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Charlie's Angels: The Little Angel


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"Ohhh Kelly... that...." at a loss for words, she simply stared, still breathing heavily open-mouthed. Words were not necessary; her face expressed everything that needed to be said. A single tear rolled from the corner of her eye.

"You taste so good Kris. I could do this all day."

"You have my permission," Kris whispered, smiling.

Kelly kissed the corner of her mouth, her top lip, and bottom lip. Kris's mouth closed, capturing Kelly's lips between hers and kissing her back without strength enough to lift her head. Kris tasted herself on Kelly's tongue. She had tasted herself once or twice before from licking her fingers clean after pleasuring herself, and rather liked the flavor, but didn't often give it another thought. It was the same taste as then, but now coming from Kelly's warm lips it was brand new and a thousand times better, an important and intimate taste. She loved it.

Not quite awake or asleep, but in that wonderful hazy state of contentment and comfort, they lay together silently entwined and listening to the ocean. The muffled sound of a car door slamming out in front of the house jerked both their eyes open.

"I forgot!" Kelly whispered.

"Help me up Kelly, I feel like jello!" Kris picked her towel up off the floor, wrapping it around herself. Kelly scampered out of the hallway just as a key scraped in the lock and Jill came through the door.


"Hi Jill! How was your day?"

"Eh." Jill made a face, stripping off her sweater and tossing it on a chair. "It's good to be home."

"Want a drink?" Kelly asked, distracting her while Kris snuck up behind her, holding her finger to her lips.

"Oh yeah that'd be great, I've got some pepsi in there."

"Guess who!" she clapped her hands over Jill's eyes from behind.

"Kris!" she yelped, spinning around. They hugged and danced together.

"How long have you been here!"

"I came over this afternoon, I wanted to surprise you. How've you been?"

"I've been great, what about you?"

"Great too."

"Would you like a drink too Kris?" Kelly asked, reaching up to get some glasses out of the cabinet.


"Did you forget to pack or something?" Jill asked, looking down at Kris. She had taken the white sheet off the bed and wrapped it around herself, and wore nothing else otherwise. A corner of it dragged on the carpet behind her.

"Oh..I took a shower and didn't feel like putting much on," she invented.

"Your hair's dry," Jill noted.

"Oh...yeah, it was a while ago." Kris answered. It was true, after all.

Kelly walked over from the kitchen, handing Jill a drink and then Kris, flashing a tiny smile that Jill couldn't see.

"Actually um.. Jill remember what we were talking about on the phone last night?"

Jill nodded at her, taking a sip of her soda.

"Well see...Kelly got here only a little after I did and we.. well, I asked her to show me."

"You mean you..?" Jill looked back and forth between Kris and Kelly.

Kris nodded, scanning her sister's face for an initial reaction. Jill's face cracked into a big grin immediately.

"Oh Kris I'm so happy for you!" she said, grabbing her in another tight hug. Nestled in Jill's shoulder, she smiled in relief at Kelly who was standing behind them.

"Sooo, how was it?" she asked, pulling Kris away and looking her in the face, still grinning.

"It...," Kris began to say, then just shook her head, unable to think of any words that convey how, exactly, it was. "It was wonderful," she finished, having to settle for some inadequate word.

"I bet," Jill laughed. "Kelly's the best." She turned around to look at Kelly. "You did give her the super-deluxe treatment?"

"Only regular deluxe," Kelly corrected, wagging a finger in the air. "I didn't want to do a lot of things she wasn't ready for."


"Wait, you mean there was more than that?" Kris asked, raising her eyebrows.

Kelly nodded, chewing her ice. "The full routine is too much for a first time. You were a little nervous so I wanted to take it extra slow."

"Aww," Jill nudged Kris, grinning even wider.

"Oh, you be quiet," Kelly shooed Jill with a wave of her hand. She backed up, giggling.

"Well?" Kris defended herself, turning slightly pink. "I've never done it before."

"Never mind her, Kris. It's normal to be nervous at first. You did great."

"I didn't do anything," she reminded Kelly. "I feel kind of bad."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's just.. you made me feel so good, and then I didn't do anything for you."

"I'm sure Kelly wouldn't mind if you returned her favor," Jill said.

"Oh I'd like to," Kris said quickly, "but I don't know how. I don't think I could ever do all the things she did to me. I probably couldn't even get her to finish," she laughed nervously.

"First time for everything," Jill said. "Would you like to learn?"

Kris nodded eagerly.

"I hereby contribute my body for this worthy cause," Kelly announced.

"Always so self-sacrificing," Jill smirked. "This couch is no good. Let's take this into the bedroom. And don't make her work through all this," she said, tugging on Kelly's shirt sleeve.

"Course not." Kelly pulled her t-shirt off over her head and sat down on the bed, shimmying out of her jeans. She was left in matching baby-blue bra and panties.

"Ok, for this lesson we'll just skip to the main course," Jill said, hooking her fingers under Kelly's panties and sliding them down her legs. She snapped them across the room like a rubber band.

"Wait, I can't just start right there. She did this for me too," Kris interrupted, settling down on the bed next to Kelly and reaching behind her. Her fingers undid the clasp and she pulled the straps down her shoulders, freeing her smooth white breasts capped in soft pink points. She looked like a porcelain doll.

Kris dropped the bra in her lap and studied Kelly's body closely, admiring her like a work of art. Though she and Jill had probably seen eachother naked a hundred times, and she had been around other girls in showers and such, she had never paid any special attention. Now as she admired Kelly she realized the detailed beauty of the female form for the first real time. She lifted one hand hesitantly, not sure what to do.

"Just take a minute for yourself. Explore, feel around, get comfortable with her body." Jill instructed.

Kris lifted her hand again and lightly touched Kelly's skin on her side near her waist. She had forgotten to expect it to feel as soft and warm as it did, and it was refreshing somehow. Her fingers slowly trailed along the underside of Kelly's breast and in between them, as if she were blind and trying to memorize Kelly's shape by touch. Soon she was cupping her breast with her palm, feeling the weight of it, its jiggle, its firmness, marveling at how it could be the same as what she had only so different. Her fingertips found Kelly's nipple and began to circle around it, not trying to make it feel good, but just to feel how soft it was. She kept rubbing lightly and watched it harden before her eyes. Now she had explored this territory enough and wanted to work it and make Kelly feel good. She lowered her head and licked her right nipple, her eyes quickly darting up to Kelly's to get a reaction.

Kelly had rested her head back and closed her eyes. She wanted to see what Kris was doing but had a feeling it would make her uncomfortable to be watched. Instead she simply relaxed, smiling as she felt Kris's warm tongue connect with her skin again.

Kris kept licking Kelly's nipple, trying to remember what Kelly had done for her earlier so she could try to re-create it. She licked her tongue in little circles around it, then kissed it. Her lips opened a little, letting the pink nub into her mouth and turning the kiss into a suck.

Jill was rarely any good at just watching, and in a moment climbed onto the other side of the bed. She flipped her hair out of the way and sealed her mouth around Kelly's other nipple.

Kelly by now was enjoying herself quite a bit. She had had both nipples sucked at the same time before, but this time it was especially enjoyable just to think about. Two beautiful sisters suckled from her breasts; one her closest friend, one her newest; one experienced, one innocent and curious. She was able to concentrate and feel each of their techniques individually.

On her left, Jill had her lips sealed tightly around her nipple, sucking rather hard. Inside her mouth, her tongue flicked wetly and lazily over the tip of Kelly's nipple. From plenty of experience, she knew that Kelly liked this particular technique of licking and sucking at the same time. One hand stroked the smooth contour of her breast, down onto her flat stomach and on her side, sometimes brushing so lightly with her fingertips as to elicit a shiver, at which Kelly could feel the lips on her nipple curve into a smile.

On her right, Kris would alternate one at a time between licking her nipple over and over, and sucking on it. When she sucked she was extremely gentle, due to the fact that she was duplicating what Kelly had done for her. Her eyes stayed closed much of the time and one hand rested on her stomach as if she were holding her still. Once she did open her eyes, she noticed how Jill was running her fingers all over Kelly, and began to copy her. Her fingers committed to memory every little curve and contour of Kelly's body that she could reach - her hips, her little belly button, the faint outline of her ribs, even the fine little hairs on her soft skin.

Kelly became increasingly aware of the warm, wet, heavy feeling between her legs, and how empty she felt. Jill noticed how she kept repositioning her legs slightly, which she tended to do when she was getting horny. Normally Kelly would have just reached down to take care of it herself by now, but she knew she was resisting for the noble cause of Kris's training. She gave Kelly's nipple a final lick and then raised up a bit, propping herself on one elbow.

"Ok Kris, now I think it's time we move back to the main attraction." Though she spoke calmly and matter-of-factly, Kelly could tell from the subtle tone of her voice that she was probably pretty turned on thus far. "Come on down here," she said, settling herself in between Kelly's legs. She reached down and spread them wider so that Kris could sit at her side. "Ok so.. what would you like to try first Kris, your fingers or your mouth?"


"Ok. First of all, we don't want cold fingers. A good idea is to suck on them for a second before you use them. Then they're wet too." Jill placed two fingers in her mouth for a moment. Kris followed her example. "Now you can touch her. You've never seen a pussy this close up before, have you."

Kris shook her head. "It's beautiful."

Jill smiled. "Feel around a little."

Kris touched Kelly's pussy gently with her fingertips. She felt her firm, smooth little clit, leading down to her soft pussy lips. Between these, clear juices were dripping out from her little pink hole. Kris touched it with her fingertip, feeling the warm,wet, slippery texture. She spread her fingers, and strings of juice stretched between them. She looked at it closely.

"It looks different from mine."

"Everyone's is different," Jill told her. "It looks different and tastes different for everybody. Go ahead and taste it."

Kris put her fingers to her lips and licked a little of Kelly's juices off them.

"Hers tastes better than mine." She licked again, and again until her fingers were dry.

"Hers is really good," Jill confirmed. "Ok, you ready? The great thing here is that you know how everything feels already because you have everything here. So really, just do to her what feels good when you do it to yourself."

Kris extended her index finger and after coating it in Kelly's juices, pushed it into her pussy and began to slide it in and out, feeling her hot slippery inner walls. This angle was much easier, allowing her more room and leverage than what she could do to her own pussy. Kelly sighed in approval.

"Put another one, and go harder." Kelly breathed. Kris slipped in a second finger and continued plunging them in and out. Her hips swayed against Kris's hand, growing hotter and wetter by the minute.

Kris drove her fingers into Kelly's pussy deep and hard, coating them in clear juices up to her knuckles. She slipped in a third finger and Kelly moaned again. Her hips rose a little off the bed and humped against Kris's fingers.

"Harder, harder, harder," she kept moaning absently.

"You're good at this Kris," Kelly gasped. "I'm gonna come in a second!"

"Hold on, slow down," Jill said.

"Why?" Kris asked, obeying and fingering Kelly slowly. "She just said she was gonna come."

Kelly groaned, having thought Kris wouldn't know any better and would get her off right away.

"Well if you get almost there and then stop a couple times, it feels a lot better when you finally get there. Then you have a great time and it's not over right away. Plus, there's something else I want to teach you."

"What's that?"

"You're going to learn how to make Kelly's pussy squirt."

"You mean you can really do that?" Kris gaped. "I mean I've heard about that but I didn't think you could!"

"Not a lot of girls can do it. She's just lucky."

"Oh.. so what do I do?"

"Put your finger as deep as you can inside her with your palm facing up. Now..did you ever find your g-spot?"

"I don't think so," Kris answered. She inserted her finger and paused, waiting for further instruction.

"That's ok. Let me show you where it is then." She slipped a finger in alongside Kris's and felt around a bit. "Ok, put your fingertip where mine is. Feel this spongy spot right here?"


"That's her g-spot. If you rub her right on that spot she'll squirt when she comes. Go like this." With her other hand she took hold of Kris's palm and rubbed her finger firmly on it in tiny circles, demonstrating what her other finger was doing inside Kelly. Kelly opened her mouth and moaned silently. Jill pulled her finger out. "Try it."

Kris felt around Kelly's pussy for the right spot, first feeling and exploring, then began to rub her finger against Kelly's soft, spongy pussy wall how Jill had shown her. She learned quickly what exact spot felt the best by listening to the resulting moans, pressing a little harder where Kelly moaned louder. She watched Kelly's expression as she massaged her pussy, drilling her finger in little circles.

"Now put your other hand flat right here and press down a little." Jill placed her palm flat just over Kelly's mound. Kris replaced it with her own and pressed gently. Kelly was gripped by the familiar sensation; it was like she had to pee but she knew that's not what it was. She relaxed after a moment while Kris continued to rub her sensitive button and let it happen.

Kelly gasped loudly, shuddering and humping as she came. She moaned deeply as her muscles clenched around Kris's fingers.

Kris felt her hand drenched with a gush of warm liquid. Looking down, she stared in awe at the juices spraying from Kelly's pussy as she gasped and humped. She never thought it could be this much liquid, or this far of a stream. They splattered onto her skin and dripped down onto the bed. After several decreasing squirts, Kelly fell back, catching her breath.

"Wow," Kris whispered.

"Yeah, that's why she's so much fun," Jill grinned. Now you have a great way to start eating her pussy. Just lick up the juice." She knew Kris needed no demonstration for this, but leaned in and stole a quick lick of the fluid dripping from Kelly's slit just because she loved the taste.

Kris pushed her out of the way and lowered her head between Kelly's legs. She extended her tongue, licking between Kelly's pussy lips. This fluid tasted different, not as much flavor, but still very good. She began to lap eagerly, swallowing all that she could drink in, and licked her lips. Vividly remembering what Kelly had done only hours earlier, she began to imitate her technique. Kris began to lick her clit, flicking her warm tongue back and forth over the swollen pink nub. Her chin felt warm and sticky as it rubbed over Kelly's still-trickling hole. She sucked on it now, tugging with her lips, and felt Kelly's hands grip her hair.

She opened her mouth wide and pressed it tightly against Kelly's pussy, slipping her tongue up inside. Kelly moaned as her tongue began to move around inside her sopping pussy, licking her inner walls. Kris began to dart her tongue quickly in and out of Kelly's dripping cunt, listening to her gasps and moans. She tried to plunge her tongue deeper, burying her face between Kelly's legs. Her hands wrapped tightly around Kelly's hips, trying in vain to hold them still from grinding and humping.

Kelly was in the suspended animation of ecstacy, feeling a spark of electricity shoot through her body each time Kris's long, wet tongue flicked up into her swollen pussy. She wished she could sit up and grind herself on it, ride it, penetrate herself deeper on it. She took a glance down and moaned. She saw her legs parted wide and Kris's face - from the nose up - peeking up from behind her mound. Her eyes were closed. She looked like she was enjoying herself. She looked innocent. She looked so damn sexy. Kelly would later find (happily) that this image was burned into her mind permanently. Her tongue flicked around and her lips opened and closed, kissing and sucking intently.

Jill sat at the corner of the bed, fingering herself and proudly watching Kris eat out her first pussy. Kelly felt the bed shake a bit at times when she hadn't caused it, and chalked it up to one of Jill's quiet climaxes.

Kris thouroughly lapped her wet, pink flesh, loving it more with each minute that passed. Using both hands to gently spread Kelly's pussy lips apart, she was able to see her fully exposed and glistening inner lips. Between them was a steady trickle of clear juices flowing from her dark pink hole. Her opening looked so tender, gaping, aching and yearning to be filled so badly that Kris could almost feel it. She plunged her hot tongue deep into it, fucking Kelly's dripping pussy with her mouth and swallowing every drop of her juices as she moaned.

Kelly's legs were spreading as wide as possible, and then squeezing around Kris's head. Usually this alternated faster and faster as her climax approached, but this time all of a sudden it was just there. Kelly had no hope of controlling her body at all. Her mind went blank and she thrashed and humped as she came on Kris's face, practically screaming. Her spasming pussy released a gush of fluid that flowed onto Kris's tongue and dripped down her chin before she could lick it back up. When she finally relaxed, she shivered from exertion while her mind tried to catch up with her body.

Kris's heart was pounding almost as fast; she was not only thrilled to have made Kelly have such a violent climax, but she finally realized how hot and wet she was. As she shifted her weight she could feel that her pussy was literally dripping wet; a large drop of juice had trickled a few inches down her leg and was slowly making progress.

"Your turn, Kelly." Jill repositioned herself, laying on her back and spreading her legs wide. Grinning widely, Kris did the same.

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This was one hell of a story, especially for anyone who has ever watched Charlie's Angels. The idea of the Angels having such carnal pleasure with each other is, well..."sinfully" delicious. I loved the seduction scene and the lead-up to a probable threesome (all-girl, no less). I give it a 5. Definitely a first-rate Celeb story.

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