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Cross Country Taboo Ch. 01

Story Info
Mother and son give in to their desires while dad drives.
9.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/17/2016
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This is a work of fiction. This is also another "mom and son in car" story. I am sure it is an original take on the subject.

However, all credit to the ones who have come before me. This is also a slow build so if you are looking for action skip down.

The story is told as factual but make no mistake it is a work of complete fiction from the depths of my very warped mind.

While the events described are far-fetched, they are in fact plausible no matter how unlikely they are to happen. The website is fake (at least to my knowledge), so there is no violation of the rules.

Special thanks to my editor "MadamWhitewalker"

And my beta readers

"Rahul and Shashi"




Cross Country Taboo

To the readers of incestualrelations

I want to tell you about my family. I can't tell you how great this website is. After an exhaustive search including the deep web, it is such a relief to finally find someplace where people in my situation can share their experiences.

I must get this all off my chest somehow, and I sincerely hope that everyone enjoys our story. Judging by the other posts on here I think you will. It started with the move. Well, I guess it started before that...


"Daddy, it's too tight," Chloe said after we had finished loading the Expedition. She was right, too, we had loaded up the SUV to capacity.

"Well, sweetheart you're just going to have to deal with it," my dad replied to my sister.

She pouted and folded her arms across her chest.

"Fine but I'm sitting up front with you Daddy, I'm not squeezing back there with Jason and all those dirty boxes," she said with a very determined expression.

Usually, when my sister made that face, she got her way, and I had a feeling that this time would be no exception. An argument ensued over the next few minutes between my dad, Chloe, and my mom.

The result: Chloe got to sit up front with Dad while Mom and I were forced to squeeze into the third row of seats in the back of the Expedition.

One would think that with a vehicle the size of a 2016 Ford Expedition there would be plenty of room for just about anything.

In most cases, that would be a safe assumption, but we had pushed the limits of the vehicle's large capacity. Our entire lives were loaded into this car.

My dad had gotten a huge promotion a few weeks ago, and we were all relatively happy about it. After working hard for 25 years, he had finally been given the opportunity to run his own hub.

He works for Fed Ex as a supervisor, managing shipments and drivers out of another hub in Salt Lake City where Chloe and I were born and raised.

This was a huge step up for my dad; there are only 25 of these large centers across the country, and now my dad was going to oversee one.

This meant a lot more money for all of us, which of course we were excited about, but it also meant moving to Pittsburgh...

'What the hell did I know about Pittsburgh other than their football team.' But I was determined to make the most of the situation. I had been "spinning my wheels" for the last 2 years about college and just life in general, so maybe this was a chance for me to finally get my act together.

I had taken a few classes here and there, but nothing significant.

Chloe, on the other hand, wasn't so happy about the move.

She had a lot of friends in Salt Lake and, even with social media, it was hard for her to say goodbye. She even had to say goodbye to a boyfriend.

So, we had all decided to pretty much let her have her way...even more than usual.

Mom was happy about the move at least as far as I could tell. She had said on several occasions how great things were going to be in Pittsburgh.

Mom had even gone so far as to get a brochure and was always reciting facts about the Steel City, which we were all getting a little tired of hearing.

But I loved my mother and if she was happy, then so was I. Dad, of course, was thrilled about the job and even more so about the trip. In fact, it was his idea to pack everything into "The Beast," as he called our Expedition.

Dad had decided that it would be nice to travel the country for a week and see a few sites along the way. He was the only one, however, who thought this would be a good idea.

The new job came with a furnished house, so we didn't need a lot, but we of course brought some things of sentimental value like my grandmother's dresser.

Also, remember that there were four of us. Each of us adults, even my younger sister, had accumulated a good number of things over the years that we couldn't or wouldn't part with.

Since the trailer couldn't fit everything, we were forced to put things with us inside of "The Beast."

The middle seat contained three TVs along with other electrical equipment and several boxes. We all agreed that it was the best place for that stuff so we could keep an eye on anything shuffling around; besides, it just wouldn't fit anywhere else.

The very back part of the car had all our luggage and a few other things. That left the third row of seats for my mother and I. Dad was in the driver's seat, and Chloe sat shotgun next to him.

Although the third row was cramped with all the luggage and boxes, there was just enough room for Mom and me to squeeze back there.

I sat on the driver's side next to the window while Mom sat beside me. We were almost right up against each other, but it was manageable.

Sitting down, I looked up front and realized I couldn't see anything.

"Hey Dad, can you see us?" I raised my arm up and waved.

"Only the top of your hand," he said, laughing a little. "It's like you two are in your own little world back there."

He was so right. With all the televisions and boxes piled up, my dad was only a voice coming from the front. The only part that was visible was a little pathway we had made so that Mom and I could get in and out of the SUV. Mom leaned around the seat and waved to my dad.

"Now I can see you. But as soon as you go behind the seat you guys are gone," Dad said. Mom dangled her foot out now. Dad said, "That's it, Liz. You're just a foot peeking out now. You guys are completely isolated back there."

"It's ok baby," my mom said, putting her hand on my hand. "It'll be like our own place back here." I smiled and so did she as our eyes met for a second before she released my hand.

I know she was just trying to make the best of it just like she always did, but there was some tension between us. Something had happened between us a few months ago, and things had been weird ever since.


I had always considered myself an artist. I had, in fact, written a few short stories that had been published in a small magazine. Nothing major, but I had gotten some good reviews.

Wanting to expand my horizons a bit, I decided to take an art class. Now I can't paint worth a damn, but a creative writing teacher had told me it might be a good way to open my right brain more.

I found that, after a few weeks, I was still a terrible painter. Maybe it was helping me to be more creative overall, but I wasn't sure.

Deciding it just wasn't for me, I was ready to quit when I read in the curriculum that the following week there would be a nude model for us to paint.

I decided, what the hell, I'll go one more week, maybe the model will be hot. Yes, I know that's shallow, but hey, I'm a 20-year-old, red-blooded guy. Give me a break.

So, I showed up the next week ready to paint. I was determined to give it my best shot, knowing full well that I would make a mockery out of any attempt to portray the model. I also thought...'If a man walks in, I'm out of here.'

I had my paint brush in hand and was prepared for anything except the thing that happened. Just as the door opened, I dropped my brush onto the floor.

I reached down to pick it up and the model passed by me, making her way toward the center of the room.

Looking up, I got a great view of her from behind. Whoever this was, she had a great ass. The model had long dark hair that fell to halfway down her back. Her ass is what I first noticed, though, even in the robe it was evident that a perfectly shaped pair of cheeks lay within.

The model arrived at the front of the room and turned. My chin hit the floor. It was my mom.

The instructor introduced her, "Ladies and gentleman, this is Elizabeth, and she will be your model today." He looked at all of us. "I don't have to remind you that this is art, not porn."

A couple of guys chuckled. "I want you all to be respectful and tasteful. This is an exercise in form. That's all I want you guys to capture today. Don't worry about her face, it's unimportant. Just focus on her form."

He glanced over at my mom and smiled. She unbelievably gave him a wink and then disrobed.

Her black robe fell to the floor, and she sat down on the stool and assumed a pose. Just then she looked over and saw me. Her eyes went wide, and she jumped up.

"Is everything alright, Liz?" Barry the instructor asked.

"Ah y-yeah," Mom said and sat back down on the stool. The sexy look she had given the class when she first disrobed was gone, and she looked right back at me, moving her hand towards her lips in a shushing gesture, her eyes fixated on me.

If Mom was stunned, then I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that my own mother was completely naked in front of me.

I can't lie; a part of me was immensely turned on. Mom was stunning. If I thought her backside was great, her front was even better.

Mom's chest was a solid D without a hint of sag, and her now hard nipples were perfect. Below those, her belly was flat and firm and her pussy only had the smallest patch of hair adorning it.

Her legs were long and smooth, and her toenails were painted a dark red. I had to admit own mom's a MILF.

She saw me taking her all in and blushed, her tan skin getting goosebumps from both the cool of the room and her son's eyes on her. I hastily tried to focus on my painting.

The problem was that it was expected of me to occasionally glance up and look at her. Not wanting to draw any more attention to either of us, I did my best to paint my very naked mother.

I settled in and worked, trying to make the best out of a very awkward situation, but my cock was rock hard by this point. I had no doubt that half of the men in class had boners too. How could we not?

Mom was beyond sexy sitting there on the stool, her blue eyes glancing at us with just the faintest hint of seduction in them.

She had gotten comfortable and, like me, was doing her best given the circumstances. Judging by the looks she gave, I think she enjoyed making us all horny.

I knew Mom was a bit of a flirt; it was just her nature. Dad would get mad sometimes but he had to know the woman he married. As far as I knew, though, she had never ever strayed from Dad.

If anybody in their marriage fooled around, it would be Dad, not her. Even the teacher was taken aback by Mom's sexy body and flirtatious glances as he struggled to paint.

Towards the end of the class, I caught Mom staring straight at me, and the look in her eyes was like nothing I had ever seen before. I understood giving everyone else seductive glances, but me?

What was she thinking? I tried to look away but kept glancing back up there, and she was still staring right at me.

She gave me that same seductive look and then quickly looked away. My cock was steel hard at this point, and I was ashamed. 'This is your mother, Jason. What the fuck are you thinking?'

The internal battle between my body and my mind continued for the rest of the class.

Mercifully, the class finally ended. Mom put her robe back on and went over to my instructor.

They talked for a few minutes, and, to my astonishment, it looked like they were flirting. Mom glanced over at me again as I was putting my stuff into my pack and caught me looking at the two of them.

After the events of the last hour, I couldn't get out of their fast enough. I must confess, though, the second I got home, I went straight to my room and jacked off. Knowing it was so very wrong gave me one of the best orgasms I'd had in a long time.

Dinner that night was very uncomfortable for me. I kept my eyes down almost the entire time. When I did look up, I caught Mom staring at me. She smiled and went back to her conversation with Dad.

That smile made it even worse. All I could think about was her fantastic body, the seductive look she gave the class, and the way that she flirted with my professor. I knew how wrong my feelings were, but I couldn't help it.

I had always loved my mom, and she had always shown me that she loved me, but after this, I couldn't help but look at her in an entirely different light.

I tried so hard to not think of my mom in an inappropriate way but, try as I might, Mom had become an object of sex to me, and I was deeply ashamed.

Over the next few months, things got a little stranger between us. Mom became different around me. One day, I was on my computer watching a video or something when Mom got out of the shower.

There was nobody home except us. She came over to my door and asked me a question.

"Honey, what time do you have class tomorrow? I might need you to pick up something from the store for me."

I turned to reply and froze. Mom was standing in my doorway stark naked, her skin glistening wet from the shower. She smiled, noticing me looking at her.

"Oh, Jason, we both know you've already seen me naked. Stop staring at your mother," she scolded, still smiling. It was as if she wanted me to look.

"Ah, I have class at 10 tomorrow," I managed to say.

"Good, I'll put a list on the kitchen table before you leave."

She turned and slowly walked away towards her bedroom. Maybe it was because of my newfound obsession with my mother, but it looked to me as though she was shaking her ass for me. What an ass it was, though.

These little accidents continued to happen. Another time, we were out by the pool and Mom was sunbathing while I was reading a book. Without a word, she reached behind her back and undid her top, exposing her fabulous tits.

She never looked over at me, but at one point I saw her smile as I desperately tried not to stare.

Finally, another time, after I had taken a shower, I was standing in front of the mirror shaving when she just burst into the bathroom.

"Mom, I'm naked," I said, trying to cover myself with my hands. She just smiled and said,

"Oh come on, honey, I changed your diapers when you were a baby, I've seen all of you before. Besides, now we're even." As she said this, I couldn't help but notice her staring at my cock. Then she glanced back up at me.

Now, I am big. Maybe not porn star big but a solid 8 inches and I have never once had complaints from any of my girlfriends.

So I was quite proud to have her see my cock after everything that had happened over the last few months. Then reality hit me, and I said to myself, 'Come on man, this is your own mother. Get ahold of yourself.'

I did try to stop the evil thoughts from creeping in, but having her sit there and talk to me while I was completely naked was too much for me. As hard as I tried to prevent it, my cock began to rise.

Mom kept talking to me about Dad and my sister and a whole bunch of other family related things, but all I could do was try to keep my cock from getting harder.

It was surreal as I stood there, shaving, listening to her talk with my cock sticking straight up. Mom kept talking, but I caught her stealing glances at my cock.

Then she started asking me questions about my girlfriends and if I was a virgin. I blushed, of course, and told her that I hadn't been that for a long time. It was weird enough having her ask me about my love life, but the fact that she was asking while I was naked with a hard on was just crazy.

The tension in the bathroom started to get thick. Then we heard the front door open, probably my sister coming home.

Mom got up to go, but as she was leaving, she seductively bit her lip and smiled, saying, "Jason, you better take care of that honey, it looks like it hurts." She left without another word.

I swear I heard her say as she went down the hall, "Holy fuck, it's huge."

As soon as she was gone, I locked the door and did just that. In about 30 seconds I was blasting a huge load right into the bathtub. I turned on the water and rinsed my cum down the drain and thought about what had just happened.

This was all too much for me; I didn't know what to think now. The next week, Dad got the news about his promotion, and everything became about moving. I had almost forgotten about the last few months until she got into the car and sat next to me.


So, there I was, sitting next to the woman I had been obsessing about for the last couple of months. The woman who had shown me her body on several occasions and who had seen my very rigid cock just last week. The woman who was also my own mother.

I was very anxious as she tried to get herself comfortable. She was wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top that showed a lot of her voluptuous tits.

On her feet were a pair of flip flops. I couldn't help but look at her long tanned legs and painted toenails as she crossed them next to me.

Just her presence next to me was making me very nervous. Dad said, "Okay, everybody ready?"

Everyone responded with a, "Yes." Mom and I had to talk loudly for him to hear us all the way in the back.

"Alright, then, next stop isn't for 4 hours, so everybody gets comfortable." With that, we began our journey across the country.

Everything was relatively normal for the first half hour or so. I tried to get comfortable with Mom sitting next to me. I started to play a game on my phone and, after a while, I decided I was going to read my Kindle.

As I was moving my phone, I dropped it on the seat next to Mom. I quickly reached over to grab it and brushed Mom's bare leg. It was completely by accident.

The feeling was electric. To this day, I don't know how I became so bold, but I left my hand there for a few seconds and gently caressed her leg with the tips of my fingers. Mom let out a soft moan.

She didn't say anything else. I half expected her to yell at me or move my hand away, but she didn't do either; she just let me caress her leg for a few seconds.

I guess she could have thought it was an accident, but I don't believe so. My cock immediately began to rise in my pants. Having almost no control over my hand, I kept ever so gently rubbing the side of her leg.

After about 30 seconds, I got nervous and moved my hand away...after all this was my own mother! I grabbed my Kindle from the seat and started to look at it.

Pretending to look over my collection of books, I just sat there with a huge boner thinking about what I had just done. 'Come on, dude, this is your mother, what the hell is wrong with you,' I thought for the millionth time that month.

'Yeah, but her leg felt incredible and just look at her, she's a fucking goddess!' I could almost see the little angel and devil on each shoulder duking it out as they had been for months.

This was the first time Mom and I had been this close together since the bathroom, and all I could think about was what she said as she was leaving.

'Had my mom really been looking at my raging cock that day? Was I crazy or had she been subtly flirting with me ever since the art class?'

These thoughts raced in my head as I sat there next to her.

Now, I have taken enough psychology classes to know of the Freudian theory about parents and children, but my thoughts had gone far beyond any of that, and now my actions had caught up.


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