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Cock Tease? Pt. 02

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Ian, Joe and Julia have a three-way.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/29/2024
Created 02/04/2024
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The next morning, I woke up to find Joe sitting at his desk working on something on his laptop. When he noticed that I was awake he asked how I slept and then asked, "Are we good? This isn't going to be weird?"

I said, "The only thing that's weirding me out is trying to figure out why last night didn't weird me out. I never consciously thought about doing anything like that with a guy before. Is that what they call 'Latent homosexual tendencies?'"

Joe said, "Maybe, but I'm not a psych major. I don't pretend to know about that kind of psychobabble."

"Fair enough. I think I'm going to go take a shower while I sort out my sexual confusion."

Joe said, "Okay, but it's likely to be busy at this time on a Saturday morning. I should also warn you, most of the guys on this floor know I go both ways because they've seen overnight visitors coming out of my room. Some of them are homophobes. You'll get less side eye if I come down with you and let people know you're Julia's boyfriend."

Before we headed to the showers Joe said, "By the way, Julia texted to let us know she's free for breakfast. I'll let her know we can meet her in an hour. You okay with that?"

I shrugged and said, "Fine," still not sure I really wanted to see Julia.

We walked to the showers together and as we entered Joe made a point of asking me about my plans for meeting up with Julia and did I want to go to breakfast first before I went to see her.

Joe headed straight for the showers while I went to take a leak. When I got to the showers, I saw that there were eight shower heads in an open room like high school locker room showers, four on each side with an aisle down the middle. There were no stalls like the ones in my dorm, but I could see holes in the walls where dividers once hung.

I took the shower head next to Joe and he explained, "We used to have private stalls, but there were a couple of gay guys on the floor who liked shower sex. This neanderthal dude who was a total homophobe heard them and started harassing them. At first it was just shouting at them when he caught them. When he caught them again, he stole all the shower curtains. After that he made vile comments and verbally harassed them every time he saw them together.

They ignored him at first, but when he wouldn't let up I think they started trying to get caught. They were insanely affectionate in the halls, kissing and fondling one another, and they started having frequent, loud sex in the showers. Ape-man finally reached his breaking point and tore all the stall dividers off the walls.

Ape-man was kicked out of housing for major vandalism and the gay guys were kicked out for repeated lewd conduct in public spaces. The maintenance guy said that the dividers were damaged too badly to reuse, and the walls needed major repairs before new dividers could be hung. The housing office decided that it would have to wait until the summer."

As we showered, Joe brought up Julia whenever new guys came into the shower room. At one point two guys came in and took the shower heads across from us. They caught my eye because I noticed they were sharing a shower head even though there were several that weren't being used. As I glanced in their direction, I caught them eying me. In a low voice I said to Joe, "I thought you said guys would ignore me if they knew I was with Julia?" and gave a slight nod in their direction.

Joe glanced where I was indicating and chuckled as he said, "I only said they wouldn't suspect you of being gay. Those guys ARE gay, and they're checking out the new eye candy."

They were both small and slightly built. One was a pale ginger and the other was a Latino. The ginger looked like a nerdy high school freshman. I couldn't decide if the Latino was handsome or pretty. He had a classic Spanish profile with defined cheekbones and dark eyes. I finally realized he had eyeliner tattooing that gave him a feminine look.

They were looking at me over their shoulders, trying to be surreptitious while clearly checking me out from the neck down. They were focused mostly on my ass and cock, so It took a minute before they saw I was looking back at them. When they finally noticed, they both blushed and looked away.

Before the Latino turned to face the showerhead, he pivoted enough for me to see the front of his body. When he did, it revealed a fat monster cock that, even soft, seemed to extend almost to his knee. His buddy turned at the same time, so I saw their cocks nearly side by side. The ginger's cock looked like a child's in comparison.

I tried to keep from gaping, but I must not have succeeded. Joe saw my face change and gave a smirk, saying, "Seems Luis wanted you to see his cock. Straight or gay, almost every guy looks the way you did the first time they see that."

I'm sure I was blushing as I turned to him and said, "I'll bet."

I glanced back again and saw Luis whispering to his buddy and nodding towards us. He must have caught my glance out of the corner of his eye because he stopped whispering, turned back towards me, and very deliberately soaped his nearly hard cock with both hands as he looked me in the eye. His two hands we barely big enough to cover his whole cock. When he knew he had my attention, he stroked his cock with one hand, pointing it deliberately towards me. He took a long look at my cock while he licked his lips, then looked me in the eye and cocked his head. I gave him an appreciative look, then smiled and mouthed, "Not today, thanks," and turned my back to him.

I saw Joe grinning at me and said, "What?" with a scowl. He just kept smiling and said, "Looks like you're good at making friends." I managed to hold the scowl for another second or two before Joe and I both burst out laughing.

We finished showering, shaving and getting dressed, then headed out to meet Julia. We'd slept through breakfast in the dining hall so we were meeting at a family restaurant in town.

Julia was waiting in a booth when we walked into the restaurant. It was past the morning rush so the place was quiet, with only a few people scattered around the dining area having a late breakfast like us. The waitress showed up immediately with a coffee pot. Joe and Julia knew what they wanted and I ordered a breakfast skillet that they recommended.

As soon as the waitress left, Julia's expression turned serious.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you last night. The rest of the girls on the party committee ditched me for their boyfriends and I felt like I had to keep things moving. I wouldn't have invited you if I'd known I was going to be that busy. On the plus side, the sorority president found out about them ditching me and made them cleanup without me. That's why I'm free right now."

I said, "That didn't bother me as much as finding out we weren't going to have any alone time this weekend. I thought we were going to be staying together in Joe's room. I didn't realize I'd only be able to see you during the day without a lot of privacy."

Julia looked uncomfortable and sat with her eyes downcast for a few moments. Then she took a deep breath, glanced up at Joe, and began, "I should have told you right away, but this is hard to say. I'm kind of a mess when it comes to sex. I haven't told a lot of people here about this, but I was sexually abused as a child. I had an aunt and uncle who I adored, and I stayed with them often when I was little. When I was about eleven I got my first period, and I told my aunt about it on my next visit. She made a big deal about it, saying, 'I'm so happy you're a woman now,' and things like that."

"After that though our visits changed. It started with them asking me about boys, whether I'd kissed anyone, whether I'd done anything else, did I know about sex? They said they could show me some of those things so I'd be ready when I found a boy I liked. I was a little uncomfortable, but I was also curious. They started out just French kissing and making out, but it quickly escalated to them having sex in front of me. My aunt showed me how to masturbate, then suggested I do that while I watched them. Then my uncle convinced me I should let him teach me what to do with boys."

"At first it was exciting, but my uncle wasn't a patient man, and he was well endowed. His lessons hurt, but he said I'd get used to it. My aunt tried to get him to be slow and gentle, but that only made it a little less painful. Once he thought I was broken in, he used me the same rough way he used my aunt. Being much smaller than her, I never got used to it and it always hurt. My aunt did what she could to make me more comfortable and to help me get some enjoyment out of it, and she taught me about girl-girl sex at my uncle's insistence."

"My uncle found another couple through a man-boy love group on social media. They came to visit bringing their foster child who they'd been abusing with them. Turned out my uncle liked girls and boys so they had agreed to meet and swap me for the boy. His name was Adam. We got together with them several times. Eventually Adam left foster care and returned to his own family. He told them what his foster parents had done to him and his parents reported them to the police. In exchange for leniency, the foster parents told the police about my aunt and uncle along with some other pedophiles they'd shared children with."

"My parents immediately put me in therapy. It took over a year for the case to go to trial, and by then I was able to face them and testify. They each got fifteen years."

"The therapist I worked with helped me understand what a normal family relationship looks like, to embrace the fact that I hadn't done anything wrong, and to understand that I wasn't damaged good."

"When I started high school and began having an interest in boys, I realized that I didn't know what normal sexual relationships looked like, and that I associated sex with pain and coercion. I avoided dating in high school so I wouldn't have to deal with it. That concerned my parents who encouraged me to see a sex therapist, but I thought that was for old people having mid-life crises. When I started college I realized what I was missing out on, so I finally started working with a sex therapist about a year ago."

"It's helped, but the few times I tried to have real sex with a guy I got really tense when I saw their hardons. The first time I broke down crying as soon as I touched his penis. The second time I was able to relax and handle his penis, but I had to grit my teeth when he began fondling and fingering my pussy and I screamed like he was tearing me apart as soon as he entered me even though it wasn't painful at all. The third time I tried oral since my therapist thought I might feel more in control. I was fine until he ran his fingers through my hair, then I felt like I was choking even though he wasn't putting any pressure on me."

"I tried sex with women at my therapist's suggestion. She thought that since I have positive associations of the sex I had with my aunt, I might be more comfortable having a sexual relationship with a woman. She was right in that I could relax and enjoy sex with girls, but there was never a romantic spark with any of them. I don't think that will ever be anything more than recreational sex for me. There are a couple of girls who I hookup with from time to time when I need a release, but they're happy to just be friends with benefits."

"I'm still seeing the therapist and I'm making progress. I was proud of being able to relax and enjoy you fingering me, and for being able to take you in my mouth a little bit. I really like spending time with you, and I want to have sex with you, but right now I can't do most of the things normal couples do in the bedroom. If that's a deal breaker, I understand."

She stopped then and took hold of my hand with tears in her eyes. I looked over at Joe and said, "Did you know about this?"

Joe said, "Julia was living down the hall from me when she panicked and started screaming while trying to have sex with a guy. I heard her and broke into the room. I was ready to kill the guy until she stopped me and said she was fine. I was skeptical, so I stayed outside her door until the guy left. When he saw me, I thought he was going to take a swing, but then he thought better of it and walked away.

Julia looked at me a little confused and started to ask me a question. I cut her off and said, 'I'm glad you're alright,' and walked back to my room. Julia followed me saying, 'Let me explain. He didn't do anything wrong.' Then she told me basically the story you just heard."

Julia said, "It was a relief to have someone at school who knew why I was a cold fish. I've confided in Joe ever since. And to be honest, I wanted you to stay with him so I could get his read on how you felt afterwards."

I looked from her to Joe and said, "Now I feel really shitty about how I acted last night." I took a deep breath and looked at Joe. He gave me a little nod and I said, "I was pissed off, drunk and horny when I left the party last night. I would gladly have hooked up with another girl if one had given me the time of day. Joe kept me from making that mistake, but he and I ended up hooking up later on."

Julia looked confused, "So you're gay? Or bi?"

"I guess I'm bi, but I thought I was straight until last night. Joe jokingly offered to give me a blowjob and I took him up on it. Then for some reason I decided to return the favor. In some ways it felt like someone else had taken control of my body, but in the end I realized I liked it."

"That's kind of fucked up, but kind of hot."

"I know. I feel kind of warm towards Joe, but it's not like when I've been in love with girls. I wanted to think it was just recreational, but after you described how you feel about sex with girls it got me thinking it's not exactly like that."

Joe said, "I'm flattered, and surprised. So where do we go from here?"

After an awkward silence Julia smiled and said, "Maybe my brain is a little warped, but the thought of you two having sex actually turns me on. If you and Ian are willing, I'd like to see it live."

Joe and I gave each other deer in the headlight looks, then looked at Julia. Joe spoke up first.

"We were both feeling guilty, like we'd done you wrong. I don't think either one of us thought there'd ever be a repeat."

Julia asked, "Would you like a repeat?"

"Yeah. I suppose. I'll admit I have warm feelings towards Ian. It would be cool to have him as a friend with benefits, if he's interested in that."

They both turned to look at me.

I found myself stuttering and looking back and forth between the two of them. When I could finally form a coherent sentence I said, "I'm probably not in the right head space to answer that question, since I'm trying to come to terms with my girlfriend's complicated sexual history and with discovering that I'm probably bisexual. But my gut says, 'Yeah, see where this goes.' So sure. I'm game."

Julia asked, "Today?"

I stuttered out, "I guess. Yeah. Sure. Yes."

Just then the waitress arrived with our breakfast. While we ate, we tried to have a normal conversation, but it was clear that what was going to happen after breakfast was on all our minds.

As we were getting ready to leave the restaurant, I thought of a question. "If you're freaked out about sex because of the painful experiences you had with your uncle, how come you got so turned on when I spanked your pussy? I feel really guilty about that after you told me your story."

"One guy slapped my ass pretty hard while he was dropping me off after a date. I don't remember exactly why, but it was supposed to be a kind of sexy joke. In the moment my emotions were mainly a mix of fear and anger so I left quickly, but when I thought about it afterwards I realized it also gave me a little tingle in my pussy.

I asked my therapist if that meant I was programmed to like S&M or rough sex. She gave a complicated explanation using a lot of psychological terms that boil down to the fact that sex with my aunt and uncle was a mix of pleasure and pain, so sometimes the two get twisted together in my head.

My aunt and I would pleasure each other while my uncle took me. I could feel the pain, but I learned to ignore it and focus on how we were giving each other pleasure. My therapist said I need to be wary of abusive guys, but if a little pain gives me a tingle, she said it's okay to embrace it."

As we got up to leave Julia said, "So are we doing this now? No cold feet?"

Joe and I looked at each other, shrugged and said, "Sure," almost simultaneously. Julia took my hand and said to Joe, "Then we'll meet you in your room."

When we got to Joe's room he let us in, but then he and I stood there looking at each other awkwardly. Julia gave a chuckle and said, "While you two figure out what you're doing, I'm going to get comfortable," and she quickly stripped before plopping herself down on one of the beds.

Joe and I found ourselves looking back and forth from her to each other, our mouths hanging open. Julia watched us for a second before asking, "What?"

I answered, "Neither one of us has seen you totally naked before and then you spring it on us like that with no warning."

She giggled and stood up, twirling around as she did. "Do you want me to get dressed and do a little striptease, or can I just show you the goods?"

She struck a couple of poses as we both admired her body, from her perky C-cup tits to her flat stomach and down to her oh so long legs. Then she turned and twerked for a little, although her tight little boy butt made it a little underwhelming. She turned back and said, "Yeah, I know I don't have the kind of bubble butt guys love."

Joe and I tripped over each other trying to tell her that we thought her butt was perfect for her.

She laughed and said, "My mom said I was always more comfortable naked. She told me that when I was little I would cry when I had to get dressed in the morning or after a bath, so they let me spend a lot of time running around in the nude. It wasn't until I took my top off in kindergarten because it "was itchy and tight" that they put their foot down and made me wear clothes all the time. I still go naked a lot when I'm by myself."

I immediately filed that mental image away for future reference.

"I guess I was also something of a voyeur. Mom said I used to watch her and Dad kiss and hold hands. She told me that when I was about three years old, I asked her why she and Daddy were always kissing and touching each other. She told me it was because they loved each other so much and always wanted to be close. She said I got the kind of gooshy expression only a three-year-old can pull off and said, 'I love watching you be in love.'"

She quickly added, "Normally I wouldn't tell that story, but it's one of the first ones my mom tells any guy I bring home."

I jumped on that, grinning as I asked her, "So you're already planning on bringing me home to meet your parents?" but Julia ignored the question.

"Mom guessed that that was why I was willing to watch my aunt and uncle have sex. The nudity and voyeurism are probably the only really positive memories I have of my time with my aunt and uncle."

Julia sat back down and said, "We're getting distracted from the business at hand. You guys are supposed to be staging a live gay porn show for my entertainment. Cue the cheesy 70's music. Let's at least see some kissing."

I looked at Joe and he seemed a little hesitant to kiss me, so I decided to take a different tack. I grabbed the hem of the t-shirt he was wearing and pulled it over his head, discarding it on the floor before running my hands over his chest.

"I kind of wanted to do this last night."

I ran one hand down his abs to just above his belt, causing him to suck in his stomach. At the same time I was feeling his pecs and tweaking his nipples with the other. Sinking to my knees, I found that my head was at the perfect height to kiss and lick his chest. As I ran my hands over his torso, I craned my neck and reached for one of his nipples. He helped me out by cradling the back of my head and leaning down slightly to bring my mouth to his tit.

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