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A long wait for revenge.
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It had been twelve years since I moved away from Charleston. Twelve years since I had told my parents that I was pregnant. Twelve years since my trust in human nature was put to the test and found wanting.

A series of events had conspired to ruin my future aspirations. The first was that I believed the bullshit from my first date, Spencer Wharton, that he loved me and that he would take all the necessary precautions if I would allow him to have sex with me. He lied. In giving in to his promise I surrendered my virginity to him. I believed him when he told me that he was sorry that he had not withdrawn and had filled me with his sperm. I believed him when he told me the tablet that he gave me the following morning was the 'morning after pill' and that I had nothing to worry about. I believed him when he professed surprise when I announced to him that I was pregnant I believed him when he told me that he would accept his responsibility and marry me.

I told my mother of my condition, confirming what she had worked out for herself when I had missed my second period. She told my father who demanded to know who the father was. My father told his employer, who happened to be Spencer's father.

Things really turned sour for me when my father's employer, Thomas Wharton, asked Spencer if what I had told my father was true.

"It is not true." Spencer told his father. "I have not had sex with Miranda Morrison, I'm probably the only boy in our class who hasn't. I don't know why she is making up these lies, maybe she thinks that by forcing me to marry her she will have a better life than if she were to marry any of the other boys in our class."

My loss of faith escalated from that point on. Spencer's father told his employee, my father, that I had lied to him when I had identified Spencer as the boy who had impregnated his daughter. When I had insisted that I had not lied, and this was relayed to his employer, my father was informed that, in order for him to keep his employment, he would have to inform me that if I continued to name Spencer as the guilty party, I would be charged with defamation.

My father was not in a position to lose his job

When I refused this order, I was packed off to my Aunty Betsy's for the term of my pregnancy and, if it was deemed suitable, I would stay with her until my education was completed and I had found gainful employment.

The driving force behind my successfully completing my education and finding gainful employment was my continued desire to position myself in such a way as to seek revenge on the person who had defamed me by insisting that I was some sort of schoolgirl harlot.

My gainful employment in the legal profession has meant that I would phrase my conversation in such a way that it could not be interpreted in any way other than which I had intended (it to be interpreted).

My return home coincided with my father's funeral. As there was no legal impediment for me to seek a financial recourse, child support from the father of Phoebe, my eleven year old daughter, I was armed with the necessary papers to serve on Spencer. I was looking forward to serving him with those papers.

"Miranda, is that really you?" There was Spencer, looking at me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came as a representative of our company. Your father was a valued employee and, as my father was unable to attend, I was asked to stand in for him."

"I, we, mother and I, appreciate the gesture, it wasn't expected or necessary. It does save me from finding you."

"What do you mean?"

"How about a selfie, just the two of us?"

"Okay." He stood close to me, an arm around my shoulder. "How is this?"

"That's perfect." I held my phone in front of us and, just before taking the picture I passed an envelope to him. "Consider yourself served."

"What's this?"

"I have another one." I handed the second document to him.

He tore the envelopes open and extracted the documents. "This is bullshit!"

"What you told me before you fucked me was bullshit. What you told your father was bullshit. The result of which my family has been financially and emotionally damaged. I am seeking restitution for those damages. "I'll see you in court."

"What did you give Spencer?" Mother asked.

"I served him with an application for child support and for damages caused to my standing within this community that forced me to leave my home and friends and live with my aunt. I missed out on the normal things that I would have experienced if not for his lies."

"Do you think that wise?"

"Yes, I do. I am also thinking of including you in this action, after all you and father both suffered because of this, You missed out on being there for the major milestones in my life to now and father had to endure working for a company that took advantage of the employment situation that made seeking alternative employment almost impossible."

"But darling, I still have to live here. What if you are unsuccessful, what if Thomas can find witnesses to refute your allegations?"

"That is unlikely to happen."

"You do realise that he can afford to hire the best lawyers."

"He can never get better than the second best, because the best is representing me, and I'm getting the best for free."

I was due to fly home tomorrow, I consider Aunty Betsy's home to mine, after all it has been mine for the past twelve years and where I intend to make my future with Bryan, my partner of choice, who has promised to support me in my revenge.

Damage control began with a visit from Thomas. "Susan. I must apologise for not being at Fred's funeral, I had business commitments that couldn't be changed."

"I wasn't expecting you."

"Why not? Fred was a conscientious and valuable cog in our corporate structure."

"This is not the real reason for this visit, is it?"

"Miranda, I didn't recognise you. My you have grown up, and you are attractive too."

"Why thank you. Just think, I could have been a part of your family."

"Spencer did tell me that you have some idea that he has wronged you."

"You have come to try to badger me into forgetting what happened all of those years ago. I cannot forget that and how it affected father and mother. I am only seeking the justice denied me twelve years ago."

"I wish for you to reconsider."

"I have thought of nothing more than this moment for twelve years. I am not about to forget it now."

"If that is your final decision, so be it. Good-bye to you Miranda, Susan."

I had been home no more than a week when the first shots were fired. I was invited to appear before a conciliation tribunal in an effort to settle the matter before a court appearance became inevitable.

The adjudicator set out the rules for the conference. "Miranda, you don't mind me calling you that, do you?"

"No, that's fine."

"This is a little unusual, waiting this long to lodge this action. What has it been, twelve years since the alleged incident, why have you waited this long?"

"I was concerned that, when Spencer Wharton seduced me, he told me that he would take precautions so that I would not get pregnant, that he would withdraw before ejaculating. He then gave me what I was told was the morning after pill. I was pregnant and when I told him, he not only went back on his promise to look after me, but he denied ever having sex with me, and told his father that he was the only boy in our class at school that had not had sex with me. My father could not pursue the matter further because he was told that he lose his job with Whartons."

"Why did you not seek a termination?"

"Because we are good Catholics, and this was contrary to the rules of the church. The family discussed this with my Aunty Betsy, and it was agreed that I would live with her, and she could look after Phoebe while I completed my education. My father died recently, and I believed that I was no longer restrained by the threat to my father. I sought legal advice and was told that there was no statute of limitations on an action such as this, so here we are."

"What Miranda has stated is not true. It was not true then and is not true now." Thomas was forceful with his statement.

"My reason for bringing these actions stemmed from Spencer's seduction of me. This would have been resolved if he had not gone back on his promise to do the right thing by me. The process of which was to accuse me of not only lying about the sexual intercourse but accuse me of being promiscuous and having had sexual intercourse with many boys in our class. He claimed that he did not have sex with me or of being the father to my daughter, Phoebe."

"Spencer told me that he did not have sex with you, and I believed him." Thomas said, looking at me.

"There is one way of establishing the truth of my claim, and that is for Spencer to have a court supervised DNA swab taken." I held his gaze for several seconds. "I see no reason to continue this tribunal when the matter can be resolved with a simple test."

"Are you suggesting that I, we, would attempt to subvert the due process?"

"I am not suggesting anything of the sort. If Spencer has told the truth, this matter can be resolved quite amicably. If, for some reason he objects, then I have no recourse other than to pursue this matter through the court. The choice is yours."

The meeting wound up with Thomas agreeing to provide a sample of Spencer's DNA.

"I don't trust the bastard." Miranda said to Bryan, after he had met me at the airport.

"What do you mean?"

"He gave in too quickly when I said that the matter could be resolved with a DNA sample from Spencer. He had another son, Jarrod, who was killed in a car accident about six months after this happened. It's likely that, because he was in hospital for a couple of weeks and needed transfusions in an attempt to save him, his blood would have been cross matched, and a record of DNA kept. It would be a simple plan, given his influential position, to arrange to substitute one for the other. Any anomalies would raise doubts as to paternity."

"I don't see how he could get away with that."

"Neither do I, but we have to be prepared. On top of that he will have a bunch of Spencer's friends who they will call upon to give evidence of my slutdom."

"We'll just have to find a way to get around that."

"We're going to be busy, sex might have to wait until this is over, especially if he decides to have me followed and they find that you and I have a particularly active sex life."

"I'm okay with that as long as there's some compensatory sex when this is over."

"You mean it has to be better than what you're getting now?"

"I'll settle for as good as, I don't think it can get much better."

"My name is Peter Fenton, I represent the defendant, Spencer Wharton, in these matters." The pin stripe sat down, a smug expression on his face.

"I am Miranda Morrison, I will be conducting my own case." I was wearing a tailored dark blue suit with a crisp white blouse. If anything, the pin stripe looked smugger, this was going to be easy.

"You may deliver your opening remarks." I don't know what they were expecting but it wasn't what they got.

"Thank you. On the evening of the twenty third of March two thousand and eleven, Spencer Wharton has seduced me into having sexual intercourse with him. I reluctantly agreed, on his promise of withdrawing before he ejaculated. He did not withdraw, resulting in him ejaculating into me. The next day he gave me what he told me was the morning after pill. This was not the case resulting in my pregnancy. He promised me that he would support me. He failed to honour that promise, resulting in me giving birth to my daughter Phoebe. I am lodging an action to claim child support.

In the course of the negotiations that followed, he claimed that he had not had sexual intercourse with me, and further claimed that he was the only boy in our class that had not had sex with me, the inference being that I was in some way promiscuous. This was not the case. In so doing he has defamed me, and I am seeking compensation for that defamation. Thank you." I sat down.

"This is an interesting story, but there is no truth to either allegations, Miss Morrison has no proof of any of this."

"If this were just a case of 'he said, she said', I would never have contemplated bringing these actions. But I have proof."

This brought about a hurried conference between Fenton and the Whartons. "Then present your proof." The gauntlet had been thrown down

"Call James Street."

James was sworn in. "James, I must remind you that you are under oath and if it is found that you have given false evidence you can and will be charged with perjury. Do you understand?"

He looked to the defence table. "Yes."

"The defendant has claimed that you have had sexual intercourse with me, correct?"


"When did this take place?"

"It was in our final year. It was common knowledge that you were easy, that you would have sex with anyone. We, that is the members of the football team, had been told that you were interested in doing the whole team, so we let you know that we were prepared to have sex with you after the next game."

"Was Spencer Wharton involved in this, I suppose that you would call it a gang bang?"

"No, he had some family function to attend."

"How convenient. What happened, did this gang bang involve straight sex or did it also involve oral and anal sex?"

"You blew each of us in turn, After you had blown four or five of us, Paulie fucked you from behind."

"Did any of you cum in my pussy?"

"Yeah, about four of us came inside you, those that didn't, either came on your face or over your titties."

"Tell me, were the lights on, or was it dark when this happened?"

"The lights were on, you wanted it that way, you said that you got off seeing all of us fucking you."

"So, you would have seen everything, is this true?"


"You would have seen my genital area then?"


"My pubic hair, was it a full bush or was it trimmed in some way, a landing strip, or was it heart shaped, or trimmed in a triangle, or was I shaved."

"It was sort of a triangle."

"Not even close. Unless the defence wants to question you, you are excused."

Fenton shook his head, I had demolished an important part of his defence. But I was not, by any stretch of the imagination, finished.

"Call Timothy Roberts." The looks on the faces of the defence team said it all. Timothy took the stand. "Timothy, you were a part of this orgy, is this correct?"

"Yes." He mumbled, he knew what was coming and was uncomfortable.

"And you had sex with me, is this correct?"


"Did you fuck me, or did I blow you, jerk you off, or allow you to have anal sex?" I was being deliberately crude in my questioning, wishing to bring this episode down to its most basic details.

"I fucked you."

"So, you would have had a good look at my pussy, true?"


"My pubes, I assume that you got up close and personal to my pussy, how were they trimmed?"

He knew that a triangle was out of the question. "It was a landing strip." He said as confidently as he could.

"Not even close. You are excused, unless Mister Fenton has any questions.

"No question." He stopped talking in whispers to Spencer and looked at me. "I suppose that you intend on questioning all of those who attended this orgy and ask them to describe you genital area? I'll save you the trouble, my client will, unconditionally withdraw his defence on the matter of defamation and accept the punishment handed down by this court."

"Very well. This brings us to the matter of the paternity of my daughter."

"Before we proceed with this matter, I will call a recess. Court is adjourned for one hour."

"I don't like our chances." Fenton told Thomas after the judge had called a recess.

"What do you mean?"

"That man seated behind her is, not only the father of her friend seated next to her, but Bevan Somerville, one of the most astute legal minds in the country".

"But he's just sitting there, they have not spoken to each other."

"That's what scares me."

Bevan leaned over between Bryan and me, "Nature calls, I'll be back soon."

As he left Fenton excused himself and followed.

"I like our chances even less."

"What do you mean?"

"I spoke with Bevan, and he told me that he had not had input into the conduct of this action. Her asking those guys to describe her pubic hair came as a surprise to him. His words was, She is brilliant, she anticipates any contingency and has a plan in place to counter them."

"We shall see." Thomas said as the courtroom was called to order.

A conference was taking place at the defence table. "The only way that we can win this is to establish that there is reasonable doubt as to what happened. Your defence in the defamation case is going to require some creative evidence. Remember you will be under oath, and it she can establish her argument beyond any reasonable doubt, we are screwed, you are screwed."

"I will outline the basis of my case." I looked at Spencer in a way that exuded confidence. "I was, in response to a request by Spencer Wharton, seated in his bedroom in the family home at Forest Way Farncombe. I had helped him with the term paper that he was having problems with." I recounted the events of that night. "We were seated close together. I felt his hand on my thigh, it made me feel uncomfortable, so I pushed it away. Several minutes later I felt it again. I again removed it. 'If you do not stop that I will go home'."

"Miranda, I love you, and I want to make love to you." He told me.

I got the feeling that asking me to assist with his term paper was merely a ruse to get me alone. "How can you say that you love me, we've hardly spoken to each other, I don't move in the same social circles as you."

"But that's it, I have come to realise that these people were so shallow and that I don't feel comfortable with them".

"I wish I could believe that."

"It's true. Look Miranda, I want to be with you, not them."

"Because I can help you with your assignments and you just might get a passing grade."

"No! That's not true. If that was all I was interested in, my family can afford to hire a tutor to help."

"But that would mean having to admit to them that you're not doing all that well in class."

"How can I convince you that I really do love you?" He kissed me on the neck. It sent tingles through my body.

"Don't, please don't." I could feel my resolve weakening. I gathered up my books and stood to leave.

He took my face in his hands. "Stop." He kissed me softly. "Please stop, look, I promise that it will be perfectly safe, I'll pull out before I come, I promise."

"How can I be sure?"

"I promise."

By this time, he was fondling my breasts. When he sensed my resolve wavering, he opened my blouse and pushed his hand inside my bra.

"Please, no."

He did not stop. Sometime later his hand moved to between my legs and a finger pushed past my panties and entered me.

"You promise that you'll pull out?"


I gave in to his demands.

"Be gentle, I've never done this before."

I had to admit that, when it came to boys and relationships I was totally without experience or knowledge. In hindsight I should have prepared for this eventuality.

I was beginning to feel good about what was happening when it happened. He ejaculated inside me.

"What have you done, did you just ejaculate in me?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, it felt so good, didn't it feel good for you?"

"Yes, it did, but you promised. What am I going to do, what if I get pregnant?"

"You won't. Look, tomorrow I'll give you a pill that will take care of everything/"

"You had better. I don't know what I'll do if I get pregnant, my parents will kill me."

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