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Curious Chelsea and Bad Grandpa

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Teen caught snooping in her grandparents' bedroom.
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When Walter Gold found out that his daughter was coming to visit him and his wife for a week last summer, he had mixed feelings about the visit because while he enjoyed seeing Brenda there were always memories that went along with seeing his newly divorced daughter, and some of them were slightly seedy.

Brenda had made a slight change of plans on the eve of her visit, and according to Walter's wife Louise, Brenda was bringing her daughter Chelsea along because apparently she couldn't trust the newly turned 18 year old home alone for a whole week. While Chelsea was a studious and well-mannered girl, in her mother's words, "She's 18. Remember what I was like when I was 18?"

"You weren't so bad," Walter's wife assured Brenda, but Walter had only smiled and stayed silent because he knew a little different.

Chelsea had become quite a nice looking young woman, although nowhere near the woman her Mom had been at her age. Chelsea seemed like a work in process, although her pug nose and dimples made the mop-top adorable even though she was not the voluptuous vixen daughter Brenda had been back then.

Looking at the nubile girl during the first evening of their visit had inspired Walter to keep his wife awake a little later after turning in, and while that wasn't unusual for the couple even though they were in their sixties, Louise had been reluctant when Walter made his move.

"Be quiet though," Louise had warned Walter as she straddled him and put his stiff tool into her pussy. "Mustn't wake the kids."

Walter had stayed quiet as he let his still energetic wife do all the work, but when he saw the shadow at the bottom of the bedroom door he knew that one of their guests was already awake and listening to the bed creak and Louise grunt each time she impaled herself with him.

There used to be feet outside the door a lot when Brenda lived at home, and that thought had always turned him on, but there was no telling whose feet were now casting the shadows. His daughter or his granddaughter? Who was the curious one?


The next morning Louise tried to rope Walter into going to the city to shop at the mall with them, and since that was far from what he wanted to do he made up a story about promising a friend of his to help him do some sprucing up at the VFW Hall.

What he suspected he would end up doing would be visiting the club but instead of fixing things up he would end up knocking a few back and maybe shoot some pool with the guys, so he left in his car and Brenda was going to drive to the city with hers.

"What about Chelsea?" Louise asked Brenda as they followed Walter out the door.

"Chelsea said she's tired. Probably spent all night on her phone talking to her friends," Brenda said. "Besides, she spends a lot of time at the mall near us so it isn't a big deal for her."

Walter's ears pricked up at that but he just got in his car and waved goodbye, and after driving down the road in the direction of the VFW and seeing his wife and daughter going the other way, the senior citizen made a pit stop at the club, quickly knocking back a beer and a bump before heading right back home.


After Walter got back to his house he paused at the door and pondered whether Chelsea was napping or awake. A best case scenario would find her asleep in her bed in his daughter's old room, but an even better one would find the teen naked and toweling herself off after taking a shower.

It had been decades since Walter had used that peephole he fashioned that gave him a bird's-eye view of that bedroom, and the idea of actually getting to use it again was making his heart race as he entered the house slowly and went down the hall.

"No crime in looking," Walter muttered to himself as he headed to the closet that faced the bedroom. "She's 18."

In his heart Walter knew that he was making excuses for his deviant behavior just as he always had, as if a girl turning 18 made it okay to peek at them in their private sanctuary.

"I was a caring father and now I'm a grandfather who wants to see how his granddaughter is - how should I put this? Developing?" he snickered under his breath, hearing his thoughts as words making it even nastier that it was.

He would go to church with his wife to make up for this sin, he told himself, and vowed that he wouldn't drop off during the sermon either as he removed the piece of wood that hid the spyglass.

"Lead me not into temptation," he chuckled as he leaned into the wall and looked inside at the bedroom and the perfect view of the bed. Empty and unmade.

"Rats," Walter said as he replace the wood and eased back out into the hall and headed towards the living room where he suspected Chelsea would be watching TV or reading, but the room was dark.

There was a light on at the other end of the house, visible through the open door of their bedroom, and it wasn't like Louise to leave lights on either. Showing a remarkable ability to tread quietly despite his 5'10" and 165 pound frame, he made his way down the hall.

Naughty girl, he sighed when he saw his granddaughter snooping through in his bedroom. That must run in the family because Walter had done the very same thing to Chelsea's bedroom after they arrived yesterday and Louise has taken them out to see her garden.

Not wanting to get caught, he had made only a cursory look at Chelsea's things, long enough to see that his granddaughter had brought her own toothpaste, Crest Extra Whitening, her own deodorant, Dove go fresh, and learned that the sweet little thing wore a lightly padded 32B bra and size 4 panties.

Snooping in her grandparents bedroom, Chelsea wasn't going in the underwear drawer but was concentrating on the shelf and the drawer under the big screen TV, looking through the DVD's there.

The real movies like Casablanca and Citizen Kane were out in the living room though. The movies Chelsea was looking through were of a completely different nature, and Walter was surprised that Louise hadn't insisted he lock them up with company coming because as she would put it, "We don't want the family to think we're a couple of perverts."

Well that cat was out of the bag, and in Walter's mind it also cleared up any doubt about who was standing outside the door the night before. It had been sweet and innocent Chelsea, who was now wearing a pink tank-top with a bra underneath and green shorts that were short enough to show she had nice legs.

Walter enjoyed watching his granddaughter examining the porn without her knowing he was there, and he was pleased to see that his eyesight was still as sharp as ever because even from 10 feet or so he could see the faint blonde down on the backs of Chelsea's thighs.

All good things come to an end though because after he made a couple of steps inside the bedroom he hit that squeaky spot, and that set off a series of events.

"Finding anything interesting?" Walter asked as he made his presence known just as Chelsea was turning around, and his granddaughter let out a yelp that coincided with the DVD's she was holding going flying in the air as she did an excellent impression of a deer in the headlights.

"Sorry," Chelsea said as she scrambled to pick up the DVD's.

"There's movies in the living room - might even be some of your Mom's Care Bears VHS tapes somewhere too," Walter said as he bent down and helped Chelsea gather them up, not passing up the chance to peek down the open neck of the top to see much of what seemed to be perky handfuls of titties.

"Sorry Grandpa," Chelsea repeated, wincing when he took one of the ones from her.

"Lesbian Seductions," Walter read. "This something you're interested in?"

"No," Chelsea quickly replied. "I was just..."

"Curious? Curious Chelsea. That has a nice ring to it."

"I'm sorry. Please don't tell Mom about - this."

"Tell her about what?" Walter asked with a smile, setting the DVD's down and putting his hand on the soft skin of her shoulder. "No need to tell anybody anything is there? No harm done. Besides, your grandmother would be more upset than anybody."

"I dunno about that," Chelsea replied. "Mom and me lately? She's caught me doing - stuff I shouldn't do."

"It happens. So this is our secret. Just so you know, these movies aren't mine. They're ours," Walter confided. "Your Grandma and I may be old but we aren't square and we aren't dead."

"Then again," Walter added. "Whoever was outside the door eavesdropping last night could tell there's still life in us."

"Hey, it's okay," Walter added when Chelsea's shocked look was accompanied by her eyes filling up and nervous biting of her lower lip. "Really. There's nothing wrong with being curious."

"It's not right snooping. I do it at home sometimes to Mom," Chelsea admitted.

"Did she catch you?"

"Omigod no! She caught me - doing something else wrong."

"Oh, so you listened to your Mom and Dad when they were together?" Walter asked, and after his granddaughter nodded he asked, "Anybody since then?"

"A guy comes over sometimes," Chelsea said. "And then there's..."

"Go ahead. Secrets."

"There's a lady friend of hers," Chelsea said. "Mom had me call her Aunt Shirley but she's not really my aunt. She sleeps over sometimes in Mom's room."

"I see," he responded, and as he held up the Lesbian Seductions DVD wondered aloud, "Maybe your Mom would like to borrow this."

Chelsea let out a nervous grin and Walter had her sit on the edge of the bed with him after complaining about his back.

"Is that something you are into also?" Walter asked, but Chelsea didn't answer which may or may not have been an answer so he just said, "I know if I was a girl I sure would be."

"Boys always say that," Chelsea giggled, and her grandfather joined her even though his boyhood days were long ago and far away.

"Would you like to watch one of these?" he said, even offering to leave the room before saying, "There's a DVD player in your room. Feel free to take what you want."

"No, that's okay."

"Anything else you see in there that tickles your fancy?" her grandfather asked as he leaned over into the open drawer, and he pulled out a dildo of Louise's, an old ivory one. "You know what this is?"

"Course I do Grandpa," Chelsea replied, and then after a moment of silence added, "I have one at home."

"That so?"

"Yeah, a purple one but it isn't as big as that one."

"After you get married and have kids, you might find you need a bigger one," Walter suggested.

"That's what Mom caught me doing," his granddaughter confessed. "What I said before? I wasn't with a boy. She got home early and caught me - you know?"

"Embarrassing I bet, but it happens. She didn't get mad did she?"

"No, she just told me to close my door in the future."

"How about these?" Walter asked when he pulled out a pair of furry handcuffs.

"Purple. That's the same color as my - you know," Chelsea said with a chuckle. "They look soft."

"They are," Walter assured her and then added, "Here. Try them on. They come off easy."

His hands were trembling slightly as he snapped them on her pale wrists, and after his granddaughter wiggled her hands around she agreed that they were soft.

"And when you want them to come off, all you do is gently move your hands apart and say the secret word. Presto!"

"Presto!" Chelsea said as she followed the instructions.

"Try again," her grandfather suggested.

"Presto! Presto!"

"That's funny," Walter said. "I wonder if your grandmother changed the secret word?"

"Presto!" Chelsea repeated with a concerned look on her face. "You said they come off easy."

"Whoops! Guess I was wrong," her grandfather said as he put her hand on her knee and softly rubbed the smooth shin. "Just kidding. Relax. We're just having fun."

"Your skin is so soft and smooth," Walter said as he moved his hand up her thigh a little. "When you get our age our skin feels nothing like this."

"Grandpa?" Chelsea said, seeming to weakly protest but judging by the way the teen's nipples were trying to burst through the blouse and the bra there was a part of her that liked it, and Walter noted that even though the girl's breasts might be small her nipples looked big.

"Just having fun aren't we honey? Secret fun," Walter told her as he looked around before spotting what he needed above the walk-in closet doors. "I have an idea. Why don't I pretend to punish you for snooping in my room?"

"Huh?" Chelsea said as she got led over in chains, and when her grandfather put her with her back to the closet he said, "Up we go."

Walter raised Chelsea's arms by the cuffs and put the chain between them over a nail and took a step back to look at his helpless granddaughter suspended there with her arms almost fully extended.

"Perfect. Doesn't hurt does it? It never hurt your Grandma," Walter said as he looked at the way her nipples thrust out even harder although the stretching made her breasts look smaller. "I bet the boys are crazy about you."

Chelsea shook her head as her grandfather took that step back towards her, and she gasped when his index fingers began to run circles around her nipples on the tank-top.

"I bet they're really sensitive."


"It's okay. Just relax. Is it hot in here?" Walter asked as he noted the arm holes of her blouse were damp, and Chelsea shivered when he ran the back of her fingers through her moist armpit and the tiny strip of peach fuzz in the center of the milky hollows. "Didn't shave I see. When's the last time you did?"

"Week or so," Chelsea mumbled as she kept twitching under the stroking.

"You're nothing like your Mom," Walter recalled. "When she was your age she got rebellious and stopped shaving for a summer and by August her armpits were hairier than mine. You only have a little peach fuzz under your arms. Do you like me touching you like this?"

"You - you're my grandfather."

"I know. I'm a caring grandfather who's punishing his granddaughter for being naughty, and although you won't admit it there's a part of you that likes this," Walter told her. "If I really wanted to punish you I would have snapped a picture of you snooping, or would just leave these cuffs on you. Just relax baby."

"Omigod!" Chelsea groaned when her grandfather leaned forward as he reached around her, his tongue gliding along the down under her arm as he reached beneath the back of her blouse and deftly unhooked her bra. "Grandpa!"

"It's tough when your mouth says no but your body says yes honey," Walter said as he moved his hands around to cup her titties, pushing the top and bra to her collarbone as he could see what he was squeezing, the modest breasts made remarkable by Chelsea's plump puffy nipples which were a ruddy crimson and jutted way out. "They're beautiful - and they like being played with don't they?"

The girl seemed to be reeling in place, almost hanging by her wrist as the old man kneaded her sensitive breasts, and then he leaned against Chelsea and slid his hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties in one effortless motion.

"Oh Chelsea," Walter moaned as his hand was trapped between her wet undies and her mound. "You hardly any hair down there. Do you shave it?"

"No," the girl whimpered as she tried to thrust her hips into her grandfather's finger as it slid up and down the slick opening of her womanhood.

"You a virgin honey? Tell me. Our secret," Walter whispered as he kissed her neck while dipping the tip of his finger into the vise.


"You want to cum don't you?"

"Yes. Please."

"Then tell me. Are you a virgin?"

"NO. Mikey Masters," Chelsea whimpered as he butt slammed into the closet doors. "Went to the prom. Took me to a motel after."

"He the only one?"

"No. Next night. He took me back to the same motel. Got me drunk. Three of his friends showed up."

"Did they rape you honey?"

"No Grandpa," Chelsea cried. "I liked it."

"That's so hot. I want to fuck you too honey," Walter said while undoing his trousers, and after almost falling was he kicked his boxers off he saw Chelsea's expression when she saw his erection springing around in front of him.

"Don't worry. It's not thick baby," he said as he pulled the handcuffs off the hook and spun his granddaughter onto her back on the bed with her blouse and bra still around her neck.

"I'll be as gentle as I can be," Walter promised as he pulled Chelsea's shorts and panties down, exposing the raised mound with just a wisp of golden brown hair around the labia

"OHHH!!" the girl screamed as the man who was just as crazed as his granddaughter put the tip of his long uncut rod into the fold and eased down, with Chelsea squealing and thrashing with the cuffs still on.

Her pussy was incredibly tight as the senior did his best to be gentle as he impaled her with his freakishly long member, but the girl was starting to cum by the third or fourth stroke, her legs kicking wildly as her sex tried to crush the invader.

"So tight," Walter kept muttering after Chelsea orgasm ebbed, and even though it was beginning to loosen up as his lanky body rose up and down, it was still so snug that the old man knew he wouldn't last.

Walter forced himself to hold back when he heard his granddaughter begin to make sounds like a seal barking, but then when her pussy clamped down along with her body convulsing, he lost it.

"AWW!" Walter groaned as he sent a volley of his hopefully dormant seed deep into her womb, and after he stopped cumming he suspended himself over the girl, whose face was flushed and her chest heaving.

When their eyes met Chelsea started crying, sobbing almost uncontrollably as her grandfather's spent cock slithered out of her.

"There's something wrong with me Grandpa," Chelsea insisted between tears. "I'm a pig."

"No there isn't anything wrong with you honey. You're not a pig," Walter insisted as he tried to console her. "If there's a pig in this bed, it's me. I made you do it."

"No you didn't Grandpa. I wanted it - maybe not in the beginning but when you started touching me, I did," Chelsea said, although because she was crying and breathing like she was hyperventilating it was tough to make out. "I was never ever like this before."

"Calm down honey," Walter said. "Let me get this stuff from around her neck so you don't get strangled."

Walter pulled the garments over her head and to the side, although he supposed if he was really trying to calm her down it might have been better hook up her bra and pull down her blouse, but that would have meant hiding those puffy areolas with the plump nipples.

"I know it means I'm going to hell but I love what we just did," she said. "It was way better than with Mikey that first night."

"Better than with the group of boys that next night?" Walter asked as he rested on his hip and rubbed the creamy white and wet skin around her cones. "You can be honest."

"Different, not better Grandpa. I feel so slutty talking about this with you."

"You obviously want to let it out honey. Grandpa wants to hear it too. I don't judge because I've done much worse in my time," he assured her. "Tell me what happened."

"Mikey took me to the motel, and I was all excited about it," Chelsea explained. "We had some rum and coke and then we started doing it. It didn't hurt as much as it did the night before."

"That's good. Is Mike well endowed?"


"His cock. Was he large?"

"I thought so because his was the first one I ever really saw, but I guess not," Chelsea responded. "Anyway, I looked up and there was another guy in the room, and another one behind him watching us. I tried to get up because I was freaking out but Mikey held me down. Told me that he told his friends how hot I was and wanted to share me."

"You knew these other boys?"

"Sort of by sight, at least two of them from school. I felt yucky but then while Mikey was fucking me somebody stuck a joint in my mouth, and I started to think that I was never going to see these guys again since school was out," Chelsea told the eager-to-listen senior citizen. "So when they started to get undressed I didn't say anything."


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