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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 04 Ch. 01

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Millie and Jeff.
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Part 13 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2016
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In Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 1, Chapter 1, Katie Thatcher was introduced as a stage hypnotist entertainer performing a popular cruise ship show. More importantly, she is also a trained hypnotherapist who holds group sessions to help with a multiplicity of problems such as ending a smoking habit, losing weight, etc. She also holds private sessions for people with more delicate and personal difficulties. Her husband, Matt, serves as her manager and agent. Her role as hypnotherapist led her, reluctantly, into a moderate sexual relationship with Janine and, later, with a more intense liaison with Jane in Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 2. She fears that these actions will put her on the proverbial 'slippery slope' toward using hypnosis in sexual relationships with clients. She was correct in that fear and in Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 3, she and Matt have just such a relationship with Cindy. While not absolutely necessary, I would recommend reading Cruise Ship Hypnosis, Part 1, Chapter 1, to provide a better picture of Katie and Matt's backgrounds. Reference to events in Part 2 and Part 3 will also be referred to in this story.


Katie and Matt stood on the deck and looked at the harbor at Barcelona receding behind them as they began a long, repositioning cruise that would end 15 days later in their own home port of Miami. It was October 26, the end of the summer cruise season in the Mediterranean and time to travel to the United States and begin covering the Caribbean.

This was their first day on this Norwegian Lines ship which they had joined in Barcelona. As with a typical repositioning cruise, most days, ten in this case, would be "at sea." The only ports of call would be Funchal, on the island of Madeira until reaching Philipsburg, St. Maarten and St. Thomas in the Caribbean. With so many days on which all the passengers would be on board and needing to be entertained, Katie would be scheduled for more stage appearances than usual, but her real workload would be group and private sessions in which her hypnotherapy training would be in demand.

Her first show as a "stage hypnotist," basically an entertainer employing volunteers to amuse the audience, came on the second night out and, as usual, was well received by that audience. Also as usual, Katie's showmanship and obvious hypnotic ability brought a surge of interest in the group sessions in which she addressed passenger problems and habits – smoking, weight loss, fear of public speaking, etc. In addition, there were always passengers who had personal or confidential problems which necessitated private meetings. People normally don't take a cruise as a self-improvement program, but a surprising number of passengers suddenly realize, or hope, that a little hypnosis might make habit changing painless while enjoying a cruise vacation. Happily, some, like Janine, Jane and Cindy, find life-changing results instead of just a pleasant cruise!

The following day, the ship arrived at its first port, Funchal, Madeira, to be followed by six days at sea before reaching Philipsburg Saint Maarten of the Netherland, Antilles on November 5. Katie and Matt, in their tourist mode had booked a tour, "Madeira's Breathtaking Beauty" and were waiting on a long concrete dock for their bus to arrive. As happened all too often, Katie was recognized from her stage performance, but, this time, it was a bit different. An attractive woman introduced herself as Millicent, or Millie, Anderson and saying, "We're almost neighbors. My husband, Jeff, and I have a cabin five doors down from you and we noticed you in the hall when we moved in. We couldn't believe it when we saw you on the stage last night! We just loved your show!"

Begrudgingly, although she didn't show it, Katie responded graciously, "Thank you Millie. That is very nice to hear. This is my husband and manager, Matt, and I am Katie. We can't wait for this tour – we've heard that the mountains are beautiful!

The bus arrived and Katie internally groaned as Millie took the seat across the aisle from her. However, it happily turned out that Millie was very pleasant and didn't want to talk about hypnotism – a major virtue! When they stopped at a small town where hand-made wicker baskets were created (a main product of Madeira), they became quite friendly, just two tourists together.

They watched from the windows on a bus traveling on roads too narrow for oncoming traffic (if there was any), oohing and aahing as they saw magnificent peaks and frighteningly deep valleys. This was followed by a hilarious ride in a wicker "toboggan" towed and guided by two men down the steep curving streets of an older part of the city. By the end of a very pleasant day, they were bonded together like old friends.

Katie and Matt, discussing their day that evening, agreed that Millie's presence had actually enhanced their enjoyment. As Matt said, "It's nice to have someone who doesn't act like a groupie. Jeff was very quiet, though. Hardly said anything."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Of course, Millie talked enough for both of them. She did try to get him involved, but he soon went back into his shell. Just a real introvert, I guess. I really like her. This is a long cruise, so it will be nice to have someone different to talk to. Of course, they're passengers so they may have friends with them. It really was a nice free day, but tomorrow, the group sessions begin. I've got notes from several people who are interested in private sessions, too."

The following day, Katie was sitting alone in the Garden Café Buffet after lunch when she looked up and was pleased to see Millie approaching the table. She smiled and said, "I'm really pleased to see you. Sometimes you meet people on these ships and they disappear afterwards. Matt and I were talking last night about we enjoyed being with you yesterday."

"Oh, I'm so glad! I felt the same way, but I didn't really want to impose because I know you have onboard duties now."

Katie smiled at her and replied, "Well, that's true. The line requires me to conduct a considerable number of sessions in which I try to use group hypnosis to help people give up smoking, break other habits – oh, a long list of things. It's very profitable for management. I also have private sessions for more delicate situations. Matt is working over the schedule now and I'll probably have something later today. Right now, it's just pleasant sitting here relaxing before duty calls."

"Yes, I saw about that this morning in the daily schedule....what do they call it...oh yes, the "Free Style Daily" That's a silly name! Jeff and I thought that you were just a stage performer – oh, I don't mean 'just,' but apparently you do more than perform."

"Oh yes, I know what you mean – 'just' a stage entertainer. Well, unlike many of those shows, my hypnosis is real and I am a certified hypnotherapist. I'm also in show business as a stage hypnotist. I could be in an office or clinic, but we like the surroundings and travel. I don't know how much longer we'll stick with it, but it's good for now."

"Well, that's what I heard this morning. I went down to Guest Services and inquired and they were effusive about your services and showed me an amazing list of recommendations from passengers on this line and several others. I was very impressed. I...I probably would have been hesitant to approach you yesterday if I had known."

"For heaven's sake, Millie, don't be silly. I'm really glad to see you!"

"Oh, thank you. Anyway, I don't want to impose on you because of how friendly you were yesterday, but I don't know where to turn and I had a wild idea that maybe hypnosis might help solve a very serious problem that Jeff and I have. This...this is very difficult to talk about, very private but...but we need help!"

"Heavens, Millie, if it's that serious a problem, let's move to a quieter place to discuss it. Matt is busy right now, as I said, so our suite is empty and quiet, so let's go there."

Arriving there and settling down on the couch, Katie, started the conversation, "Ok, Millie, describe your problem to me and I will let you know if it is something that I might help solve."

Millie responded with a tremulous smile. "Ok, Katie. Actually the real problem is with Jeff. We've been married for five years and two years ago we decided that it was time to start a family. I went off the pill and we just assumed that I would soon be pregnant, but it just didn't happen. Over a year went by and, worried, we were checked out in a clinic and were relieved that there seemed to be no physical problems. Still, nothing happened despite our efforts. Finally, we saw a specialist and she said that we were just trying too hard, putting too much pressure on ourselves.

"That, of course was reassuring and we tried to relax, but still nothing. Now, things have gotten much worse." Millie's eyes started to water at this point as she tried to continue. "We...we went to Italy...and...and relaxed in the romantic countryside and, now, this long ocean cruise...and," bursting into tears, "...and Jeff can't get hard! At first, everything was fine and we would start making love, but when we started to have sex, his erection would wilt. Even when I tried to stimulate his...his cock by hand or mouth, it just stayed limp!

"It's nothing physical. We saw a very sexy show in Rome and he was hard as a rock while he watched and we both were optimistic. However, as soon as we started to have sex, it went soft! Since then, he can't seem to have an erection at all, even at a show like that! Yesterday we went up to that upper sun deck and several women were topless, which usually arouses him, but nothing happened! It's all mental and I know that he can't help it, but he's touchy about it and I'm irritable despite trying to be supportive and optimistic. We're snapping at each other. He...he hasn't been inside of me this entire trip! We're both so frustrated and just see no solution!"

All through this difficult discourse, tears of frustration were running down her face as she futilely tried to control her emotions. Katie, of course, was very sympathetic – empathy with other people's problems is, of course, a major motivation for becoming a therapist. "Stop crying, Millie. I think that there is a good chance that I can help Jeff lower the tension that probably is causing his erectile dysfunction.

"It is unbelievably easy for a man to have problems like that. Unfortunately, sometimes all it takes is one failure to perform to put doubts in his mind and those doubts feed on each other. We rarely think of it this way, but sex is much harder for a man than a woman. All she basically has to do is lie there. If she isn't aroused enough to have an orgasm or, for that matter, doesn't even enjoy the act, it doesn't really make a difference in terms of procreation – the basic sex act can be carried out and pregnancy is possible. If the man can't hold an erection and ejaculate into a woman, nothing will happen.

"For most men, particularly when they are young, erections are automatic and the biggest problem is being embarrassed by having an erection at the wrong time. But if he's with a woman and suddenly he can't get hard, it's humiliating. Then the next time he's ready to have sex, the fear that it will happen again causes it to happen. Telling him not to worry, that it really doesn't matter or that he's probably just tired or maybe he had too much to drink – or any other soothing excuse by the woman he is with – doesn't really help because, to him, it really does matter! Actually, the well-meant sympathy probably will add to his humiliation. Once the fear of failure sets in, failure is almost inevitable. Men will even start avoiding being in sexual situations when he will be expected to perform because of that fear.

"In addition, when a couple wants children and nothing happens, what is normally a very pleasant, exciting experience can become work – the goal being pregnancy, not pleasure. That's probably was what the specialist meant by saying that you were just trying too hard. The pressure and tension builds up as does the fear of failure.

"It does sound as if it is purely mental, but the mind really determines these things. As I said, I think that there is a good chance that, under hypnosis, I can help with restoring his confidence. No guarantees, of course, but I'll certainly try. Now, I don't remember you being on the stage so I assume that Jeff was not either. The first thing we'll have to do is make sure that you two are susceptible. Why don't you talk to Jeff, explain what I've said to you and call me later if you want to go on with it."

That evening, after a telephone confirmation, Millie and Jeff Anderson arrived at the suite to consult with Katie – Matt being thoughtfully absent. Jeff was obviously embarrassed by discussing his very personal problem, particularly with someone he still saw as an entertainer. "When I was in college, I worked part time with a hypnotist and, bluntly, he was like a stage magician. He used misdirection and mental slight-of-hand rather than any mystic power to influence his volunteers. Millie says that you are different...what was that...oh yes, a hypnotherapist. Frankly, I'm still skeptical. In the first place, can you really hypnotize me and, if so, what effect will it have?"

Katie smiled at him, disarming his somewhat belligerence attitude by replying, "Frequently stage hypnotists are, in fact, like stage magicians and some are quite good at it, simulating hypnotism through talking, using peer pressure from the audience on volunteers, using cues from the reactions of those volunteers, and so on. Actually, that takes a considerable amount of skill. Others are out-and-out frauds – using shills as volunteers, for example. I am a real hypnotist, but I claim no mystic power to 'control' people like the old comic strip character, Mandrake the Magician, who gestures with his hand and his victim is in his power.

"I am a trained therapist who uses hypnosis to help my clients. I don't know if you can be hypnotized, but I expect that you can. I don't know if I can help you with your problem, but I'm willing to try. As I said when I discussed this with Millie, fear of failure feasts on itself. In addition, putting pressure on yourself can cause failure. All I can do is try to reduce tension and that self-induced pressure."

"Well, there is no doubt that I have a problem and it appears that Millie was right about you. I'm always skeptical when I hear of people being in therapy – lying on a couch while a psychiatrist sits there taking notes about your childhood, sexual hang-ups, or whatever. You're not making big promises and you sound as if you understand my problem. I still doubt that I can be hypnotized, but I'm willing to try."

As usual, Katie used the progressive relaxation technique and, without further discussion or warning, began with, "Let's see how things go. Before we start you need to be relaxed. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, make it nice and even so you can hear my voice clearly."

About an hour later, Katie joined Matt where he had been reading outside the Garden Café, i.e. the buffet. He looked up, smiling, and asked, "You were with them quite a while. How did it go?"

"Very well, actually. I used the relaxation inducement and they both went under very easily. It turns out that he is a fiction writer, two books published, so he certainly is a fantasizer as we use the term. They travel a lot and, as many people do, postponed having children to keep their lives free. When she was 28, they decided that it was time to start a family, but nothing happened in the next two years although there seemed to be no physical problem. They were checked out by a specialist, but she found nothing wrong and said that they were just trying too hard, putting too much pressure on ourselves.

"That advice didn't really help, for as each fertile period went by, the tension obviously went up. Millie is badly depressed, of course, but the pressure has really hit Jeff and he can't perform. As he admitted, sex became a burden rather that a pleasure. Just too much tension and, after a while, when he got into Millie, he couldn't climax. Now, he can't even get an erection! You can imagine how that affects him. And, naturally, neither really blames the other, but tension between them is inevitable. Anyway, I'm going to see him alone tomorrow afternoon and see what I can do to."

"Do you think you'll be able to help?"

"Well, I hope so. I'll try to release some of his tension and remove some of his fear of failure. I'd like to have something to focus on rather than just trying to build up his confidence. I think I'll try to use what is called 'regression' as I had planned to do with Cindy [Cruise Ship Hypnosis Part 3]. I'll try to mentally take him back to a specific time when his equipment worked properly, either with Millie or someone else, and let him re-experience that success.

"Do you think that that will work?"

"To tell the truth, I sort of doubt it, but it might. It's used in what's called forensic hypnosis when, for example, the police use it to get forgotten information from a witness. It works best when you have a particular event, like an accident, to remember a detail about. I need an experience, not a bit of information, but I think that it is worth trying. I thought that I might try their honeymoon. I'll think of something."

Matt grinned at her, saying, "Well, if that doesn't work, you might have to be less professional and more basic!"

"What do you mean?"

"You want him to have an erection, right? What causes a man to get hard? Looking at something, or someone, sexy!"

"MATT! Are you suggesting that I should get him hard? I'm a professional hypnotherapist, a married hypnotherapist, not a sexy showgirl – or whatever!"

"Right, you're not either a 'whatever' or a sexy showgirl, but you certainly have the figure to cause a man to have an erection if he saw it exposed! A glimpse of tit – or even cunt – might get him hard!"

"That may well be true, but he's not going to see either my tits or my cunt! Can you imagine what that would do to my reputation, much less what Millie would say! You're out of your mind!"

"Hold on, I'm not urging you to show anything or even recommending it, but it probably would work! From the time he is first aware of girls, a boy's greatest ambition is seeing what's hidden under her clothes. A young man's cock will spring to attention at almost anything, maybe a peek at panties. As you get older, it takes a bit more stimulation, but the principle stays the same. Anyway, you would just tell him to forget what he saw. Reputation still clean! Besides," grinning again, "imagine what people would think about you're relations with Jane or Cindy. Wow! Scandal!"

"Ok, ok, you're right about that, but I'll stick to my professional training, even if my professional ethics have become rather flexible."

The following afternoon, Katie joined Matt for a group session on giving up cigarettes after her meeting with Jeff. "How did it go, honey? Did you get anywhere? You look a bit frazzled."

"I am frazzled! I found out something that changes the whole picture and I'm not sure what, if anything, I can do about it to help him. Let me get through this session and we can go down and talk about it."

An hour later, in their suite, Katie described her meeting with Jeff. "I used 'jasmine' and put him in the post-hypnotic trance and he went under very easily. As I told you, I was prepared to try and find a past sexual event that I could use to arouse him. Before doing that, however, I wanted to find out how he saw the current problem. When he was in a trance yesterday, his reactions didn't seem quite right, but I couldn't focus on anything in particular. This afternoon, on a hunch, I asked him if anything specific was worrying him about getting Millie pregnant. I was trying to find out if he honestly wanted kids or was this more Millie's desire. The real problem emerged.


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