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Charles and Diana Ch. 07

Story Info
They call home and one of her friends and he gets lucky.
6.7k words
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Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/31/2008
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Charles Richards helped his new wife Diana Maitland Richards stand up from being bent over a bar stool in their honeymoon suite in Vegas after a quick, hard fuck since they'd nearly done it in the elevator on the way back from their shopping spree in the lobby. They undressed and then picked up all the items they had just purchased that he'd unceremoniously tossed in the door in his haste to get her inside before he ended up fucking her in the hallway. They hung up their new clothes and her evening dress, put their new undergarments in one of the dresser drawers near the bed and took their toiletries into the bathroom while Charles called down to the laundry service for them to come pick up his suit for cleaning.

Then they cleaned themselves up...again...and brushed their teeth, and then Diana put one of the robes on and combed out the tangles and brushed her hair smooth while Charles shaved. He was standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his hips, and Diana could feel tingles between her legs again as she watched him. God, he was so sexy! She loved to watch how the muscles in his broad shoulders and back rippled slightly as he moved his arm while he shaved. And the thick mat of dark hair on his sculpted chest that she craved to run her fingers through as she watched his pectoral muscles flex occasionally when he moved. And she pictured herself standing behind him, running her hands from his sexy, hairy chest down his furry, flat stomach to his beautiful, long cock—stroking its full length and cupping and massaging his balls.

His firm, round ass just looked sexier the way the towel hugged it tightly, and the bulge in the front of the towel from his cock and balls was just soaking her pussy again. She couldn't stay away from him any longer; she walked over behind him and put her hand on his ass and squeezed his firm cheeks a few times as she looked at him in the mirror. She saw him take the razor away from his face as he glanced at her and asked her if she was trying to make him cut himself. She grinned and chuckled and said no, waited for him to resume shaving and then said, "If I'd wanted to make you cut yourself, I'd have done this..."as she put her hand through the drape at the front of the towel on his hips and caressed and cupped his balls as she stared at him hotly.

He'd taken the razor away from his face again as he had seen in her eyes and heard in her voice that she was going to touch him again in a much more sensitive place. He growled quietly as the flames started to come up in his eyes, and he said in his low, sexy voice, "Just let me finish shaving and then you can touch me wherever you want...OK...please?" he pleaded intently, because he knew that if she persisted, he wouldn't be able to resist her.

Just then, they heard a knock on their door and a man's voice saying that it was the laundry service, so Diana smiled and told him to hurry and finish shaving, then went out and got his suit and shirt and took it to the door. She handed them to the young man and asked him about what time it would be ready, and he told her it would be ready around 4:00, so she smiled and said that was great and thanked him, giving him a dollar for a tip.

As soon as she shut the door, the phone rang and she frowned as she wondered who could be calling them since no one, other than the FBI pilot Gordon Brown, knew they were in Vegas. Then she remembered that the concierge had said he was going to call her about meeting with the bandleader in the hotel's nightclub so they could agree on what songs she could sing for them this evening at the concierge's request. She answered the phone and it was the concierge telling her that the bandleader had asked if 3:00 at the nightclub would be all right with her and she told him that would be fine.

When she hung up the phone, she turned around to find Charles standing right behind her and she jumped slightly because she hadn't heard him come up behind her at all. He was looking at her and said softly, "Speaking of phone calls, don't you think we should call our parents and let them know what we've done? I'm not that worried about my parents, other than my mother possibly throwing a fit, but I don't want your father to think badly of me for dragging his little girl off to Vegas without so much as talking to him first!"

Diana smiled and chuckled slightly at his old-fashioned worry that her father was going to be mad at him because he didn't get to meet or even talk to him before he married her! She knew her parents would probably be excited at the news because they'd been bugging her for years to find a husband and settle down. She'd kept explaining to them over the years that she just hadn't met the right man yet and that she'd let them know as soon as she had!

She told him to call his parents first because she wanted to get whatever his mother had to say about it out of the way first. It was coming up on 11:00 in Vegas so that meant it was around 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon on the east coast where their parents' were, and both of them figured their parents should be home. Charles was perched on the arm of the loveseat next to the phone as he called his parents home and his mother answered the phone; he listened while his mother chitchatted for a few minutes, and when it was obvious she was not going to be quiet long enough for him to say anything, he finally interrupted her.

"Mom...Mom...MOM! Would you be quiet for just a minute and let me tell you why I called? ... Thank you! Are you sitting down, Mom? ... You are...good. The reason I called is to tell you that I got married ... I'm in Vegas and I got married last night ... Yes, Las Vegas ... No, it wasn't a church wedding ... Mom? ... Mom? Are you still there? ... Because there wasn't time to arrange a church wedding; I didn't want to wait! ... No! She's not pregnant! I just met her last night! ... Mom? ... Mom? Are you still there? ... I know everything about her I need to know! ... Oh, for God's sake, Mom! I work for the FBI...don't you think I would know if she were a criminal?"

Diana was cracking up at this point; his mother sounded like she was a real pistol! Diana held out her hand toward him and gestured with her fingers and told him to give her the phone; Charles told his mother that his wife wanted to talk to her and then handed her the phone while he listened.

"Mrs. Richards? Hi, this is Diana Maitland Richards, your new daughter-in-law. I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't Charles' idea to run off to Vegas and get married—it was mine! ... Why? Because I've been looking for your son for a long time and when I finally found him, I wasn't about to let him out of my sight! Also because he told me he wouldn't have sex with me until I was his wife, and he turns me on so badly that I had to make him marry me right away because I can't keep my hands off of him! ... Mrs. Richards? ... Mrs. Richards? Are you still there? ... So, you understand my problem, right? It was either make him bring me to Vegas and marry me so I could get him into bed right away or make him feel guilty for being unable to resist me...and I couldn't do that to such an honorable, sexy man!"

There was a long pause while Diana listened to his mother as she smiled and nodded her head and said, "Uh huh," a couple times. Then she said, "Yes, ma'am. He told me all about that, and that's why I'm doing my best to make up for all those wasted years ... Yes, ma'am, I will ... And I look forward to meeting you, too! Do you want to speak to Charles again? ... No? ..." Then she started to laugh, and said, "Yes, that's a good idea! OK, I'll tell him! Good bye!"

She handed the phone back to Charles and he hung it up with a slightly shocked look on his face and asked her what his mother had said. She told him that, once she got over her initial shock from Diana telling her that she made Charles marry her so she could get him into bed, his mother had told her that he'd been burned by his first wife and she knew that his ex-wife had not been a very good "wife" at all—and asked if Diana knew what she meant! Then his mother made her promise to be good and faithful to him and to take care of him and that she hoped they'd come visit them soon so she could meet her!

Then she laughed and said, "Oh, and your mother told me to tell you that you'd better stock up on plenty of vitamins because it sounded like you were going to need them!" She laughed harder when Charles groaned in embarrassment and put his head down in his hand over his eyes and then dragged it down his face, as he looked back up at her with his cheeks slightly red. Then she said, "I thought that conversation went very well! I guess I threw your mother off so much that she completely let go of the whole 'church wedding' thing! I think I'll be able to get along with her just fine—the trick is to just keep her off balance!"

Then Charles pointed to the phone and said it was her turn to call her parents, so she dialed their number, and on the third ring, she heard her mother's voice say hello. "Mama? It's me, Diana! Guess where I am? ... Yes, that's right—how did you know? ... Oh! ... Yes, just last night! I've told you for years now that I'd know the right man as soon as I saw him, and that's just how it happened! Actually, I saw him when I was 13, but I didn't know it was him at the time...It's a long story and I'll tell you all about it later. Oh, Mama! He is so handsome and sooo sexy—I can't wait for you to meet him! Is Daddy there? ... Yes, get him to the phone because my new husband is nervous that Daddy will be upset with him for not even talking to him or meeting him before I made him marry me because he told me he wouldn't make love to me until I was his wife!"

Diana started laughing at the look on Charles' face—he was red again and looking scared at what she was telling her mother! When her father came on the line, Diana said, "Hi Daddy! So you and Mama already knew about my big news? ... Yes, I finally found the right man after all these years! ... Yes! He works for the FBI, but you found that out last night! He wants to talk to you, Daddy. He's nervous that you're going to be upset with him for not talking to you before he married me and..."

Diana was cut off when Charles grabbed the phone out of her hand, and put it to his ear and said, "Hello, Colonel Maitland? ... This is Charles Richards, your...new son-in-law. I hope you won't think that I've done anything dishonorable by..." Charles paused for a minute, his eyebrows rose in slight shock, and then he started to chuckle silently. Then he sobered and said, "Yes, sir. Very much ... That's exactly what I intend to do ... Thank you, sir ... We will as soon as we can! Do you want to talk to Diana again? ... Yes, sir. I'll tell her. Good bye!"

Charles smiled as he hung up the phone, he looked at Diana and said, "I hope you don't think your father still thinks of you as his 'little girl' anymore! I can't imagine that you've told him anything about your personal life out here, but he certainly seems to know what kind of woman you are! He told me that he was impressed that I'd gotten you to marry me before I let you get me into the sack and that he was surprised you let us take a break this long to call them! Then he asked me if I loved you and was going to take good care of you, and said that he hoped we'd both be as happy as he and your mother have been for almost 50 years and asked us to try to come visit soon. And he told me to tell you that it was about damn time!"

Then Diana said, "There's one more phone call I need to make." She started dialing the number of her girlfriend Lynda in L.A.; she'd promised her girlfriends after the last time she'd disappeared for a weekend with the big man, that she'd let them know if she did it again so they wouldn't worry about her. After about 5 rings, she finally heard Lynda's groggy voice on the other end; "Lynda? Hi, it's Diana! Look, I promised I'd let ya'll know if I ever disappeared with a man again, so that's why I'm calling! I'm in Vegas with my new husband, Charles Richards ... Yes, that's right, I said husband ... Yes, the man you saw me leaving the pub with last night! ... Yes, he is very handsome—AND very sexy! I can't wait for ya'll to meet him when we get back! ... We'll be back tomorrow evening ... I don't have time to go into all the details about it right now, because I need to get my sexy new husband back into the sack so I can fuck his brains out!"

"Oh, my God, DIANA!!!" Charles roared when she said that. Diana and Lynda busted out laughing and Charles could hear her friend laughing through the phone! Charles grabbed the phone from Diana and said, "Hello, Lynda? ... Yes, this is Diana's sexy new husband Charles ... You what? ... You like my voice? ... You think my voice is sexy? ... Well, your voice sounds kind of sexy, too! What do you look like? ... Oh, really? ... What're you wearing? ... Nothing, huh! Well then, it's too bad you aren't here with us..."

Diana snorted a laugh as she said, "You Bastard!" and grabbed the phone out of his hand to finish her conversation with her girlfriend. When she turned around, Charles stood up behind her and brought his hands around to the front of her robe and untied it, pushed it open and started to fondle her as she talked. Diana's breathing got heavier as she tried to end the conversation; "Lynda, just do me a favor and let Barbara and Dawn know what's going on and I'll see you girls when we get back! ... What? ... Oh, yes! A nice big one!" Diana turned back around and pulled the towel from Charles' hips and started to stroke his long, hard cock, "I'll tell you all about it when I get back...but I gotta go now because I want it..."

Charles reached down and lifted Diana by her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he placed her wet pussy over his dick and thrust into her, making her groan loudly as she held onto the phone on his shoulder. He set his ass back down on the arm of the loveseat with his cock buried inside her, took the phone out of her hand as he smiled at her and said into the phone, "Lynda, it's Charles again. Diana can't talk anymore right now because she has my nice, big cock buried inside her and she's lost the ability to speak." Charles chuckled sexily when he heard Lynda gasp and moan softly, so he said, "Sorry to tease you like this and just leave you hanging, but my sexy new wife needs me to fuck her brains out with my nice, big cock, so we'll see you when we get back. Bye!" He chuckled sexily again when he heard Lynda moan again before he hung up the phone.

Charles stood up and moved them a few feet over to the bar and set her ass on the edge of it and pushed the robe from Diana's shoulders when she lowered her arms, as he said he was sorry for teasing her girlfriend like that. Diana grinned sexily and said she didn't mind and told him he could tease her girlfriends all he wanted as long as that was all he did! Then she smiled softly at him as they stared into each other's eyes, and locked her legs around Charles' ass as they wrapped their arms around each other and savored the feeling of their bodies in such close contact. Then they both closed their eyes and started to kiss deeply as Charles started to slowly thrust in and out of her.

For the first few minutes, they just kissed and slowly stroked each other with their hands as he slowly stroked her pussy with his cock. As her wetness continued to increase, they started to hear the squishing sounds of their slippery flesh sliding together and it sounded so erotic that they just had to look down and watch. Their groans echoed each other's as they watched him slide his long, hard shaft all the way into her, and then slowly pull back until the head was just rubbing her wet opening. That sexy, squishing noise from the sound of their slippery, well-lubricated flesh sliding together just made the sex seem that much more incredible!

They looked back up into each other's face and saw their raw lust and desire mirrored in each other's eyes and their brains went totally blank as their desire took control of their bodies. Diana wrapped herself completely around Charles as he started slamming his cock into her as hard as he could, while he crushed her body against him with his strong arms and devoured her mouth with his. Then they started running their hands all over each other wherever they could reach, but not with gentle caresses or strokes; their hands felt hard and roughly demanding as they sought to knead and feel every inch of the flesh and muscles on their torsos and arms.

Diana couldn't stop herself from groaning wantonly as her head fell backward when she roughly dug her fingers into Charles' chest hair as she was grasping at his hard pectorals, causing him to growl and thrust harder into her in response. When her back arched in pleasure from his harder thrusts, he put his hands on her breasts and kneaded them firmly, squeezing her nipples with his thumbs until she moaned even louder. She had her hands wrapped around his neck and the back of his head and was just hanging onto him, with her back arched and her legs wrapped around his hips and ass as they slammed against each other.

Charles felt Diana's hands start to slip from his sweaty neck as her body convulsed and she lost her grip and cried, "OH, MY GOD...Charles!" with a low groan from a powerful orgasm that started to wrack her. He was able to get his hands around her back just in time to keep her from falling backward and he held her up and watched as her hips and legs continued to spasm in rhythm to her orgasm while her upper body was just totally limp in his hands. He had stopped thrusting with his dick buried inside her and he moaned softly as he reveled in the feeling of her tight pussy pulsing on his hard shaft.

He was awed by the look of pure pleasure on her face as her orgasm faded; her head hung backward with her golden hair cascading down her back and over his hands; her shoulders were thrown back with her arms just dangling and her breasts thrust upward slightly as her chest heaved. God, she was so beautiful and sexy when she came...he was definitely getting addicted to watching her orgasm!

As her breathing slowed, Diana lifted her head to look at Charles with an expression of awesome passion as she pleaded throatily, "What can I do for you? How can I give you as much pleasure as you've just given me?"

Charles embraced her tightly against him, stared into her eyes and said in his deep, sexy voice, "Just watching you enjoy what I do for you gives me more pleasure than I ever dreamed I could experience! Oh, Diana, you are every man's dream...a woman who truly knows how to enjoy sex and how to make a man feel like he's the only one who can give you that much pleasure!"

She smiled softly at him as she lifted her hands and placed them on his upper arms and stroked them firmly up his shoulders to his neck and to the back of his head, digging her fingers into his hair as she said, "It's easy to do that when it's true...you've given me more pleasure than any other man ever has. But because you're the only other man I've ever loved, I want and need to give you as much pleasure as I want and need from you...tell me what you need, my love!" she pleaded again.

He continued to stare into her eyes as he said softly, "Just you, pretty lady. And your promise that you will never let another man's cock inside you ever again...that's all I need from you. Everything we do together brings me the most pleasure I've ever had; you will never disappoint me sexually! Just let me love you and make love to you whenever and wherever we want!"

He kissed her deeply and passionately when she whispered, "I promise, my love. From now on, I belong only to you—you are the only man I will ever let inside me again! I wish you could stay inside me forever...and make love to me again, and again, and again..."


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