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D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. Ch. 09

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Hoe, Hoe, Hoe.
6.5k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 02/04/2023
Created 01/20/2023
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D.L.L.I.G.A.F. #9 - Hoe, Hoe, Hoe

The names are fictional to protect the guilty. All sex scenes are between consenting adults. No animals were harmed in the writing of this story. I along with Microsoft spell/ grammar check are responsible for the mistakes herein. I write for my pleasure and hope that you enjoy the read. This is the 9 th chapter of 12 in this story. There is not a lot of sex in this chapter, so if you are not interested in progressing the plot, then this chapter won't be your cup of tea. I give a shout out to HeyAll. Thanks again.

The days leading up to Christmas are kind of a blur. I am thankful that I am busy and do not have time to wallow in self-pity and think about what my soon to be ex is doing.

The latest version of my plan for Vicky's Christmas is to just put the letter in a box as her present. I will open the front door where a process server will be waiting. The process server will give her the divorce papers, on video, as proof that she had been served.

Today is Thursday. I get up before the crack of dawn anxious for the new day. I Get dressed and I am out the door. I message Mandy and Beth 'I got breakfast'. I call ahead to my favorite breakfast place. I order three all-star breakfasts that have bacon and eggs, hashbrowns, toast and a waffle. I am the first to arrive, so I set up breakfast at our meeting table. Mandy and Beth arrive about 20 minutes later. Both Mandy and Beth look gorgeous. Their hair and makeup are perfect, and their dresses fit in all the right places. I give them a wolf whistle.

"Damn you guys are knock outs, I'll be worn out by the end of the day beating the men back."

They blush and thank me for the compliment. I hold their chairs out for them to sit.

We are all excited about the photo shoots today. Mandy's sister has volunteered to take the pictures. It is an unseasonably warm day. A southern breeze helps keep it warm throughout the day. Both Beth and Mandy stay close to me throughout the day. We stage a photo at each location using a large key painted gold being handed to the new owners. We also have a large piece of ribbon to cut and symbolically open the new locations for business. It is a long day getting everyone together at each location and then getting them arranged so the photo will look good in the newspaper.

Thank God for the big breakfast. We didn't really get a chance for lunch. We were starving by the time we were through with the pictures and walk throughs.

"How about we go to Big Jake's for dinner?" I ask.

Big Jake's is the best local owned steak house restaurant in the city.

"You two relax and I'll be the DD. If you want to drink."

Both the girls smile.

Mandy says, "Yes, you work a girl to death, starve her, then get her drunk so you can take advantage of her. Is that your plan mister?"

"Well, come to think of it, it sounds like a decent plan, but now that you have exposed my lecherous intentions, I doubt my plan will work."

I smile and wink at both of them. We all order some type of steak, and the girls enjoy a couple of glasses of wine with their dinner. True to my word, I take them home. I drop both girls off at Mandy's house, curious, but I'm not going to read anything into it. After the dinner, I go back to the office. The place is deserted, as it should be. I let myself in and on my desk is the bid package with a note.


I brought this back ASAP knowing you want this. Please don't kill yourself reading all of this. I will be having Christmas with my parents. I will have my cell phone with me. You are invited to spend Christmas evening and have Christmas dinner with us. I know you might not feel you would be good company, but sometimes any company is good company. I will have a Christmas drink ready for you if you decide to join us. My mother and father are anxious to meet this wonderful boss that I keep talking about.



I sit down and start going through the bid package. They already have a design. The blueprints are included. This project looks pretty straight forward. This project is a five-story office building with a basement. At first glance, it can be used for doctor's offices or business offices or both. I review the details of the material specs and do not see any red flags. This will be the biggest project of my young company's existence. I need to call a headhunter and go to roadtech and nukeworker and see about hiring a scheduler ASAP. I believe good planning up front will lead to success in both the bid process and the execution of the plan. I take the bid package to the main conference room and start to dissect the bid package putting drawings and material specs up on the glass walls. I also tape up sheets of paper intermittently to capture notes, materials, time lines, brainstorm ideas, and things to do. I need to get a scheduler hired.

Friday morning, yes. I get up early. I get dressed and head out. I get to the office before anyone else and go to the big conference room. I am looking over the dissected bid package. It isn't long before my favorite girls come strolling in arm in arm. Beth is bringing breakfast today. I woke up hungry and I am ready to eat. They see me in the big conference room and come in there instead of my office. They both are both all smiles.

Both say, "Morning handsome!" in unison.

They look at each other and laugh. They walk around the conference room and look over some of the notes I have written. They point and whisper between each other, nod their heads, laugh, with the occasional "Uh mmm". They make it completely around the room.

Mandy says, "Glad you didn't spend too much time on this. You almost make me sorry I left this for you last night."

Beth piped up, "I told you he would do this."

Mandy just shook her head.

"I came back after dinner, and I just couldn't help myself. I feel like I need to understand this better than the other guy." I explained, "I think having it laid out like this will also help planning and making a schedule. I've got a couple of strong candidates for a scheduler. I'm going to do first interviews on a video call and then if that goes well bring them here and make a job offer. Come on let's eat."

I pull out a chair for Mandy and skip one and pull one out for Beth. I sit between them.

I start, "I am really looking forward to today. I am anxious to see what the school presidents think about a scholarship for divorced women that need some marketable skills."

Beth says, "You are really amped up about this aren't you."

Mandy smiles and winks at me.

"Yes, I really am. I haven't felt this excited about anything non work related in a long time."

Beth rubs my thigh.

She says, "It's great to see that sparkle back in your eyes. It has been gone for too long. I thought we had lost you."

"Thank you," I said

Mandy says, "I need to get with my sister and get an electronic copy of the photo shoot. Then I need to finish the different write ups and get everything to the newspaper."

I nod and tell Mandy if she needs help to give me a shout. I look over at Beth.

Beth looks at me and says, "I hope you get the opportunity to enjoy some time off in the next few days. If things go as we hope, then we will all be super busy for a while."

She moves her arm in a sweeping motion

She says, "If you want some help with this, I will be glad to help. I'll listen, make notes, take notes and give my input until you tell me to shut up."

She winks and smiles.

"Thanks, but I think I really need to keep as busy as possible." I say, "I did play with the spreadsheet last night and figured out the incentive/ performance bonuses. It ends up to roughly $250 for the crew members, $300 for the crew leads, and $350 for the foremen. Those are average numbers. The final actual will be a little higher or lower based on payroll man hours. I also figured on $750 for each of you."

They both reached to hug me simultaneously and kissed me on each cheek.

"Thank you. Thank you!" they both exclaim.

I said, "No. Thank You. You both earned it. I just wish it could have been more."

They stood up doing a happy dance, moved together, and hugged each other.

Beth says, "Well we ain't getting anything done like this, let's get to work."

Mandy replies, "What a slave driver."

I stand and clap my hands.

I shout, "Group Hug!"

We huddle and embrace each other. I look at Mandy

I tell her, "I love you."

She nods and kisses my cheek. I then look at Beth.

I tell her, "I love you."

She nods and kisses my other cheek. They leave and take off to tackle whatever needs tackling.

I call my lawyer ~0930. I wanted to double check on Christmas day preparations. She assured me that everything was ready. I asked for her ideas about how to get word of this scholarship idea to other family lawyers. She suggests that I organize a benefit/ dinner/ fundraiser to spread the word and accept donations to support the scholarship effort. If I decide to go that way, include lawyers, business leaders, and local politicians. She suggests that I contact the local Kiwanis, and Rotary clubs and pitch my idea to them and solicit suggestions from them as well. I thank her for her time and tell her I will talk to her in a few days. I'll need to remember to discuss a fundraiser with the school presidents.

I call the school presidents to verify our lunch date at Guido's. I look up the schools presidents to put a face with a name. Theresa - the tall one from the Vo-tech, and Louisa the Latina from the community college. I play in the big conference room with the bid package until it is time to go to Guido's. I arrive at 11:30 just to make sure I am the first one there. Theresa arrives about 11:45 and Louisa arrives about 5 minutes later. I stand and hold the chairs for the ladies when they arrive. We introduce ourselves and they both order a glass of wine. We make small talk about the unseasonably warm weather, the new semester starting up, Christmas, etc. After we place our food orders,

Then I start talking, "I recently became aware of a need that I had never thought about before and I want to help. There are many women that live in terrible marriages because they don't have a way out. It could be an abusive relationship, or infidelity. Many are alone, some with kids through no fault of their own. They could be widowed or divorced or abandoned."

Both women nod their heads.

Theresa speaks up, "Ron this is really a bigger problem than you might think. Not all women are in such precarious situations. Many women don't finish college or give up careers to tend to children or the wishes of the husband. But with divorce rates approaching and, in some places, exceeding 50%, The numbers of women that need a helping hand is extraordinary."

I continue, "I would like to subsidize a scholarship program. Call it a second chance scholarship for divorced or widowed women. Many of the women in these situations won't choose to start over with traditional college type education because their immediate need is employment to support themselves and children. Many of these women find themselves at the mercy of the service industry that only provides part time employment and none or very little benefits. They become the working poor and find themselves at or below the poverty line. In fact, they might have a higher standard of living if they qualified for government assistance. They must work multiple jobs to make ends meet while sacrificing time from their children. I believe you two women represent the best hope for many of these women. I want your help in organizing a fundraising event to get this started. I am sure that you ladies have contacts of various women's groups and organizations to spread the word about this opportunity should it come to fruition. I can only afford to contribute so much, as any individual or business. But in my mind, we should invite as many family lawyers, business leaders, civic and church leaders, politicians, and prominent citizens as we can. You guys probably have more experience in fundraising and more contacts than I do. I can spread the word and make speeches to civic groups and whomever to create interest. We can try to have it at the country club or perhaps a venue at one of your locations."

Louisa spoke up, "I love the sound of this concept, but it sounds pretty daunting."

"I agree," I say, "the first step is to draw a line in the sand and say we are going to do this when? Say around Valentine's day? Too soon? Then we need to secure a location and then start stumping and getting the word out and create a buzz. Contact local radio, local TV, maybe newsprint, put up flyers in business windows, etc. What do we need, drinks, a band, and some food.? Maybe later we get donations for a silent auction? I think that maybe the first year don't charge for tickets and then as this grows and this event becomes a hot item to see and be seen, then charge for tickets maybe. Who knows. I've seen it happen in other towns for other causes. I think that once I convince local business leaders and politicians about the value of this scholarship, better wages, increased tax revenue, and better standard of living for these women and their kids. The kids will benefit both financially and socially. Many underprivileged children are stunted socially either from a lack of opportunity because of finances or being embarrassed because of the economic situation. The community leaders will support this effort."

"Ron, you seem very committed to this. I am inspired sitting here just listening to you." Theresa said. "I think that we should start a committee immediately, with at least us three and a couple of more people to get the ball rolling. I think Valentine's Day is very aggressive, but a spring Gala say April or early May would be doable. I think we can use our staff for food prep. A spring gala would give more time for generating buzz and get a band. I do like the Valentine's idea but maybe next year we can move it to Valentine's Day."

Louisa interrupts, "Let's shoot for a May Day or a Cinco de Mayo theme, May 1st or the Saturday closest to May 1st. Ron, you be the buzz generator. Theresa, you take care of the food, and I'll take care of the music. location, location, location. Let's each check on a location. Ron check with the country club, Theresa can check on availability of her campus facilities and I'll check on our facilities. Don't forget to check on occupancy and include room for a dance floor. Let's exchange contact information and let each other know about progress."

"Sounds like the ball is rolling," I say, "Lets meet say Jan 10th and see where we stand." Everyone nods in agreement. We exchange numbers, exchange goodbyes, and go our separate ways.

In the afternoon, I call three candidates for the schedulers position. I tell them a little about what I am looking for and the situation that my company is in. One of the candidates stand out in my mind. He had completed a construction project like the one I was going to bid on. His previous project was quite a bit larger. He was the #2 scheduler for that project and had played a major role in developing, tracking, and updating the schedule. He maintains working copies of all the schedules that he has worked on over the years. He believes his previous schedule could be easily adapted to my project.

I tell him about the bid package and how I had dissected it in the big conference room. In past jobs he said that would be what we called the war room, as that is how the battles were mapped out. I like the sound of that. I tell him about the bid process and that I want the schedule loaded with material costs and manpower costs. I want to use the schedule to come up with a project cost estimate and use that cost estimate as a major factor in my bid. I talk about the time constraints of the bid process and how I want a realistic estimate for manpower costs, material costs and project milestones.

He sounds confident that he can scale down an existing schedule that he has and that updating the material costs and manpower costs will be the biggest hurdle. He recommends that if he were to get the job, that I should invest in Project 6 (P6) software and license, mainly because that is the software that he is familiar with and that is what he used on previous schedules. He is checking my boxes left and right. We talk about him coming over for a final interview and I ask if he can bring a schedule so I could see some of his work. We agree that he will drive over (he lives about 6 hours away) and he will bring his laptop to show his previous work.

Communications with and from Vicky are nonexistent. We don't share meals or any time like normal married couples do. She is rarely home during my waking hours. She comes and goes without communication. The only way I can find out when she leaves or gets home is using the tracking app. I don't care enough anymore to even track her movements. I figure her 'team meetings' must be consuming her evenings. We are two strangers that coexist under the same roof. Words, glances, and terms of endearment are a thing of the past. There are no outward hostilities, our give a fuck has simply got up and left. When I see her, she is engrossed in her phone and seems to not even notice her surroundings.


Christmas eve, I get up early as usual, dress and head to the office. Vicky is asleep on her side of the bed and doesn't move as I get up and get around. I leave and go to a locally owned restaurant the serves Breakfast. I get a western omelet with jalapenos, potatoes, toast and coffee. I get to my office and fire up my computer. I look over the accounting ledgers for the last couple of projects. I review the costs for manpower (foremen, crew leads, crew members, laborers, specialized craft, HVAC, Electricians, Plumbers, welders, etc). I then look up cost associate with concrete, red iron, wiring, ductwork, HVAC units, lighting, computer support, network hardware, windows, insulation, drywall, Studs, screws, mud and tape.

I put all of this information into a spread sheet that will make it easier to find and load into the schedule when needed. It is almost 8 o'clock when I finish with the research and loading the spreadsheet. I make a note to lock in materials pricing for the contract duration I don't want price increases for materials during the build. I make another note to include wage increases during the build. The old days of cost plus10 are long gone and just accepting price increases are a hard sell to today's client. Being grilled by a client for more money is not a place I want to be. I leave the building about 8:30 and go to the gym. I was surprised they were still open when I got there. I worked out and went for a run. I took a shower and went home.

I stop by a waffle house to get something to eat. They are open 24/7/365. I order a chicken sandwich and a salad. I am surprised when I got home to and empty driveway. I thought 'get used to it dude'. I walk upstairs and get ready for bed. I brush my teeth, look in the mirror and repeat my mantra to myself -



Finally, it is Christmas morning. D-Day. The wail of a stuka dive bomber screams in my ears. My heart beats rapidly, about to jump out of my chest. The explosion of the first salvo is nearing. I had to pay a process server $3,500 to serve the various papers on Christmas morning. I wanted Vicky's lovers and the various company executives served by noon. I plan to send my video bomb out at 12:30.

I get up early and put Vicky's present under the tree. I retrieved the box of soiled panties from my truck and walk into the bathroom. I dump them onto the floor next to the clothes hamper. I am curious as to what her reaction is going to be when she sees them. I then walk into the kitchen and start breakfast. I cook biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls, some mixed fruit (grapes, watermelon, and cantaloupe) and some orange juice. I finish preparing breakfast and make myself a heaping platter. I just sit down at the dining room table when my loving wife staggers down the stairs. Wobbly legged and rubbing her eyes.


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