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Consoling the Widowed Neighbor Ch. 02

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The offer from next door came just as expected.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 09/10/2014
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This is a sequel to my story "Consoling The Widowed Neighbor" which involved Steve, a distinguished looking gentleman in his early sixties who after the unfortunate passing of his wife, found himself adopted in a way by Paul and Melody Parker, the rather nerdy couple next door.

The invitations to cookouts and cocktails took a sudden turn when one evening, after the male nerd of the couple, Paul made a very awkward advance toward the elderly neighbor, not knowing that despite his rather grandfatherly mannerism Steve and his late wife had been swingers and Steve was far from a stranger to the pleasures of the flesh with his own gender.

During their torrid encounter in the Parker's basement Paul had made several references to not only his shortcomings but spoke of his desire to have his equally geeky wife Melody experience sex with someone extremely well endowed like Steve.

Please note that this story involves sexual acts of all varieties between one woman and two men.


It's not like I'm a clairvoyant or anything but I knew the phone call would come from next door. I knew it would come from Melody Parker and I knew it would come on a Monday because that was the weekday she had off from the library.

The call would have me come over on some shallow premise, like fixing a drip or killing a spider, and it was then that Melody would try to seduce me. Seeing how awkward and almost childlike her husband Paul had been in "seducing" me in his basement bar, I could only imagine hoe Melody would pull this off because she was even more straight-laced and puritan looking than her husband.

Paul was right out of central casting, with his nerdy glasses and appearance leaving no doubt that he really was a bean counter at a bank, and Melody was the stereotypical librarian if there even was one.

Melody wasn't unattractive but was very plain. About 5'5" with mousy brown hair, she had had a pleasant enough face even if most of the time she had a more deer-in-the-headlights look about her than her husband.

Melody was about average in weight, and having seen her in a bathing suit a couple of times - a drab very modest one-piece than was as outdated as my own suit was - I had managed to get enough glimpses at Melody to figure out much of what was under the suit.

Melody's body was rather pear-shaped, and if I had to put numbers to her I would guess the thirty-year old would measure out to be around 33-28-38. Very small on top, as I learned when the opportunity to look down her front presented itself, a little thick in the waist and fuller in the butt.

The lower part interested me because I like a healthy sized butt, and in addition my careful scrutiny had revealed that Melody had needed to do a little gardening down below, even in a frumpy bathing suit like hers. I had seen the razor bumps around the leg openings at her crotch, and that meant there was likely a lot more hair to be found. Since I'm a Renaissance Man at heart, I didn't mind that at all.

So when Paul, in between giving me head and rimming me, mentioned several times about how he wished some built along my lines would go over and ravish his wife - even giving me her work schedule and mentioning that she had been just as entranced by the bulge in my bathing suit as he was - I knew the call would come.

I wasn't even surprised when it came the Monday after Paul and I had enjoyed our little rendezvous in his family room. I had showered early and had enjoyed a few cups of coffee on the front porch, waving to Paul as he got in his car to go to work just like always.

Paul wasn't going to work. He had tried to give me that impression but he wasn't headed for the office because not only hadn't he bothered to wear his tie like every other morning, he was missing another very important part of his wardrobe. His pocket protector and the row of pens it held.

I suspected that little Paulie was going to drive around for a while, maybe go have breakfast in town somewhere - imagining Paul sitting at a Mickey D's with a Happy Meal made me chuckle because even though he was 30 in many ways he was very juvenile - and then when the time was right Melody would call me, and Paul would have already snuck back home to assume whatever position he was planning on observing from.

I figured the time would be noon, and I was guessing that the premise would be me fixing that kitchen faucet that I had tightened before but had a habit of getting loose. Melody would be wearing something provocative, at least my her standards.

This game I was playing with myself was sort of like Clue, the adultery version. Instead of Professor Plum in the library with a candlestick, I was guessing Melody with a leaky faucet and a husband under the bed.

The phone rang at 11:30, and I call that close enough to noon.

"Steve?" Melody said softly, her voice even more meek than usual. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

At the end of the conversation I was patting myself on the back, although instead of a leaky faucet Melody something from the crawl space attic and since Paul was at work and she was shaky around ladders and really needed this box of things...

Of course I was happy to oblige, I said, and on my way over I walked down to the road ostensibly to check the mailbox, but when I looked down the road I could see Paul's car all the way down towards the stop sign.

"You little pervert," I muttered to myself as I went over to help poor helpless Melody out.

The woman who answered the door had done little to make herself look sexy and was still in her bathrobe, and the nervous way she greeted me was sexier than she was herself. Putting her on the defensive, I leaned down and kissed her good morning, and unlike the peeks on the cheek she had given me a couple of days ago, I planted this one on her lips, setting her back on her heels, or rather on the backs of her fuzzy blue slippers.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Melody asked, her hand clutching near the neck of her bathrobe, making me wonder if maybe she had bought something sexy from Victoria's Secret for the occasion.

"No thanks Melody," I replied. "I'm full of caffeine as it is. Now where is that box you needed?"

"Have to pull the stairs down in the hall," Melody explained as she led the way. "I hope I didn't take you away from anything important."

"No, not at all," I replied, realizing that my passing on the coffee might have made it seem like I was in a hurry. "The chance to spend some time with a pretty lady is far better than anything I would do at home."

Melody blushed at that, probably because she wasn't called pretty very often, but I'm not your average guy in that I find the plastic and slick women that many guys find sexy anything but. Melody was not that kind of woman, and her plain and somewhat natural look was erotic to me in a way. the fact that she had checked me out in my bathing suit the other day didn't hurt in my mind either.

"I could never get those stairs down by myself even if I could reach," Melody said as I reached up and grabbed the handle. "Paul sometimes has trouble getting them down."

"I guess they can stick sometimes," I answered as I tugged them down with little effort, causing Melody to giggle nervously.

"Must be nice to be tall and strong," Melody said, even batting her eyes at me while she spoke, and for a second she reminded me of that cartoon character Krazy Kat who always had stars in her eyes after the Ignatz, the mouse she had a crush on who would hit her in the head with a brick back in those politically incorrect 60's.

"I don't know about that," I said as I started to climb the steps up to that little storage area that all the houses in that development had, and when I looked up there and saw only a few boxes that eliminated one of the places her husband could be hiding. "Now which one of these do you need?"

"It says HOLIDAYS on it," Melody said from down at the foot of the stairs, and then she made me jump when I felt her hand on my calf, making me glad I wore shorts over, and then she apologized for shocking me. "Don't want you to fall."

"That's okay," I replied as I felt her hand on my calf gently rubbing it. "You have a soft touch."

"Nice legs," Melody threw in, although I didn't think so. "Hairy."

"Is that a good thing?" I asked as I took my time reaching for the box.

"Sure. I mean guys are supposed to be hairy, aren't they?" Melody said, and then added for whatever reason, "My Mom asked me if Paul shaves his legs."

"Oh well," I said with a chuckle. "We're all different in our own ways. Variety is the spice of life isn't it?"

"I guess," Melody said as I decided to grab the box because her timid stroking of my leg was making me a little excited.

"Now where would you like this?" I said as I climbed down, and after she had me set it in the kitchen I peeked inside and saw the Christmas decor in the box that she so badly needed in July.

"There!" I declared. "Anything else you would like me to do for you? I'm a man of many talents."

"Uh no, I don't think so," Melody said, and I could almost hear the gears grinding in her head as she tried to come up with something to make me stick around.

I decided to give her time to think, so after asking if she minded if I washed my hands, I retreated to the bathroom which had a slight dampness to it that suggested Melody had taken a shower just before calling me.

Inside the stall I saw the stuff; her Prell shampoo, the barely used bar of Dove soap so new the logo imprinted in the bar was still readable and a can of shaving cream next to a Bic razor.

I wondered whether in addition to shaving her armpits and legs she had trimmed her bush as well. It didn't matter to me because while I preferred a woman's legs to be smooth I loved a nice thick bush. My hands got a brief scrubbing and then after rinsing and drying them I arranged my stuff in my shorts and headed out to rejoin my neighbor.

Melody was not in the kitchen where I had left her, and after I stood waiting for a minute I heard a quivering voice called out, "Steve?"

Since these houses were all made from the identical floor plans I knew where the voice was coming from. The master bedroom. I took my time going down the hall, wondering what I would find when I made the turn at the end.

I wasn't expecting the dimmed room with a lava lamp - for crying out loud - and the massive religious black velvet painting over the headboard was even more disconcerting that one of Elvis or a bullfighter would have been. The king-size bed was freshly made with just a small part turned down, and I was surprised that there weren't rose petals on the sating sheets.

And then there was Melody, cowering over on the far end of the large bedroom with her hand still clutching the neck of her robe, although the slippers were now off. Melody gave me a weak smile as she seemed to be breathing heavily already.

"Oh my," I said as I looked at the lava lamp churning away on the night stand. "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"

It was clear as I took a couple of steps around the bed towards the center of the room that Melody was oblivious to the movie reference, and when I explained that it was a line from "The Graduate" she nodded.

"Heard of it - didn't see it," Melody said. "We - uh - don't go to the movies that much."

"That's right," I replied. "I recall you saying once that your favorite movie was The Ten Commandments - or was it King Of Kings?"

"Both. They're both great," Melody mumbled, taking a step back as I approached.

"Right," I responded. "Now which one of them was John Holmes in?"

The look on Melody's face was priceless, and after her mouth moved a little bit and nothing came out he managed to squeak out, "Paul told you about that?"

"Sure, you know how guys talk," I said. "We talked about a lot of stuff downstairs the other night. Where are you going?"

That comment was in response to Melody taking another step back and having her back hit the wall as I got closer.

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked, and after melody shrugged her shoulders I asked her if she wanted me to leave.

"No," Melody said, her voice actually clear that time as she looked up at me as I hovered over her with my hand on the wall above her head, her lower lip quivering a bit as sweat beaded up on her forehead.

"Paul, is he under the bed?" I whispered as I bent down and kissed the top of her head, and after she shook her head no I continued, "In the closet?"

"Yes," Paul's wife replied in a barely audible voice.

"I see. Well, now here's the $64,000 question. What is it you two or looking for? Do you folks want me to fuck you while Paul watches, or do you want me to to fuck you both?"

Melody nodded, which I guessed was an answer, but I wanted to hear it from her - that it wasn't just Paul wanting this to happen but that she wanted it too, and when I whispered that question in her ear she answered.

"Yes I do, but I'm scared," she said with those deer-in-the-headlights eyes.

"That's okay honey, so am I in a way," I responded and with that I stepped back while trying not to look at the closet where Paul was no doubt looking through the slats of the bi-fold folding door.

"So Melody, want do you have under that bathrobe?" I announced loud enough for all to hear. "Something sexy?"

Melody shook her head, and after I told her that I wanted to be the judge of that she finally let go of the neck of the robe and let the robe slide off her shoulders and onto the carpet.

As Melody stood there shivering, her hands spastically trying to cover up everything and managing to fail totally, I thought that was one of the bravest things I had even seen, baring herself totally to me like that.

"Put your hands down Melody," I said as I began unbuttoning my shirt. "You look nice."

In truth she didn't look bad at all, especially when I thought about what I feared she might look like. Her waist was thick but she had no belly to speak of, and she had no scars or tattoos. Her breasts were small - barely enough to fill her hands - and her pear shaped body was made more obvious with her naked, but I had seen much worse.

"Want to help me with these?" I asked, motioning to my shorts, and as she got close to me I touched her round shoulder, squeezing the soft skin gently as she fumbled with my belt even worse that her husband did before.

"Why don't you go down here?" I suggested as I put a little pressure on Melody's shoulders, and as she went to her knees I heard a little noise coming from the closet, making me wonder how many times little Paulie had cum already and exactly when I would have him join us.

Not yet though. I was relishing looking down at his wife who had finally managed to undo my shorts and was talking them down, all the while keeping her eyes on my baggy boxers.

I saw Melody's eyes really bug out when I lifted my foot to step out of my shorts. Apparently that movement had caused the tip of my cock to peek out from the leg of my boxers and her reaction was enough to get me even more interested than I already was.

"You alright Melody?" I asked while cupping her cheek and lifting her face upwards, because she looked ready to either faint or cry as she found herself doing what those people in the dirty movies did, and for the first time unless she was the greatest actress in the world.

"I'm sorry," Melody mumbled as her chest heaved. "I've never - I mean Paul is the only man I've..."

"If you want to keep it that way I understand," I replied, and as I spoke the librarian glanced over at the closet before her hands gave be the answer to that question when they went up to the elastic of my boxers to begin pulling easing them down with a slowness that was almost painful.

I heard a little gasp when the boxers got down past of silver and black bush, and after she exposed the entirety of my semi-turgid cock Melody leaned back a bit and made a choking noise when she looked at what really might have been the second cock she had ever dealt with.

I was tempted to calm her down by letting her know that even though it was pointing straight down it wasn't going to get much bigger than it already was but I held my tongue, instead reveling in the expression of awe and wonder that this old geezer wasn't used to seeing recently.

"Go ahead honey," I said as Melody started to reach for my member, and when that little hand with the twinkling wedding band finally grabbed it and tried to lift it up, the still-rubbery hose flopped around on the girl, forcing her to use both hands on it.

Sweetly, after lifting it up to a horizontal position she kissed the tip of my foreskin - something she wasn't used to dealing with - but then her hands manged to coax the shroud down a bit to expose the glans, which got a kiss of its own.

"That's it Melody," I said with encouragement as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth, letting her lips slide down a ways before opening her eyes and seeing how far she had to go. "I bet you want to deep throat me like you do Paul, don't you dear?"

Her mouth full of cock, the formerly mousy librarian was unable to speak but her eyes spoke volumes as she was probably thinking exactly that same thing while looking at her fists wrapped around the part of the shaft that her mouth had no hope of reaching.

"That's good honey," I sighed as she actually was doing a nice job on the three or four inches she was sucking on, and giving her husband in the closet a mention I added, "Paul's a lucky man to have a nasty cocksucker like you. Why don't you give my balls some of that love?"

I took my cock from Melody's mouth and lifted it up, making it easier for her to get to my balls, and my neighbor got the hint pretty quick. Plopping my cock onto the top of her head, I relished the feel of her tongue lapping at my balls after she was unable to take one into her mouth.

"Paul?" I said to the closet, deciding that it was time for my nebbish friend to join us. "Why don't you come out of there and join us?"

The door creaked open, exposing Paul in all his glory, his naked body glistening with sweat and his boner pointing at us.

"You told," Paul said as if this was a playground, but I cut him off.

"Melody didn't have to," I informed him. "I could here you panting and doing who knows what else in there. Why don't you come over here and get some of this?"

I held my arm out to Paul and as he got close I brought him to my hip, positioning him so that Melody had two cocks to choose from as we surrounded her, our dicks touching.

"See how much bigger Steve's cock is honey? I told you," Paul said as he moved her hip closer so we rubbed together more, and Melody looked up and nodded, seeming to be confused as to what she was to do.

"Stick your tongue out and lick them both," I instructed. "Then give each of them a little sucking. That's it."

I leaned over to Paul and whispered in his ear, "You know you give better head than your wife. Why don't you go down and show her?"

Paul was on his knees in a flash, grabbing my tool and starting to suck on it crazily while Melody looked at him as if it was the first time she saw him. Could it be that she didn't know what happened in the basement before? I had thought she knew.

"You can share it Paul," I said with a laugh as I turned to face his wife. "There's plenty for both of you."

Paul reluctantly handed over my cock to Melody, who sucked while her husband played with my nuts, and after they went back and forth a couple more times I had them moth licking my cock on the sides, their tongues even meeting on the tip before I decided that we should go to the bed.

"I think you know what I want Paul," I declared as I had him lay on his back, and as I straddled his face and squatted down a bit I pulled Melody on to the bed and gave her a kiss while kneading her little titties.

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