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Caged Beast

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A couple describe how a cock cage helped their marriage.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Male chastity from two points of view.


I'm not a dominatrix, nor a controlling bitch. But my husband wears a cock cage and is only let out when I decide, which is not often.

Believe me, it was his idea!

The trouble was, he couldn't be trusted to keep his cock in his pants, even after we were married for more than ten years.

He's an engineer for a company making industrial safety equipment, part selling, part technical advice, so he's often away from home for days, sometimes a week or more. There was opportunity, and he took it. (I'm not sure how many times.)

Eventually he admitted it. I forgave him, but it happened again.

I won't go through the excuses, but I ended up crying (again) and said something like "What can I do apart from locking you up?"

He came back the next day and told me about cock cages.

I was a bit shocked at the idea, but desperate for a solution. And he actually said "Let's buy one!"

That's an engineer's answer - trust in technology, not people. He spent a long time researching (like he does when we buy any domestic appliance) and telling me enthusiastically about each one. That was obviously interesting for him, but not me, and rather distasteful, actually.

He measured himself carefully, and I sent off for the recommended model.

It was stainless steel, keeping his cock small and pointing downwards. It was locked to a solid ring behind his balls, and only I would have the key. It looked terrible, but I realised the gleaming metal would appeal to an engineer.

We carefully went through what he called the recommended installation procedure, which means it takes time for the genitals to get used to it over a couple of weeks. Only thirty minutes to start with, and checking for any chafing. I didn't like doing it, but I was worried he might hurt himself.

Then an hour, then three hours, twelve hours and finally a day. That was when there was a bit of a pause as the night was difficult for him, both in lying on it, and getting painful erections when he needed to pee, but eventually he managed it.

He was like a kid learning to ride a bicycle - eager to succeed despite falling off. I didn't understand it, but I didn't have to.

Finally it was on for three days, and there was no soreness at the end. He gave me the key then I locked him for three more days.

He'd written a sort of contract, transferring ownership of his cock and balls to me except for peeing, and for the cage to be used entirely at my discretion with no time limit, and we signed it.

Again a typical engineer!

Then I unlocked him, we went to bed and he was very loving, and it was good.

There was a spare key which I sent to my sister, saying it was for a security box, and should only be handed to him in case of my death or hospitalization.

I was a bit worried that it would show through his clothes. It certainly gave a bigger bulge, but he seemed happy with that.

It started with him being caged just during the working week.

When I sent for the cage, the company offered something else which I bought at the same time.


When I took it off to check there was no damage midweek, he first had his hands cuffed behind him so he couldn't fiddle with himself until I'd put it back on. Eventually it seemed that he could keep things clean enough for a week, and I sent him off with it on a work trip. When he came back, I checked him and put it back on for another week, which he wasn't expecting, but took it like a good sport.

The leaflet said that denial could actually increase pleasure, and recommended that the key-holder should only allow penetration when she actually wanted it, not when he did. So that's exactly what I did. Well, I gave in a few times at the beginning, but he actually seemed happier when I said no. Eventually he stopped begging, and I relaxed.

It's been several years now, and things are looking good. He's been away for ten days at a time, and I have kept him caged for a month. Baby oil helps.

I wondered at first if he had some secret way of getting out, but now I believe he doesn't. He's actually tried to defeat himself, by getting the best security!

He was interested to try others, so we now have six! Some metal, some plastic. Some are easier to keep clean than others, and some hardly show at all inside his pants (not more than a cock and balls, anyway). I sent the keys to my sister and told her exactly what they were for. She told me 'well done', and wished she had the courage to do the same.

(But it was my husband's idea. I didn't force it on him.)

I take the cage off at least once a week, and clean it hygienically, as well as checking for soreness. The metal ones can be boiled. It's usually a weekend, which is either a fuck one or no-fuck one. If it's fuck, then it stays off till I've had enough penetration. Otherwise it's only as long as necessary. When he was caged for a month, I checked more frequently for the last two weeks, but handcuffed him behind, as he was getting desperate.

I think I might do a month again, but add an extra two weeks when he thinks it's over!

We sleep in separate beds, and we literally only have sex when I want it. He says it is better when he finally does it, and he's more attentive and loving at other times. A kiss and a cuddle are often all I want, but otherwise I'll encourage him to do some foreplay (with nothing after!) I'm getting a lot of breast stimulation and he's got quite good at oral. Even when I'm going to let him out for a fuck he has to give me an orgasm first, so that I'm ready.

He gets frustrated (which is the point, I suppose) but my sex life couldn't be better!

By the way, I've read that some women tease and try to make him hard in the cage, but I don't. I don't want to torture him: it's not my style. I don't punish him or dominate him in any way. I just keep my property locked away whenever I'm not using it.

It's funny, really. I suppose I was a bit of a prude. He bought me a vibrator years ago, but I was too embarrassed to try it, even when I was on my own. And I certainly avoided thinking about sex toys, though it's been a bit difficult to ignore the shops and the way they talk about them in the media.

In our love life I never came anywhere near an orgasm, but I didn't mind, it wasn't something I worried about. There was a bit of foreplay, but never enough to get me going. I still enjoyed sex, and I liked how good it was for him. Married life was fine, and I would never have asked for anything else.

But I couldn't bear the thought of him with other women. That's the only reason I went along with something so kinky.

I never expected what happened. He gives me a lot of attention - almost making out like teenagers, and then I get oral sex and an orgasm several times a week. We've both learned. His technique has improved, but it's mainly that I just give myself up to the pleasure. I think I might be getting addicted! I certainly miss it when he's away, which I really didn't before.

To be honest, it's much better than fucking. But I do like to be penetrated occasionally, and I do love him. Actually I would be very happy to have both, and just cage him when he goes away, but I can see he needs the denial. And it's really a gadget, which men always like.

I think the way he loves me is what he wants. It was just his cock which stopped him. Taking it out of the equation has liberated us both, and channelled his desire into real lovemaking instead of a quick fuck. It's really lovely how much he wants me, and his satisfaction in my pleasure instead of his.

It's changed me as well. I suppose our relationship is more like dating, before you go the whole way. So I take more care of my appearance. I don't lounge around in old sweaters and sweatpants but dress like I would for a new boyfriend. We sleep in separate bedrooms, so he never sees me without makeup. I've even lost weight and bought some clothes that show it. Of course since he often gives me oral, I have to have sexy underwear and nightdresses. People say I look younger.

We both agree it's good having the confidence that he can go away and not be able to stray.

I think it saved our marriage.


I'm a safety engineer. Half the job is persuading customers to spend money so that nothing happens. No apparent return on investment. But accidents are expensive, and there's data to show that. Telling folks to be careful is not good enough.

I tell them "You can't trust people! You have to make it damn near impossible for them to kill themselves or blow the place up!"

I sell, but I'm honest. I won't recommend something the customer doesn't really need, just to get a bigger sale. My company makes good products, and I'm happy to discuss them with other engineers and see they are properly installed. (You can't entirely trust people to do that.)

If I'm not getting through, sometimes I'll tap my groin with a pen and tell them I'm wearing a cock cage. I carry a stainless steel one with me just for this purpose. If we have coffee, then banging it with a spoon works well.

"My wife doesn't trust me. I don't trust me. So we rely on this equipment to keep me safe!"

At least I get remembered, and I seem to get business.

Yep. I wear a cock cage when I'm away from home. And in fact most of the time when I'm home. I'm only let out when my darling wife decides. It's a key part of our marriage. We're not into femdom. There's no humiliation or punishments: there's just this one thing to stop me being unfaithful. And that includes with my hand!

It also means we only fuck whenever she really wants it. I used to come several times a week: now it's probably once in two weeks on average. But when I do it's mind-blowingly good!

The internet said we should have a contract. Now that's something I know well, so I drew up a proper one.

"Permanent and irrevocable transfer of the male genitals comprising cock, balls and scrotum, and all rights and privileges thereof. Save that the carrier shall have general use for urination, and shall be required to maintain them in a hygienic condition, all other usage or none shall be at the discretion of the owner, who may utilise such security procedures and devices as she chooses at any time and for an unlimited period. The owner shall be able to make use of the property in any way, and the carrier shall cooperate to the very best of his ability at any time."

Hell, that means she could hit my balls with a bat, but I'm not going to point that out!

It also means I am required to refrain from even stroking myself when I am out of the cage (it's still her property), but I can't be trusted, so that is usually not longer than a day, and after I've had a fuck. (And a hope of another one before I'm locked in.) It comes off every few days for her to check there's no soreness. She used to handcuff me in the early days to do this, but now I'm used to it, we mostly don't bother. (She did for my month of chastity.)

I wasn't much good on foreplay. Now it's mainly what we do, and she's the one who comes several times a week! Just as much as she wants, no more, no less.

I needed it. I was unfaithful, and not just the once. I guess I'm not bad looking. I'm quite a good salesman so know how to get on with people and I couldn't resist some of the single women I met when away from home (or not single, but willing). I just couldn't trust me.

It took some getting used to, but now I can wear it for weeks at a time. I don't mind telling you night time was difficult at first, so I wasn't locked, and took it off when I had to. It was a matter of pride for me to manage it for 24 hours. Then when I managed three days we took it off, cleaned up, and she locked it for three more days. I was still OK when she took it off, so we signed the contract, and she took charge. When I'm away from home I'm impotent!

I can keep myself clean, but I can't get a proper hard-on. My cock gets uncomfortable then gives up. The only drawback is that I can't use a urinal.

We bought several over the years, and they all have plus points and minus points. We've only had one I couldn't wear, because I'm thorough about sizing. "Measure once, make twice: measure twice, make once" I was told in workshop training. Both the cock and the retaining ring have got to be right - not too tight, not too loose. (Though I often had to contact the company to get accurate information - the websites could be better.) Selection, installation and maintenance are all essential for correct performance of safety gear. In this case, lubrication and hygiene are critical. (Preparing the ground is important. Shaving helps to stop hairs getting trapped.)

I like the look of the stainless-steel ones, but I have to admit the plastic ones are effective. (I wouldn't buy chromed steel.) The stainless cages give better access for cleaning in the shower, so the plastic ones are just for shorter trips. I can wear them indefinitely at home, so long as they come off for cleaning every few days. When she handcuffs me first, I know I'm not getting a fuck, just another cage!

I'd never wear a pink one, but shouldn't have told her because she immediately bought one. I have no say in which one she chooses, like I have no say when or how long it's going to be on. Still, she mixes and matches. Sometimes she will tell me how long, otherwise I just have to wait until she decides she'd like a fuck.

She was a bit suspicious that I had some way of unlocking it, but we bought good quality products and there really is no way I can get out without damaging them. (Other than going to her sister who has spare keys, but she's a long way away and has been told not to give them to me. She thinks they are for safety deposit boxes.) In two cases I got better padlocks than those supplied.

Now my wife doesn't have to worry that I've fucked someone else, and I don't have to lie. That's a relief in itself, because I'm basically honest, but couldn't control my cock. Now I don't have to: she does.

And at any security check, if I make their equipment beep I just tell them straight out. Sometimes they take me to another room so I can prove it, but I think it's mainly curiosity. Well, if it brightens up their day, that's OK.

It's the same with women. I'm totally honest.

If I'm away from home, I don't want to promise anything I can't deliver. If I have a drink or a dance and it looks like there might be more, I tell them I can't fuck because I'm married and wearing a cock cage as well as a wedding ring.

Actually, that often interests them, and they want to take a peek. That means we have to get a bit private. And in a clinch they can feel it against their pussies. I'm sure it turns them on, it's so kinky. I reckon the stainless steel is the most impressive, but the pink one probably gets more interest. After all, a guy would never choose that, would he? So my wife really does have me under lock and key!

I have enjoyed making out with many more women since I got my cage, some several times. Mostly necking and getting at her tits, but sometimes more. When they know I'm safe they don't have to worry, so are easier! I've even been introduced to a friend to give her some of the same as well!

There's no worry on either side that I'll go too far. Yes, it's frustrating, but it's good as well. And from my side there's no chance that she will suddenly refuse to go the whole way, and the evening will end on a sour note.

That's something I've learned. Men want to get to the main action as quickly as possible, but women need all the other stuff, and often that's all they want. Now it's all I can get, so I enjoy it, and look forward to my wife even more. (Not to mention the fact that she looks really hot these days - short skirts and tight tops instead of sweatpants at home, and sexy lingerie. I buy her some of it, of course. When we go out, I can tell other men are looking. She makes me really strain against the cage!)

I'm grateful that she taught me to do oral well, and for the cock cage in preventing me going further, so I take as long as necessary. It's hard in both senses, but it means I can give her the pleasure she really deserves.

In fact, I often say "I can't fuck, but I give good head." That's got me into a few bedrooms. They can see I won't suddenly stop for a fuck no matter what either of us do, so they can just relax and enjoy it. I don't fuck very often, but I've had a lot more tits and pussy than I used to.

When they ask me if it isn't frustrating, I tell them honestly it is. It's achingly frustrating, but I do it because I want them so much, which I find tends to turn them on. It's the truth. In fact, I'm even hornier than ever with the cage.

The best thing of all is the fact that I don't feel guilty about coming on to other women.

I can't have an orgasm myself, except at home, but I can certainly give them away. And I keep to the contract. My cock and balls are hers alone, so I'm not being unfaithful. I give them a peek, but no touching, and in the bedroom I keep my briefs on. (Boxers are too loose. The metal ones are heavier, so need some support, and I have to be careful the padlock doesn't clank. A bit of silicone rubber tube over it solved that.)

I don't tell my wife, of course. I mean, I don't lie, I just don't mention everything that happened while I was away.

She doesn't fuck very often, but she gets a lot of orgasms, which is great for both of us. And I get to go with other women in safety. Win-win!

I think our marriage would have blown up if we hadn't bought the safety equipment.

I can't tell you how glad I am that we did.

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Norway_1705Norway_17055 days ago

5. (please add some!) You can tell that his heart is in love only with his wife and that he would do anything to stay married forever. Congratulations on the contract, Again a typical engineer!

The wife can see that she now dresses sexier, although teasing is not her style. I can assume, that she used to dress in a way to suppress her husband's sexual initiatives: pajamas, jumpers and old sweaters and sweatpants are an (unconscious) strategy to try not to awaken The Beast!

The wife's POV is very enjoyable; it would be nice to have a sequel (a dialogue with her sister?).

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