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CFNM for Chronic Masturbation

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Wife and MIL begin my punishment.
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Many of us Literotica fans have found ourselves wishing to be the character in a certain story. We masturbate ourselves while ignoring the needs of our significant others. We become oblivious to the possible consequences. The story here is about our fantasies and what can happen when they become reality.

"Please baby, I'll do anything, anything you want. Just don't walk out on me on our marriage. I can change. I swear I can."

Those were the pleas of a desperate man. That man was me.

I didn't realize that I had a problem. My wife Linda saw it and called me out..... many times.

And many times, I swore I'd stop and didn't, or couldn't.

I was a chronic masturbator. Was, until that fateful night when she came home from her mother's early and caught me again; my pants down to my ankles, my cock in my hand, my eyes focused on the PC porn.

She had warned me and now it was time for me to pay for my sins.

"Anything?" She asked. You'll do anything I say to keep me here?"

"Please Linda, yes. Anything. Just please don't leave me."

She went to the sofa and sat down thinking of a way to break me of my habit. "Come here," Byron.

I went to pull up my pants.

"No. Leave them off. Take your shirt off too."

I went to her, my wife of 6 years in only my socks. She stopped me from sitting on the furniture. "I don't want your naked butt on the cushions, B. You can kneel on the floor."

Thus began my submission, my surrender to my wife.

Kneeling as I was told, she informed that I was going to be caged.

"Do what?"

"Caged. I'm putting you in chastity. It's either that of I'm the fuck out of here."

The next day she took me shopping for the device that was to hold my cock in check and my marriage together.

My embarrassment was on display as my wife asked the guy behind the counter to show her some chastity devices "It has to be sturdy enough that my chronic jacking off husband can't get an erection."

His chuckle only served to humiliate me further.

"Now that looks like one he can't break out of. May I see it, please?"

He handed her a device called the "Watchful Mistress" which looked scary if you asked me.

She didn't ask.

Instead, she held it at my groin as though measuring me for fit.

"This looks like it will do the trick and keep his cock locked away. I like the steel but do you have it in any other colors?"

He smirked at me. No ma'am but I wish we carried it in pink."

Linda laughed with him and agreed. "Pink would suit the pervert. Pay the man, Byron."

Back at home, Linda had me take a cold shower until my cock shrank as much as it would.

She knelt in front of me. Reading the instructions, she placed the steel ring around my balls and tightened it down. Then came the hinged contraption that would prevent erections. Steel tubing which ran the short length of my shrunken cock that locked on the top side of the ring attached to my balls.

What this accomplished was my cock was now held pointing down, firmly against my balls which I couldn't feel because of the steel encasement.

"Perfect. Now let's try it out."

I watched my sexy wife undress and in only her panties which she knows I love to see; she sidled up to me. Caressing my chest, her hand traveled down to my stomach. Then she cradled my balls. "Oh, baby, are you getting hard?"

"I'm trying but can't, and it hurts," I groaned feeling the steel pressing in all directions on my cock.


"How am I supposed to go take a leak in this thing?"

"Sit down and pee, just like I do," she grinned.

She laid down additional requirements like me being naked when home, even if she's out. I was not to dress for anyone unless she told me to.

It was also agreed, but under duress mind you, that if I behaved and did everything I was told for 30 days, that she would allow me a few minutes, one day a month without the chastity device. "That's 2 whole hours, babe. Won't that be nice?"

"But what about you? What about our sex life?"

"Oh, I'll still have one. You'll play a pivotal role in it too."

And that my friends is how I became a submissive, naked, pussy lapping husband in chastity.

Some of my favorite erotic stories touched on what was happening to me. Always naked, in chastity, denied sex with my wife. But she was right, I'd rather jack off than fuck her and for that, my punishment is well deserved.

They say you can get used to anything if you keep at it long enough. I would agree. After a few agonizing weeks, my Iron Mistress became like a second skin.

I did sit to pee and even that became second nature to me.

True to her word, my wife left me caged intending to keep it that way for the entire 30 days.

I was like a puppy at the end of that first month. I'd eaten her pussy on demand each and every day. It was something she insisted on. Whether she had it in her to orgasm or not, I spent at least an hour a day worshipping her pussy. Sometimes she'd be reading, or doing her nails. It was training, and I took to her training well.

After seeing me naked all the time, Linda instructed me to trim my pubic bush. "Mow the grass, Byron," she said. "It's a bit too wild and I want an unobstructed view of your cage."

Inspecting my freshly trimmed pubic hair she was pleased, rather, make that okay with the job I'd done. She was okay until she wasn't. Two days later, she had me prune it back more and more until she at last gave up. "Shave it all down there," she said turning her back and walking off, foiling any complaint I might have been brave enough to make.

But even the complete removal of my pubic hair wasn't enough. "Byron, look at where you were seated. Yes, there on the carpet. I see hair. Now it may have come from your chest, your arms, or your pits, or your legs. Be a love and shave your entire body."

When I started to object, Linda cut me off with the usual threat. "You can always leave, Byron."

I shaved my whole body and after a successful inspection, Linda was satisfied. "Keep it that way," she instructed me.

Linda would lie in bed next to me and tease me about my hairless body and nakedness and how much she'd like to show off her power over me. "Maybe I should invite some of the girls around."

It didn't take long before her idea turned into something more.

You're probably asking why I would put up with such shenanigans from my wife. She comes from a wealthy family. In a nutshell, there it is.

I was also born into a family that once held great wealth. Poor investments, lazy ancestors who loved to spend money they hadn't earned, and bad luck whittled away my family's fortunes until all that was left was name recognition.

I stayed and put up with it because I had no marketable skills. Seems my degree in gender studies only qualified me for a job in politics or Starbucks. Trust me, I'm no politician.

As the first 30 days in lock up approached, my wife continually threatened me with an additional 30 days for the slightest infraction. Whether those infractions were real or inventions of her imagination mattered not. She held the key to my freedom none the less.

I think this occasion calls for something special, don't you think?" Linda said the night before my cock was to be released.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered hopefully. In the last 30 days I was considered less and less the man of the house. Linda acted as though I was an annoyance rather than her loving husband. Hence, I was no longer to call her by her given name. I was to call her either ma'am or Mrs. Stratton.

She had me lick her through 3 orgasms before using her foot to push me away. I knelt at her feet waiting for her to toss me the key so we could have sex like we once did.

She did toss the key but well past me making me retrieve the thing.

She watched as I removed the hated device and my cock sprang up instantly. Standing up, I thought it best that I should thank her for my freedom though temporary it would be.

"Thank you, Mrs. Stratton. I appreciate your kindness."

"Why are you standing Byron?"

"Ma'am, I thought perhaps we could retire to the bedroom and, well you know, make love."

Linda laughed at what she called a wish that would go unfulfilled. "No, since you love tugging on that thing more than you ever liked having intercourse with me, I think it entirely appropriate that you rub one out now."

"Now? Here?"

"Time is running out before the next 30 day lock up begins. I suggest you start tugging."

I pleaded with my wife that I needed more time. "Mrs. Stratton, please. I was so looking forward to being with you. Please. Let me show you how attentive I can be to your needs."

I watched her close her robe and walk out of the room telling me that time was up. I shall have no more of your begging. Lock it up immediately or else you may leave."

I sat in deep thought, caged once more to wait another 30 days. It occurred to me that Linda had planned it to be this way. She had no intentions of granting me access to her pussy and pretended to lose patience with me in order to have me suffer another 30 days.

Hell, I hadn't even had the chance to pee like a man.

My dependance on Linda grew as she lorded her dominance over me. By the time day 45 arrived, I was a mess. I'd have done anything to be freed of the hated Watchful Mistress that confined my cock. But to complain would have been useless. As her denial of any sexual release for me continued, I became more docile, more compliant.

I had no idea that my humiliation had only just begun.

"Byron, get the door please. It's mother. She's coming to sit with you while I run out to do some shopping."

"Wait, like this?" I said looking at my naked pubis and chastity cage.

"Mother already knows about your cage. Now hurry up and let her in. Oh, and get her luggage from the car while you're at it."

Mrs. Vondersnatch, widowed for some 6 years is a stern woman though not without a stunning figure and good looks for a woman in her late 50's. Some of her great looks are genetics. Expensive face lifts and other body enhancements were largely due to her choice of plastic surgeons.

Her smug look at my predicament was to be expected.

"My bags, Byron. Fetch them, will you?"

"Yes ma'am," I said hurrying out to make quick work of this task and thankful that tall hedges prohibited any nosy onlookers from seeing me as I was.

She had three Louis Vuitton suit cases that made me wonder if she was here for more than one night.

"Take them to the spare room Byron. Must I do all the thinking around here?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said to my wife. "I mean yes ma'am; I'll take her bags to the spare room. You don't have to do all the thinking, ma'am."

"Hurry off then. And come back to us."

I found them in the parlor commiserating quietly. I stood until Linda pointed to a spot on the floor for me to sit.

"However does he relieve himself in that contraption?"

"Oh, he sits, just like one of us girls," Linda grinned.

"I'm not a bit surprised. I never expected much from him."

"In two weeks, mother, if Byron has been well behaved, you may at your discretion allow him an hour of freedom from his Watchful Mistress."

"Two weeks? I nearly shouted. "Where are you going? I thought you said you were just going shopping."

"I am going shopping. And I do not appreciate the tone of your voice nor the accusation that I was anything less than truthful."

"I apologize Mrs. Stratton. I did not mean to insinuate that you were untruthful."

"You see what I have to put up with, mother? Byron has been bitchy ever since I put a stop to his chronic masturbation."

"It's like I told you before you married him. Name a son Byron and you may as well dress him in Leotards and leg warmers."

Turning to me, Mrs. Vondersnatch asked me pointedly to what form of nastiness was I abusing myself.

"Please, ma'am, don't make me tell you that. It's very embarrassing."

"But not so embarrassing that you'd forsake your husbandly duties to my daughter. Now you find yourself in what appears to be a suitable confinement. Naked, your privates caged and off-limits, and you're embarrassed to tell us what sort of pornography caused you to neglect your wife while you preferred to masturbate?"

Her words stung and yet I found them arousing. Fortunately, my Watchful Mistress kept the evidence of my arousal hidden. For once I was thankful for the much-hated device.

"Just sex stuff, ma'am. Nothing special."

"Nothing special?" she snorted.

"I have a problem; a problem, ma'am, I'd very much like to sort it out with professionals so I can be cured."

"Seems Linda has found the cure."

Both women laughed at her brusque response.

The two chatted a bit and when Mrs. Vondersnatch asked Linda how long she planned to be in Italy, it caused me to worry.

"A week or two, perhaps a bit longer. It depends on William actually."

"William. Who is this William," I asked myself. Frantically searching my brain, I realized that William is William Maxwell, a wealthy scion of a Hedge Fund CEO.

"But he's only 20," I blurted out without thinking.

Both women looked at me. "Yes, Byron, he's 20. And yes Byron, I'm 35. And yes Byron, I'm almost old enough to be his mother but I'm not."

"But, but, what, I mean, I don't know what I mean. Are you sleeping with him?"

"Now why would that be your business?"

"You are my wife," I reminded her. "Please tell me you aren't having an affair with William."

"Oh, but isn't this what you wanted? How many times have you masturbated reading about married women taking a lover because of her poor performing husband? There it is mother. Byron has been reading stories about cuckolds, stories to which he has neglected me only to masturbate himself."

"Is that right, Byron?" Mrs. Vondersnatch asked.

I hung my head too ashamed to admit the truth.

"It figures," Mrs. Vondersnatch snorted again. "What time is William coming around to get you, Linda?"

"He should be here in an hour or so, mother. I'm already packed."

"I hope you remembered to take along your birth control pills," her mother cackled.

"Hmm. Maybe I should leave them here. What say you, Byron? Should I let young Willaim give us the child you were unable to give us?"

I looked up in total surprise and shock.

"Oh, never mind answering. I want it to be a surprise."

Both women fell into laughter.

Several minutes later the doorbell chimes.

"Get the door. Byron. That must be William now."

"I will not," I said putting my foot down. "This has to end before it begins," I said defiantly.

"Well then, you may pack your bags and leave."

Mrs. Vondersnatch was amused by the back-and-forth Linda and I were having. "I bet I know which of you wins this battle," she said.

Her cackle followed me to the door. William was all smiles seeing me in such a state.

I watched him and Linda hug and he kissed her on her lips. Not long mind you. Not like they were lovers. Perhaps my marriage could be saved after all, I hoped.

"Byron. Stop staring and run and fetch my baggage."

"Is he always naked?" I heard William ask.

"I'll explain it all later dear," I heard Linda tell him. "It will give us something to talk about on the plane."

""Christ, she must have packed for a month," I was thinking as I struggled to tote the two large suit cases and two smaller satchels.

The three watched as I carried my wife's luggage out to William's Mercedes and placed them in the rear seat.

Linda kissed her mother on the cheek. "Take care of Byron, mother but do not take any sass from him."

Turning to me, she wiped the tear that ran down my cheek. "This will be good for both of us Byron. Try not to dwell on what might happen with William and I. Concentrate on pleasing mother." With that, my wife kissed me on my forehead and was off to Europe with William.

I went to my room completely beaten and worried. Yes, my reading habits were as she described. Cuckold stories did fascinate me. I could imagine myself in the role of the cuck, waiting, watching, jacking off to the sight of another man penetrating my wife with a cock larger than my own.

It's a fetish gaining in popularity if what I read about that phenomenon is factual. Still, fantasizing and reality are much different. Faced with the stark reality that I was about to become some character in a porn story filled me with the same angst, the same jealous feelings I read about so many times.

I must have dozed off. Mrs. Vondersnatch knocked on my door. "Byron, have I disturbed you? No matter, join me in the parlor."

Mrs. Vondersnatch pointed to a spot on the floor directly in front of her. "Kneel there, Byron."

I knelt with my hands covering my groin area.

"No need for modesty now. I like seeing you with your privates locked away."

Mrs. Vondersnatch taught me the proper way for one such as I to present himself.

"Knees wide, Byron. Yes, now clasp your hands behind your head, elbows out, mind you. Excellent. See, you can follow directions."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

I watched as she deliberately crossed her legs. I didn't see much, but she purposely allowed the tops of her hose and garter strap holding it up to be visible.

"Oh, I see you like peeping up women's skirts."

"Uh, no. No ma'am. I mean I was, um I....... it was an accident."

"Oh Byron, stop denying what you were doing and what you are. Remove my shoes please and resume your position."

I did as I was told knowing that freeing my cock depended on my good behavior and her kindness.

"As you may well have surmised, things will be different these next several days. I will not tolerate sass or insolence."

"I understand, Mrs. Vondersnatch."

"Then we'll get along famously," she said crossing her other leg.

Once again, she allowed just the top of her hose and garter strap to show along her milky white thigh. I looked up from that sexy sight to see the mischievous look on her face. "Simply famously," she repeated.

"Now Byron, if you can stop peeping up my skirt long enough to concentrate, I would like to hear you tell me some of those nasty stories to which you tossed yourself off."

I had but little choice to do her bidding. From memory, I told her the stories I found most arousing.

My cock was uncomfortably trying in vain to escape the steel that kept it from rising to its full length.

"So, tell me. If you find those stories so arousing, why are you so afraid that Linda and William will carry on like those lovers in your dirty little stories?"

"I don't want to be a cuckold, Mrs. Vondersnatch. Really, I don't. It's fantasy. That's all."

"I'm not convinced, Byron. I think deep inside you there's a pervert who would much prefer to masturbate watching young William make love to your wife. I think you'd enjoy the agony and ecstasy of him making her have multiple orgasms while you wait until you're called upon to clean the evidence of his presence."

"No," I said unconvincingly.

"We shall see then, won't we?"

"I wish she hadn't gone off with him," I said sadly.

Smiling at my discomfort, Mrs. Vondersnatch said, "Wish in one hand and masturbate into the other and see which will be filled first." Then she cackled that annoying laugh.

She insisted I join her on the back patio to enjoy the afternoon sun. After having me fetch her a gin and tonic with a slice of lime, she began her torture again.

"I can see them in the plane. First class seating. My Linda, a glass of champaign in one hand. feeling young William's manhood with the other. I've seen him in the pool, you know. He has a sizable package. Isn't that how you want him to be; larger than you, with the stamina of a young bull?"

"No, ma'am."

"Byron, we will get along better if you stop lying to yourself and to me. Tell the truth. You want so much to watch a man, a real man take your place in your bedroom, in your wife."

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