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CFNM Randy Summers Office Boy

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Lady Boss gives me some DICKtation.
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CFNM Randy Summers Office Boy

As usual my finances were a bit anemic. I was wondering if I needed to be more aggressive in my advertising. The problem is that there aren't a lot of outlets that take ads for my special kind of services, especially ones that women patronize.

I hope that when I graduate with my I.T. degree in hand I will find a steady job that will eliminate the need for my extracurricular activities. These "CFNM" activities were becoming more demanding and a bit more disturbing. What was most disturbing was that I was becoming increasing aroused by more dangerous and kinky situations. Scenes involving bondage and a bit of abuse were an unbelievable turn-on. I was starting to question my limits. How far would I go to make some cash?

Just as I was beginning to despair that I would come up with a solution to my present financial situation, a lady film executive that had attended the infamous COCKtail party called. She mentioned that she had gotten my number from the business cards I handed out at the party.

She had been putting in a lot of overtime on a TV show she was involved in producing and needed to let off some steam playing some mind games with an 'employee'. She also mentioned that she worked with a basically all-female staff. Since I didn't really work for the studio, and I was a guy, she could engage in some slightly 'inappropriate behavior' without fear of repercussions from the HR department.

I told her that I had taken a few drama courses and would do my best to 'act the part'.

She was going into her office on a Sunday...she told me that no one else was likely to be around, and wanted me to play out a fantasy for her. With the state of my finances did I really have a choice? Remembering how crazy the COCKtail party had gotten, I resigned myself to 'go with the flow'. I didn't think anything could be too dangerous in an office situation.

She hoped that I could look like a nerd. I found some older slacks and a shirt and tie that didn't fit particularly well and that I didn't care about much. The pants especially fit very badly. The seams looked very worn and weak, and the legs were several inches too short. The area around the fly was loose enough, but the seat was very snug. I hoped the seam along the ass would hold.

Well, she did ask if I could look as "geeky" as possible. I happen to have an old pair of horn-rimmed glasses without lenses. I figured I could use product and slick my hair really flat. With argyle socks and scuffed loafers I looked pretty pathetic. I tried to wear some tightie-whities, but the pants fit so weirdly I just wasn't comfortable so I opted to go commando.

I drove to the address she had given me and was very impressed to find myself on one of the major movie studio lots. My name was on the list so the guard let me through and gave me directions to her office.

I came into her office pretending to be the 'temp' the employment agency had sent to help her for the day as she had requested. She eyed me up and down. I thought I caught the hint of a smile. I looked like a charity case.

"Yes, I've been expecting you. It's Randy, isn't it? I'm Ms. Mayer. Several of my girls have been on vacation and quite a bit of filing and organizing has piled up. During the week when so much is happening it's almost impossible to stay on top of these things. Let's get to work."

For a while, I did just that. Helping sort thru some mail and help with some filing. It all seemed harmless enough. She was obviously taking this scene very seriously.

She was wearing a grey pencil skirt, black hose and pumps and a white silk blouse that was thin enough for me to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her dark hair was tightly pulled back. The sight of her beautiful figure and what looked like luscious breasts had my dick feeling very un-nerd-like. I could feel the blood starting to flow lengthening and thickening my cock.

She gave me a stack of 8x10 glossies to sort thru by age, sex, type etc. I was very surprised to find that many of the photos were nudes, both male and female. Some of the photos were very artistic; others looked as though they had been taken out of porno magazines. While I sorted, she began circling me; leaning over to give a suggestion on sorting...allowing her hands and breasts to brush against me now and again. Feeling her body against me was quite a turn-on. I had to keep reminding myself that I was supposed to be a nerd.

"Randy, you seem a bit nervous. I hope you are not uncomfortable with some of these photos. We often need body doubles for nude long shots and sex scenes. Nowadays we often need to have photos of women's breasts or men's penises so the director can choose. I think it's only fair that sometimes men are required to be nude. Women have been made to do it for years. I'd hate to think that you weren't up to the task."

"No, ma'am I was just a little surprised. I mean this is a real movie studio, not a porn company. Some of these pictures are pretty explicit."

"This is all completely professional. I wouldn't want you to think that I was deliberately showing you pictures of breasts and vaginas and cocks and asses. The legend of the casting couch is just that, a legend. Such things don't happen in my office."

As she spoke she casually opened a button on her blouse, exposing a bit of cleavage.

I felt my cock snaking along my pant leg...and without anything under my slacks; it was pretty obvious that I was getting an erection.

Instinctively I tried to cover myself, and suggested that perhaps it was time for a coffee break. She gave me money and pointed me in the direction of the break room where there was a coffee machine.

I came back with the coffee, but didn't have much time to drink it...she had me moving file boxes and putting them into organized stacks.

I sat down again and started working on photo sorting, and she sat right next to me. I could smell her perfume, and she had unbuttoned another button on her blouse. Her breasts were round and firm. I was really having trouble trying to play my part. I wanted to kiss and lick them. I felt my cock growing to full hardness. I was so distracted by her as I was drinking my coffee that I spilled most of it on my shirt. Luckily it was no longer hot.

"Oh honestly Randy, can't you be more careful? You might have ruined some photos."

She grabbed me by my shirt front and pulled me to my feet.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous. You can't work like that. Give it to me."

I attempted to protest but Ms. Mayer quickly unbuttoned and removed my shirt. She made no effort to remove my necktie though.

"Go rinse it in the restroom there. There is a small shower and you can hang it over the rod until it dries."

I returned and found her standing there, arms akimbo; a stance that pushed breasts together really displaying her cleavage..

"Forgive me for saying this, but for such a bookish looking boy, you have a surprising well built body. I only mention it because, after all, I do work in casting and my job is to notice actor's appearance. I hope that my remarking on your body doesn't make you uncomfortable."

I tried to cover my chest with my arms.

"Umm, I guess I never really thought about it."

"Well, you'll just have to work like that until your shirt is dry."

I went back to filing and sorting. It seemed as though an awful lot of materials required putting away in the very bottom drawers of cabinets. I found myself almost unconsciously doing deep squats when reaching the bottom drawers. Just as I was thinking that kneeling down would be a better idea given the tight seat of my pants I heard and felt the seam at the ass 'r...i...p!

My look of surprise was genuine. I really hadn't expected that to happen. Ms. Mayer was on me like a shot!

"What the hell happened?"

I found myself babbling and tried to close the rip with one hand.

"Turn around and show me!"

"Ms. Mayer...I'm so, so sorry I..."

"Be quiet!"

She grabbed the open tear and slapped me on my naked ass.

"Seriously, Randy, you have the nerve to show up to work without any underwear?"

I grabbed a file folder to cover my exposed ass. I tried to think fast.

"Yes, Ms. I just started at the temp agency and I really needed this job...but I almost overslept...I was in such a hurry to get here on time that I forgot to put on underwear."

"Did you deliberately spill coffee on yourself so that you would need to take off your shirt and wear pants that would rip open? Were you planning to display yourself to me? Were you trying to get a part in a movie? I have half a mind to call the temp agency and report your outlandish behavior!"

"Oh please, please don't! I really need this money!"

My balls had fallen out the ripped area of my slacks. I stood there, trying to cover my crotch."

"Well, if displaying yourself to me was your plan, than that is just what you are going to do. Take off those ridiculous pants and get back to work!"

I did as I was told. I felt her eyes on me. I stood there wearing my necktie, glasses, socks and loafers. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. She seemed to be enjoying the view.

"But Ms. Mayer, I'm naked...I can't work like this!"

"That was your choice, now deal with it! You say you just started at the temp agency."

"Yes Ms. Mayer, it's my first job".

"I'm tempted to have you to lose your job over such stupidity. I hope you have the mental fortitude to remember to wear underwear on your next job. You'll just have to cope. I don't have time to get another temp on a Sunday. I suppose I could call them and tell them you didn't work out. Of course I could tell them the truth that you are clumsy and spilled coffee all over yourself ripped your pants and were too stupid to wear underwear and had to leave the job."

"No, Ms. Mayer, please...I really, really need this job. I'll do anything, anything you want."

"Well, I suppose I'll deal with it. I can't bear a hard luck story. And it isn't as though I've never seen a naked body in my office. But you must do exactly as I say with no questions or protests."

I did as I was told. Even though I knew that I was 'acting' I truthfully felt embarrassed in nothing but a tie, shoes and socks and geek glasses. This was a real movie studio! Movie stars have been in this very office and I'm standing here balls naked!

She had me do more filing (didn't anyone who really works there file anything all week?) but it seemed always to be something in a very low or very top drawer that had me bending and stretching. I was starting to get a bit sweaty as well, I wondered if she had turned up the heat in the office.

I could feel her gaze on my ass and crotch...and I felt my cock jump. Looking at those naked photos had me wondering what her nipples looked like under her blouse. I could feel the flow of blood pulsing in my cock. My balls felt heavier.

As I started to stand up after filing yet another file in a bottom drawer, she came up behind me and pulled me close. She reached around in front of me and grabbed my necktie and whispered, "You realize what a dangerous situation this is don't you?"

"I'm not sure I understand Ms. Mayer".

"You're standing there quite naked, and if I'm not mistaken, sexually aroused".

"But Ma'am, that was an accident as you know...and I'm a young guy. I, uh, get hard easily".

"Are you sure, Randy? Are you sure that this wasn't all some clever trick to get naked in front of me? I'm beginning to think you wanted to seduce me into having sex with you. Is that what you think? That women should look at you and lust after you? That's sexual harassment and you should be punished for that".

She had turned me around so that we were face to face. My cock was fully hard and sticking straight out in front of me. I felt it poking against her skirt.

"Oh no, Ms. Mayer I would never..."

"Oh, I'm sure...you're too much of a geek to think of it, and besides, who would believe you? You are the one standing around naked. People would think that perhaps you were trying to get me to cast you in a movie. However, I have a long standing reputation in this business for complete professionalism with employees and actors".

As she said 'complete professionalism' she was running her hands along my butt and thighs, and my cock was at full attention. A jewel of pre-cum was forming at the tip.

"I would never say anything Ms. Mayer. I'm too embarrassed. As you said, who would believe me?"

"Exactly, no one would believe you, but they would believe me."

"Please Ms, Mayer, don't tell anyone. I need this job so badly. Please, I'll do anything..."

"That's the attitude I like to hear. If you do as I say I promise to give a stellar report on your work to the temp agency. You look so pathetic; I can't bear the thought of causing you to lose your job. Now that I look at you in your condition I may even know some other executives who would appreciate your...skills."

As she said 'skills', she was staring right at my throbbing hard-on. I swear that her nipples were hard and pushing against her thin blouse. I could feel more pre-cum starting to drool out my piss slit.

"If you follow instructions...I will get you some lucrative referrals. Yes, yes I do know some female executives who might have use for such a nasty, horny boy."

I hung my head. "Yes, Ms. Mayer, whatever you say."

"Good...I need you to take some things to a storage room in another part of the building."

"But Ms. Mayer, how can I, like THIS? What if someone sees me?"

"That is not my problem. Besides I'll have to go with you, you'll never find it on your own. Now hold out your arms, I need you to carry some things."

She handed me a cardboard file box (didn't feel as though there was much in it) and a few files, and another storage box...before I knew, I was carrying a pile of boxes up to the top of my head. Nothing was heavy at all...but I couldn't see in front of me.

"Be sure not to drop anything...I can't have these files spill out and get out of order. Oh, I almost forgot something...the files and the store room are confidential. Only employees of the studio are allowed to know the location. I can't let you see the location. I suppose I'll have to use my pull with security to erase the security camera footage from today. I don't need to explain a naked man wandering the halls. Ah, I have an idea."

Security cameras! What the fuck? Cripes! Were there other people in the building? Was I being observed? The thought of unseen voyeurs was making my cock throb.

And with that, she reached around my neck, undid my necktie and used it to blindfold me after removing my glasses.

"But Ms. Mayer...how can I find the storage room? I can't see!"

"I'll have to guide you."

She reached down and took a firm hold of my cock and balls and began leading me like a human pull toy.

She led me out of her office and down the hall. We stopped at what I assumed were elevators. She never released her grip on my privates. Being in this situation was both scary and arousing. My cock was leaking pre-cum like crazy.

I was right...we were at the elevators...she guided me in and I heard the doors close.

I don't know if we went up or down. The elevator stopped and she led me out and down what seemed like a long corridor. Then it felt as though we were in a much larger space...a lobby of some sort? I know it was a Sunday...but surely there were other people in the building. I badly needed the money, but I was wondering what I had gotten into yet again. And I was sure that I heard muffled giggles or whispers. It was hard to tell, and I was concentrating on trying to walk blindfolded.

"Ms. Mayer, is it much farther? My arms are getting a bit tired...and it's hard to walk blindfolded carrying these boxes."

"Nonsense Randy...your arms seem fine to me." As she spoke she released my cock and squeezed my bicep. "In fact you have a surprisingly good body for someone who came in looking like such a geek. Just perform your task well, and I know I can get you some good referrals. You did say that you were in need of money. Now let's have no more whining". At that she smacked me on the ass.

I jumped, but tried not to drop any of the file boxes.

"Yes Ms. Mayer"

She put her hand back on my cock to pull me along again...but her hand felt different! Was it someone else? Either way, it felt like there was lube on the hand that gripped my cock...as I was being pulled along I was also being stroked. And I felt as though I were being watched, and by more than one person. The sensation was mind blowing.

I tried to listen for extra footsteps, but couldn't be sure as the floor was carpeted. I did hear what sounded like automatic doors opening...and a gust of air...was I being led outside?

Her steps echoed a bit...and I'm sure I heard cars moving in the distance. Had I been led to a parking garage? This was getting kinky...even compared to what I had been through recently. But I didn't dare ask. If she had referrals for my services, I needed them.

What with being hard for a while...and being gripped and stroked, I was starting to get close to cumming. As she pulled me thru what I'm sure was the parking garage, a finger slid along my piss slit...rubbing the pre-cum around on my cockhead a bit. If it was Ms. Mayer playing with my cock, she said nothing.

It felt like she led me indoors again and we stopped at what I hoped was the storage room.

"Here we are...I just need to disarm the alarm."

She pulled me in to the room and started taking the files and boxes out of my hands. My arms were aching a bit so I was glad to be rid of that burden.

"You've been doing very well. I like someone who doesn't question instructions and follows orders." As she spoke her hand released my cock and drifted around my chest and arms. "We are almost done...you must remain blindfolded until we get back to my office. This is a restricted area of the building."

"Yes Ms. Mayer I understand"

I would swear that there was more than one person in the room, perhaps several. Someone grabbed my privates again...I was really dripping pre-cum by now...and whoever seemed to have lubed up her hand again...it felt so slippery and hot. I was so turned on by this time I didn't care about anything except blowing my load. My balls were aching. I was really starting to need release.

She led me down another hallway to what seemed like elevators again. Only when we stepped into the elevator it felt very different. I could feel the warmth of sunlight on my body. Cripes! Did she have me in one of those glass elevators that I had seen when I came up to the building? The piped in music was incredibly loud.

She turned me around and placed my hands on what seemed like a railing. I felt the elevator start to move. She started jacking my cock in earnest now. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Did I imagine someone else getting on? Did it sound like more than one person? I was too turned on to know or care. The elevator door must have closed, but I didn't feel the elevator moving. Were we stopped at a floor? I had no way of knowing. We could have been at the top of the building or at the ground floor.

I started to look around. "Randy, I must insist that you don't move. Keep your hands on the railing and your eyes front." She had blindfolded me well, I couldn't see anything.

I felt the elevator move.

A hand returned to my throbbing shaft and started stroking again. I felt another hand caressing my shoulders. Were they both right hands? I tried to concentrate and see if I could recognize the feel of thumbs or something. That hand disappeared, but returned to feel my chest and tweak my nipples. Or was it a different hand? That stopped but then I felt a hand kneading my ass and pulling on my balls. It felt like a different hand yet again! I'd swear it sounded like several people were in that elevator, coming close to me and but the damn piped in music was too loud for me to really tell.


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