out of the bedroom. Of course I completely forgot we had company and didn't bother trying to put clothes on. As I came out of the bathroom I heard a movement in the living room. I looked and saw both Mark and Bobby looking at me.

I shrieked and ran into my room. My shriek woke Conner.

"What's wrong," he asked.

"Stupid me," I replied. "I forgot the kids were in the living room and went to the bathroom naked."

"Did they see you?" he asked.

"Uh huh, when I came out they were both looking at me."

"Well, lucky them," he joked and kissed me.

"I'm so embarrassed. How will I face them in the morning," I was not happy.

"Who you kidding, they won't complain. Trust me, it's the best thing that's happened to them in years," he said.

With that he kissed me again. I realized his cock was hard. The reality was that the idea of me being caught and the fact my husband seemed turned on by it, turned me on as well.

Conner pushed me to the bed.

"It's kinda hot. Was there a part where you felt turned on? Maybe a bit?" he asked.

I could feel myself getting wet as he talked about it.

"Shut up and fuck me," I said.

I got up in the morning. Conner was already up. I could smell coffee and hear people moving around. I didn't have much sleepwear at the cabin. I pulled on one of Conner's T shirts. It just covered my ass. I started to change but a voice in my head said to leave it. I did. Wearing just the T shirt I went into the main room. Everyone else was awake and as I poured a cup of coffee Cindy went right for it.

"I hear you put on quite a show last night," she laughed.

Oh my god," I said. "I am so embarrassed. I forgot you guys were here."

"It's OK," said Cindy. "I'm just sorry I missed it." She laughed.

I blushed a little but the conversation moved on. The snow had slowed down but we still didn't have power. The kids were making plans to go back to their cabin and get clean clothes. David had our giant pot on the wood stove heating water to wash up in.

As I drank my coffee the guys stripped off their shirts and washed up with the hot water. I admit I watched more than I should. Cindy caught me staring at least twice. She just smiled at me.

Finally all the boys were washed and it was Cindy's turn. I was shocked when Cindy just whipped off her T shirt and started washing, she stood there in a tiny pair of boy shorts like it was no big deal. In fact, it seemed it was no big deal. The guys, except Conner, barely noticed. I marveled at what a great body she had. Great firm tits and curved ass.

When she was done she held her T shirt in front of her covering her tits and said,"all yours," to me. Why she held her T shirt in front of her while standing there but didn't care while washing didn't make a lot of sense. Maybe one seemed exhibitionists one seemed necessary.

"I better go put on some pants," I said. I was naked under my shirt.

"What for?" asked Cindy.

"I'm not wearing an underwear," I replied kind of shyly.

"So what," said Cindy. "We've all seen your ass." Then she added with a laugh in her voice, "some of us twice."

I looked around. All eyes were on me. Even my husband seemed to be watching with anticipation.

What the hell I thought. I walked up to the pot. A strange sense of excitement came over me. I was going to be naked in front of all these people. Four strangers and my husband, and he didn't seem to care. I realized as I stood there that I wanted them to see me. I reached the bottom of my T shirt and slowly started to peel it off. I did the whole arms over my head stretch type of pulling it off. Then I dropped it to the floor. I just stood there for a moment letting them look at me.

I felt my heart beating fast and my breathing speed up. I went about washing up I noticed that all the guys were looking at me. So was Cindy, and my husband. I washed up as slowly as I could without making a scene. I was enjoying being the center of attention.

When I was done I bent down to pick up my shirt. I could have done it by crouching, Instead I bent over, legs straight, ass out and up, and picked up my shirt.

"Shows over," I said as I stood up. I walked to my room naked carrying my T shirt.

I got dressed thinking about what I just did. I could feel the wetness between my legs. Conner came in the room, swept me in his arms, and kissed me.

"That was so fucking hot," he said.

"What, me naked in front of all those people?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said and kissed me again.

"I suppose you'd like it if I went naked all day?" I chided. He kissed me again. Passionately.

"Pervert," I giggled and pushed him away. "Let me get dressed."

He left the room and I stood there deciding what to wear. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants, a thong, and a T shirt. The T shirt showed a bit of belly. Not what I'd normally wear in front of company but given the circumstances, what the hell. I was enjoying being looked at, my husband was enjoying it too. I left the bedroom to join the others. .

As I joined the others Conner and the boys were all bundled up.

"We're going to head over the other cabin and get the guys clothes," Conner explained.

"We'll stay here," Cindy chimed in.

The guys left, as soon as they left Cindy turned to me and said, "That was hot."

I was kind of taken aback. "What was?" I asked.

Who are you kidding. Seeing you naked in front of everyone. That was hot. I wanted to wash up again just so I could take off my panties.

I wasn't sure what to say. She was still in a T shirt and panties from last night. The guys were getting her clothes. She looked at me.

"You look cute,but hold on," she said.

She reached to me and rolled down the waist of my yoga pants. I don't know why, but I didn't stop her. She stepped back looked and then rolled them down a bit more. They were now really low on my hips. The sides of my thong were showing. She had me turn around and adjusted the back so I could feel my thong and a small bit of my ass crack exposed.


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