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Charles and Diana Ch. 03

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Married, he finally gets to enjoy her gorgeous breasts!
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/31/2008
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Charles Richards and Diana Maitland were exiting the private FBI plane outside the terminal building at the Las Vegas airport when the pilot, Gordon Brown, piped up and said, "Good luck, you two. I know I don't need to tell you guys to have fun. And by the way, welcome to the Mile High club! But, you know, you're only required to do it once to become members, and you better find a hotel with good soundproofing!" as he raised his eyebrows and looked slightly frustrated.

Diana blushed slightly, but grinned sexily at Charles as he grinned the same way, and then they both looked over their shoulders at Gordon and said at the same time, "Jealous?" Then Diana reached over and caressed Charles' ass as they started to walk away, which made him reach down and caress her ass, then they glanced at each other and started to chuckle as they grabbed each other's hand and started to run toward the terminal building to the exit. He was already starting to get hard and her pussy was tingling again.

Gordon Brown just chuckled and shook his head as he got back into the plane and shut the door to get ready to takeoff again and return to Los Angeles. He envied Charles; Diana seemed like one hell of a woman—he had a feeling Charles was going to get very little rest this weekend...the lucky bastard! But damn, the man deserved it—he hadn't fucked a woman in over 3 years...and Diana seemed like just the woman to make up for that long of a dry spell in just one weekend! Charles would've been crazy to let her get away!

People were staring at the two of them as Charles and Diana raced through the terminal building, glancing and smiling at each other as they both knew they were thinking the exact same thing: "How fast can we find a chapel and get that marriage certificate because I'm dying to see you naked!"

They grabbed the first taxi they came to and told the driver to take them to the closest wedding chapel that was still open. The driver glanced at them, then rolled his eyes slightly as he turned around and started his cab to pull out; another crazy couple that has the hots for each other but won't break down and just fuck unless their married! It was no wonder Nevada had made their divorce laws as lax as their marriage laws—they had to because of fucking idiots like these two! Then he realized that maybe he was mistaken about them when he heard the woman moan softly, "Oh, God...I can't wait 'til you're inside me again!" as the man was kissing her neck.

Charles looked up just in time to see the taxi driver glancing in his rearview mirror with his eyes wide after Diana moaned. He glared at the man and said, "Just get us there as fast as you can!" Then he figured the only way to keep Diana quiet was to just kiss her the whole way. The ride took about 15 minutes and then the taxi pulled up in front of a little chapel that had a sign on the wall that read, "It only takes 10 minutes to become man and wife—and then you can be happy for the rest of your life!" Charles looked at the taxi driver and told the man to wait for them as they climbed out.

They went inside and saw there was no one else there, so they quickly filled out the necessary forms, refused all the nice, little extras that were offered and said they just wanted the vows and the marriage certificate. They stared at each other as the justice read them the standard vows and they said "I do" when appropriate, and grabbed each other and kissed fiercely as soon as the justice was finishing his line about pronouncing them man and wife. They finally dragged themselves apart, grabbed the marriage certificate and headed out the door. The justice looked at his wife and mumbled, "I give that one maybe through the weekend..."

The justice's wife looked at him and shook her could be so blind...then she said, "No dear. This was merely a formality for them...they were married the second they laid eyes on each other. I'd bet they just met tonight, but they've been searching their whole lives for each other! You've just gotten so jaded over the years because of all the other fools who come in here and do it for the all the wrong reasons. Don't you remember how we knew the moment we looked at each other nearly 30 years ago?" as she smiled sexily at her husband.

The justice looked at his wife and smiled back at her; he put the closed sign on the door, locked it and took her hand to lead her had been far too long since she'd looked at him that way, so he was going to take advantage of it! She had always been able to spot true lovers and it always turned her on when she did. He said a silent "thank you" to that last couple and hoped they'd be as happy as he and his wife had been over the last 30 years!

Charles and Diana raced back to the taxi, jumped in and asked the driver where was the nicest place in Vegas to stay, and the driver suggested the new Riviera Resort—it was the newest in town, it had everything you could need and it was the tallest building at nine stories. They said that sounded great and to please get them there as fast as he could. They went right back to kissing each other fiercely and trying to remember that there was a stranger driving the vehicle so they had to be careful what they did with their hands and tried to keep their moans quiet.

The ride took about another 10 minutes until they pulled up in front of The Riviera and climbed out of the taxi; Charles paid the driver and a bellman came over to ask if he could get their luggage out of the trunk and Charles and Diana both glanced at him and said, "No luggage!" as they grabbed each other's hand and hurried inside the hotel lobby. The taxi driver and the bellman glanced at each other and chuckled, shaking their heads, as the taxi pulled off and the bellman moved back to his post by the front door.

Charles and Diana went to the front desk and asked for a room; preferably a corner room on the highest floor available. The desk clerk glanced at them and grinned knowingly; newlyweds—they were obviously hot for each other and were worried about making too much noise! The clerk advised them this was a newer building of high-quality construction—they had excellent sound insulation in all the walls and ceilings, but he gave them a corner suite on the top floor. It was the least expensive on that floor because it didn't have the best view, but the clerk had a feeling that it didn't matter—they weren't going to pay any attention to the view. They'd probably never even get out of the bed from the way they kept staring and the fact that they couldn't keep their hands off each other—hell, they may not even make it off the elevator from the way they're acting!

The clerk thought it prudent to have one of the bellman take them up to show them where the room was so they'd be chaperoned on the elevator and not be able to get into trouble. Charles and Diana grinned knowingly at each other as the bellman escorted them onto the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.

Diana was remembering the last time she was in a hotel elevator headed to the top floor with a man she was in love with. They'd almost gotten into trouble on that elevator because the big man, John Wayne, had kissed her for the first time on that ride and fell in love with her from that kiss, and they had been so desperate for each other because they didn't know how long they would be together—this ride was different. She already knew this man loved her and now he was her husband and they had the rest of their lives to spend making love or fucking hotly; exploring each other's bodies and learning all the ways they could please each other. And yet, she felt almost as much of a desperate need for him as she had for the big man.

They stood next to each other holding hands tightly, both of them feeling their hands shaking as they both felt a desperate need to see each other naked, to feel their bodies rubbing against each other and to touch each other all over with their hands. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, they followed the bellman out and down the hallway to their honeymoon suite. The bellman unlocked the door, flipped on the lights and started to give the usual spiel about the amenities and where they would find everything, but Charles just held his hand out for the key, took it from the bellman and then shut the door on him.

As soon as the door was shut, Charles yanked at his tie to undo it quickly, Diana just dropped her purse and sweater on the floor as Charles grabbed her and threw the key on a nearby table, and put his arms around her and unzipped her dress down her back. Then she opened his jacket and pushed it off his shoulders when he dropped his arms to his sides for a moment, pulled his tie from around his neck and started to unbutton his shirt—their eyes were closed as they kissed each other deeply. When she got down to his waist, she unbuckled his belt and undid the button so she could pull the bottom of his shirt out of his pants and finish unbuttoning it.

Charles had put his hands inside her dress on her back to caress her skin while she finished unbuttoning his shirt. When his shirt was all the way open, they stopped kissing and looked at each other as he pulled her dress forward and down off the front of her body until it slid off her hips and pooled at her feet. She was wearing a lacy white bra that was shear enough so that the tips of her breasts were visible through the fabric, and her silky, white half-slip over her white nylon panties. His cock throbbed as he looked at the dark, rosy brown tips of her breasts, and her nipples already trying to poke through the material.

Diana stared at his chest showing through his open shirt; it was covered with a thick mat of dark brown hair—she'd never seen so much hair on a man's chest before! She couldn't stop herself from running her hands from the soft, lighter hair on his stomach up to the thick, coarse hair on his chest—pushing his shirt open and swirling her fingers in his chest hair as she caressed his huge pectoral muscles.

Then she leaned forward and down slightly, burying her face in his chest hair and inhaled deeply; she moaned and her pussy throbbed in desire as he had the most potently male scent she'd ever gotten just from a man's chest. Next to a nice, hard dick, her favorite parts of a man's body were a large, well-built chest and a nice ass. So, she brought her hands down to his waist and dragged them around to his back and then down to his ass. She ran her hands all over his nice, round, hard ass! Oh, God, did it feel sexy—she couldn't wait to see him naked!

Charles groaned in response when she put her face in his chest and moaned when she smelled his scent; it made him feel like more blood surged to his loins as he responded instinctively to her animalistic desire for him. She lifted her head and looked up at him with raw desire like he'd never seen on a woman's face before as she moved her hands to his ass and rubbed and kneaded it firmly. He growled deep in his throat as he unbuttoned his cuffs and shrugged his shirt off his shoulders. He watched in amazement as she sucked in a breath and moaned again as she watched his chest and shoulders move as he took his shirt off—she was turned on even further just by watching him remove his shirt!

Diana couldn't believe this was happening to her; she never believed she'd ever find another man who could turn her on as much as John Wayne! And it was not because this man was similar to him physically; their faces were very different, and their bodies—well what she'd seen of Charles' so far—weren't very similar either! It was just the way they were potently virile...they just fucking turned her on! She loved feeling like a horny, sexy, desirable woman, and the big man and now her husband Charles were the only two men she's ever met that made her feel this fucking hot!

As they stared at each other with such lust and desire, he reached his arms around her back again and unhooked her bra, then stepped back and put his hands on her shoulders and started to slowly pull the straps down her arms and peel the sheer, lacy cups away from her generous breasts. When it was free, he just dropped her bra on the floor and groaned as he got his first view of her naked breasts. They were gorgeous! Her beautiful rosy brown nipples were already firm and poking straight out from her breasts, and his mouth watered as he realized he was finally going to get to lick and suck on a woman's breasts!

He'd always loved to look at and touch large breasts—nothing, until now, had turned him on more than watching his ex-wife's full breasts swaying on her chest when she'd occasionally allowed him to lift himself on his hands and pound into her harder. And he'd always had to be careful how he touched her breasts—she'd always told him her nipples were too sensitive.

He'd had to watch his ex-wife's breasts while he took her hard because he couldn't stand the look on her face; she would turn her head and frown and bite her lip because she said it hurt a little, but she'd wanted him to do it anyway, "just to get it over with." He'd hated the thought that he caused her any kind of pain, but by that time, he would be so close to orgasm that it wouldn't take very long to "get it over with." And she'd only ever allowed him to gently caress the sides of her breasts, telling him that it just hurt too much for him to touch her nipples.

He and his ex-wife had been virgins when they married and he'd always believed that their inexperience was what had caused his ex-wife to be so frigid. Of course, after he'd found out she'd been cheating on him and he'd made that bastard tell him everything he'd been doing to his ex-wife, he realized everything she'd been telling him was bullshit; another reason why he'd known he'd never be able to forgive her and had kicked her out immediately.

And now, here was this gorgeous creature that had captivated him and turned him on the moment he laid eyes on her, and she was staring at him like she was dying for him to do whatever he wanted with her breasts. He reached out and started to lightly touch her breasts with his fingers; he already knew her breasts were very sensuously sensitive because of how he'd touched them to torture her into telling him her name in his car back in the parking lot of the pub just over a couple hours ago. He could hardly believe that now this gorgeous creature was his wife and he was about to put his hands, lips and tongue on her breasts and suck her nipples into his mouth.

Diana watched his eyes start to burn as he stared at her breasts as if he was dying to touch and taste them. She couldn't stop the soft moans that drifted past her partially open lips as he started to lightly caress her breasts with his fingers. He was just softly running the tips of his fingers from her chest down to her nipples and then back up; then more to the outsides of her breasts and over to her nipples and back, and then to the undersides and up to her nipples and down again. He was torturing her again and she was starting to breathe heavier as her moans got a little louder and her back arched from the tingles coursing up and down her spine, causing her head to fall backward and thrust her breasts closer to his hands.

Charles couldn't believe how much she was responding to just his fingers lightly caressing her breasts; he'd watched in amazement again as her nipples had hardened to stand out even further. He wondered how she was going to react as he progressed, because he fully intended to take his time exploring her beautiful breasts. His ex-wife had denied him full access to hers, so he was going to make up for all that lost time with Diana's highly sensitive breasts.

He gradually started to increase his caresses to include his whole hand, cupping her breasts in his palms, stroking his fingers over and gently squeezing her nipples, feeling how firm they were and nearly salivating in his desire to just lean down and suck one into his mouth...but not yet. He was going to take this as slowly as he could, no matter how much it tortured both of them. He'd very nearly given in to his lust and desire for her back in his car the first time he'd touched her breast and had heard and felt how much it turned her on.

He had pictured dragging her into the back seat, ripping her dress and bra from her body, and her underwear from her crotch, then just whipping his dick out as fast as he could and shoving it into her as he dove down and sucked on her breasts—until he remembered she hadn't even told him her name yet! That had scared him enough to make him think that he needed to slow things down—he'd thought they were moving way too fast. And now, he was so thankful that she had pushed him to bring her to Vegas and marry her because now he could take all the time he wanted just to fondle, kiss, lick and suck her breasts and nipples.

Diana's knees were getting weak from the waves of pleasure radiating through her body every time he rubbed or squeezed one of her nipples; she never knew her breasts could be this sensitive. He was taking so much time caressing them that she was sure when he finally put his mouth on her breasts and licked or sucked on one of her nipples, she was going to cum immediately...God, please let him do that soon! She looked at him, whimpered, and said, "I can't keep standing. My legs are about to give way under me!" It was the first thing she'd said since they'd left the hotel lobby.

He immediately bent down and scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the back of the suite where the huge bed was separated from the rest of the room by being recessed behind the back wall of the bathroom. Charles stopped short when he saw how big the bed was and remarked in his best Irish brogue, "Is that a bed or a...or a parade ground? Oh, a man'd hafta be a sprinter to catch his wife in a bed like that!" It made Diana giggle to hear him mimic another line from "The Quiet Man," and then he grinned sexily as he said in his normal voice, "But don't worry...I'm fast!"

She grinned back just as sexily and purred, "That may be a good thing for you, because you make me feel insatiable so you may have to run FROM me!" as she nudged her shoes off her feet and they fell to the floor at the foot of the bed.

The flames in his eyes roared up a notch as he moved to the side of the bed and laid her down and stayed kneeling beside her, looking down at her as he pushed his shoes off his feet, pulled his socks off and then said, "Not a chance, pretty lady—I've been waiting my whole life for a woman like you! I've got a lot of pent up lust and desire that has just been waiting for a woman who could handle it—think you're up to the challenge?" as he slightly moved his head and crooked his left eyebrow sexily at her—almost exactly like the big man does.

The flames in her eyes matched his as she growled lustfully, "You damn well better believe it, you..." She hesitated when she realized she started to call him "big man;" that endearment was reserved only for her first love. So she ran her eyes down his body, noting his wide shoulders, his big, hairy chest and trim, furry abdomen, and the large bulge in the front of his trousers. Charles was every bit as sexy as the big man, so she made that her first endearment for him as she looked back up into his face and groaned, " sexy man!"

Charles nearly lost control from the way she called him "sexy man" and he growled again as he panted heavily from the throbbing of his cock, fighting the urge to just flip her over onto her hands and knees and take her from behind like an animal! God, how she drove his lust! He closed his eyes and clenched his hands as he took a few deep, slow breaths to regain his control—he was determined that he was going to prove to her that he could please her more than any man ever could again. He was just about under control when his eyes popped open to stare at her lustfully as he heard her start to purr provocatively ...


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