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Christmas with Sister

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A brother and sister have some risky fun during Christmas.
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Christmas Eve

A Christmas Eve feast adorned the long wood table. Pineapple roasted ham, creamy mashed potatoes, pan roasted Brussels sprouts, braised short ribs, cranberry sauce, baked asparagus, homemade rolls, and a mulled wine. Sarah helped herself to the mulled wine as people settled themselves at the table. Her parents let her and David drink on occasions like this despite being a couple years too young, so she planned to take advantage. Sarah's younger brother, David offered his mug up just as she was replacing the ladle. She filled it to the brim with a kind smile.

"Thanks." He said, taking a sip of the warm spicy drink.

Depending on who mixed it, extra brandy or sangria found its way into the recipe. This time it was their father's choice, brandy, giving it just that little extra kick.

"Gonna need a lot more to survive dinner." She said, mumbling through the glass pressed to her lips.

David chuckled, but in truth they both rather enjoyed Christmas with their family. It was draining at times and always chaotic, but also joy filled and magical. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree played in the background, masked by the excited sounds of people finding their places. Their softly humming mother sat down at the head of the table next to Sarah, a spot reserved for her because she did most of the cooking and was, in fact, in charge. Tom, their Father sat down across from Sarah with a wide grin on his face.

"Helping yourself to the drink, I see. Can you taste my secret ingredient?" Tom asked.

"Yes, and it isn't much of a secret." Sarah said while rolling her eyes.

"I much prefer the sangria." David added.

"Always picking on your poor Dad."

Mary rolled her eyes at her husband's words, which were far from the truth. Tom was a wonderful husband but had always been and still was, the fun parent, leaving Mary to carryout the scolding and punishing. She was glad her kids were at an age now where she could treat them more as adults, spend less time mothering them.

Fourteen guests had found their places at the long table, with another eight at the 'kid' table nearby. Grandma Patricia stood up, bringing a hush to the excited chatter.

"As always, it's just so wonderful that we could all be gathered here together. Mary, my dear, thank you so much for opening your home to us."

A few mugs knocked the table at Patricia's meandering words, Mary beamed.

"I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hope that all you desire you find."

She looked around the table.

"Now, let's be drinking!" She said and downed half a mug of mulled wine.

The table broke into a laughter which gave way to the clattering of dishes. They ate, drank, and chatted merrily. Food disappeared and the bowls of mulled wine were refilled.

Mary smiled at the head of the table as Tom told one of his patented stories, a tale of how David had broken his arm in a bounce house when he was eleven. David sat looking embarrassed despite there not being a person in the room who didn't already know the story.

David was an awkward young man, despite his good fortunes. He played wide receiver with enough skill for a full ride scholarship, which left him well muscled but lean. Not like some hulking linebacker, but still strong, defined, and firm. He was intelligent enough, more so than many of his teammates, and had a genuine passion for history. But he was hopelessly inept with women, something Sarah teased him about often.

However, she found her younger brother quite attractive, most women did. A few times she had watched him workout only to find herself enchanted by how sweat clung to and rolled down his rippling abs. The way his muscles bulged and throbbed. It seemed unfair to that she should live with and be so close to this wonderful creature, only for him to be off limits.

Leaving aside his looks, she thought he was sweet. She might make fun of him for stuttering and stammering around a pretty girl, for his apparent skill at finding his mouth with his foot. But she found it endearing in its own way, like an adorable puppy still learning how to walk.

The most recent example Sarah might cite of her puppy-like brother was her recent move into the dorms. David, who was fine at carrying heavy things, had gone to help. His sister's new roommate, Ashley, a pretty eighteen-year-old with a strong southern accent, had shown up around the same time. David had offered to help move her things as well. A true gentleman. Ashley spent the next hours flirting with him, using an increasing brashness that grew until it pained Sarah to watch.

Finally, Sarah told her brother she was going to meet some friends and would be back in an hour, suggesting he stay in the room alone with Ashley. A foolproof plan, she thought. When Sarah returned from her imaginary meeting with friends, she found David sitting at her desk, reading a book titled 'The Guns at Last Light'. Ashley was sitting at a desk as well, not reading a book but glowering at it. She had confided in Sarah later, that she had nearly undressed herself before giving up on David, who Ashley described as "Dense like a mule's muscles".

Sarah eyed her dense brother. He was wearing a pair of flannel pajamas that were at the moment showing off an impressive erection between his solid legs. She understood he was only eighteen, that it sometimes just happened. However, he squirmed in his seat, trying to find something to do with it. Sarah cleared her plate with a new determination and leaned towards her brother. At this point, multiple mugs into the mulled wine, it was less brain and more alcohol doing the thinking. A statement that would prove to hold true for David as well.

Her hand moved to rest on his thigh. David jumped a little at the unexpected touch and looked to his sister, only to find her staring innocently down the table at their grandmother, who was sharing a story about how Tom had broken his own arm when he was young.

Like his sister, David shared a concealed attraction to his sibling. She was not an athlete like David but she took good care of her body and a few months away at college had sped up her growth, leaving her with wide hips, a thin waist and sizable pert breasts. Her flowing blonde hair was soft and always smelled lightly of fruits. David had in fact first discovered masturbation with a pair of her dirty panties, which remained one of his all-time favorite ways to find his release.

That existing attraction and his inexperience combined to send his heart racing as Sarah's hand slid to his inner thigh. His erection, which he had been fighting to tame, flared as her hand moved dangerously close to it. Still Sarah looked down the table, oblivious to her peril. David's erection struggled against the fabric of his pants the same way he struggled to pay attention to anything other than that slightest touch of his sister's hand.

Sarah was, of course, very aware of what she was doing. She slid her hand closer and closer to her brother's throbbing member, feeling it tug on the fabric under her fingers. Just before the two met, her hand retreated, rubbing gently back down her brother's thigh and leaving him frustrated.

Sarah continued this pattern for a few moments before sliding a pinky lightly along the length of David's shaft. It was large, and she could sense its hardness even through his soft flannel. It twitched, forcing her delicate pinky along with its motions. A small smirk grew on Sarah's face when she glanced over at her brother, whose eyes were looking past her, unfocused.

The hormonal teenage boy was indeed having trouble focusing, it being the first time anyone other than himself had touched his penis, even if it was through clothes. The fact it was his sister and at a table surrounded by their family didn't bother him one bit, and perhaps even enhanced the excitement of it.

Sarah took his impossibly hard, throbbing shaft between her fingers and palm, only capturing half of its largeness in her small hands. Her thumb searched and failed to find its tip while she massaged the base of his shaft, making David flex his hips involuntarily. Sarah's smirk grew to a grin when she realized how easy this was going to be, then fell to a frown at the thought of forcing her poor brother to cum in his pants at the dinner table.

She moved her hand from his throbbing cock up and under his shirt, resting it on his hard, warm abs while she thought. The removal of her hand brought David back to reality and his gaze to hers. Now, she appeared unfocused, lost in thought as her fingers stroked at David's abs, which was more than enough touching for his cock to stay hard.

It wasn't long before Sarah had her plan and set about its execution. Her hand slid back down and under her brother's boxers, coming flesh to flesh with his hot, throbbing cock. David tensed and leaned forward in an awkward attempt to hide what was going on underneath the tablecloth. Sarah's expression had shifted to one of utter contentment, looking around the table at whoever was talking like the happiest person in the world. The soft, feminine hand dragging up and down David's cock was too much for him and almost instantly the urge to cum found him.

"Wait." David said in a hushed tone out of the corner of his mouth.

"Did you say something dear?" Mary asked.

Sarah released her grip on her brother's throbbing cock, understanding what he meant, but left her hand comfortably inside his pants. She pulled her phone free with the other.


Mary's attention returned to uncle Earl who was ranting about his dogs' various antics around the house. Sarah dropped her phone, case first, onto the wood floor with an audible thud.

"Oh, shoot my phone!" Sarah said.

"Good thing I bought you that case." Her dad scolded.

"Yea, I am always dropping it." She said with half a shrug. Only half because one of her hands was still trapped inside the confines of her brother's boxers.

That hand made quick work of pulling those boxers and pants down as she shimmied her way under the table to retrieve her phone. David tried to push himself further under the table, to further hide himself under the cloth that covered it, but was already as far in as the chair would allow, so he settled for slouching down and sliding forward. That was fine for Sarah, who found herself with ample access.

His cock was gorgeous: veiny, thick, long and twitching. Sarah's heart fluttered. She had seen her fair share of cocks but this was something special; it was a shame she didn't have more time. She wet her lips with her tongue, opened her mouth wide and shoved the beast straight to the back of her throat. The tip pressed against her velvety flesh while her tongue set about its work, curling and flexing along his shaft. David thrust without thinking, making Sarah gag. She clamped down on his thighs in an attempt to keep him still.

Within seconds, twitching turned to spasming as thick, hot, white cream burst forth from David and deep into his sister's throat. Sarah stopped moving, focusing on drinking each spurt as quickly as she could, desperate not to make a noise or spend too long under the table. Her own arousal grew as his cock jerked upwards against the back of her throat, sending waves of pleasure through David and dragging out his orgasm.

"Need some help down there?" Tom asked.

David and his cock sucking sister's eyes shot open in panic.

"I'll help, I think it went under my chair." David said, leaning over and pretending to look under his chair.

Tom appeared satisfied with that and turned his attention back to the table. Impossibly, David was still cumming and Sarah felt a growing dampness between her legs. If Sarah wasn't already full, she was now, as more and more of her brother's seed spilled down her throat. She couldn't believe how long it was lasting, counting maybe twelve shots so far. David couldn't believe it either, continuing to feign looking under his chair as his cock refused to still.

Then, a final weak spasm of his member predicted the end. Sarah swallowed it greedily, cleaned his cock with her tongue and then let it slip from her mouth before climbing back into her seat, phone in hand. David fixed his pants over his now shiny sex.

"Found it!"

"Oh, good." Her mother said without shifting her focus from her guests.

David had quite enjoyed his first blowjob, even if it was the shortest he would ever receive. He sat there with a hazy expression, occasionally glancing sideways at his sister. The sideways glances were his muddled mind trying to understand what had just happened, what his relationship with his sister had just become.

Sarah, meanwhile, was still horny. Secretly giving her brother a blowjob under the table had practically thrown her into heat. Her pussy was sopping wet, and she was having trouble focusing on much other than getting off. The thought of ripping her brother's pants off and riding him to completion right there occurred to her. She controlled that urge, instead excusing herself to the bathroom.

She darted back upstairs to her room and pulled out her favorite vibrator. It was a tiny purple bullet shaped thing that was soft and chosen because it had the most powerful motor she could find. It took only a minute of sitting on the toilet with the thing pressed to her clit, imagining her brother breaking her, before she came, sending a stream of her juices flowing loudly into the bowl and causing the water level to rise. Then she peed and cleaned herself, plotting her next move the entire time.

It was not to be, though. Instead, both Sarah and David went to bed disappointed. Sarah because she had not figured out a way to fuck her brother that night, and David because his attempt to masturbate had failed. All he could think about was his sister.

Christmas Day

Sarah woke up early. Their family tradition was to be up and opening presents by 7:00. She had wrapped her presents days earlier and put them in the garage with the rest. Santa, or her dad, spent most of his night shuffling those presents from the garage to under the tree.

After last night, she had one more present to wrap. Sarah had dumped her boyfriend a week earlier, which would sound cruel except he had cheated on her. It left her feeling horny, needy and with a few gifts intended for him. She pulled those gifts from her bag and placed on her bed.

First, a tight red corset lined at the tops and bottoms with some white fluff, which made it look quite festive. Then, a red and white tutu style skirt, which was a bit longer than a classical tutu but still stiffer than a romantic tutu might be. It had the effect of covering her naughty bits better but was still more than willing to expose them with the proper bending, which was what she wanted. A pair of red fishnet stockings accented the skirt and finished off the public facing portion of the outfit.

The last piece was specifically for her boyfriend, but now her brother would enjoy it instead. It was a crotchless garter panty, which was really just a loose collection of red ribbon that wrapped her sex like a gift. It had a garter attachment that was adorned with more glittery fluff, which would draw attention to the supple flesh of her thighs. The whole thing was perfection.

Costume set out, she took a long, hot shower while fantasizing about her brother's meaty cock planted firm inside her, his seed pouring into her womb. For the plan to work she would need to be nice and ready, so once she finished drying off she grabbed her favorite vibrator again. It was quick work to bring herself to orgasm after the shower fantasies, leaving her pussy a bit puffy and wet.

Meanwhile, her brother woke up with a throbbing erection. That wasn't uncommon for the virile teenager, except this one resulted from a very real seeming dream where his sister had sucked his cock. It was far from the first time he had dreamed of her like that, but recent events had increased the dream's potency.

It left David mind numbingly horny, but when he looked around the room at three cousins sleeping on the ground and the clock at 6:45 all he could do was sigh. He didn't have the time or space to do anything about it. He took a quick shower where, after only moments, he heard a knock at the door and complaints about needing to pee. Finished in record time, he walked downstairs hoping to find some bacon, a cup of coffee and something to distract his mind from Sarah.

Sarah grinned at herself in the mirror so widely it threatened to break. She looked great. The corset pushed up perfectly sized breasts and cinched her waist, making already protruding hips pop. She had on her 'panties' which in actuality covered nothing. The thin ribbons that ran between her thigh gap and around her flared hips would draw attention, though. The best touch was a metal ring that tied the ribbons together. She imagined it like a target over her womb.

She slid her tutu on, placing it high on her waist and with stockings in hand sat down onto the bed, leaned back and slipped them on. When she stood her brother-killer costume was complete, a quick twirl in the mirror caused the tutu to flip up and reveal her neatly trimmed still damp lips. It was perfect. She could bend over maybe forty degrees before being fully exposed and as long as she didn't move too quickly, no one but her intended target would know her obscenity.

After a few minutes with a blow dryer, her hair was tied in a pair of voluminous pigtails with a bit of red silky ribbon. She put on a bit of foundation followed by the brightest red lipstick she owned, coating her plump lips and leaving her ready. She wrote a quick last-minute card and put her brother's name on it. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror, feeling supremely confident, then headed downstairs a few minutes early for the inevitable unwrapping.

David, who had managed to find an escape from visions of his sister by helping gather chairs for the main event, froze when he saw her sashaying down the stairs. The tutu around her waist moved hypnotically, giving brief flashes of thigh perilously close to her womanhood. Sarah smiled as her brother ogled her body. Step one of the plan was already going well.

"Good morning!" Sarah said, landing at the bottom of the steps with an unmatched grace.

Despite her looking straight at David, he failed to respond right away. His mind was busy drinking in the sight of his sister. Finally, he realized she was speaking to him and recovered somewhat.

"Are you supposed to be some sort of Santa ballerina?" He asked, sounding curious.

Sarah cocked her hip, sending the edge of her tutu high, revealing more thigh, then put a hand on that hip and scowled at him.

"You don't like it?" She asked venom to her tone.

David was once again showing why he had trouble with girls. The proper thing to do would have been to say good morning back, or perhaps even manage a compliment towards his drop dead gorgeous sister but instead an odd question about what exactly she was dressed as.

"No, I, uh, yes--" He stammered cleverly, "Good morning!" was what he settled on.

Sarah strutted towards him, filling David's vision with the tops of her pressed together breasts.

"You didn't really answer my question."

"Uh, um, of course I like it, you look, um, beautiful?"

It was as good as Sarah was going to get from him so she spun away, David's eyes followed her catching a glimpse of thin ribbons struggling to hold up the cheeks of her ass. She sat down on a chair David had put out and crossed her legs in a flash, too quickly for him to notice her nearly pantyless state.

"Did you enjoy dinner last night?" Sarah asked, while she twirled a bit of her hair around her fingers.

David flushed and looked unsure how to respond.

Sarah rolled her eyes and said, "I did."


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