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Charles and Diana Ch. 10

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She performs emotionally and gives him her virgin ass.
7.3k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/31/2008
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Charles Richards stood up to help his beautiful new bride, Diana Maitland Richards, stand so she could walk down to the stage area of the nightclub in The Riviera Resort in Las Vegas, where they were staying on their honeymoon. Diana had agreed, as a favor to the concierge of the resort hotel, to perform a few songs that evening in return for a free dinner and their hotel suite for the weekend. As the crowd clapped and cheered loudly, Diana made her way onto the stage and over to the microphone and greeted the bandleader, who kissed her hand before he went back to his podium.

When the crowd finally quieted, Diana began her introduction to the first song: "Good evening, and thank you for that enthusiastic welcome! Some of you may notice that the dress I'm wearing looks similar to a fashion worn by the incomparable Miss Marilyn Monroe in the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." Well, my first number this evening is a song from that movie, even though this wasn't the dress she wore for that particular scene; however, I am wearing the appropriate accessories! These lovely jewels are Harry Winston originals that the jewelry store in the lobby was kind enough to loan to me for the evening, so they are still available for sale if any of you men out there need a really good way to apologize to your wife!" She paused, grinning, and looked at her friends, Ward Bond and his wife Mary Lou, seated with her husband at their table as the room erupted in laughter.

As it quieted again, she continued; "So, I guess you know the song I'm referring to is 'Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend.' While I would never dare compare myself to the wonderful Miss Monroe, I learned this entire routine at the same time she did as I work for one of the producers of that movie and I spent a lot of time on the set and got to know Miss Monroe quite well. She is a truly lovely person and, I believe, one of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood; so Marilyn, if you hear about me attempting this poor imitation of you, please don't think too unkindly of me! Hit it boys!" she exclaimed as she turned toward the band.

When she started to sing the intro to the song, Charles's eyes widened as he realized she sounded almost just like Marilyn Monroe! As she got into the song and started moving and doing the same gestures as Marilyn had done, Charles started to see just how talented she was and he wondered again what had stopped her from going into show business? The more he watched her, the more astounded he was at just how beautiful and sexy she looked from her facial expressions as she sang, did some simple dance movements, and gestured animatedly with her hands and arms.

When Diana got to the last verse of the song, she was surprised when some of the band members provided a little back-up vocals. When she sang the last lines of the last verse,"But bent back or bent knees, You stand straight at...Tiffany's!" the band members provided the, "ooooooo," that came right after that. Diana paused for a second and said, "Thanks, fellas!" then launched into the final lines as the band members provided the rest of the back-up vocals:

Diamonds! (Diamonds!) Diamonds! (Diamonds!) I don't mean rhinestones... But, Diamonds...are a girl's best... Best Friend!

As the final trumpet fanfare played, the room erupted into thunderous applause, cheers and whistles! Charles, Ward and Mary Lou were all on their feet cheering and clapping loudly, and Charles made several loud whistles with his fingers. It took about a minute before the crowd finally started to quiet again as Diana bowed and said, "Thank you," a few times.

When it was quiet again, Diana introduced her next song: "This next tune is a bit more subdued than my opening number. It's a lovely romantic melody with a soft jazz influence, written by Cole Porter originally for a musical play and then later featured in a film in 1934 based on the musical called 'The Gay Divorcee.' It has been recorded by many different artists; most notably by the inimitable Ella Fitzgerald and the ever-popular Mr. Frank Sinatra. It's a song about the kind of love that everyone wants to feel that makes them think about, dream of and long to be near their beloved day and night...'Night and Day!'"

As Diana sang the song, she looked most often toward Charles but also worked the room until she sang the last verse of the song for the second time, which she sang entirely to Charles:

Night and day, under the hide of me There's oh, such a hungry yearning burning inside of me! And this torment won't be through Until you let me spend my life making love to you... Day and night, Night and day!

Charles stared at her through that whole last verse with a look of hungry yearning burning in his eyes, which Diana mirrored in her eyes, and it caused the passion and power in her voice start to rise in intensity. The bandleader directed the band to follow with musical intensity and then he instinctively paused the music when she ended the note after singing the words, "making love to you..." Then the band began again softly as she finished the last lines passionately subdued.

When the room exploded into loud applause and cheers again, Diana bowed a couple times and then turned to direct applause toward the bandleader and the band, as she knew that last musical passage was not normally played that way with that arrangement—the bandleader had followed her and matched the music to her emotions. The bandleader blew her a kiss, as he knew most other singers didn't usually acknowledge the band until the end of their performance, but she knew what had happened and she was immediately expressing her gratitude to them. The bandleader made a mental note to pay attention to her voice and follow whatever she did on her last two songs.

Diana began the intro to her next song as soon as it was quiet again. "This next song is another wonderful love song that has been made popular performed with a sultry jazz inflection by a very talented singer, Miss Etta James. I can certainly identify with this song now, as I know I have finally found my true love...'At Last!'"

The slowness and the soft, jazzy influence made Diana keep her eyes closed during most of the song as she felt each note and word of the lyrics pour from her heart and soul. At the last verse of the song, Diana suddenly realized how much the verse described her and Charles, so she stared at him as she sang the lines:

Ohhh, You smiled, and then the spell was cast And here we are in heaven For you are mine at last!

Charles smiled softly at her when she sang the first line of that last verse, as he realized she was thinking about him at 13 years old again and the fact that they had retained those memories all these years. He saw tears come into her eyes as she sang about them being in heaven, and he saw her tears well as she sang to him that he was last! His eyes misted as he, too, thought what a miracle it was that they'd finally found each other after 17 years! When Charles stood to applaud with everyone else, he paused as he kissed his right fingertips and then held his hand toward her, sending her a kiss as she smiled softly at him and carefully wiped tears from the corners of her eyes.

Diana bowed a couple times to the crowd and thanked them again and waited until it was quiet enough to introduce her last song and dedicate it to Charles. She began; "I know it seems the last couple songs I have been singing to my new husband, Charles Richards...right over there... wave to everyone, my sexy man!" Charles chuckled and looked around, embarrassed, as he put his right hand up and waved shyly. Then she started again; "I honestly didn't realize when I picked those last 2 songs how much they applied to my feelings for and my relationship with my new husband—I picked them just because I know them well from my act in L.A.! I'd never really paid that much attention to the lyrics before—terrible thing for a singer to admit, huh?"

She paused for a few seconds as a ripple of laughter floated through the room, then she continued, "Now, this last song I picked specifically to dedicate to my new husband because it seems to perfectly describe what happened between us just last night...when we met, fell in love, flew here and got married! Charles and I have known each other for just over 24 hours now, but we've been searching for each other for 17 years...and I just knew somehow that he would find me again...'Some Enchanted Evening!'"

Some enchanted evening You may see a stranger, You may see a stranger Across a crowded room And somehow you know, You know even then That somewhere you'll see her Again and again.

Some enchanted evening Someone may be laughin', You may hear her laughin' Across a crowded room And night after night, As strange as it seems The sound of her laughter Will sing in your dreams.

Who can explain it? Who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, Wise men never try.

Some enchanted evening When you find your true love, When you feel her call you Across a crowded room, Then fly to her side, And make her your own Or all through your life you May dream all alone.

As she ended that last line, Diana held her arms toward Charles, and he got up and came to her on the stage and took her hands as she turned sideways to face him at the microphone. Then she finished the last lines staring into his eyes.

Once you have found her, Never let her go. Once you have found her, Never let her go!

As soon as Diana finished the last note, Charles released her hands and wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her against him and kissed her passionately...right there in front of everyone. The whole crowd exploded into loud cheers, applause and whistles as the band loudly played the ending fanfare of the song—it was almost like they'd been watching part of a live performance of "South Pacific!"...except Nellie had sung that song to Emile instead of the other way around!

Charles and Diana continued to cling to each other and kiss passionately as the crowd wildly cheered and clapped. Finally, they realized that the cheers, whistles and applause were not fading, so they parted reluctantly, staring at each other with desperate desire and breathing heavily, then they turned to the crowd and took a couple bows together, holding hands. Then Charles backed away from Diana gesturing at her as he left the stage to return to their table while she took a few more bows and then indicated to the bandleader and the band again.

The applause was still not diminishing, and Diana started to get embarrassed as she realized everyone was on their feet, including the band—she was getting a full standing ovation! Tears came into her eyes, so she threw a few kisses toward the crowd and the band, put her arm up and waved, and then walked off the stage area to where Charles was waiting for her.

Finally, the applause and cheers began to fade as Diana reached their table and threw herself against Charles as she burst out sobbing, overcome from the emotions she'd been pouring into the songs and the overwhelming appreciation displayed by the audience. Charles just held her and rocked her gently as she sobbed; he glanced at Ward with a frown and a questioning look on his face, not quite understanding why she was crying.

Ward leaned toward him and said, "It's nothing to worry about; performing can be a very emotional experience sometimes, especially when you're pouring out your true feelings in front of a crowd of strangers. And when you get this much of a response from the audience, it's hard for it to not affect you very deeply. She'll be fine in a few minutes; she just needs to release all the emotions she's been holding back so that she could perform competently."

Charles nodded as he understood, and held Diana a little tighter as he started to caress her back and shoulders gently. He noticed that she wasn't sobbing any more, and she was starting to take deep, ragged breaths as she calmed down. Charles asked Ward to hand him a napkin from the table to give to Diana so she could dry her tears; she calmed down and dabbed at her face to get rid of most of the wetness as Charles released her from his embrace. Then Mary Lou handed her a mirrored compact so Diana could see to wipe away the traces of her tears and fix her make-up again.

As they all sat back down at their table, the nightclub manager appeared and told Diana that he'd never seen such excitement from an audience during any other performance. Then he told her that any time in the future, if she planned to visit Las Vegas, that if she would do an evening show for them, he would personally make sure that she got a free room and anything else she wanted! Diana smiled and thanked him and told him she would keep that in mind.

Ward was a little surprised to discover that most of the people who stopped at their table to tell Diana how much they'd enjoyed her performance, didn't even recognize him at all! He knew that he was a bigger star and more well known than she; but he'd started to realize that she was way more talented than he'd given her credit for. Duke had told him that she should've been a big star herself, but he hadn't really seen it...until now. He'd thought that the Duke had just been biased because he loved her; now he knew Duke was right. But Ward also realized that when Diana was in love and in the presence of her beloved, it brought out the fullest potential of her talent.

Ward also realized at that moment another reason why Duke and she could never have married—because Diana might have become a bigger star than Duke and he didn't think that Duke's ego could've handled that! Whereas Charles was as much of a REAL man as the Duke was, but he had no ego in regard to talent, so he could just be proud of and enjoy his wife's talents and success!

Diana was a woman with many talents—her most innate one, the ability to make REAL men fall in love with her. And Ward realized it was the one talent Diana didn't even realize she possessed—which just made her that much more appealing to REAL men. Her personality had such a mixture of womanly sexiness, girlish helplessness, adventurous tom boyishness and male aggressiveness that she appealed to any real MAN who craved a real WOMAN.

Diana graciously continued to thank the many people who stopped at their table to tell her how talented she was, how beautiful her voice was and how much they had enjoyed her performance. Several men also shook Charles' hand and told him how lucky he was to have such a beautiful, talented and sexy wife; Charles just grinned, chuckled and shook his head when Diana told them it wasn't luck—he was a handsome, sexy and very talented man as bed!

One of the men even went so far as to grin back and propose a toast; "Well, honey, I think just about any man would become very talented at sex with a woman like you for inspiration! You're the type of woman that makes a man want to strive to be the best that he can be; so here's to you, the lovely, sexy and talented Mrs. Charles Richards!" Charles and Ward both stood and said here, here as they drank a toast. Then Ward looked at Mary Lou and toasted her as being the woman who makes him want to strive to be the best that he can be...and they drank a toast to her as Diana just stared at Charles with love and passion in her eyes.

Charles held his hand toward Diana and helped her stand, then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately again, then he glanced at Ward and the other man and said, "If you gentlemen, and Mary Lou, will excuse us...I need to take my beautiful, sexy new bride back upstairs for a little while and remind her just how talented I am! We may...or may not...make it back a little later!"

Ward told them that he was going to be joining a group for a private game of Texas Hold 'Em around midnight, so he'd try to see them sometime tomorrow if they didn't make it back. Diana looked at Charles and told him that was her kind of game and she'd really like to get in on it. Ward told her it was a $100 buy-in, and she looked at Charles and said she knew he had at least that much on him, so Charles pulled a hundred dollars out of his wallet and handed it to Ward and told him to get her into the game. Ward told them where to find the game in the casino and said he'd see them later.

As Charles and Diana strolled arm in arm through the lobby staring at each other, he paused a couple times to crush her against him and kiss her slowly and deeply for several moments, as other people would pass by with their eyebrows raised in either disgust or appreciation. When they got to the elevators, they were disappointed because they weren't alone for the ride up this time and they had to behave themselves...well almost. Charles was standing behind Diana at the back of the elevator and he reached down and fondled her ass, so Diana put her left hand behind her and fondled Charles' crotch.

When they got to the top floor, they exited the elevator and walked to the end of the hallway to their room with Diana's left hand clutching Charles' crotch and his right hand cupping her ass the whole way. When they stopped at the door as Charles started to unlock it, Diana told him quietly as she stroked his hard cock through the front of his pants, "When we get inside, I want you to fuck me hard and fast until we cum. Then, I'm going to suck you hard again and then I want you to take my ass! Is that OK with you?" Diana started to chuckle softly when she saw Charles fumbling trying to get the key into the lock because his hand was shaking slightly and his cock was twitching in his pants.

Diana took the key from him and smoothly unlocked the door and opened it as she said, "I guess that plan is OK with you!" She led Charles in the door by clutching his crotch again, and then she turned around and kicked the door closed with her foot. Then she backed several feet away from Charles, reached up under her gown and pulled her panties down until they fell around her ankles and then kicked them off her feet and shoes and asked him, "Where do you want me?"

Charles was breathing heavily as he realized how powerfully she could control him when she point-blank told him what she wanted from him sexually. But he remembered that he could regain control from her if he was able to tease her. As he started to unbutton and remove his jacket, loosen and undo his tie and unbutton his shirt, he said to her in his low, sexy voice, "Where do I want you, Diana? bed, standing up, on the bar, on the couch, in the shower, in the hallway, in the elevator, in the lobby, on the dance floor, on stage, in a plane, in my car...wherever we are! So for now, I guess right here will have to do!"

He had finished unbuttoning his shirt, so he walked up to her, gathered up the back of her dress to uncover her ass and lift her dress around her hips, lifted her up by her ass cheeks and thighs and walked her over to the bar and sat her on the edge of it. Then he backed away just far enough to unbuckle his belt, undo his pants and push them and his boxers down until his hard dick sprang free, placed the head at her wet slit and rubbed the tip up and down her pussy lips a few times to tease her. Then he grinned sexily and said, "Where do you want me?"

Diana was breathing heavily as well and moaned softly when he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her a few times. When he teasingly asked her where she wanted him, she gasped in frustration and wrapped her legs around his ass, lining his cock up with her pussy and jerked his hips forward with her legs, burying his cock inside her as she groaned, "Right here!" She paused for a moment as her back arched in pleasure from that initial entry, then she looked at him with her eyes burning and said, "Stop being such a teasing prick and fuck me hard like I told you to!"


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