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Change For The Better

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Prudish wife livens up her sex life.
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Janice and I have been married for nearly four years now, we were together for two years before that. I must admit, I did have my doubts about the relationship when we first got together. I for one had a high sex drive and a highly sexual imagination to go with it; I always wanted to try different things, always fantasizing. As for Janice, well! She was very reserved, reluctant to take the bull by the horns when it came to suggesting or initiating new ways to enhance our sex life, at most Janice was more than satisfied to lay back and take it as it comes, no pun intended!

What attracted me to Janice then, you may be asking? Well! Let's just say if you can see Janice in person you would understand.

Just picture a tall Anglo-Indian woman, with beautiful olive skin, big piercing brown eyes, the long black hair cascading down her back ending just above her rounded peach like buttocks. At 31 her body was in excellent shape and she had the curves in all the right places. Me! Well for starters my name is Gavin, I'm a little shorter that Janice, 5' 4 to be precise. I've been shaving my head now for about 5 years; I'm of European decent and arrived in Australia when I was 5. I don't work out as much as I should but I'm still well toned for my age "34"

Like I said earlier, Janice was always reserved when it came to sex. But in the last few months things have began to change dramatically, no complaints here though! The first shock came about six months ago; Janice came home from work from an accounting firm all smiles and suggested that was go out for dinner rather than sit at home on a Friday night eating take away as usual. Although I was a little tired from my own job I readily agreed, as we hadn't been out for dinner in a long time. Half an hour later I was showered and ready for our night out, Janice on the other hand was still putting the finishing touches to her makeup and was yet to choose a dress for the evening. To my surprise it was worth the wait, Janice strutted into the lounge room dressed in a new summer outfit she had purchased without my knowledge. My mouth gapped open as I ogled her standing there in a body hugging black dress that stopped just above her knees. The top half left nothing to the imagination, her dark erect nipples poking through the thin material made it very obvious that there were no bra holding up those ample breasts. I could feel my cock begin to stir as I leered at the brown circles peering through the flimsy material.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Are you complaining, would you like me to go and change into something else?" She sarcastically replied, as she stood in the doorway in a seductive pose.

"Umm! No! No! You look great; I'm just a little shocked that's all. It's just that you never dress like this when we go out".

"There's a first time for everything, and this is just the beginning". She responded before grabbing her handbag and made her way to the front door. I could only sit and ponder what she had meant by that last remark for a few seconds before following her out the door.

We chose a quite French restaurant in town, the food was nice, the wine even better. It wasn't easy sitting there constantly gazing at her erect nipples though, the sly smirk on her face told me she knew exactly the effect it was having on me. I'm sure the waiter approved also, the service we received that night was nothing more that perfection, I lost count the amount of times he came over to ensure we were enjoying our meal. If he had stopped constantly interrupting us we would have enjoyed it much more.

After the lovely dinner and almost two bottles of wine between us, it was time to head home and put my stiff manhood to good use, so I thought. Janice on the other hand had other ideas; She wanted to go late night window-shopping. Little did I know that the second shock of the day would be just around the corner. We walked hand in hand down the City Street gazing into the shop windows at the merchandises that we would never buy. We turned into a small lane-way lined with little shops, mostly old second hand clothe stores and few dingy little cafes with people sitting out on small rounded tables sipping coffee. Just at the end of the lane-way was a well-lit shop, as we got closer we realized it was an adult bookstore. Knowing that Janice would never be interested in anything inside a store like this I just kept on walking without a thought.

I felt a sudden tug on my arm. To my utter amazement Janice stopped abruptly to gaze at the mannequins in the store window, some dressed in sexy lingerie some in latex outfits or provocative dress wear.

"See anything you like babe?" I asked waiting for a smart remark.

"No! Not really, let's go inside and see what else they have" She replied as she swung open the door and pulled me by the arm into the store, the sound of the door chime alerting the shop keeper of another interested or more to the point another curious customer. This is getting to weird I thought as flashes of the Twilight Zone kept popping into my head. This was not the Janice that I married, definitely not the Janice that I know and love dearly.

At the counter was a balding middle-aged man, maybe mid 50's early 60's. He had an olive complexion that looked more like a fake tan gone wrong, the moustache and loud shirt with the first three buttons undone made him resemble an aging out of work porn star. His eyes followed our every move as we made our way towards the magazine racks.

"So! This is what the inside of an adult bookshop looks like? I always pictured that it would be filled with old men in long overcoats hiding in dark corners flicking through the dirty mag's" Janice remarked.

We were the only customers in the store; I'm not sure how she would have reacted if there had been other customers in here. Janice seamed very at ease with her surroundings, especially for someone that has never ventured into a store such as this before, or had she!

"That is just a typical stereo typical presumption, that's only portrayed in the movies. You never see old men in overcoats in adult stores, unless it's a business man coming straight from work" I said, adding my thoughts to her little sarcastic outburst.

"And how would you know?" She snapped back as she stood in the isle with hands on hips.

"You visit these places often do you?"

"Umm! Umm! Nooo! Well ok! Maybe a few times, but I don't make a habit of it" I stuttered. At that moment I was praying a gaping black hole would appear and swallow me up, no luck though.

"I just come in to browse; I've never bought anything though. Oh! Except for that string bikini I gave you about a year ago that you never wore".

"Oh! The one you said was purchased from a lingerie store you JUST happened to be passing and thought of me?"

Before I could reply Janice spun around and headed to the adult toy section at the rear of the shop. I glanced behind me to see the over aged porn star gazing at me with smug grin as if to say "You idiot! You've just been caught out buster". I smiled back and gingerly made my way towards Janice.

"It's ok honey! I don't mind you going to adult stores, as long as you don't wear long over coats and stand in dark corners. I wish you had told me earlier though, I can't believe the stuff they have in here" She said as she held up a large black cock to examine the packaging.

"Ok! Come clean Janice. What's going on? You have never shown any interest in this kind of stuff," I snapped back as I gently spun her around by the shoulders.

She placed the packaged black cock back on the rack and looked into my eyes.

"Yes your right. I wasn't and I know you have always wanted me to be more adventurous when it came to sex, but it's only recently that I've realised what I have been missing out on".

"And what has suddenly changed your mind?" I asked.

"I know this isn't the right time nor the right place to tell you" she replied looking over my shoulders to see if anyone was looking or listening. The man at the counter was to busy with a magazine to take any notice of us. Janice took me by the hand and led me to a partially secluded area of the store. She quickly peeked over the magazine rack before continuing with her explanation.

"Well! I have this friend at work, she only started about six months ago but we have become close and we confide in each other on a lot of things. Her name is Dianne".

"Yes go on"

"Dianne is very, how do you say... Um! Very open about her and her husbands sex life. She tells me about the things they get up to in bed, mostly out of the bed actually. At first I used to feel awkward when she used to joke or tell me little bits here and there, but then I found that I wanted to hear more and more. I became very intrigued about the things they do together, and how fun and enjoyable their sex life was. And it made me think more and more about us, about our sex life".

At this point I was feeling a little confused and excited at the same time. "What do they get up to that you found so exciting, what do they do that we don't?"

"I tell you what honey, lets wait till we get home and I'll tell you every thing, but for now lets just enjoy this moment together. I promise you, you will not be disappointed".

I looked into her eyes for a moment before leaning over and kissing her sweet lips, Janice wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer pushing her tongue between my lips into my mouth. She let out a soft moan as she began to grind her hips into my hardening cock. Just as we were getting into it Janice broke free and took a step back, she seductively licked her lips and winked at me before taking another peek over the magazine rack.

Taking the hem of her dress she slowly lifted it over her hips. "So! What do you think about what I've got on under my dress?"

My eyes almost popped out of my head and my heart skipped a beat as I stared down at her naked pussy, Janice had worn her skimpy dress without a bra and panties. Seeing her without a bra was a shock to the system but this... This was definitely the biggest shock of all. What made it more exotic was the neatly trimmed tuft of pubic hair just above her clit. The pouting lips of her pussy was cleanly shaved and glistening from her juices, a contrast from the overgrown bush that usually surrounded her hidden cunt lips. The door chime broke my trance. Janice dropped the hem of her dress and virtually ran to my side for protection.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and drew her close whispering in her ear. "Your incredible, that was such a turn on"

"I thought you would approve."

I slid my hand down to her rounded ass and ushered her to the opposite rack from where the new customer was now standing. He glanced at us with an awkward look and turned to the rack behind him. Both Janice and I let out a stifled laugh.

"I'm so wet and hot, I can't remember ever being so horny" Janice remarked in a sultry voice.

I felt her hand on my cock, her fingers tracing the outline of my bulge. "I can tell it's exciting for you also"

Janice pulled away as I reached for her cunt to test her own excitement. "No! No! Not now, you can have all you want later."

I adjusted the erection in my pants and stood beside Janice who was admiring the lingerie rack, she picked out a one-piece black fishnet teddy and held it up to the light. The crutch area was only a thin piece of material with a thin strip leading to the back.

"That would look great on you babe"

"You think so? I might just have to buy it then."

We made our way to the toy section checking out various dildos and vibrators. Big ones, small ones, long and short ones. You had a choice of colors, black, pink, blue, gold... Ribbed, clear ones with colored marbles inside. A person could spend an entire day in here and still wouldn't be able to choose. The one that got Janice's attention was a 9" life like black cock. The package says that it's just like the real thing.

"Mmmm! This looks good, I think I'll take this one."

"A large dildo! What do you need one of those for?"

"For fun! Don't worry, it's not to replace the real thing, if that's what your concerned about"

"Well! You did have me thinking for a second there, I thought I was becoming obsolete."

For a moment there I thought it was a joke, I didn't think for one minute that my prudish wife would ever purchase a dildo. For the umpteenth time tonight she surprises me once again. My eyes follow her swaying hips as she walks to the counter and places the items down in front of the shopkeeper. With a smile he gathers the items, registers the amount on the till and places them in a, yes you guessed it, a brown paper bag. I notice his eyes have not left her breasts as he takes the credit card and swipes it through the register.

As we made our way out the door I spotted the security monitor on the bench behind the shop assistant. The view on the screen was the same spot were Janice and I had been standing earlier, the spot were Janice had seductively raised the hem of her dress to reveal her newly shaven cunt. Had he been watching the whole time? Should I tell Janice? Nah! What she doesn't know weren't hurt her I thought as I followed her out into the street.

We made it back to the car without being ogled as we left the store. Isn't it funny how paranoid you get when you step out of an adult store, you think all eyes are staring at you, pointing fingers. And you begin to hear little voices saying, "What a pervert, I wonder what his got in that brown paper bag?" As soon as you get into the comfort zone of your car you feel relieved. Until you drive away then you begin to worry about cops pulling you for a random check and they see the brown bag and request that you open it. Yeah! Life is funny that way isn't it?

Anyway, we made it back to the car and drove home without any dramas, except me trying to drive while Janice constantly rubbed the pole that was ready to tear through the fabric of my pants. So many times I just wanted to pull over and take her by the side of the road. But she would not relent,

"Wait till we get home" She would say, "I want it to be long and slow, not a quickie to go."

"I want you to fuck my cunt all night long"

Fuck! Cunt! Did she say Fuck and Cunt! I've never heard Janice utter those words all these years that I've known her. If I don't get this woman home soon I'm going to blow my load. With a bit of luck we should make it home in one piece before all the blood ruches from my head to my aching cock.


Just over half an hour later I'm standing in the kitchen watching Janice prancing down the corridor heading for the bedroom as I pour myself a stiff drink. A double scotch on ice should give me the energy I need for what I'm presuming will be one long night of sex, sex and hopefully more sex.

"Honey! Would you come here a minute please"? I hear Janice yell out from the bedroom.

I gulp down the last of my scotch, adjusted the bulge in my pants before heading for the bedroom. I thought I was going to blow my load as I stood in the doorway admiring the sight before me. There sprawled out on the bed was Janice dressed in her newly acquired fishnet lingerie. My eyes followed the shiny black stiletto on her right foot along the contours of her legs until I spotted the smoothed shaved pussy lips parted by the thin material of her bodysuit. The thin strap was evidently coated with her juices that oozed from her pussy.

I was stopped in mid trek as I walked through the doorway. "Don't come any closer, not just yet," she instructed. All I could do was stand there like a stunned mullet as she spread her legs even wider pulling the strap deeper into her gaping cunt.

"Undress for me," she instructed again. "And do it slow".

Like an obedient slave I slowly began to unbutton my shirt, as the last button came undone I let the shirt fall on the floor in the doorway. My eyes grew wider as I watched Janice insert a finger in her wet pussy, a teasing grin formed on her face as she looked into my eyes knowing that she was in full control of this game play. Without a word spoken her eyes darted to the front of my pants, she nodded once and gave me another sly grin. Again I willingly followed her silent instructions and began to undo my belt, my heart pounding as I did so.

My shaky fingers gripped the zipper and pulled slowly downwards, I almost laughed as I heard the stripper's anthem begin to play in my head. If only I had the rippling muscles and the long hair to go with it, not forgetting the screaming females throwing me money and begging me to take it off. At least after this gig I get to fuck the one and only onlooker, who at this moment had slid two fingers into her pussy.

With my pants now around my ankles I bent down to undo my shoelaces, my eyes never straying away from the two fingers darting in and out of my wife's pussy. I slid my shoes then my socks off my feet. The pants came off next and in the spur of the moment I twirled it over my head and flung it to the corner of the room. I was now left standing with nothing but my boxers and a prominent hard on. That did not last long either. In a few seconds my boxers were also flung to the opposite end of the room. My cock was fully erect and hard to the point that it hurt, I had to cum soon or I'm sure my cock would explode.

"Now come to me," my master beckoned. I walked towards the foot of the bed and waited for my next instructions. "Without touching me with your hands I want you to lick my pussy,"

Obediently I crawled onto the bed and towards her waiting pussy, with my face only inches away from her sex the sweet scent of her perfume mixed with her womanly aroma engulfed my nostrils tingling my inner senses. Janice's long slender fingers now coated with her own juices slowly spreads her puffy labia exposing her damp love tunnel. I eyed my target, the engorged clit sitting pretty waiting to be licked and sucked. Bending down I stuck out my tongue and slid it once over her protruding clit, her body stiffened and a surprised gasp escapes her throat. I dove in for the kill inserting my tongue deep into her pussy tasting her sweet nectar. I teasingly licked around her labia softly sucking her clit sending her into a frenzy.

"Lick my pussy baby! Mmmmmmmm! Yeah suck my clit!

I licked and sucked for all it was worth, her body shook every time my tongue passed over the swollen hood. Her breathing became more rapid; I knew she was on the verge of her first orgasm. With one big suck of her clit her legs clamped tight around my head as she screamed out in ecstasy. She released my head from her vice like grip allowing me to breath freely. Her left hand slid to her opening rubbing her clit as she purred contentedly.

I kissed my way along her belly, between her perky breasts and slid my tongue into her mouth making contact with her hot tongue. We embraced as we kissed passionately. Her sharp fingernails dug deep into my flesh as my cock rested comfortably on her wet slit. I rotated my pelvis causing my rock hard cock to rub teasingly over her cunt and sensitive clit, her juices made wet squelching sounds when I passed over the opening. As the tip of my cock eased it's way between the folds of her pussy lips I took one long stroke and pushed deep into her cannel hitting the back walls of her cunt. Janise arched her back and let out a deep moan.


She bit down onto my neck as I began to pump into her, slowly at first then sped up my tempo, as I got comfortable. I gave her five to six long hard fucks then stopped abruptly leaving my cock fully inside her.

"Don't stop now, keep going... pleeeeaaase fuck me!" She begged.

"I will! As soon as you tell me about this sudden change" I responded.

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