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Cheating Wife & Cuckold Husband #05

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What all woman eventually say, "How do you like me now?"
6.8k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/13/2015
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I dedicate this story to Walter from Southern California.


Something that all women say one time or another, "How do you like me now?"

Later in their marriage, had they not shared the commonality of them both being cheating spouses who were sexually attracted to young, firm flesh, Jay didn't think that his marriage would have survived. With Ruth turning her head from his cheating on her in the way Jay turned his head from her cheating on him, and with one not sexually wanting the other anyway, they both got what they needed from others. They both not only sexually satisfied their horniness but also quelled their jealousy and possessiveness by having sex with strangers. Everything was fine as long as Ruth drank herself drunk, didn't flaunt her extramarital affairs to their neighbors and friends, and/or rub her young boyfriends in his face.

Especially in the beginning when they first met as young, college students, certainly there was much more to Ruth than becoming a cougar addicted to sex and a drunk addicted to alcohol as defined by Jay later in life. Certainly, if she showed those traits then, he never would have even dated her, never mind marrying her. Only, Ruth knew how to play the sexy game of teasing, enticing, and sexual seduction. Giving men what they wanted, what they wanted was sex, she knew how to play men to get what she needed, what she wanted was booze.

With Jay her submissive cuckold of a boyfriend, it was an easy transition to transform him to be her submissive cuckold of a husband. With sex being the prize that she always gave her young lovers, she obviously knew that she wouldn't have to give her husband sex for him to continue supporting her. Obviously, she knew the way to keep him around supporting her was to abuse him and to belittle him. He showed her early on that he liked that. In the way she controlled all of her young lovers as if she was their mother, she did the same with her husband. Only, even though neither one of them were into bondage, sadism, and masochism, she more played the role of his dominatrix than she did his mother.

What happened to her to make her that way, a whore and a drunk? Was she born addicted to cock in the way she was addicted to alcohol? Was it simply because her father was a drunk, she inherited the gene to give her the need for an excessive amount of alcohol too? In the way of the chicken and the egg, was she a whore because she was a drunk or a drunk because she was a whore. What did it matter?

After being married to her all these years and with her cheating on her husband all of these years, did it make a difference now if she was a whore because she was a drunk or a drunk because she was a whore? Who cares? The bottom line is that Ruth is a drunken whore. Too difficult for Jay or for anyone to unravel, Ruth's problems were issues he'd never know the answer to unless she agreed to see a psychiatrist, which she'd never agree to see. If she did see a therapist and if he was a man instead of woman, with her very persuasive in her powers of sexual seduction, she'd probably end up having sex with him.

Yet, Jay, a brilliant man, was a scientist with a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and the particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of the laws and concepts of physics. A trained researcher, he was accustomed to seeing things that others couldn't and didn't. He had a talent for seeing through the smoke, the mirrors, and the bullshit while stating the obvious articulately, simply, concisely, and truthfully and without holding back any punches. Yet seemingly, while hoping for sex, he enjoyed being submissive to his wife's whimsy. Much in the way of how a dog adapts with learned behavior, their sexual peccadilloes that they did in the early stages of their marriage had morphed to become routine and difficult to break habits now.

Certainly, even though he was evidently controlled by Ruth, he was strong enough not to be controlled by her if he didn't want to be controlled by her. Tired of having the same arguments without anything changing to improve their marriage, it was sometimes just easier to go with the flow. Giving into her for the sake of having peace in his life, it was sometimes just easier to relinquish his control to her. Yet, after a while of allowing her to control him, she grew stronger and he grew weaker.

Unfortunately, especially when it came to falling in total lust with Ruth as a 20-year-old man, he hadn't yet developed that skill-set talent of seeing through people and stating the obvious, especially with women, until later in life. As a horny, young man, he had always been a sucker for a shapely, pretty woman. With him addicted to sex early on, a typical guy, he had always been a sucker for big tits, a round ass, a tight pussy, and shapely legs. He had always been a sucker for getting laid and receiving blowjobs.

Instead, of thinking with his big brain, he thought more with his penis. With her such a sexy, conniving, devious bitch and already knowing how to play the sex card to get all that she wanted and needed from him, he was taken in by Ruth's feminine charms. In the way he was sexually abused by his mother, he was sexually abused by his wife too. In the way that he thought his mother was the love of his life, he thought his wife was the love of his life too. With him still blaming himself for the death of his mother after her last act was to have sex with him, it took him 25 years to realize that he didn't need his wife treating him less than he was. With Ruth unable to support herself, unless he gave her a big divorce settlement, she needed him more than he needed her.

Jay knew that his sexual attraction to Ruth and in allowing her to mistreat him had something to do with his mother. He wondered had his mother survived if he could have unraveled his mother's psychological hold on him to explain his wife's psychological hold on him too. Yet, his mother was much nicer than Ruth. His mother wasn't the selfish, drunken, whore of a bitch that Ruth was. His mother would never mistreat him and take advantage of him in the way that Ruth had done and was still doing now. Even if his mother killed herself because they had sex, he cherished the memory of having sex with his mother in the same way that he cherished the memory of having sex with Ruth before they were married.

Ruth was not the same woman he married. As if she was a witch who cast an evil, sexual spell on him, with him nothing more than a toad, he was her helpless frog. As if she was a poisonous spider weaving her web of trickery and deceit, he was her dumb, trapped fly, a fly that she never sucked dry in the way she sucked Christopher dry and all of other, young lovers dry. Instead, with him having sex with other, young women and her having sex with other young men, neither one was willing to rock the boat by filing for a divorce. He was seldom home anyway. Just as what she didn't know he sexually did with woman couldn't be used against him in divorce court, what he didn't know she sexually did with men wouldn't hurt him.

Even though he knew she was a drunk, as long as she wasn't falling down drunk in front of him, their daughter, and/or their neighbors and friends, he didn't care that she drank. Even though he knew she was cheating on him in the way he was cheating on her, unless she rubbed her young lovers in his face, he didn't care about that either. In the way that she closed her eyes to his sexual affairs, he closed his eyes to her sexual affairs too.

With her having no reason to rock the boat, she allowed Jay to live, prosper, and continue to support her while he traveled the country and the world having sex with young women and she had sex with young men. The end result, just as he was no match for her then, he was no match for her now. Had he had the time and the desire, he would have put her in her place but it was easier for him to ignore her and to shun her as if she wasn't even there than to continue to argue with her.

Unfortunately, even brilliant, unsuspecting men can be taken advantage of by wily and insincere women who use sex to tease, entice, and to seduce them for their own personal agendas, financial security, and monetary gain. His fatal flaw, something that goes back to the incestuous, sexual relationship that he enjoyed with his mother, in the way his mother controlled him with the promise of sex, he enjoyed her controlling him with the promise of sex too. If he didn't enjoy being so controlled and wasn't still sexually attracted to her, he would have divorced his wife years ago.

With his fatal flaw never changing and still the same from this mother to his wife, even though Ruth treated him worse than a dog, like shit, he was still so very sexually attracted to her. Only, his mother treated him much better than his wife. Yet, even with his wife's continued mistreatment of him, deep down inside he still loved her but that would all change over the years. After a while, instead of loving her, he hated her.

* * * * *

Except for her drinking, Ruth was no better or no worse than so many women who pretended to be innocent virgins and/or loving wives, not that Ruth was a virgin and/or ever a loving wife; she was neither. Yet, turned off on woman and marriage after being married to Ruth, even though he was once a sensitive and loving man, Jay now painted all woman with the same wide, black brush as greedy, gold digging, cheating whores. Still, even though he was now basically a woman hater, his disliking of women still didn't stop him from having sex with women, lots of women. With men having unrealistic expectations for the purity and modesty of their women by putting them high up on pedestals, men are easily disappointed. It is the fault of men that women have to revert to lying about their past sexual partners while pretending how modestly moral and sexually innocent they are.

Jay thought of all the women who not only sexually teased him and enticed him but also who sexually played every man he knew with the empty promise of sex. As if women were fishing with a baited line in a barrel full of unsuspecting men, his friends all had the same, sad stories of how women used them to get whatever they wanted with the promise of sex. Whether it was a diamond, a fur, a car, or a house, all of the men he knew worked hard to make a living while their women stayed home as if they were their pampered pets or trophy wives.

Seemingly happy and sexually satisfied, everything was fine until men married these conniving, bitchy, self-centered women. Then, once they married them that was the end of their sexy fun for their husbands but open season for them to have sexual affair with other men. Except to advertise their sexuality to other men, why else would married women continue to wear low cut blouses, short skirts, and high heels when they're no longer in the dating game? Why else would women dress like the whores that they are when they're not giving their husband sex?

Once they married them, with too many women cheating whores, many women look to see how they could cheat on their husbands while still retaining their modestly moral, fictional persona and their financial income. Once they married them, women dangled sex over their head in the way of the elusive carrot tied to a string and attached to a stick. Once they married them, women blamed men for all of their personal problems. Always the men's fault, it was always the men paying for the pleasures received from women by supporting them in their lifestyles for the rest of their miserable lives. How dare they do that to men? How dare Ruth do that to Jay?

With men always deemed the cheaters, too many men have a difficult time thinking that their wives are unfaithful where women always suspect their men of being unfaithful and lying about their infidelities. Not blinded by a great set of tits and a nice ass, seemingly women are more realistic than men in seeing men for who they truly are. Instead of putting men high up on pedestals, they'd rather put them in the doghouse for being the dirty dogs that they all are.

Yet, what men don't know is that women sexually cheat as much as men do. The difference is that women aren't boastful about their sexual conquests. Women don't come home with a pocketful of receipts from nightclubs and strip joints. Women hide their infidelities better than do men. Women have better passwords on their computers and cell phones.

Ruth was no different than many women who were willing to trade the promise of sex for money. With women using what they inherently have to make men happy enough to support them for their entire lives, women use the only tools they have at their disposal. All that most women have, especially those women without an education and who are unable to support themselves, are their looks, their bodies, their tits and their asses, and the experienced sexuality of their hands, their mouths, and their pussies. Most times, those feminine physical attributes are plenty enough to get them whatever they want from men.

Certainly, being a drunken whore of a woman was not justification for Ruth cheating on Jay with other men, but she was only doing what her mother and her grandmother did before her. If only Jay could see how the rest of the world lived, perhaps he wouldn't be as hard on himself and on Ruth for doing what came naturally to her. Compared to other woman around the world, aside from her being a drunk, Ruth was no better, no worse, and no different than most women.

* * * * *

"Presto chango," said Lola pushing back the shower curtain in one quick swipe to shock the shit out of her male guest.

As if she was emerging from a dressing room in a department store while not fully dressed, she emerged from the shower naked and without the modesty of her towel. With the man she just met thinking that she's a modestly, moral woman when she's a selfish slut and bitch of a whore, she knew how to play him with sex to get what she wanted. Not shy, embarrassed, and/or ashamed of her nakedness, she knew exactly what she was doing in exposing her naked body to him.

Sexually teasing and erotically enticing him, she knew he'd be more interested in her once he saw her beautiful, sexy, shapely, and naked body. She knew she'd get whatever she wanted from him once he saw her tits, her ass, and her pussy. She knew she'd have total control of him once she allowed him to touch her, feel her, make love to her, and fuck her before she sucked him and allowed him to cum in her mouth while he watched her swallow.

"How do you like me now?"

* * *

"Oops," said Tiffany allowing her blue, sexy, satin nightgown to slowly fall from her naked body down to her feet and in front of her new boyfriend. "Viola," she said raising her hands over her head, then turning and bending at the waist to show him more of what he hoped to see.

Obviously, without her pushing them back in place, she purposely allowed her nightgown straps to slip from her shoulders and slide down her arms. Then, as if she was a snake shedding her skin, she deliberately allowed her nightgown to slither down her curvy body. With him thinking that she's a modestly, moral woman when she's a selfish slut and a bitch of a whore, she knew how to play him with sex to get what she wanted. Not shy, embarrassed, and/or ashamed of her nakedness, she knew exactly what she was doing in exposing herself to him.

She was sexually teasing and erotically enticing her new boyfriend with her beautiful, sexy, shapely, and naked body. She knew she'd get whatever she wanted from him once he saw her tits, her ass, and her pussy. She knew she'd have total control of him once she allowed him to touch her, feel her, make love to her, and fuck her before she sucked him and allowed him to cum in her mouth while he watched her swallow.

"How do you like me now?"

* * *

"Abracadabra. Now you see it and now you don't," said Veronica before taking the entire length of her fiancé's cock in her mouth and deep throating him.

Not stopping there, she allowed him to hump her mouth and fuck her face. He didn't even have to put a hand to the back of her head to allow him to cum in her mouth and for her to swallow his cum. As soon as she sucked him dry, she ejected his stiff prick from her mouth with her tongue so she could speak. She knew she'd have total control of him once she allowed him to touch her, feel her, make love to her, and fuck her before she sucked him and allowed him to cum in her mouth while he watched her swallow.

With him thinking that she's a modestly moral woman when she's a selfish slut and a bitch of a whore, she knew how to play him with sex, especially with a blowjob, to get what she wanted. In the way he acted so surprised, shocked actually, that she not only blew him and allowed him to cum in her mouth but also swallowed his cum, she acted as if this was her first time sucking cock. She could have won an Academy Award for her feigned innocence. Not shy, embarrassed, and/or ashamed of her superior cock sucking skills, she was sexually teasing and erotically enticing her fiancé by giving him a deep throat blowjob.

"How do you like me now?"

* * *

"Open Sesame," said Crystal spreading her legs wide to her newlywed husband.

This erotic, exotic, and explicit show of her naked pussy was her husband's personal invitation for him to finger her and lick her before making love to her and fucking her. With him thinking that she's a modestly, moral woman when she's a selfish slut and a bitch of a whore, she knew how to play him with sex to get what she wanted. Not shy, embarrassed, and/or ashamed of her open legged nudity in showing her nude husband her glistening, pink pussy, she was sexually teasing and erotically enticing her just married husband with her womanly charms.

Controlling him with the promise of sex, she knew this is how she'd always have her wicked way with him. She knew she'd get whatever she wanted from him once he saw her tits, her ass, and her pussy. She knew she'd have total control of him once she allowed him to touch her, feel her, make love to her, and fuck her before she sucked him and allowed him to cum in her mouth while he watched her swallow.

"How do you like me now?"

* * * * *

Once they were married, living with Ruth was so very much different than when dating her. If only he knew then what he knows now, he never would have married her. With Jay expecting more sex from his wife than from her when she was his girlfriend, the opposite was true and he received less sex. Seemingly, surprisingly, and disappointingly, now that she had his ring on her finger and his name as part of her name, she no longer had to play sexy games to get what she wanted. She no longer had to drop her towel, allow her nightgown to fall to her feet, deep throat his cock to show him her cock sucking skills, or expose her naked pussy to him.

She no longer had to pretend that she was sexually attracted to him and/or even liked him. With the sexy games that women play now over, he was her husband and she was his wife. A 50/50 split under California divorce law made her entitled to half of everything. Instead of her being his bitch, he was her bitch now.

"Sex? Pardon me?" Ruth looked at Jay as if he was nuts. "You want sex tonight?"

As if she was a black diva or a ghetto woman playing the part of a virgin, she shot him a look of disbelief before putting her hand on her hip.

"Well, yeah," said Jay almost apologetically. "I'm horny and I was hoping that—"

She sighed loudly while rolling her eyes and shaking her head sideways.

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm tired. I have a headache. I have my period. I'm too upset. Not tonight. Never, not ever, will I have sex with you again," said Ruth to Jay while wagging her stiff index finger in his face. "I'm still mad at you for not buying me this, not doing that, and for being a man."


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