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Ch. 09 - Some Days One Wonders

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His wife is a sexual animal, and he benefits.
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Tony asked "What would you like for breakfast?"

Katie smiled "I think what I would like is whatever you make. We've been married for so long and there are times that you surprised me with what you make. But most of the time I can say that I've seen that before, and I know that it tastes good."

Tony looked at her for a few moments "I believe that you are trying to tell me something... something more than what to make you for breakfast." After that was said, he started to make pancakes and eggs. As he got things out, he asked "Do we have any bacon or sausage?"

His wife surprised him "Well, we so rarely eat sausage that I don't buy it often. But I agree sausage is a tasty treat to have with breakfast." As the word sausage was said they both looked at each other and a smile crossed her face, he saw it and he had to smile as well.

He smiled at her "Baby, we will talk about a lot of things today. However, first we need to have breakfast as a family."

Katie stared at her husband and realized that they did need to talk. As her mind focused on what happened this morning. There was only one person that was not up to speed on the ramifications, from the early morning shenanigans... that was Jim. She walked over and touched her husband's arm "I need to inform your son that the so called 'Cat' is out of the bag. For your information he would die if the topic came up at the table this morning. I would like your permission to go break the news to him."

Tony looked at her and asked "Will you be long?"

Katie looked up into his eyes and replied "No. I will just tell him. Then maybe help calm him if necessary, so that he can eat with us. But I will not... well I won't"

Her husband didn't break eye contact with her. Nodding he said "Ok, I get what you are saying. Please don't be too long. Before you go to Jim's room let Kelly know that I want her down here... Ok?"

Katie stepped closer and hugged him. He rested his chin on the top of her head and then kissed her forehead.

She turned and walked up the stairs.

A few minutes later Kelly walked up to her daddy and hugged him "Hi dad. Let me say. I'm not sorry for what we did this morning and I love you." She looked up at him and asked "Do you need help with making breakfast?"

Her dad smiled "Sure, I can always use your help!"

She saw they were enjoying each other's company, as Katie walks up. It was obvious that there was now a stronger connection between her daughter and husband.

That fact stuck in her head for a while, and she realized that fact meant so many things. One was her statement to Kelly, weeks ago, about her sex life sucking, which was becoming less important as the days passed by. It didn't mean that statement was not true, when it was told, but now it had morphed into much more. Now the question to herself was... how much had it morphed?

Jim walked down to the kitchen and saw all the activity, and it smelled good. His sister was working with his dad. Looks like they are about finished, he thought. His mother was at the kitchen counter watching the other two. He sat next to her. He remembers what she told him a few minutes ago.

Kelly was getting things onto plates, she saw her brother and hands him one "Hey, can you put this on the table please? And here mom, this one is for you."

Jim reached out and replies "Sure I can." He and his mother walk to the table.

Soon they are all at the table eating and talking. However, none of the talk is on things that took place a couple of hours ago.

Jim knows that things happened this morning that surprised him. He glances at his dad and then his sister; then over at this mom. His mother is not as loose and at ease as the other two seem to be. She is talking, but it appears that she is not as comfortable, as the other two are.

Well, Jim now realized that he doesn't feel too bad about all the things that have happened. He was a little shook up at first, a few minutes ago. When his mother held him and told him that things will not change between her and him. The 'not change' is a strong phrase, he now thinks. He knows that things will change, how could they not. His dad was not some wimp or push over; and he didn't want his dad to be a person like that. His dad was someone that he looks up to. What his dad thinks will always be important.

After the late breakfast the kids watch as their parents walk out to the patio together. Kelly looks at Jim "Can you help me clean up?"

Jim looks at her and he shakes his head "I guess that I never thought that you and dad would..." He picks up some plates and walks into the kitchen.

As he gets them ready for the dishwasher, she steps next to him and asks "Oh brother of mine... my younger brother... why would you be surprised. Were you surprised when I pulled you up into your room a few months ago and fucked you?"

His head snaps to look at her. His mouth opens but it takes a few moments for his thoughts to fall out "I didn't expect you to do what you did... I mean I couldn't believe that you would do something like you did with someone like me."

Kelly's looks soften and she says "I was curious about how... how you could have such a big cock. I was hooked when you put that lovely hunk of man meat in me. So don't be surprised at that part. The part that made the event so great was that you didn't use your tool to think with."

Jim thought about what she said. Then asks "I'm a little unclear on the 'think with' statement?"

Kelly strokes his face "Honey, you listened to me as I taught you how best to use your cock to pleasure a woman. Some guys don't seem to care about learning that fact."

His sister continues "Dear brother, you have got mom so turn on for you, I'm not sure she could stop fucking you, even if daddy tells her to stop." She watched him and his face expressed dread and uneasiness. She said "Its not going to stop though."

His eyes looked into hers "Sis... how do you know that it won't stop... I can't stop! I love having sex with her. I can't tell you how much I love watching her cum!" He realized that he may have hurt her feeling "I mean it's different than it is with you. You are my sister... I can't think of a better teacher and sex buddy than you!"

Kelly saw that her brother was anxious about losing his favorite lover "Jim, I will bet that you and mom will continue to have all the sex you two want. How do I know that... I know that daddy really loves making love to me, and he loves mom... a lot."

Jim still can't believe that she said that but it didn't matter to him, if he can still have his 'perfect girl' to play with. He asks "Do you like doing it with dad?" As he said that he saw her expression change dramatically.

His sister smiled "Oh yes... I love it!" She looks at him and sees that he still can't add things up. Giggling "Oh brother... you are not the only one that has such an infatuation for someone."

Jim guesses that she does love his dad. But he has a hard time believing that anyone can be so taken by some, like he was with his mom.

Kelly took a deep breath and paused then let it out "Jim one thing that you are missing is this... Daddy loves mom more that you ever will." She let that sink in for a moment. Smiling "Daddy will allow his wife, your mother, your lover, to enjoy having sex with you. Do you know why?"

Jim shook his head "He doesn't love her more than I do. So why do you know that he will allow us to have sex?"

Kelly got serious "Daddy will allow it because he loves her enough to know that her happiness is more important than his ownership of her. He will give her to you... for a while. But as you get older you will find others to fill that void that you think she left inside you." She watched his brain pull all that in. Then she said "You give her something that she so needs right now. But as time passes you both will come to realize that, what happened, will end in time."

Jim was almost over loaded with things to think about now. He nodded and said "Well I don't understand all that you said but I will think about it. I know that you didn't steer me wrong about how a woman likes to have sex. So, I'm guessing that your not wrong about all that you just said. I just love having sex with her."

Outside the conversation was on the same topic.

Once they both sat down, she looked at her husband. He was a little hard to read this morning. She thought that Tony would be upset or something! But he didn't get mad or give her the silent treatment. She pulled her chair close to him.

They sat in the morning sun and watched the breeze make patterns in the pool. She reached to hold his hand. He encircled it with his.

Tony turned and asked "Can you explain to me again how all of this started?"

Katie was anxious and thought that she had explained it in bed earlier in a way that she could get away with cheating on him. But now it seems like he will see, that she had played him for a few days.

Taking a deep breath "I told you that I found Jim and Kelly having sex, when we were in bed this morning. Well, it happened on the day that I had to come home early because of a cooling problem at work. I walked into the house and heard sex sounds."

She started to giggle a little and he asked "Was it funny seeing them?"

Trying to get control she said "No. No. You may not think that it's funny but I thought for a second that you had someone in our bed!" At the she couldn't stop from laughing.

He didn't know what to think "It's funny that I would have someone in our bed?"

Katie was still trying to get herself under control as she said 'NO! I thought that for a second, then I considered the fact that you just didn't think about sex much. Thinking how crazy it was for me to even image that... that you would have someone in our bed. It made me snicker that day!"

Tony took it all in and started to smile "So your husband is no wandering stud that picks up strange pussy to take back home... right!"

Katie wanted to not laugh at what he just said but she failed big time! She put her hands up to her face to try to hide but it didn't work. She saw that he was now laughing with her now.

It took a few minutes for them both to get back to normal. He finally nodded for her to continue.

She said "Ok... Seriously..." She took a few deep breaths then said "I walked up to where the noise was coming from. It was from Jim's room and his door was open. I backed into our room and watched from there. I was beyond surprised that Jim and Kelly were having sex. But I didn't stop it. Then I heard a short conversation that changed me."

Tony was building a picture in his head. Griping her hand he said "Go on. What could you hear that would change you?"

Katie looked into his eyes "Your son told Kelly that I was his 'perfect girl.' Well to be fair there was more conversation said than that, but that's what got to me! And then I saw his... well I saw his cock... I was very surprised."

Tony nodded and told her to continue.

His wife said "I was able to talk to Kelly about it, just after they finished, that day. Then I sort of tested Jim to see if there was truth to what I heard."

Tony looked puzzled "You tested him?"

Katie said "I put on the 'slut suit' and went out to where they were by the pool. Once I stepped out the door I saw Jim in the pool. He looked shocked and frozen both at the same time when he saw me. I went and laid by Kelly. I teased him for a while. Then I told Kelly to go take care of him, and I left the house, to shop."

Her husband couldn't believe all of this "I can't believe that you would wear that suit for Jim before you would for me!"

Katie saw the hurt in his face; but then went after him "I know. But is the suit the only thing that is your focus? What about all that I just spoke about? I mean... really... your children were home having sex and I found them! And your son thinks that I'm his PERFECT GIRL!!!"

Tony started to refocus "I get it. Yes, the suit is not the main topic, I understand that. But you have to see it from my point of view. That suit is so sexy on you. You can give a dead man a hard on when you wear it."

Katie said softly "Honey, I wore it for you a few nights ago and I didn't get any reaction."

Tony looked out across the pool and thought... is she right... she wouldn't say that without being correct. Then it hit him. He looked at her "You are right. But let's be fair, that was after I had sex with... with... Kelly." He waited "I was feeling guilty that night. Plus, you walked off to have sex with Jim the night before. I was messed up."

Katie knew that was all correct "I will not disagree with you on any thing that you just said. But I should tell you more. This part is hard for me. Well maybe not hard in a way because I justified it."

Tony looked at her for a while and then said "Ok, let me have it."

She squeezed his hand "Do you remember that I sort of talked you into... well sort of forced you... to get me a lover?"

Tony nodded.

She continued "I took Jim to bed the next day after I saw them having sex. I didn't get your permission for a few days after that."

Tony sat back and had a concerned look "So you fucked him days before I told you that it was ok? Is that what happened?"

Katie knew that here was the breaking point if there was going to be one. Thinking quickly "Stop for a moment honey. Remember that we laughed about you taking some strange pussy to our bed. Well, the reason that it was funny to think about is that we had sex maybe once a month. I was near the end of my... well I guess... I was at the end of my sexual rope. I know that its an odd way to look at it, but all of it came about at a perfect time for me."

Tony softens a little but he was still upset "I believe that I get that, but it's still cheating on me."

Katie tried to swing for the fences "Honey, your wife became a cheating sexual animal for your son, before you gave her permission, that's correct. I was fascinated by our son's big cock. Once I got a taste for it, I couldn't stop. I played you for a few days. Behind your back I fucked a stud. You saw how much I changed from the first day that he stuck his large man meat in me." She waited to see if he was going to pick her up and toss her into the pool or worst. He didn't move. On she went "My husband fucked his wife with his sons cum dripping from my cunt lips on the fateful movie night, the night your daughter felt your cock down stairs on the couch. I was a bad mother and wife."

Tony had a far away look on his face.

She now needed to drive home maybe a good point "Baby, we did have anal sex that was awesome." She waited a few moments "You and I have had more sex in the last few weeks than we've had in the last few months. It's been very different sex I'll admit, but good sex." Now she wanted to finish with this. In a low voice "Sweetheart, don't forget that you had sex with your daughter and then one of her friends."

After she said the last part Tony refocused as he turned toward her. He said "Honey yes, I had sex with two young hot vixens, that's true." He wanted to continue but he couldn't form a clear thought. All that he had was this "Katie my love, what do we do now?"

Katie smiled "I don't want to stop having sex with our son, I simply can't get enough of what he has. Also, I think that he would be crushed if we stopped now anyway. I know that we will stop someday, I'm not sure when." She paused then "I know that Kelly loves to have her Daddy as her lover. I know that you love it as well."

One item Katie wanted to get into the open was this "Baby, stop for a moment and think about how we have been... well physically with each other in bed for that last few years. It's been more of a task than a pleasure to have sex." She studied his face and continued "However, you don't have any problem preforming with Kelly or Barbara." She saw that he started to understand a little more "I know that we made fun of the idea, of you and some strange pussy... but that's exactly what turns you on. You had sex twice in a short time frame with Barbara. Plus, your daughter thinks that you do just fine when you make love to her."

Now she had to finish with this "I think that you and I have been doing the same thing for so long that we don't have the passion for it, like when we were younger. This adventure helps us both. I don't think that you can preform like your son, simply because it's new and exciting for him. He acts so much like you did when you were young and full of cum as you commented days ago. But when you get close to those hot young ladies like Kelly and her friends... you change."

After a time, Tony leaned forward toward her "I know that I want you to be happy, and this makes you happy. I don't think that it's going to mess up Jim, he's a horny boy/man that has found someone that is perfect for him. And as for Kelly well I just didn't expect that."

Katie added "Don't forget Barbara. For that matter some of Kelly's friends seem to have the hots for you as well."

Tony asked "Will there be others besides Jim?"

Katie smiled "Right now I can say no. I can't get enough of him and he surely can't get enough of me. Remember that I have two studs now. But your son is stud-1 baby. He is young and I seem to keep him happy, but I get a work out! However, I know that your stud-2." But she wanted to add this "You should also know that your son's friends think that I'm a MILF."

Tony had seen Jim's friends look at his wife with more than a passing glance. However, he couldn't figure out what a MILF was. He asked "What is a MILF?"

Katie giggled "It stands for... I'm not sure if I fit the description but get this. It means 'Mother I'd Like to Fuck'."

Tony started to be shocked but it turned into a laugh. As he was able to slow his chucking he said "We... hot stuff... I do believe that you fit that description."

After a few moments Tony said "I guess now we need to work out how we can interact with each other. It will take a few days for things to find some equilibrium."

Katie offered "Why don't we try this. Remember at dinner when I had on those sexy clothes a few nights ago? Then Kelly came home and put on an outfit like mine? Well Kelly and I both saw how you and Jim couldn't stop looking at us, like Kelly and I were the first stripper's you guys ever saw?" She waited for that to sink in.

Then added "If you guys will let the females handle the logistics of when and where, I think that we can add some spice to our family life here at home."

Tony had a concerned look and said "I'm not sure if I could watch you and Jim together."

Katie smiled "Baby, if you watched a little you would see a whole different sexual person that your wife has become. But I get what you say. I will not push you to do something that you don't want to do." She remembers what she told Jim this morning. She added "Sweetheart, I sort of made a promise to your son. I was under a sexual haze when I said it, but I said that I would let him see me... well like... a little topless."

Tony looked at her with big eyes. In a whisper "How... how can you be a little topless? You mean topless when I'm not here or topless when I'm around?"

Katie liked how he acted. With a sexy expression "Oh honey, I might be topless a lot from now on." Waiting for a few seconds then added "Kelly might be as well... you never know."

Tony just sat still for a while. Then he leaned back and looked out over the pool. He turned to her and said "Well do what you do. I don't believe that I could stop you now... now that I've heard you talk and describe it all, as you did to me today." He paused, then asked "Please don't kill me with what you do ok? I could have a heart attack watching you. You seem to be part hot wife, slut and angel; all in one beautiful package."

Katie reached over and touched his face "Oh stud... I think that I'm just beginning to get things started!" She looked at him with sex written all across her expression. Then added "I'm going to get you so wound up... that you will not know up from down."

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