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Captured Kitten Ch. 01

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What happens when an online fantasy becomes far too real?
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/11/2021
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This is a dark erotica novel containing themes of non-consent, humiliation, punishment, anal, and bdsm (bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism) It is not for the faint of heart nor libido...

"Wake up Kitten..." The deep voice seemed to float out of nowhere. It wormed its way into my unconscious mind and pulled me out of the unknowing abyss of sleep.

I frowned, confused by the things my awakening senses were informing me of. There was the unfamiliar voice for one. But far more troubling was the fact that I could barely move my arms or legs.

Why couldn't I move? My mind began to panic. My shoulders ached. I could feel my arms were bound behind me, almost elbow to elbow. My weight was resting on my stomach and my legs were bent at the knee so that my feet reached towards my hands.

I tried to kick my legs and felt an immediate tug on my wrists, as a chord binding them to my ankles tightened. I was hogtied.

My fear multiplied. I tried to scream, and a muffled sound filled the air. It was then that I realized that something ball-like was fit snugly in my mouth, blocking the sound. That something had straps that wound behind my head and held the object in.

"Shhhh Kitten shh." A deep voice crooned from above.

I felt a large hand on my back through the fabric of my pajamas. At least I still had them on.

"I know you're scared. But you're safe. You're with me now." He sounded calm and assured, but not familiar. His voice was low and rumbling. With a strong accent, a European Spanish one. But it sounded like there was also some other nationality which I couldn't place. Italian maybe?

He adjusted himself slightly. As I moved with him, I realized that my head was resting in his lap.

It was then that I struggled like I had never struggled before. I thrashed with every ounce of strength I had and I screamed like a banshee. Or at least I tried to. His large hand covered my back and held me down easily. He began stroking my spine like a pet. The only sound I managed to make with my screams was a high pitched, muffled moaning sort of noise.

"It's alright Kitten, it's alright." His voice stayed unnervingly calm as he subdued me.

I wanted to scream at him. My name is Kate, not Kitten! But I couldn't say anything, I couldn't do anything. I was trapped. Powerless. My thrashing began to slow and I noticed how weak and tired I felt. I tried to arch away from his denim covered lap but with a gentle push from his hand I lost my balance and fell helplessly back towards his legs.

I stilled under his hands, breathing hard through my nose and shaking. Trying to think and put the pieces together of how I ended up like this. I didn't remember anything strange happening before I had fallen asleep.

Yesterday was the same as any other. Despite the beautiful San Francisco sunshine I had spent the day in my dim apartment. Editing all sorts of books. From dry factual texts to fantastical erotica. At the end of my work day I had been ready for some me time. I picked out a recent dark romance that had caught my eye and read until I was ready for more. Then I brushed my teeth, put on a breezy purple tank top and a pair of matching pajama shorts. I went to bed with my phone in one hand and my favourite clit sucker and vibrator in the other. I couldn't remember how many times I had orgasmed to the sordid graphic tales on literotica. Had this person been in my apartment when I had been pleasuring myself. There hadn't been any sign of an intruder. But maybe he had just been waiting for me to fall asleep?

Questions began to ricochet around in my brain and yet I couldn't ask any of them. Who was this guy? What did he want with me? Why was he acting like he knew me?

Then it hit me. He had called me Kitten. Was it him? Mal? No. It couldn't be him. We'd never met. He didn't even know what I looked like or what city I lived in. And yet this stranger had called me Kitten. And there was only one other person in my life who called me that. Mal was just a stranger I met online. I had been chatting with him for a few months. And those chats had been full of the raunchiest ideas I had ever heard. How many times had I gone to bed and fantasized about the things Mal wrote to me? Rereading his messages over and over as my toys drove me towards my release.

I tried to turn my head to look up at the stranger. But I felt one of his hands twine through my loose dark red hair and hold me down. Pressing my cheek into the fabric of his pants.

"That's it." Mal said with satisfaction. "Good Kitten. Now, as I was saying. I know you're scared. It's natural to be afraid of the unknown. But I'm doing this for you and me."

For me?! I tried to say something, to disagree, to beg him to let me go. I knew I wouldn't be able to. But it felt good to make my unintelligible protest. I hoped my point was obvious.

A deep chuckle filled the air.

"Yes I am, little one. You gave yourself to me a long time ago and now I'm collecting. Didn't you figure it out yet?" One of his hands continued to stroke my back.

"I'm your master, remember? Or have you already forgotten?" He sighed deeply. "That's very disappointing Kitten. You know I'll have to punish you for that."

I started to shake again. But Mal's voice continued calmly as he stroked my hair.

"Did you really think that little email would end things between us? Did you think I'd let you go that easily? So you could run off with that idiot you never wanted?" I wanted to scream at him again. I wanted George. I wasn't physically attracted to him, but in every other way he was perfect. He was nice, cute, funny, and generous. What more could I ask for?

I tried to pull away again. But I was brought up short from my attacker's hand in my hair. He was holding me in place and preventing even the smallest feeling of freedom.

Then I realized. I had George's engagement ring on my finger. Hopefully this monster hadn't seen it. What would he do to me if he knew I had said yes to George's proposal? What would he do to George? I twisted the ostentatious stone towards the palm of my hand, hoping that would be enough to hide it.

"I've been waiting so long, Kitten. I waited for you for two years and I would have waited for ten more. I knew you were scared of your desires. I knew you were a virgin."

I jerked in his hands at that surprise. I had never told my Mal about my virginity. If it was him, then how did he know?

"So I let you have your space. I let you waste your time with him because I assumed you wanted to figure out what you wanted, and then you'd come to me." His voice that was so calm a moment ago suddenly became dark and seductive.

"But you didn't want it like that did you? I should have known you wanted it this way. You wanted to make me mad, didn't you? You wanted to provoke me. To force me to prove to you what you are. Well, I've said it before, but now I can explain it to you in person," With the hand entwined in my hair he pulled my head over and for the first time, my eyes met his.

"You. Are. Mine." He growled.

He didn't look anything like I'd thought he would. Mal had described himself to me in our online conversations. But I had always pictured someone ridiculously perfect. Like a GQ model. This man was... dark. Not just his skin tone but his expression. His large face was chiseled but in a rough sort of way not the angelic bone structure I had pictured. His jaw and brow were strong. his deep set eyes had a primal air about them. They were two penetrating pools of mahogany. The intensity in them could have frozen sea water. And yet there was excitement in there too.

His shoulder length black hair fell around his face as he looked down at me. I must have looked like a deer in a car's headlights. I couldn't help it. He made me want to be invisible. I swallowed nervously.

He smiled just a little, but it was a predatory sort of smile. Like a cat amused at the antics of a bird trapped in its claws.

I tried to say, please let me go. But muffled noises were the only sound I produced.

Mal smiled more and clicked his tongue.

"Tsk tsk tsk none of that now Kitten." he said with amusement and tapped the gag in my mouth. "I put this here because you're not allowed to talk yet."

I closed my eyes. Trying to shut him out and convince myself this wasn't real. In some ways this scenario was playing out like one of my darkest, most delicious fantasies. But those were called fantasies for a reason. Reality is different. I didn't really know him. I couldn't trust him. I didn't even have a safe word. My heart pounded with terror. There was a sharp tug on my scalp from his hand clenched in my hair. I opened my eyes again, blinking back tears.

"None of that either, pet. I want you to look at me while I explain the rules."

The rules? My mind raced trying to make sense of this. There hadn't been rules online, not real ones anyways. What would he make me do here tonight?

"Now," he began, with a disturbingly calm and cheerful tone. As if he were explaining to a child why they had to go to the doctor. "Rule number one: your name is now Kitten. It's what it's always been, and it's what it will continue to be."

As he spoke, he ran his hands possessively over my body while holding my gaze.

I stiffened at that comment. Always? My name had been Kate long before he and I started chatting online. And that wasn't changing.

"Rule number two is that you obey me at all times. You will be punished if you don't do this."

I looked at him with horror in my eyes. This wasn't a sexy online game between two strangers anymore. Maybe, I realized with shock, maybe it never had been.

"Rule number three, you will refer to me as Master because that is what I am. I am your owner."

I couldn't speak, but I hoped my rage filled gaze would communicate my words.

Fuck you, my narrowed eyes said. Mal's own gaze looked down on me with amusement. He had always liked the way I played hard to get in our internet scenarios. Did he think that's what this was?

"Rule number four, you will never run away from me. If you do, I will have to give you a permanent reminder of your place."

Permanent reminder? I searched his eyes in fearful confusion. It was starting to sound like this might last longer than one night.

"Rule number five. All of you belongs to me. When you're around me you will ask permission to do anything. You will shower when I say, piss when I say, and come when I say. Remember pet, all of this is mine."

Mal's wandering hand paused to squeeze my ass. I trembled. He couldn't be serious could he? This was bad. And yet my pussy had clenched with each humiliating edict.

"And rule number six. The most important one. You are not to lie to me. Ever." He emphasized the last bit with a gentle tug of my hair but his tone was deadly serious. "All of you belongs to me. Your body, your time, your name and your secrets." While he talked tears had begun to fall down my cheeks. Suddenly his tone and gaze softened.

"Now now Kitten, don't cry." He began to wipe the tears from my eyes. I tried to turn my face away but I was once again brought to heel by the hand in my hair. "I wouldn't have chosen you if you didn't want this too."

That just made me cry more. I didn't want this. I had wanted love, companionship and trust. And I had been willing to give up on my sweet dark desires to make that happen. And here he thought it was all a test for him. It was just me playing hard to get. Well fuck him!

I began to thrash again. I pulled as hard as could on the thing that was connecting my hands to my feet. Trying to break free. I arched off his lap and tried to throw myself away from him. Though I tried to scream, the only noise I made was quiet muffled wails. Mal's big arms encircled me and firmly pushed me back down. There was one more futile struggle to get his hands off me. He just kept holding me in his iron grip.

Now I could feel his breath in my ear whispering soothing nonsense like one would do for a skittish colt.

"Sshh Kitten shh. Everything's fine. I'm here. Hush now. Ti si moja malena. Dobro ću se brinuti o vama..." the pointless words became some language I couldn't understand but he kept talking as if he really thought he was helping me. I kept crying with my face turned away from him, tears running down my cheek and soaking his lap.

One of his hands was now running through my hair. While the other pressed on the small of my back, a gentle reminder not to struggle.

"Would you like to talk now?" His deep voice rumbled calmly from above me. I nodded. But suddenly I felt very scared to say anything. His hand felt behind my head and I heard a tiny click. The ballgag fell out of my mouth and into his other hand. As he pulled it away, a trail of saliva held on a moment, connecting it to my lips and making me feel absurdly embarrassed.

I took a deep shuddering breath and finally spoke.

"Please just let me go, Mal. This isn't what I want. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be with you. I-I want to be with George." I said it as nicely as I possibly could, considering my voice was thick with fear.

He sighed deeply and once again I felt him use my hair to gently but firmly turn my head, until I was looking up at him again. His expression was disappointed.

"Oh ne Kitten. No, that's just what you think you want. But more importantly you just broke two of the six rules." My eyes widened in fear. If I hadn't been fully aware of its pointlessness, I would have begun struggling again.

"What? No I-" The gag was unceremoniously shoved back into my mouth.

I shook my head and tried to pull away. But he had been fast and taken full advantage of my lips, which had been open in an attempt to protest. Mal buckled the straps together with a frightening amount of ease.

"Yes you did. First you forgot to call me master. And as if that wasn't enough. You lied to me." He shook his head gravely as he clicked his tongue at my actions.

My brow furrowed. Lied to him? How had I lied to him? He noticed my confused expression and gave me a shrewd look.

"You don't think you lied, Kitten?"

I shook my head. Pleading with my eyes.

"Because three weeks ago, I seem to remember you telling me that you didn't want to be with George. So were you lying then or now?"

More of my unintelligible noises filled the air. I tried to talk. To explain to him that I had changed my mind. I had been telling Mal the truth when I said that I didn't want to be with George. Because back then I hadn't known what I wanted. But now I understood. Now I wanted to be with someone dependable and safe even if I didn't actually want them. Because what was the alternative? This? Oh god... it was this.

"It doesn't matter whether it was then or now, pet." He said. Probably misinterpreting my noises. "All that matters is you broke the rules and now you have to be punished." His thumb stroked my cheek where my tears had fallen. "So I think twenty should do it. Ten for failing to call me master. And ten for lying to me." He nodded his head.

All at once Mal rose up off the couch with me in his arms. I looked around for the first time. A forest green accent wall with pictures of my life greeted me. I was still in my apartment. Thank god.

My mind flashed back to my highschool self defense classes. I could hear the teacher's voice in my head. Don't ever let them take you to the second location. Because usually the second location is where the victim dies. Would he kill me? Would he let me go? Maybe this was all talk? Maybe he was just trying to scare me? Maybe after he was done here he'd consider us even, and then he would leave. Our internet games had always been brief and full of threats not meant to be taken seriously. I could only hope that's what this was.

Mal strode towards my gray kitchen island and placed me on it face down. The granite was cold beneath me but I held still. I wanted him to think I was compliant. If I was going to live through this I needed to wait for my moment.

I felt his hands touch the bonds keeping me stretched in this painful position.

"Alright Kitten. I'm going to start now. If you take your punishment like a good girl, you'll get rewarded. If you don't..." His thickly accented tone which had started light and casual became intense with those last words. An unspoken promise lingered in the air. If you don't you'll regret it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think this belongs in the nonconsent category, not the bdsm one

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting start - two points of feedback. Something that was missing here was whether she thought he was attractive, despite her fear. He doesn't look like the GQ model she'd expected, but the way you focused on how dark he is, made me think she found him unattractive. Realistically, that's going to make his eventual seduction and her eventual submission implausible. Also, the general reader fantasy is about an attractive man who will dominate a woman so it's important to establish the attraction dynamic from the onset. Secondly, he shouldn't retroactively apply a rule - she can't follow a rule she hasn't been informed of, so he shouldn't hold that against her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yeah I’m with Kate (the victim) this is full on Non Erotic. Sadly she’s dealing with a delusional psychopath.

Whilst the story may contain aspects similar to BDSM it most definitely is NOT actually BDSM in any way. It’s not even a Rape Fantasy - which is role playing a similar scenario, I was actually hoping for a CNC story but sadly it’s not. Instead it’s a fantasy story about rape, abduction and torture so y’know nothing sexy there.

Morbid curiosity kind of demands that I check in occasionally hopefully to discover her escape and justice/ revenge dealt. FML - I really hope this isn’t the S&M equivalent of a “magic cock” story.

Kudos for being brave enough to publish, best of luck.

Tess (UK)

MissedLifeMissedLifeover 2 years ago

Fantastic start. Looking forward to seeing if Kate is stronger than him.

jleetechiejleetechieover 2 years ago

I prefer a somewhat longer chapter, but as introductions go, this is a good start.

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