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Christmas Magic Pt. 01

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Homeless femboy wizard finds a home with 2 futa witches.
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Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of content lately. I've been working on a huge superhero series that includes New Girls, Neighbors, Captain Cosmic, Rift, Purple Shade and much more and I've probably bitten off more than I can chew.

I decided to work on a nice little Holiday short snapshot to share with you all in the meantime. This is a feminization story of a homeless femboy wizard who gets taken in by 2 trans witches. I hope you enjoy it. All characters are above the age of 18. I own the copyright to this story and all its characters, but you can feel free to reference it. I would love to read fan fiction of my work. With that being said, please let me know what you think.

Chapter 1

It's Christmas Eve and you'd think I'd be happy and excited for tomorrow, but to me, it's just another day. My foster guardians, I'm certainly not going to call them parents, don't give a shit about Christmas. Rick McCray and his rotten tooth wife Caroline, who are supposed to be my guardians will most likely spend their Christmas all strung out on crack. Rick deals but also uses and Caroline only uses. Crack's not the only drug they ingest. They'll take anything they can get. Crack's just cheap and easy.

You may ask how in the hell did anyone think it was a good idea to allow Rick and Caroline to take care of children. I've been asking that for the last 2 years since I've been here. I know they only became Foster Care "Guardians" so they can get money from the state. God only knows I sure as hell ain't getting a dime of that.

I basically have to fend for myself. They sure as hell don't give two shits. Regardless, I'm actually 18 today. Funny thing, I was born the day before Christmas. Go figure. My plan is to leave as soon as I can find a place to stay. Of course, that's easier said than done. Not many people are willing to take in an 18-year-old girly boy. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not the manliest. Kind of skinny and scrawny. Not so much as a whisker of hair below my eyebrows. It's embarrassing, not to mention how many times I've been confused for a girl. Especially from behind. Apparently, I've got a bubble butt. Even with my feminine features, I've never exactly been a normal kid. I don't know how to explain it but strange things have always happened to me, especially when I'm angry or overly emotional.

I remember one time Caroline was bitching me out about spilling a cup of water all over the weed she had on the counter. She was really giving me a tongue lashing when all of a sudden she got sprayed by water from the faucet. I know you could easily say it's a coincidence, but if you would've seen it, it looked like the water bent to hit her. That's not even the weirdest thing I've ever seen. During elementary school, I was running away from bullies. I ran across this little bridge and as they chased me across it the bridge disappeared as soon as I got to the other side and the bullies ended up taking a bath in the river. The bridge was back as soon as I blinked. I can go on and on about weird shit like that.

Anyway, Rick and Caroline have just finished getting high and are not bickering about money. "Hey, sissy boy, give us whatever money you've got hidden," Rick shouts out as he bursts into my room.

"What makes you think I have any money?" I snap back.

"Bullshit, I know you've been hiding cash, now fork it over," Rick says, holding out his tatted up arm as he stands there in a wife-beater and a flatbill cap of Detroit Tigers that hangs on his off-center. He's a real OG... not.

"If I had any money I'd spend it on food. God knows you don't feed me," I say.

"Bitch, don't make me smack some god damn sense into you. I'll beat the fucking smile right off your girly face," he says.

"I don't have any cash. You took all I had yesterday," I say. God, I hate him. I wish he'd overdose one of these times.

"You little faggot. You know, you're 18 now so I can smack you around without getting into too much trouble," he says as he grabs me by the shirt and slams me against the wall of the dingy space they call a bedroom. He goes to wind up for a punch and I try to cover myself, closing my eyes.

Suddenly he lets go of me as he screams. I open my eyes to find him ripping off his wife beater and that stupid hat which is covered in flames. The fire spreads to my bed. I take the opportunity to grab my coat, the backpack I keep packed for such an occasion, and my shoes before ducking out. I book it to the front door as I put on my shoes and coat. I slip out while I hear Rick shouting obscenities as he tries to put out the fire. I have no idea how things caught fire and I don't care. I now have a new problem. I'm now without a place in the city of Detroit in the middle of winter.

It's freezing out and my clothes aren't exactly the warmest. What the fuck am I going to do? I walk down the snow-covered sidewalk while I think of my next move. I'm fucked if I can't find a place to stay. God knows how many poor homeless bastards have died out in the cold.

Hours pass by as I continue walking. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I've got enough money hidden in my bag to maybe buy a meal. Obviously, I lied to Rick. I wasn't going to give that asshole my hard-earned cash. The cash that I stole fair and square. Eventually, I arrive at one of the busier sections of Detroit. I find a nice little sandwich shop and head in for warmth. I let out a sigh of relief as I take in the heat. I take a seat at an open table to figure out what I should do. I open my bag to see what money I have.

Wait a second. Where is it? I know I had at least $10. It should be here somewhere. Oh no. Don't tell me one of them took my cash. What the hell?

"Hey kid, are you going to buy something?" a big belly bald guy asks as he walks up to me. "We don't do charity."

"Yeah, just give me a second. I'm just looking for my money," I say.

"No offense, you don't exactly look like the type who has money. Either buy something or leave. This isn't a homeless shelter," the guy says. What a jerk.

"Excuse me?" says a woman with a venom-filled tone. I look up to find the most beautiful black woman I've ever seen. A face like an angel. Smooth chocolate skin and silky dyed-white hair. She's got a tight figure with a butt better than mine. "I do not like the way you're treating a potential customer. Is this how you're going to run a business? Because I'll find somewhere else to eat."

"Ma'am, I'm just trying to free up the table for paying customers," he says.

"Because you're just so busy," she says as she looks around at all the empty tables. "Forget it. I'm going somewhere else and I'll never eat here again. Come on, kid, I'll buy you lunch."

"Really? Thank you!" I say.

"Of course," she says, smiling.

I follow her out after she grabs her things. She flips him the bird as she leaves. What a badass. We head out to her nice ass car. It's a Mercedes compact SUV. "Hop in, I'll take you to a much better sandwich shop."

I jump in the front seat as she starts the car and pulls out. "The name's Katrina."

"I'm Elliot."

"So what is a nice beautiful boy like yourself doing out here all alone?" she asks.

"I... uh, it's a long and funny story. Well, actually it's not all that funny. I kind of ran away from my foster care family. They're not really my family per se. Just people who took me in so they could collect money from the state," I say.

"I see. Makes sense," she says as she pulls into a parking lot of a strip mall down the street.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I've been looking for a Christmas present for my girlfriend," she says as my stomach sinks down into the abyss. Damn, she's not single and she's a lesbian on top of that. As if I had a chance regardless. "I know, I'm such a procrastinator."

"I bet your girlfriend is the luckiest woman alive regardless of what you get her for Christmas. She's got you for a girlfriend," I say.

"Awww, that's very nice of you to say. You're quite the charmer. I'm sure that's not your only skill, is it?" she asks as she looks over at me with eyes that take all of my attention.

"Uh... yeah. It kind of is," I spit out.

"Are you sure about that because I see a lot of potential. Have you ever had anything strange happen to you or because of you?" she asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh I don't know, maybe make things move without touching them or stuff like that?" she asks.

"Uhh, maybe. Have you ever had anything like that happened to you?" I ask.

"Not without meaning it to," she says. "What do you say we get something to eat and talk more about it?"

"Okay," I say as we get out of her car and head in. My eyes are glued to her tush. It's a really nice tush.

Inside, we get in line. She leans in and brings her lips to my ears. "I would highly recommend the Detroit slugger. It's by far the best," she says. The heat of her breath tickles my ear, sending streaks of heat through my body.

"Uhh okay. Yeah," I say.

She smiles and winks at me. She orders for us and pays. She hands me two cups and asks me to get her a coke and grab a table. After I fill up, I find an open seat my eyes take in all her beautiful figure. Even though she's covered up in a white leather winter jacket with knee-high white boots with an inch heel. The tightly wrapped black leather pants show a butt that I can't take my eyes off of. I know I shouldn't stare, but it's not every day a beautiful woman buys me lunch.

She gets our sandwiches and walks over with a grin on her face. She hands me mine and digs into her own. I unwrap mine and the smell of savory smoked brisket hits my nostrils. I take a bite and my mouth has an orgasm. "So, tell me. What do you think of the sandwich?"

"This is the best thing I've ever had," I say.

She giggles. "Well, you haven't tasted my girlfriend's cooking. Everything that woman cooks is pure gold."

"You're a lucky woman," I say.

She laughs. "You bet your bottom I am."

She takes another bite and I swear she moaned a little. "God, I love a good brisket, don't you?"

I nod with my mouth full. I force it down so I can speak. "I've never had brisket before, but it's amazing."

"You've never had brisket before? Have you been living under a rock your entire life?"

"I wish. I live in foster care with a bunch of crackheads," I say.

"Aww, I'm sorry. That's terrible. So that's why you're on the street, huh?" she asks.

"Yeah, today's my birthday. I'm 18 and I couldn't take it living with them anymore. Rick who was my foster care guardian, definitely not father material. He was about to kick my behind because I wouldn't give him any money for drugs or whatever. Then I accidentally somehow set the room on fire. No idea how that happened."

"I do. You're what some might call a wizard. More specifically, like me, you can harness the natural energies of the cosmos," she says.

"Say what," I say, dumbfounded.

She laughs. "I know this must all be confusing. Trust me. It was to me when I first discovered I could do the same thing."

"How do I use it?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, you have to learn it through studying and training," she says.

"Oooh. And where do I do that?"

"Well, fortunately, my girlfriend and I could teach you," she says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course," she says.

"That's very kind of you," I say.

"It's my pleasure," she says with a smile. "Maybe there's something you can help me out with."

"Anything," I say.

"You might want to hear me out before you make any promises," she says.

"Okay, sure," I say.

"I'm in desperate need of a Christmas present for my girlfriend. I know I'm terrible for waiting until the last minute, but she's really hard to shop for. Not that she's difficult as a person or anything, there's just not much that she wants," she says. I nod, not quite sure where this is going. She bites her bottom lip as she looks over at me. "Here's the thing, she and I love each other very much, but we're not exactly compatible in the bedroom if you know what I mean."

"I mean, I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to the bedroom unless it's about sleeping," I say.

She laughs. "You're really cute, you know that?"

"Actually, that's the first time I've heard it, but thanks," I say.

"Anyway, we're both interested in a third wheel per se. Someone who can handle our loving, if you know what I mean," she says, with those seductive eyes.

I really have no words to say right now. Is she asking me what I think she's asking me? She bites down on her lip. "What I'm asking is if you want to be our third wheel?"

"Aren't you both, like... uh... Gay?" I ask.

"It's complicated," she says, smiling. "And before you say yes, obviously we'll still train you and give you a place to stay if you decline, but you need to know that being our third wheel requires some changes and you'll need to enjoy a certain role in the relationship."

"Uhhh... okay..." I say as I finish my sandwich.

"So what do you say?" she asks.

"Are you for real? Of course, I'd like to be the third wheel in a lesbian relationship. What's the catch?" I ask.

"That's a good question, how about we talk about it in the car," she says, smiling.

I follow her out after we take care of our trash. Once we get in, she turns to me with that beautiful smile of hers. "Here's the thing, we're both into women. With a few touch-ups, you could easily be a beautiful girl. I can see that as clear as day. Another requirement is that you'll need to like taking dick."

My jaw drops into my lap. "What?"

"My girlfriend and I are trans girls, but unfortunately we're both givers, although from time to time she'll bottom. However, I'm a dom and she doesn't like subbing. So you can see our dilemma, but you are very beautiful and you'd make a perfect little submissive girl that could satisfy both of our needs. What do you say? You'd get a warm bed to share with us and all the amazing food you could ever eat. And Jodie is basically one of the most powerful mages out there, so you'd be learning from the best when it comes to using magic."

I don't know what to say. This is definitely not what I expected. This woman has a cock and she wants to turn me into a girl that she and her girlfriend can fuck. I'm lost for words. Truly shocked.

"Well? Say something," she says.

"Uh, I'm still trying to process this all," I say.

"How about you at least just give it a try. If you don't like it, we'll still teach you magic and you can still stay with us until you find somewhere else. I'll even make a deal with you. If you don't like it, I'll give you enough money to set you up for a long time. All you have to do is wash up and shave your body clean, put on some clothes I give you, spend the night with us, and probably have sex with us. Oh and stay at least until after Christmas. If you didn't like your experience with us, I'll pay you a boatload of money, help you get your own place and a job."

I really don't have any other options, but the thought of being dressed in girl's clothing and stuffed full of dick is very frightening. I look up at her and she's biting her lip waiting for my answer. "Will I have to be dressed as a girl all the time?"

"For the most part," she says. "If you accept my offer, you'll be leaving your life as a boy behind. We'll still let you keep your manhood of course, but for all tense and purposes, you'll be a girl."

"This is a lot to take in," I admit.

"I know, take your time. Just know, if you do accept, you'll make my girlfriend and I the happiest girls alive and we'll make sure you're as happy as we are," she says.

I think about it for a long hard minute. I think I can at least give it a try and endure through Christmas. If I don't like it, she said she'll pay me a lot of money. Yeah. I can do this. "I guess. I don't really have any other options. I take you up on your offer. So if I don't like it after Christmas, then you'll pay me and I can leave?"

"Absolutely, but I bet you'll love it," she says.

"Okay, I'm in," I say.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me," she says with a smile. "Now we need to rush back before my girlfriend gets home. I need to make you presentable."

We drive out of the downtown area and after an hour arrive out in a secluded wooded area. She pulls into a driveway surrounded by trees with a gate that opens up into a long road that's surrounded by a garden-style hedge wall that leads up to a rather large stone and brick house with several of those kinds of towers attached to it with a cone roof. The yard is covered in snow and yet flowers pop up out of the snow. It's really quite strange and yet very beautiful. The house itself is a work of art. She pulls around the driveway and into a garage that opens up.

"Be careful here, pixies have taken over the attic. They may seem pretty, but they can be very vain and cruel. Little gnomes have built themselves a rather nice home all over the garden. They tend to stay in their little holes in the winter though. Also, the house goblin can be a little mischievous. He likes to steal things. Be careful of him," she says as we get out of the car and make our way inside. Is she being serious? As we walk in, the inside is just as if not more amazing than the outside. The floors and walls are deep mahogany wood. Rather stylish rugs cover them. Paintings, plants, and sculptures all over the place. I follow her through the entryway into a large room and nearly shit myself at the sight of a tall golden statue. It's moving! "Oh, this is Jeeves. He's our golem. If you need anything, just ask him. He doesn't talk much and he doesn't really listen all that well. You have to be very specific when giving him directions."

I nod, speechless. She grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs at the front door. They two were made with rich wood. I follow her down a dark hallway with plants, paintings, and sculptures. The paintings were moving as they looked down at us. The sculptures moved to and they talked. What kind of place is this?

We enter a room with a giant four-poster bed. There was a giant dresser. A desk with a mirror attached and a door on each end of the bedroom. "Now we just have to clean you up a bit. Take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?" I ask, looking up at her. I expected her to turn away, but she just stayed there staring at me.

"Well, come on, we don't have all day. Jodie will be here any minute now," she says.

"Aren't you going to turn around?" I ask.

She laughs. "Oh don't be scared, we'll get to see plenty of each other in the nude while you're here. You did agree to our little bottom submissive, remember?"

"I uhh... Yeah," I say, gulping down my nerves. Hesitantly, I take off my coat and I pull my shirt over my head. Then slowly drop my pants and stand in front of her in nothing but my boxers.

"Those off too," she says, her eyes glued to my underwear.

After another swallow, I dig my fingers under the hem of my boxers and slide them off. "Aww, you have such an adorable little penis. I guess it's a good thing you agreed to be our bottom, you won't satisfy anyone with that."

"Hey!" I say.

"I'm just telling it like it is," she says, covering her mouth to hide her smile. "You've got nothing to be ashamed of. Now turn around, let me get a good view of your backside."

I glare at her before relenting. I turn around and a soft gasp leaves her lips. "Wow! That is an ass I want to stuff my dick into. That more than makes up for your tiny little pecker."

I can feel the heat boil over in my face as my knees feel weak. God, I feel like a piece of meat. "We'll certainly have to clean you up, you're rather dirty and you stink. These clothes will have to go. They're as good as trash."

"What? Those are mine," I say, turning around.

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