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Cougar and her Five Virginal Cubs Ch. 18

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Tying her up, blindfolding her, and disciplining Kathleen.
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Part 18 of the 19 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/30/2012
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Chapter Eighteen - Disciplining Kathleen

With other apparent plans for Kathleen, they both removed their socks. Joey used his socks to tie her wrists to the bed posts, while Stephen used his socks to tie her ankles. Watching them so control her by tying her up like that, they shocked the shit out of me. Even though I had just gotten blown and laid by Kathleen, even though I wasn't a virgin anymore, these two sex fiends were way ahead of me in their kinky fetishes. I don't know what porn magazine they've been reading, but I'm never seen this in any Playboy magazine that I read, of a woman being tied to the bed. It just seemed wrong. If Kathleen wasn't seemingly enjoying being tied up, I would have pulled the plug.

"Oh, you dirty little boys," she said smiling without resisting. "I didn't know you two had it in you to play this kind of sexy game. Oh, dear me. Help, help," she laughed, "I'm helpless against you two," she said with a laugh. "Help," she joked. "Help me. Someone help me," she said while feigning resistance by pulling against her binds.

Suddenly, I imagined Kathleen tied to a train track by the villain with a train bearing down upon her, while the hero stood helplessly by watching things unfold. Powerless to do anything, going along with my friends, I felt helpless to intercede on her behalf without being considered a wimp and called a coward and a chicken. Normally back then, from watching one too many reruns, this is where Superman makes his appearance or Roy Rogers or the Lone Ranger and Tonto saves the day.

Yet, seemingly just a little foreplay, it was all okay because Kathleen didn't seem alarmed. I was more shocked than she was, that she was tied to the bedposts. Maybe she's done this sort of thing before. Nonetheless my shock and her being a good sport, she played along with the sudden bondage and with them. She appeared to be enjoying it and, even being so tied, she still seemed to be in control. So, who am I to complain or even question Joey and Stephen's sudden need for a bit of bondage?

"I'm all tied up. Help. I'm all a thither now," she said playing along with their game of bondage. She looked up at them with her big, blue eyes. A sight to behold, even though she had been so fucked over by Ralph, Anthony, and I, seeing her naked and tied to the bed, she was still quite the beauty to behold. "So, what do you have in mind, boys, what do you have in mind? What's next in your dirty little perverted mind? What will you make me do tied up that I wouldn't do unbound?"

She laughed and I laughed with her. She was right. Willing to do anything sexual to anyone, I don't think Joey and Stephen could shock her. The shoe was always on the other foot with Kathleen. No doubt, having already lived a wild and carefree life, she was no one's fool.

Joey, the little pervert that he's always been, grabbed one of Kathleen's kerchiefs and blindfolded her with it.

"We're going to play a little game called pain and pleasure," he said looking at the rest of us and laughing.

No doubt, a game he had played before, I wondered if this was a game he had learned from his mother. Maybe, she tied him up and had sex with him. Maybe, he tied her up and had sex with her. No doubt, definitely, by all the things he had confessed to us about his mother flashing him and him flashing his mother, home schooled, this sexual game of pain and pleasure was learned at home. With his mother being just as crazy as he was, I could just imagine his Mom tying little Joey to the chair and giving him pain, if he didn't eat his food, do his homework, or give her an orgasm.

"Being tied and blindfolded is fun and I like the pleasure part, but I have a low tolerance for pain," said Kathleen with a nervous laugh.

Suddenly, knowing Joey as I do, I was a little worried, too. Not the submissive type, I saw a flash of fear in Kathleen's eyes and I was at the ready to spare her the pain, if this game got out of control. Maybe from watching one too many Alfred Hitchcock films, I was already expecting the worst from my twisted, little friend..

"One of us will do something to your body and if you guess who it is, you'll receive pleasure. Only, if you guess wrong, you'll receive pain."

With the odds already stacked against her, the chances of her guessing which one of us giving her pleasure was a 5-1 long shot, whereas the chances of her not guessing correctly and getting pain was four out of five.

"Okay, this has gone far enough," she said struggling against her wrist and ankle ties. "I'm not into pain. I don't want to play any game that involves pain. All my relatives are pacifists and I'm the biggest baby when it comes to—Ow! Hey, that fucking hurt!" She yelled, when Joey slapped her naked thigh with his hand.

"If you're going to play my game of pain and pleasure, you must learn the rules," he said with a sick laugh.

"I don't want to play your game," she said struggling to free herself.

Joey grabbed her hairbrush from her dresser and had Stephen push her over on her side. Then, without any warning, he slapped her ass with the back of her hairbrush really hard.

"Shut up, Bitch," he said, "or you'll get another one!"

What the fuck? Little Joey, the pervert, had turned into a deviant demon. He was angry, no doubt, angry with women, angry at his mother, and angry with being gay, no doubt. Only, he was taking out his anger on the wrong person. He was taking out his hostility on Kathleen, by hitting my dream woman, my Maureen O'Hara.

"Hey, come on Joey," I said. "What the fuck? Untie her. She's had enough. She's sore and tired. We're all tired. I just want to go home."

"Stay out of this Freddie. This is our turn with her," he said pointing the hairbrush at me, as if it was a gun. He made a move towards me, as if he was threatening shoot me or hit me with the hairbrush. That would be the last thing he'd ever do, hit me with a hairbrush. I'd break his wimpy arm and stick the hairbrush where the sun don't shine. Only, he'd probably enjoy the hairbrush being stuck up his ass. "You guys have been hogging her all freaking day," he said with a repressed, red faced anger that scared everyone into silence.

In all the years of Joey being Joey, we never saw him acting like this. As if he was a pampered, pet dog that reverted into a wild wolf with the possessiveness of protecting his bone, he was a madman. With us being just five 18-year-old boys barely graduating high school, we didn't have the education, the intelligence, and the insight to realize that Joey was crazed and crazy. We just thought he was acting crazy normal. All we knew was that he was our friend, albeit our gay friend, but that information was only known by me. Had I had the emotional awareness that I possess now, I would have grabbed the hairbrush out of his hand, as soon as he picked it off the dresser. Had I had more insight into our storytelling, little Joey, I would have stopped this misadventure, before it even started, when he first tied Kathleen to the bed.

Unbeknownst to me then, but so obvious to me now, apparently, he was a monster that his mother made him into by forcing him to have sex with her, when he was too young to understand such adult feelings and emotions. Just a suspicion that had become a supposition, I had no idea if he ever had sex with his mother, as I still have no idea now. Yet, from the looks of things and from the crazed look on Joey's face, in the mold of Alfred Hitchcock's Norman Bates of Psycho, in the way that he was so aggressively acting towards women, I wouldn't be surprised, if he was a real Mommy's boy, if you know what I mean. After that day of him physically abusing Kathleen, Psycho became little Joey's street name. It was no surprise to any of us that he liked the name.

Then, I wondered, maybe that's why they had gay sex, I thought, because we were hogging Kathleen and they were so horny that they turned to one another for relief and a release. Yeah, that's it. Joey and Stephen probably aren't gay at all, just a little sexually frustrated and confused. Nah! Even if I had to wait three days for a turn with Kathleen I'd never turn to Anthony or Ralph for sexual relief, in the way they turned to one another. I'd never give my friends a blowjob because I was horny. I'd just masturbate. Oh, yeah, definitely, they're gay alright.

Ralph, Anthony, and I looked on to see how this would play out, before deciding to intercede on Kathleen's behalf and pull the plug. We weren't too concerned because, if it came down to it, the three of us could overpower and take those two little powder puffs, Joey and Stephen. Moreover, we all knew them better. They really wouldn't hurt her. A couple of whacks with a hairbrush won't harm her. My Dad's done much worse to me with his belt buckle and with his fist. My backside is still scarred and a couple of my teeth are loose from his nightly, drunken beatings. Besides, knowing Kathleen, she'd probably enjoy a few love taps.

Besides, with the three of us, Ralph, Anthony, and I, acting as her personal bodyguards, while watching, the game that Joey suddenly devised could be fun, so long as he didn't take it too far. I mean, if he thinks that he's going to burn her with a cigarette and scar her beautiful body, then I'd beat the shit out of him because no one was going to harm my Maureen O'Hara.

"It's okay, Freddie," said Kathleen. "I don't mind this game of bondage, so long as it doesn't get out of hand and hurt too much. Actually, I find being tied up and blindfolded exciting. I've been in far worse situations," she said. "Remind me later to tell you about the time, after my car broke down, when the Hells Angels came to my rescue and I had to— Ow! Jesus Christ!"

"Shut the fuck up, Bitch," said Joey giving her another hard wallop with the hairbrush.

"That fucking hurt, you little shit," said Kathleen pulling against her ties.

"Keep running your mouth and I'll show you what real hurt is, Bitch," said Joey pinching her thigh.

"Ow! God damn you, Joey," said Kathleen.

As if she was speaking in tongues, something I hadn't noticed before, when Kathleen was angry, she spoke more with an Irish brogue. Curiously, I wondered if I did the same, spoke more with a Boston accent, when I was angry. As it is, anytime I leave the city, especially, when going out of state, no one understand me with my Boston accent. Nonetheless, I found her Irish brogue as sexually exciting, as I did surprising. So very sexy to hear her speak like that, I'll have to ask her to give me pillow talk later with her voice laced and peppered with her brogue.

"Hey, that's enough Joey," I said.

"Yeah, quit it, Joey," said Ralph. "Don't call her a bitch and don't you pinch her like that again."

"You hit her again with that hairbrush and I'll bash you teeth down your throat," said Anthony.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said speaking for the three of us.

It took all the control I had not to call him a little fag and not to tell everyone what happened between him and Stephen, the other queer, in our small group of friends. Yet, if he continued down this women hating road, I'd out him, if it meant sparing Kathleen some pain. Only, knowing Joey, as I did, outing him may escalate things. Embarrassing him in front of Ralph and Anthony may be the thing that really makes me go out of control.

Yet, even though I was angry with him hitting, hurting, and calling my Kathleen names, this game of bondage with her being blindfolded and tied up was the most exciting game that I've ever witnessed. Much like my friends, as if we were three cuckolded husbands watching our wives being stripped naked, blindfolded, and tied to the bed to be ravished by two men, we all wanted to see what was going to happen next, before pulling the plug. We all wanted it to continue, so long as Kathleen wasn't too resistant to it and so long as Joey and Stephen didn't really hurt her.

Stephen motioned to Ralph to lick Kathleen's pussy. Ralph finally moved his tired body out of the chair and climbed between Kathleen's legs. At this point, Kathleen was so fucked over that we all probably had snowballed one another and tasted a bit of one another's cum. Ralph gave her pussy a few licks, while reaching up to fondle her tits and finger her nipples. Watching Ralph interact with my imagined girlfriend was making me horny all over again. Even though she was sweaty, smelly, and fucked over, she was still so very pretty and she had an unbelievable body. Not to mention that she was an incredible lover and the best kisser who ever kissed me in my life.

"Okay, Kathleen," said Joey, the sudden anointed game show host of Pain and Pleasure, Guess Who Just Licked My Pussy. "Who was that who just licked your pussy?"

"Um, Freddie, no wait, Stephen, no, can he do it again? He only gave me a few licks. He didn't give me enough information to tell." Joey motioned to Ralph to lick her more.

"Oh, I know. That's my Ralphie," she said with a wide smile. "Am I right? Am I right? Do I get pleasure now?"

"Good guess, Kathleen," I said. "Now, she gets pleasure and no pain, right?"

I stared down Joey. I didn't want him hurting my perceived girlfriend anymore. Strictly wanting to see pleasure, I wanted the game to continue but without the pain.

"Okay because she correctly guessed, who was licking her pussy, she gets pleasure. Ralph, continue licking her pussy," commanded Joey.

Ralph fell between her legs again and consumed her pussy paying special attention to her clit and fucking her with stiff long fingers, while reaching up his other hand to finger her nipples. Kathleen wiggled her ass all over the bed while smiling and cooing.

"I like this game," she said. "This is fun. Yeah, baby, lick Mommy's pussy. Make Mommy cum in your mouth, again," she said lifting her hips to hump Ralph's mouth. "Lap my cunt, baby. Fuck my warm, wet pussy with your long, stiff fingers," she said wiggling her pussy in Ralph's mouth.

Damn, Kathleen gave good pillow talk. I swear, she'd make good money getting a job as one of those phone sex operators that are appearing everyone with their own 900 numbers.

"Okay, Ralph, that's enough. You can get up," said little, Nazi boy Joey. "Let's give someone else a turn."

"Hey, that wasn't nearly enough pleasure," said Kathleen. "I didn't cum," she said with a pouting face full of sexual frustration.

He motioned with hand signals for Ralph to return and lick her pussy again.

"Okay, Kathleen, who was that who just licked your pussy?"

"That was my baby, Freddie. I can tell his licks— Ow! Fuck! Hey, take it easy. That really hurt," she Kathleen from Joey pinching her leg again.

Joey stepped back, while Stephen turned Kathleen's body to reveal her round, shapely ass and he whacked her really hard with the hairbrush again.

"Ow! You asshole! That really fucking hurt. I don't want to play this fucking game anymore," she said pulling against her ties. Her face was beat red and she had tears in her eyes. She looked scared and never have I seen her scared before. "Let me the fuck up. This game is over, now. I'm serious."

She was angry, now. I had never seen Kathleen angry. Always so in control before, always so nice, I had never seen her out of control. I had never heard her even swear before. Now, she was mad, I was mad.

"What the fuck, Joey?" I moved toward him and stood between him and Kathleen.

"Untie her," said Anthony reaching for her wrist ties.

"Wait! My turn with Kathleen isn't done, yet, and this game is part of my turn. It's not over, until I say it's over. You guys had your fun with her. You guys were hogging her while we waited. Now it's our turn," he said pointing to Stephen, while looking at the three of us.

"Yeah, well, don't pinch her and don't hit her hard like that again or I'll take that hairbrush and beat your skinny ass with it," said Ralph. "I don't want to play this stupid fucking game no more," he said sitting down in his chair. "This sucks. This is some sick shit. I was having a good time, until gay boy here ruined it."

Gay boy? I looked at Ralph slumped in the chair with his eyes closed. He called Joey gay boy? Did Ralph know something that I didn't? Did Ralph know that Joey was gay or was he just calling him a name? Did he see him blowing Stephen in the mirror, too? Or did he witness something down at the wharf, where we all went skinny dipping. That comment floored me. Why was I the last to know that Joey and Stephen are gay?

Joey motioned to me to get between her legs and lick her pussy. I shook my head no and gave him the finger. Then, he looked to Anthony and he shook his head no and gave him the Italian salute with a hand to the crook of his arm. As far as the both of us were concerned, by no longer participating, the game was over and we were done helping him hurt, someone who has given us so much pleasure and so many memories that will last us a lifetime. Instead, Stephen got between her legs and licked her pussy.

"Let me up! I don't want to play this fucking game anymore," she said struggling against her ties again. "You two are fucked in the head. I'm serious. Let me the fuck up."

"I'll let you up," said Joey. "If you guess who just licked you, then the game is over. That's all you have to do is guess correctly."

He motioned to Stephen to lick her some more, while he moved to the other side of the bed, away from Ralph, Anthony, and I.

"And I won't fucking kill you, if you let me the fuck up now. I don't fucking know who licked me. I have no idea. I can't tell anymore. My pussy is numb. I don't want to play—"

Bam! Bam! Bam! Joey wailed the side of her thigh hard three times with the hairbrush, before I could grab him and the hairbrush. I flew over the bed and with a hand to his scrawny neck, I grabbed his wrist, and pushed him hard up against the bureau, while grabbing the brush out of his hand. Stephen tackled me, but Ralph and Anthony were all over Stephen and Joey pushing them both down on the floor and ways from Kathleen.

"Get the fuck out of here," I said threatening them with the hairbrush.

We untied Kathleen. She was crying and her thigh and ass were a bright red.

"My hero," she said hugging my neck, while sobbing.

To be continued...

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