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Carla's Tale

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A woman is coerced by husband's co-worker.
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Author's note: This story was written as a request from a fan. It contains some themes I don't usually deal with, using force to have sex. They are there because this is her and her husband's fantasy and if she has it I assume others do.

I am not allowing comments on this as I am not comfortable with the people who will berate her fantasy, but if you find this erotic, please send feedback, even anonymously. She would love to know she is not alone.

If you want to berate me or praise me you can also send feedback.

Yes I do take requests, but not from anonymous feedback. I need to email with you a bit to understand you.


Carla's tale

I was getting dressed. My husband Gary called and asked if he could bring his coworker Bob home for dinner. We'd been married 7 years and Gary was the sweetest most considerate man I knew. He is always trying to make me happy. He would never bring a coworker home without calling first.

Bob had been here for dinner before. This would be the 3rd time in the last 2 months. I am pretty sure he would talk Gary into inviting him for dinner. He was one of those big arrogant guys. He was nice enough, but had that air of entitlement about him. My husband is a sweet guy, but not as dominating.

I knew Bob had a thing for me.

I first met Bob about 2 months ago. Gary had called from work and said he and some co workers were going out for drinks. He asked if I wanted to meet him. An opportunity to go out sounded great. I told him I'd be there by 7.

I stood in front of the mirror. It was a weeknight so nothing too fancy, but I did want to make a good impression on Gary's coworkers.

The reality is I usually make a good impression. At 35 years old, 5'6", and 102 lbs, I keep my 34C-25-34 body in shape by doing yoga. I'm the type that looks really good no matter what I wear.

I decided a short denim skirt that came down a little above mid thigh would be perfect. I pulled on a creamsicle colored top. It almost met the skirt but left about an inch of skin between the top and the skirt. I added a pair of casual heels. I looked good. I had put on a cute matching bra and thong set. Pink with flowers.

I like wearing pretty underwear even if only Gary will see it. It makes me feel pretty. Gary often teases me telling me I'm secretly hoping someone else will see them. I have to admit. I look good in them, an extra compliment or two wouldn't hurt.

I met Gary at the bar. He was with 5 guys and 1 girl. I walked up to join them. One of the guys with Gary noticed me before I reached the table. Before Gary saw me. He flashed me a huge confident smile. He didn't know who I was, but he looked at me like I was his. It was flattering but also a tad scary. My heart started beating faster.

When I reached the table Gary introduced me around. Of course, the guy with the smile was Bob.

"Gary. I didn't know you had such a hot wife," he said.

Gary just said thank you and that he thought I was beautiful.

Bob continued, "Well she's beautiful too, but I think hot is a better word to describe her. I mean look at that ass."

It was weird having Bob talk about me as an object that wasn't there. In one way it made me mad. Who was this arrogant jerk. On the other hand, my husband treats me like I'm his pretty wife. It was nice to be seen as a sexy hot woman.

Gary moved closer to Bob to make room for me. Bob told him he'd prefer to sit next to me. Gary moved the other way and made room for me between him and Bob.

As I slid into the booth, my skirt slid up a bit. I noticed Bob's eyes go right to my legs. It made me self-conscious and I tried to pull the skirt down, but it wasn't going anywhere.

Bob noticed and said, "It's better the way it is anyway. In fact you could pull it up and show more leg."

Everyone at the table heard him and laughed. They ribbed him saying that Bob was such a stud and treating what he said as a joke. They didn't see the way he looked at me when he said it. I did. It made me tingle. A little dangerous, but I was safe here.

Bob turned to Gary, "Wow, where have you been hiding her? She has great legs."

Gary responded by saying he was very lucky.

Bob went on, "Lucky is the word. How else does a guy like you get such a hot girl?"

Everyone laughed at Bob's joke. Bob's hand fell to my thigh.

I didn't want to make a scene so I made a joke out of slapping his hand and telling him those legs belonged to Gary. Everyone laughed again.

We sat like that laughing and drinking. Gary was getting drunk. I could see Bob buying him extra beers. It was ok. I knew I could drive home. Bob would often talk to the others about me as if I wasn't there. I felt like he saw me as an object, but everyone was laughing, so I did too.

I'm not sure why it made me uncomfortable. I should be mad, but part of me was flattered.

As the night wore on everyone left. It was just me, Bob, and Gary. Gary had had too many. I said we had to go and asked Bob if he'd watch Gary while I went to the restroom. He just laughed.

As I exited the restroom Bob was standing there. It made me nervous. I don't know why. I mean, what could he do in public. He was bigger than my husband. Broad chest, big hands. He made me feel small by comparison.

He stood very close to me. My chest almost touched his chest.

He looked at me and said, "I haven't seen a woman who looked more fuckable in a long time."

I snapped back, "Well, I'm married to Gary so you'll never know."

He just laughed. That laugh made me nervous and excited me. I was getting a little damp.

I turned to walk past him. He grabbed my shoulder from behind and flipped up my skirt as I walked past.

"I knew you had a great ass," he said.

I tore away and headed back to the table. Gary was pretty sloshed.

I sat there for a few minutes waiting for Bob. He didn't return. I looked around the bar and found him. He was talking to 3 women. They were touching him and laughing. I got a little mad. Maybe a little jealous. I grabbed Gary and pulled him to the car. We drove home in silence.

I put Gary to bed. After I took my skirt off, I looked in the mirror. I was hot. I was sexy. I pictured Bob with his hand on my leg telling Gary how hot I was. I finished getting ready for bed. I climbed under the covers. Gary was out like a light. I thought again about Bob treating me like I wasn't there. My hand fell to my pussy. I slowly rubbed my clit. I could visualize Bob pulling my skirt up and checking out my ass. I came and fell asleep.

The next day Gary woke up with a hangover complaining about having to go to work. I just laughed and told him it was his fault.

Then Gary said, "Seems like Bob really liked you last night."

I replied maybe a little too much. Gary just laughed it off. He said Bob was like that and that Bob was the office stud. Always a different girl.

Hearing that I got a little jealous. I shook my head to get the thought out of my mind.

The day went as usual. When Gary got home the first thing he said was, "you really made an impression on Bob."

"Really?" I replied, not wanting to seem too anxious.

"Yeah," he continued. "Bob talked all day about what a hot ass you have and how he'd like to fuck you. It was pretty funny we all laughed about it."

I could feel my ears burning and my pussy get damp.

"Oh by the way," he said. "Bob asked if he could come over for dinner one night. I invited him for Thursday. I said I'd have to check with you first."

I wanted to say no. I didn't want that man leering at me in my house, but that's not what came out.

"That sounds fun," I said.

In reality it sounded a little scary, a little exciting. How much could he do in the safety of my home? If it got out of hand I'm sure Gary would stop him. On the other hand. I remember how dirty I felt when he talked about me and when he pulled my skirt up.

Every day Gary would come home and tell me that Bob asked about me. When I pressed Gary to tell me what Bob said he was evasive. Finally he told me. It seemed he would ask what I sleep in, what kind of sex I like, how am I in bed? Things of that nature. When I said that seemed very personal and inappropriate he just said it was all in fun.

Every day I would think about having Bob for dinner. How I would tell him off for treating me like an object. Slapping his face if he touched me inappropriately. Then when Gary fell asleep I would find my fingers buried in my wet pussy, thinking about the exact same things, and grinding myself to an orgasm.

Thursday finally rolled around. I felt butterflies in my stomach all day. I made a meal that could be prepped in advance. That way I could be part of the conversation.

They were coming at 6. It was 5:00 and I was standing in my room naked trying to decide what to wear. The safe thing would be jeans and a T shirt. It would make sense, a casual dinner at home. Why should I wear anything else.

I knew I wasn't going to wear that. I found a short casual sundress. It had a collar and a V neck. The bottom was about 3 inches below my crotch. I found a cute push-up bra to wear with it.

I thought about what panties. In the pub, he had pulled my skirt up and saw my ass in my thong. I knew I should wear something full coverage. Instead I found a little black G-String. I'm not sure what I was thinking.

The boys showed up for dinner. As usual Bob started talking to Gary about me. Things like, "Gary your wife looks hot tonight. That's a great dress on your wife tonight. Your wife sure has great legs."

I wasn't sure how to respond. The conversation was about me, but did not include me. Again I felt like an object. So why the hell was my pussy wet?

We sat down to eat. I had set Bob's place across the table from me. Bob moved it and sat next to me.

"I can't see her legs from over there," he said to Gary. Gary just laughed.

During dinner Bob kept getting Gary drinks. It became pretty obvious that Gary was getting drunk while Bob kept his senses about him. As Gary became more drunk Bob would ask more personal questions about me. In front of me.

"So Gary," he'd ask, "How often do you fuck this beautiful woman? Is she a screamer in bed?"

I didn't want to make a big scene, but I did tell the guys this was inappropriate and embarrassing and I wished they'd stop. I often caught Bob looking down at my tits in my push-up bra.

Bob would give Gary another beer and say, " We're just having fun."

Gary would agree.

At one point Gary brought up that Bob was the office stud and had slept with 1/2 the women In the office.

I said that I thought that would lead to a lot of political and relationship problems in the office.

Gary, slurring his word, "You'd think so, but it doesn't," he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

Gary, smiling like he's got a secret, whispered loud enough for us both to hear. "Because he's got that fucking huge cock. They all love it."

I turned to look at Bob. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Gary, how do you know it's so huge?" I asked.

"I heard the girls talking about it. So one day, in the gym, I looked."

I had no idea why I was pursuing this. I should have dropped it.

"and how big is this thing?" I asked.

Gary laughed. "At least 9" long and as thick as a can of redbull."

I looked at Bob. Again he just shrugged his shoulders. I could feel myself getting wet. Gary was average in the cock department. It worked fine, but average.

Gary had had too much to drink and was nodding off.

"I think the evening over," I said. "Can you help me get Gary to bed?" I asked.

"Of course," said Bob.

Together we maneuvered Gary onto the bed. As I was leaning over Bob placed his hand under my dress on my ass. I didn't want to scream or make a scene with Gary drunk asleep. I just told Bob to stop. That didn't work. He pulled up my dress and told me he liked my ass and my g string.

I stood up, straightened my dress and told him to cut it out.

He laughed and asked if I wanted to see if it was true.

I told him no and lead him to the front door. At the door, he turned pulled me to him and kissed me. His hands were under my dress on my ass. The thought ran through my head to wrap my legs around him and kiss him.

I pushed him away. "I'm a happily married woman, and you should not do that. Get out!" I said.

He just gave me that arrogant grin and said goodnight.

That night, as I lay in bed, my fingers once again found my pussy. This time all I could picture was a huge cock. I came hard.

Gary woke up the next morning and apologized for getting so drunk. He did say he had fun and asked if I did.

I didn't want to spoil Gary's fun, but this guy made me nervous. I didn't trust him and I didn't trust myself around him. I just told Gary I had fun.

Gary got home that night and told me the whole office talked about our dinner. They wanted to know how I reacted when I was told Bob's cock size.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Truthfully, I didn't know. I was a little drunk and don't remember."

"Well from now on just tell them I am your wife and we don't approve of those conversations," I said.

"Give me a break," said Gary. "It's all just fun."

About 2 weeks later he invited Bob to dinner again.

"Again?" I asked. "He was just here."

"Yeah, I know, but he's so much fun and pphe always talks about how much he likes you. You guys always seem to have fun together."

I don't know if I'd call it fun. I felt like a mouse in a big maze wondering how long I could hold out till the cat gets me.

"Ok," I said.

Gary still told me that Bob talked about me at work. Still about how hot I am and about hopes Gary didn't deserve such a hot wife. All in fun of course.

Dinner night arrived. Again, I knew I should wear jeans and a T shirt. Instead I chose a short tight black skirt and white button down top. I had a white push up bra. I unbuttoned the top till you could see some of the bra. I don't know why, but I skipped panties.

When they showed up it was pretty much a repeat of the last meal. Bob kept plying Gary with drinks. Bob would complement me and talk about me, but only to Gary. One big difference was that Bob was wearing very tight pants and yes I looked.

I have to admit it seemed he had an impressive bulge. I tried to ignore it but all through the night I kept checking it out. I'm pretty sure he caught me a few times.

Again, Gary started to drop off and I asked Bob for help getting him to bed. We got him in bed. I was bent over tucking Gary in when I felt Bob's hand under my skirt. I didn't move. For some reason I just stayed bent over like that. He soon discovered I wasn't wearing panties. He laughed.

"What kind of naughty girl doesn't wear panties around company."

I could feel his fingers start to probe my pussy. I gathered my strength pushed him away and said, "Stop please. I'm a married woman." I sounded like I was begging.

He just laughed. "I saw you checking out my cock all night. You want to see the whole thing?"

He started to unzip his pants. I just watched. It was as if I was hypnotized. I wanted to see it. I wanted him to go home.

Slowly he brought the monster out. He stroked it a few times to make it hard. I'd never seen anything so big. It had to be 9" long and maybe thicker than a can of redbull. The head was even thicker. My first thought was, could I even get that monster in my pussy.

He said, "Touch it."

I started to. Then I saw my husband in the bed beside us. I quickly came to my senses.

"Put that thing away and get out of here," I said.

He only half listened. He headed for the door with that huge cock on display the whole way. When he reached the door. He grabbed me and kissed me. As he did he pulled the hem of my skirt up. I could feel that giant cock against such my legs.

I let him kiss me longer than I should have. "Get out," I said. "Now."

I don't know if I was madder at him or at me. I got to my room and frigged myself to 3 orgasms before I slept.

As usual the next day Gary told me he had fun. I suggested we don't have Bob over as often. That he makes me uncomfortable sometimes. Gary said that it was all in fun, and to loosen up.

And then here we were. Bob was coming to dinner again. I was beside myself. I didn't know what I was thinking. I was trying to decide what to wear. Maybe if I wore something too revealing Gary would put a stop to it. Yes I thought. That's the plan.

I pulled on a black semi sheer push-up bra that barely covered my nipples. On top of that a sheer black top. If you stared at the bra and top long enough you could make out my nipples. I put on a light weight short white skirt. It barely covered my ass. Under it I put on a black thong. You could see the thong right through the skirt.

This should make Gary think, I thought to myself.

Gary and Bob showed up. I answered the door. Gary looked like he was about to say something but Bob cut him off.

"Wow Gary, Carla looks great tonight," he said. "Don't you think so?"

Again, he didn't talk to me. He addressed Gary.

Gary just nodded in agreement.

Dinner was like before. They talked about me. Not too me. Bob asked more personal questions about me.

He asked Gary how many lovers I had had? How often did I orgasm? Had I ever had a big cock?

I was shocked. I kept saying let's change the conversation, but they went on. All the while Gary drinking more and more.

At last, Gary passed out again.

Bob offered to help me get him up to bed. I said thank you and suggested he leave. I could handle this.

Bob would have none of that and started helping Gary to bed. When we got there Bob laid Gary down on the far side of the bed. I crawled up on the side nearest Bob and climbed over Gary to take his shoes and clothes off. As I did my skirt slid up over my ass.

I felt Bob's hands on my ass. Then I felt him pull my thong down over my ass and down my thighs. I stopped what I was doing and stood up. Bob had that huge cock out hard and ready. My panties fell to the floor.

"Cut that out." I said. "I'm married to Gary."

"I know," said Bob, "but I've been dying to fuck that cunt for months now,and it's time."

"I'm not fucking you," I said. "What part of married did you miss? Now get out."

Bob just laughed and pulled me to him.

"No," he said. "I'm not leaving till I've left you with a cunt full of cum."

I hated the way he was talking to me. Like some slut to be used. At least I thought I did. My pussy was saying different. It was wet. Very wet.

I pushed away. Feeling that cock against my skin, with my skirt around my waist was getting me wet. I wondered if that thing would ever fit inside me. I tried to think of some way out.

"If I give you a blowjob will you go?" I asked.

"Only if you swallow every drop," he said.

I got down on my knees. I took his cock in 2 hands. I could barely get my fingers around it. I looked. My husband was lying in the bed 2 feet to my side. He was out cold. I don't know if he would wake up if I screamed.

I opened my mouth and tried to get the tip in. It's about all I could get in. It was like I had a pool ball in my mouth. There was no way to blow this thick, veiny, log. I basically had to jack it off into my mouth. My mouth had nothing to do with this it was just a cum receptacle. Just waiting for him to fill it. The thought made my pussy drip. I could feel it down the side of my leg.

I started jacking him off. Every few minute I'd pull off.

"Come on, cum in my mouth. You know you've wanted to for months. I'm your cum dumpster. Fill my mouth. I'll swallow every drop. Give it to me. I'm 5 feet from my husband with your cock in my mouth fill it up."

I'd wrap my mouth around the tip again and start jerking him off.


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