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Christmas Eve

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An unlikely romantic coupling on Christmas Eve.
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Being the office junior wasn't always much fun, but it was a job. A job that Neil had fallen into by accident when he left school with no idea of what he wanted to do. His Certificate of Secondary Education grades were mediocre; he'd been fortunate that the local county council had lowered its entry-level qualifications. In the summer of 1969, there were plenty of jobs to be had, but he knew that he had no aptitude to become a skilled tradesman or engineer, so some kind of office clerical job seemed the best bet.

He was a tall, slim, good-looking young man, almost still a boy really, with blond hair and a friendly smile. He was shy and good-natured, the women in the office often teased him, and he took their jokes in good humour.

Debbie was a petite redhead with a pretty face. She had a nice figure, and great legs, and was in her late twenties and married. She was Neil's supervisor and had taken him under her wing. She liked him, even if he needed a nudge now and then to remind him to concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing.

Barbara, who's desk adjoined Neil's, was twenty-one and single, with a steady boyfriend. She was tall with brown eyes, long dark hair, and wore miniskirts that looked great on her long legs, but she was not quite as sexy and attractive as she liked to think she was. She often teased Neil but was sometimes quick to take offence if the joke was on her.

Gaynor was an outgoing, cheerful woman of thirty-five. She was a bit of a throwback to the early sixties and had a shapely figure that she showed off in close-fitting, knee-length dresses. She had an attractive face, but straightening her prominent front teeth would have made it more so. She was married and originally from Wales.

The section was headed up by Joe, a small, affable middle-aged man, whose 'hands-off' management style allowed the office to more or less run itself. The final members of the team were: Bill, a slightly eccentric man in his mid-thirties, who still lived with his divorced mother; Gail, a middle-aged spinster; and Maud, a long-time married woman close to retirement.

The office was at the end of a long corridor, one of three that housed the department within which it was located. All in all, taking into account each of the departments in the county headquarters building, just under nine hundred staff worked at the site. There was a thriving community feel to the place, with a sports and social club, various societies, a small shop, a bank, a canteen and a restaurant. Most of these facilities had been provided to soften the blow of moving staff from various buildings in the city centre to the newly built County Hall on the outskirts.

Teasing and flirting were part and parcel of working life in the offices. Neil watched it all with great interest now that he was out in the adult world of work. Almost two-thirds of the workforce were female and it seemed that everywhere he turned, there were attractive women to admire. From the young women clerks and typists, to older, mostly married, administrative assistants, the place was full of desirable women, and they all seemed to be out of his reach. He wasn't overly confident and he didn't have a girlfriend; his interests lay in cricket, football and masturbation.

He lived with his parents in a village about five miles from where he worked and used his motorcycle to get around. His mother had commented on how quickly he was getting through paper tissues from the box in his bedroom; she wondered why he always had such a runny nose. In an attempt to avoid further embarrassing questions, he had taken to buying his own supply and keeping them stashed away on the top shelf of his wardrobe.

The women in his office pulled his leg and flirted with him at will. Barbara told them all what a nice-looking young man he was and how he'd be quite a catch by the time he reached twenty-two. This left him feeling that he still had a long way to go before he was considered to be a real man. Some of the girls his age clearly fancied him, but he was not good at reading signals, and the ones he liked best seemed to him to be out of his league.

He'd been to the pictures with one of the girls from the typing pool, and he'd had a couple of dates with a pretty junior clerk from an office along the corridor, but he hadn't managed to get a kiss from either of them. He was sexually inexperienced but lacked the boldness and confidence to do anything about it.

The office had many visitors throughout each working day; girls delivered typing, the post was collected, and older single men from the office next door often loitered with Debbie, Barbara and Gaynor. Their sexualised banter was usually near the knuckle, but the women took it all with a weary acceptance. By far the biggest treats each day, as far as Neil was concerned, were the frequent visits of Evelyn. She was an assistant to a couple of senior advisers and was always ribbing Joe and Bill, turning them on with her easy charm and very attractive appearance.

Eve, as she was known to her friends, was thirty years of age and married to a fireman called Gary. She wore minidresses and attracted men like bees around a honeypot. Her legs were firm and shapely and her breasts were magnificent; larger than average but not huge. With a well-proportioned waistline, she was easily one of the most desirable women in the building. Her short dark, well-styled hair and black-framed glasses gave her a sophisticated look that made her even more sexy and desirable.

Neil was smitten by her, but she was so far out of his league that he felt like a gibbering idiot in her presence. She confidently brushed off flirtatious advances from all of the men that she encountered. She laughed and joked with all of his colleagues but, it seemed to Neil that she hardly knew he existed. He occasionally needed to speak to her about a minor issue or to take documents to her office but, whilst she was always polite, she never really took any interest in him, or spoke to him much. When his colleagues cracked a joke at his expense she would join in with the laughter, but that was the limit of her recognition of his presence.

He silently worshipped her to such an extent that he rarely included her in his many masturbation fantasies. He masturbated regularly about Debbie, Barbara and Gaynor; especially Debbie. He also frequently shot his load while thinking about several other women who worked in the offices. He'd wank over fantasies about his next-door neighbour's wife, the girl that lived across the road, his friend's girlfriend, his mother's friends and especially his aunt, but he wouldn't allow himself more than fleeting thoughts about fucking Evelyn.


As the summer turned to autumn and December approached, Neil had settled into his role as the office junior and the butt of everyone's jokes. Colleagues had started to talk about plans for office Christmas parties. Tales were told of previous years goings-on, and embellished so much that Neil imagined the office to be a den of iniquity on the last day before the Christmas holiday. Debbie told him quietly not to believe everything he heard and to take it all with a pinch of salt; he was glad of her advice.

Offices were decorated and mistletoe was hung. He built up his hopes that he might get a kiss and a grope with one or two of the young female staff, but he didn't have anyone in particular in mind. Christmas Eve morning was much like any morning in the office, the only difference being that mince pies and sausage rolls were provided by women who had been busy with home baking.

He'd come to work on the bus that morning so that he didn't have to worry about how much he could have to drink. As lunchtime approached, a mild excitement started to build; older single men from the department hung around any women who showed the slightest interest in them by laughing at their jokes or joining in with their flirtatious banter.

The plan was to go into the city centre, have a few drinks in the bar of the Grand Hotel, then come back to the offices and get the numerous Christmas parties underway. The hotel bar was packed, drinks flowed, bodies rubbed against one another and inhibitions took flight. Gaynor and Evelyn were there, being chatted up by male colleagues.

Neil found himself with Peggy and Janet from the Treasurer's Department. He knew them slightly, and neither of the young women played hard to get. Before long, Janet produced a sprig of mistletoe and dared Peggy to give him a Christmas kiss. She obliged and stayed attached to his lips for several moments in a corner of the bar. As soon as Peggy had put him down, an aroused Janet forced her tongue into his mouth and gave him what, until that moment, was the best kiss of his life. It was a swirling dance of lips and tongues, the warm embrace of her body, with her firm thigh pressed against his penis, gave him a solid erection.

Colleagues cheered as he came up for air, it felt like a rite of passage, as though he was no longer seen as the gauche boy from the Further Education Branch. Janet looked quietly pleased at the realisation that she'd made his cock go hard against her thigh. He caught sight of Evelyn briefly through the crowded bar. Her eyes were on him in a way that they never had been before. She was looking at him, rather than through him. Her expression held a trace of interest until she was distracted by Jeff, a colleague in his early twenties, who was not disguising his lust for her. Evelyn had looked a little troubled in the last few days but she'd had a couple of drinks and was beginning to relax a little.

It was soon time to get back to the offices. An already merry group of workers piled into several cars and made their way back to their office parties at County Hall. Neil had managed to get into the front seat of a car that already had Evelyn on the back seat, sitting between Jeff and his friend Steve. They flirted outrageously with her and tried numerous times to give her a Christmas kiss but she resisted their persistent amorous advances.

Neil felt uncomfortable with the way that the two men were trying to get their hands on her. The already short minidress that she was wearing had ridden up until she was almost showing her panties. He felt as though he wanted to protect her but didn't know how. There was no need for him to worry. Steve put his hand on her thigh while she was forestalling Jeff's attentions, so she gave them both a piece of her mind.

"The next one of you lecherous bastards that touches my legs will get his wrist broken."

"Oh come on Eve, it is Christmas," said Jeff, still attempting to cajole her into a kiss.

"You've got nice legs, I couldn't resist," said Steve.

"Try it again and see what happens."

"You'd better watch it, Steve, her husband's a big fella."

Neil noticed her face darken at the mention of her husband.

"You can talk, you've been trying to snog her all day, it's my turn now; how about it Eve?"

"No chance Romeo."

"Maybe later at the party eh?"

"Maybe not; why can't you two be nice boys like Neil?"

"He's just a kid; he thinks it's for stirring his tea," said Jeff, Steve laughed.

Neil felt elated that the woman he worshipped had acknowledged his presence and spoken his name, but his elation was soon followed by humiliation at Jeff's riposte.

"Oh I don't know; he had a little threesome going in the bar just now, and I didn't hear any complaints from his lady friends... Right, we're back, thanks for the lift Rod, let me out Jeff, I need to powder my nose, I'll see you all back in the office. And don't you take any notice of these two reprobates Neil."

Neil's pulse quickened; he felt good about himself again. He followed his colleagues back to the office with a smile on his face.


Throughout the building, those staff who were more mature in years, and those who didn't want to witness, or be involved in Christmas party antics, went home early. It was three o'clock and the evening gloom was already setting in. Neil's office held a fairly sedate get-together for an hour or so.

Evelyn had been there chatting to Debbie, Gaynor and Barbara. She seemed to be making an effort to be cheerful. Joe and Bill were 'talking shop' to each other. On the other side of the office, Neil joined a conversation with Gail and Maud but he was mostly silent and watching Evelyn.

Plans for Christmas were discussed, and after Gail and Maud had spoken about their arrangements, Gail asked him what he would be doing.

"We're going to spend Christmas with family up in Yorkshire. Mum and Dad have gone up today and I'm travelling up in the morning."

"That's a bit of a journey for you on Christmas morning," said Maud.

"It's okay really, I don't mind."

"How long will it take you?"

"About two and a half hours, there won't be much traffic on the roads tomorrow."

"So what are you doing tonight?" asked Gail.

"Oh I'll just watch the telly and get to bed early, then I'll set off at about seven in the morning."

"Rather you than me," said Maud.

As he'd been speaking, he'd been unaware that Evelyn was standing behind him, waiting to say her goodbyes.

"I know you ladies will be on your way soon, and I'd better get back to my office party before I'm missed, so I'll wish you all a Merry Christmas." Farewells and good wishes were shared all around and the gathering dispersed.

The lovely Debbie kissed him on his cheek, thanked him for all of his work and wished him a Merry Christmas. He wished that he was older and that she was his wife; he fantasised about how he would make love to her when they both arrived home.

Barbara made a show of not being the kind of girl that would go anywhere near a wild office party; she went home to get ready to go out with her boyfriend. Gaynor was a little squiffy from her lunchtime drinking, but she was being picked up by her husband. Joe, Bill, Gail and Maud all set off home, leaving Neil to his own devices. He found a couple of mates prowling the corridors, looking for a good party. He joined them, they went down to the Treasurer's Department party and met up with Peggy and Janet again.

"Hello again sexy, have you come back for more?" grinned Peggy.

"We're just looking to see whether there are any decent parties still going on. Stu and Melvyn have been up to the Architect's Department, that's where half the typing pool have ended up but the architects are not keen on young unattached men on their territory."

"Well never mind, we're pleased to see you, come and have a dance."

Neil danced with Peggy; she pulled him in close and moved her hip against his cock. He became erect and she smiled seductively at him.

"Let's go somewhere quieter, follow me."

She led him down to the end of the large office. They sneaked in between two rows of tall filing cabinets, where they kissed and groped each other for several minutes. She pressed herself against his swelling cock, slipped her hand down to his groin and squeezed it. No one had touched his cock since he was a baby in nappies. It was thrilling, and her words made him feel like a king.

"My God, that feels big?"

"What if we get caught?"

"Don't worry, all of the bosses have gone home, no one else could care less what we do."

He felt hugely aroused but didn't know what to do next. She pulled her lips away from his.


"Well, what?"

"Aren't you going to join in?"


"Put your hand up my skirt, you dozy specimen."

A nervous Neil reached under Peggy's pleated miniskirt and felt the top of her thigh.

"Touch me, you big gorgeous bastard."

She took hold of his wrist and pushed his fingers into contact with her pussy. Neil's cock surged with lust at the feel of her soft, swollen labia through her tights and little white cotton panties. She wrapped her arms around his firm muscular body and they kissed each other hard, then she spoke to him again.

"Are you still a virgin?"

"Well, I... well..."

"I'll take that as a yes; would you like not to be?"


Will you come to bed with me?"

"What? When?"

"Not now bonehead, don't look so worried. After Christmas, my mum and dad go out late every Saturday night, you could call round some time and we'll see if you know what to do with this," she said as she pressed the flat of her palm against the length of his erect cock.

They were interrupted by Janet.

"Here you are; I hope I've disturbed something," she teased, "Mark's ready for home now and if we don't get a shift on, he'll be off, and we'll be waiting in the cold for a bus."

"Okay, keep your hair on, I'm coming now."

"Yeah, you wish," said Janet as she looked at Neil, "maybe one last Christmas kiss," she said to him as she pushed him against a filing cabinet and took possession of his mouth.

Neil thought that Peggy was the more attractive of the two, but the more heavily built Janet was the best kisser. His cock was still rock hard from his encounter with Peggy.

"God, what's that dirty cow been doing to you? It's grown several inches since lunchtime," laughed Janet. Then she patted his cheek, wished him a Merry Christmas and dashed off with Peggy to find her lift home before it was too late. Neil waited for his cock to die down again; his mates were getting well acquainted with a couple of girls they knew, so he made his way back to his office on the floor above.

The office was empty and in darkness. Neil had intended to get his coat and say goodbye to whoever was still around. The corridor seemed quiet; he felt a little alone and disappointed as he reached for his coat; it all seemed like such an anticlimax. Then he heard voices from the next office, so he went to see who was there. The door was ajar and just one set of fluorescent lights was on. He walked into the large room that was partly divided by filing cabinets. Around the back of the cabinets, in an unlit part of the office, he disturbed Gill, an attractive senior clerk in a pleated miniskirt, sitting sideways on the lap of Mike, the section head; their faces were flushed. They were both married, but not to each other.

Neither of them seemed at all concerned to have been caught out by the office junior from next door. He wished them a Merry Christmas and withdrew quietly, leaving them to their groping and kissing. He'd spotted a small bundle underneath the desk that they were sitting at. As he walked back out into the corridor, the realisation hit him that what he'd seen were Gill's tights and panties rolled up together. She'd been sitting on Mike's penis, but they'd kept absolutely still, hoping that he wouldn't realise that Gill's cunt was full of erect cock.

In the corridor, he came across one of the advisory admin team making her way home; she told him that the advisory service party was still in full swing. He changed his mind about going home and decided to go and see who was there.

He walked around the corner to the sound of music and laughter. His heart skipped a beat when he spotted Evelyn on the other side of the advisory admin office. Jeff was there but he was chatting up another woman; having failed to make any impression on Evelyn. She'd had a few drinks but was still reasonably sober and in control of herself. Some people were dancing, whilst others flirted or chatted.

Evelyn was sitting on her own; she didn't seem quite as fun-loving and happy as normal. Neil, encouraged by her comments in the car at lunchtime, plucked up the courage to go and speak to her. Just as he got to where she was sitting, a slightly drunk colleague called Teresa came over and greeted him.

"Oh look who's here, isn't he lovely Eve, he's the most virile-bodied young man in the building. Couldn't you just kiss him?"

Evelyn raised her eyebrows and Neil looked embarrassed, "Hi Tessa, you look as though you're enjoying yourself."

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