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Chianti's Counseling


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Loribeth rolled her eyes. "How so?"

"You use threats of more chastity time to get me to do all these chores, and then the periods of denial are way too long anyway. I've not been out of the belt in so long."

"I thought you fantasized about that."

Chianti smiled. "Well, in the decade or so before you two got together, I had Vernon on a monthly orgasm schedule, but certainly I can't mandate how long you want him in the belt, Loribeth."

"But she promises she'll let me out, and then she doesn't, and she dates all these men-"

"Only one." Loribeth said. "Seriously. I'm only seeing one guy seriously." she amended.

"That's my complaint. Can't we do a compromise? Less housework, and more, um, orgasms?" Vernon asked.

Before either woman could respond, Vernon said "I mean, Loribeth used to tie me up and tease me, and lock me back up sometimes, but she just leaves the thing on, all the time now."

Chianti smiled and she glanced at Loribeth. "So?"

Loribeth was a shy woman with short ash blonde hair. She paused, thinking about this, and then she spoke.

"Vernon, I feel that you asked, begged me to put you in chastity, culminating in very expensive educational lessons with Chianti here. Okay, sure, sometimes the chastity times are a little long. And family came tot own, and we don't always have time for romance."

"But you could let me jerk off once in a while. And you have romance with HIM." Vernon burst out.

"Vernon! No talking." Chianti looked irritatedly at Vernon, and remembering what Chianti riled was like, Vernon quieted down.

"Go on, Loribeth." Chianti said, smiling.

"I mean, I know you saw Vern at least monthly for years before he met me, and so he had an orgasm to look forward to after all that time in the belt-"

"Well, he didn't always get to cum." Chianti said, remembering. "Sometimes he annoyed me, or didn't complete an assignment I gave him, and I'd send him home for another month, but I would unlock him and tease him first."

"Yes. But the rule Vernon and I had for his chastity time was, he had to wait till I allowed him, with no complaints."

"But it's been since November!" Vernon protested. Then, recalling Chianti's decree, he fell silent again, but it was a little too late.

Chianti held up her hand. "Vernon, go get that Malacca cane that is sitting in the umbrella stand."

Vernon looked unhappy. "I'll be quiet."

"Go get the cane now. Do you really want me to have to get up and get it?"

Vernon, looking a little terrified, got up and went to get the cane, sweating slightly.

Vernon brought the cane back and stood in front of his chair.

"Now, Vern, I want you to sit down and hold the cane. If you feel tempted to talk again, especially to interrupt, look at the cane, and remember what I can do with it."

"Yes ma'am."

"Remember the scientific precision."

Vernon fell silent.

Chianti smiled at Loribeth.

Vernon held the cane and looked at it unhappily.

"Go on, Loribeth." Chianti stretched and relaxed. She was finding this counseling session somewhat invigorating. Also, Chianti could take Vernon's tribute, or the counseling fee, and go antiquing this weekend.

Loribeth smiled. "Thank you, Chianti. Yes, it's been some time-almost four months since we really had time to play. Though I did let you fuck me then."

Loribeth looked at Vernon with a frown.

"I hope he cleaned you out with his tongue after he came." Chianti cocked her head. "It's none of my business, of course."

"Oh yes." Loribeth said breezily. "So since then, I've not unlocked him, and perhaps I've asked Vernon to do more around the house."

Chianti smiled encouragingly and nodded.

Loribeth scratched her chin. "And-and I did meet a nice man. Miguel was standing with some laborers in front of Buttermilk Lumber and Tools, and we picked him up to help with the drywall."

"And things developed. That's fun!" Chianti clasped her hands together.

"So Miguel and I have been seeing each other a lot, and he was living in the basement, and now Miggie is in the master bedroom with me, and Vernon is in the little room down the hall. It's not a bad little room. You saw it when you came for dinner."

"Not a bad little room at all, though a closet would do for him." Chianti said gaily.

Vernon looked aggrieved, but kept quiet. This session, which he was paying for, didn't seem to be going his way at all.

And damn it, it had been his idea! Chianti was an old friend. Why didn't she take his side?

"And I guess Vernon began resenting Miguel. But I just don't feel the way about Vernon that I do about Miggie."

"That's quite normal."

"And one night, after Miguel had pulled a tendon, I asked Vernon to give Miguel a backrub, because he does such a good job massaging me. And he's given my girlfriends massages too, and is quite open about his slave status."

"Yes, but he's hot for that. Perhaps not so much for Miguel. But that makes no difference. Go on."

Chianti looked warningly at Vernon, who was growing a little purple trying to hold in his feelings. The power and fear of the Malacca cane was helping, but just barely.

"And-well-" Loribeth sighed.

"No, go on, really." Chianti leaned over and briefly grasped Loribeth's wrist.

"I'm your friend. This session is on the house. Well, Vern's paying, you're just an artist, so no, it isn't."

"Well, Vernon did the massage but he was surly about it and then the next day he got into an argument with Miguel about misplacing the remote and I-Miguel felt uncomfortable."

"Yes. of course."

"Miguel is a recent Honduran immigrant, his English isn't so good, and he's probably intimidated by Vernon. I mean, Vern's a big-shot chemical engineer."

"Right, that doesn't matter, but of course Miguel doesn't know that."

"So, to help Miguel reassert his authority, I ordered Vernon to strip and I gave him a whipping, and then I ordered Vern to suck Miguel's cock as an apology."

"Vern's good at that! I had him do a lot of my male buddies."

Vernon looked like he might cry.

"Well, Miguel said he felt Vernon's teeth, and so I had to give Vern another whipping, but then he did all right, and of course I held Vern's head back and made him swallow Miggie's spunk after."

"Vernon!" Chianti looked daggers at Vernon. "You know how to suck cock, and you must always swallow. I don't like this, after all our hard work together. All that training, and this is what I hear?"

Vernon was continuing to look truculent.

Chianti looked over at Vernon again. "You want to talk some more. You think it's your turn, I imagine, but it'll just be you bitching about your masturbation rights, and how you don't want the chastity plan being used as an excuse to make you do more work, and suck more cock around the house, right?"

Vernon nodded his head reluctantly. His hands had the Malacca cane in a death grip.''

"Part of this is paper-tiger false macho attitude. Are you giving Vernon his regular enemas? You can get the Fleet ones at Buttermilk Boulevard Druggist."

"Yes, of course."

"Don't worry. Vernon's so big, and you're a little thing, but don't let him intimidate you. The enemas are supposed to help with that."

Loribeth smiled. "I give Vernon an ice-cold enema every Wednesday and Friday night. Before we started with the chastity plan, Friday was Vernon's night to go out with his friends and drink, shoot pool."

"Oh, of course."

"He'd have happy hour at work, and then he'd stagger in around midnight, just disgusting."

"I hope you punished him."

"Oh, every Friday night I'd give Vernon a whipping when he was too drunk, but then I decided to limit his spending money, and cut out the night life.

"Good plan." Chianti said, looking distastefully at Vernon.

"But now Vernon has to be in by six o'clock, nightly, he leaves the office at five-forty-five. If he says he has a project, I call his secretary and inquire. Since I had him jerk off in front of Danita last year, she understands, and is empowered to pull Vern's pants down and whip him if he gets loud at work."

"Oh, I can imagine him getting loud and bossy."

"So yes, Vernon gets in at six, and he gets ten with my quirt for being one minute late, and one additional lash for every minute after that. He's fairly prompt."

"That's wonderful! You are understanding the way to run a marriage, Loribeth."

"And then I give Vernon an ice-cold enema, and put him in one of my mother's old Seventies pink negligees, and make him go to bed around eight-thirty, after we've had dinner.

"You, Vernon, and Miguel."

"Well, Miguel goes out with his friends now and then, boys will be boys on a Friday night. But I am working with Vernon so he will take punishments from Miguel also, if I have problems. Miggie has helped with enema administration."

Vernon looked very embarrassed.

Chianti nodded encouragingly.

"But it's such a pain. Vernon is jealous because Miguel gets to go out with his friends, Miguel gets to fuck me, Vernon complains and gets resentful that he has to come home early. And many nights, I put Vernon to bed, and Miguel and I go out."

Chianti looked at Vernon. "Okay, pop off. No complaints, please."

Vernon spoke. "What good am I doing at home? I could see my friends, maybe drink a little less while Loribeth goes out with that-"Vernon gritted his teeth.

"That was disrespectful." Chianti said acidly. "You just hurt Loribeth's feelings, talking that way about someone who is important to her."

"Chianti, I'm her husband!"

"And now you're yelling at me."

"But can't I have a night out? Eight-thirty bedtime on Friday nights? I am forty-five years old, and she makes me go to bed early throughout the week-"

"Don't call your wife "She"

"I'm sorry. Loribeth treats me like I'm a damn toddler"

"Language. I can see what you mean, Loribeth. Vernon, I advise you to watch your mouth."

"But she-Loribeth won't even let me stay up to watch 'Saturday Night Live'. It's maddening, along with the too long periods of chastity."

"Because you are grumpy getting up for work." Loribeth said, shrugging.

"He doesn't awaken you by kissing your feet, or bringing you and Miguel coffee and a bun in the morning before he leaves for work?" Chianti was astounded.

"No, not usually"

"This is horrifying."

"But why do I have to go to bed early on the weekend?"

"On Saturday you have to get up early to catch up with the housework, and on Sunday we go to Mass."

"All that housework, and I still can't cum?"

"Okay, that's enough." Chianti said briskly. She looked at Vernon with steely eyes.

"I-I've been only talking when you said I could." Vernon remembered the cane.

Chianti held out her hand and Vernon sadly handed her the Malacca cane.

"Take off all your clothes, Vernon."

"Not just dropping my pants? We have to leave soon-"

"You really are cruising for a bruising."

"You see what I have to put up with?" Loribeth said, exasperated.

Vernon got up, biting his lip, and took off his sport jacket and then all his other clothes, Finally he stood in front of the two women, nude except for the chastity belt.

"See, you should probably have him nude and on his knees at home most of the time." Chianti said shaking her head. "This is the result of too much freedom."

Seeing Loribeth's somewhat fatigued look, Chianti pointed towards the cellar door, and Vernon shook his head and went and opened the door and went down the stairs.

"Listen, I'm going to take care of the attitude adjustment" Chianti smiled, and patted Loribeth on the shoulder.

"I just want to be heard." Loribeth said, trying to smile.

"Trust me, I'm going to use the bullwhip, and the cat o'nine tails, and remember that thing I showed you? With the metal spurs on the ends of the tails?"

"The scourge, right?"

"Yes, I'm going to use that, too. I'll put him on the St.Andrews cross and turn it upside down, after my corporal attentions, and have him sleep there all night."

"Maybe that's excessive-"

"No, this is pure Peter Pan syndrome. He wants to act like a child, with the privileges of an adult. Trust me. If Vernon wanted to get up and get dressed and leave, he knows the safe word. In thirteen years, he's never used it."

"Okay, I'll go meet Miguel for dinner."

"Right. Vernon will spend the night here, and you can get him in the morning. But, Vernon does have a point. You have to let him have a little masturbation."

"You're right. I can give you his keys-"

"No, he's behaved atrociously. I recommend twelve more weeks of chastity, and then let him jerk off, and then after that he can jerk off every eight weeks."

"That's a good point."

"And tease him at least once a week, long slippery teases with lots of lube. Make time for that. It's what he needs and desires."

"Of course. I have been neglecting him."

"Yes, but the teasing, and some affection now and then, will get him all frustrated and excited, and he'll be more willing to serve you and Miguel and whoever else you want to fuck."

Loribeth grinned. "I'm on it!"

"He'll be in no condition to go to work tomorrow-I'm going to go down and give him a good punishment, and then lock him on the St. Andrews Cross upside down without supper."

"That's okay. He eats like a pig at lunchtime at work."

"Because you are too generous with his allowance. Make sure his paycheck is directly deposited in your account, it is, right? And give him twenty bucks a week. He'll make himself sandwiches."

"God you're a genius, Chianti."

"Yup. You have to go now. My other client, Petti, is showing up soon, and I have to give her some bullwhip after I've done Vernon. But he'll be downstairs for the evening."

"It's only three-thirty in the afternoon, Chianti."

"Yes, he can hang there and ponder his sins. He knows the safe word, he won't use it. If I ask him, even if he's crying, Vernon will not use the safe word. He has to prove how tough he's hilarious."

The next morning, Loribeth pulled up in Vernon's turquoise chrome Lamborghini Urus. Vernon was standing on Chianti's front porch.

Chianti had texted Loribeth around midnight that she'd wussed out and taken him down from the cross, and let him sleep in the guest bedroom, after she'd used a strap-on and her fist to loosen him up a little back in the rear.

Now, Loribeth expected Vernon to look cowed or resentful, but he smiled at her, and Loribeth got out of the car hesitantly, and Vernon bounded down the stairs and gave Loribeth a bear hug and a kiss.

Loribeth smiled. Vernon would never understand it, but this made him so much more attractive in her eyes. Not as cute as Miguel, but Miggie was going back to Honduras to visit his folks, and maybe she might grant Vernon a little nookie...

"You're not mad at me?" Loribeth asked.

"No, of course not. I was an idiot, a whiny fool. I'm very sore from the correction and hanging half the night, but I realized now if I want a dominant wife, I have to take the rough with the smooth."

"That's big of you, dear." Loribeth said, smiling.

"Chianti set me up with a doctor, male unfortunately, who is going to milk my prostate once a month to reduce the pressure, and then I will cum when you deem it. I hope before Christmas."

But Vernon then picked Loribeth up and kissed her, and she knew all was well. Friday night, he'd be in bed by twilight, in Mom's pink nightie.

"So, Loribeth, do you want me to ride in the back seat? On my hands and knees?" Vernon was looking hesitant now.

"No." Loribeth looked up and down the deserted street.

"I want you to take off all your clothes and get in the trunk. Since you did get some sleep in a bed last night, when we get in, I want you to scrub the garage floor on your knees, before you come in the house.

I might let you dress and watch the tennis match-it's Wimbledon, but probably you'll be cleaning more. It's for a good attitude. Now strip and get in the trunk."

Loribeth's eyebrows narrowed, and Vernon began hurriedly taking off his clothes.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I quit at the first sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Follow up

Truely enjoyed this one. Love all your work. Would love a follow up on Vernon on his best behavior!

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