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Daddy Gets Out of Prison

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Lauren visits her father after he spends eight years in jail.
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Names and private information have been randomly created. Any resemblance to real persons or information is purely coincidental.

It was a big day for eighteen-year-old Lauren. Her father Zack had been released from prison a week ago, having served eight years for manslaughter. Lauren was just a blonde hair, blue eyed, ten-year-old angel of innocence when her dad saved an old lady from being mugged.

Although the community lauded her father as a hero, the judiciary system saw it differently. The 6ft 2' man-mountain, with tattoos all over his body, was seen as a vigilante and sentenced to prison for going too far.

The two nineteen-year-old men, trying to mug the old lady, were drug addicts, victims of a broken society. They needed saving themselves, but Lauren's dad saw the situation differently. He slammed on the brakes of his pickup, bolted from the vehicle and proceeded to give the two men a beating they'd never forget. For one of them, however, it was a beating he'd never recover from.

Tried for murder, convicted on grounds of manslaughter, Lauren's dad would wait eight years to see his little girl again. Zack insisted his daughter never visit him in prison. He didn't want Lauren to see him locked up behind bars or inside the visiting room beside hardened criminals. He wanted his only child, his little angel, to remain innocent for as long as possible.

During the time Zack was in prison, Lauren's mum had a string of affairs. Not married, they inevitably split up and Lauren and her mother eventually met and moved in with Kalvin, a successful businessman. By the age of fourteen he became Lauren's stepfather.

Kalvin brought stability into Lauren's life. He treated her as his own and protected her in the way Zack wished he had. His understandable jealousy mellowed over the years though, and he thanked the heavens above for seeing over his daughter.

Lauren's mother sent photos of their daughter into prison as she grew up, but Zack stopped that after some of the photos were stolen from his cell and distributed around the other inmates.

Fast forward eight years, and Zack was released early on good behaviour.

It was hot day in July when Lauren went to the address her father gave her, over the phone two weeks ago. He wanted to sort out his one-bedroom flat before inviting his daughter over, who he hadn't seen since she was ten.

They had spoken on the phone once a month whilst he was in prison, and wrote many letters to each other, but hearing her father's voice as a free man, knowing she was going to finally see him in person again, had Lauren more excited than when she was at Christmas, or when she passed her school exams, and even when she passed her driving exam and Kalvin bought her a brand-new car.

Pulling up outside a tall tower block, in a run-down part of the city, Lauren stepped out of her yellow Ford Fiesta, with its private number plate 'L8UEN', and immediately caught the attention of a gang of teen boys. They looked nothing but trouble, wearing sports tracksuits and baseball caps, leaning against a wall on BMXs whilst smoking cigarettes.

"Are ya lost, blondie?" one of the youths grinned lecherously at the curvaceous blonde, stepping off his BMX.

Lauren had dressed for the weather, not expecting to encounter a gang of boys in such a risky area.

"You got some damn big tittys on you, baby!" another of the youths grinned and rested his BMX against the wall, glaring hungrily at her cleavage.

"I don't want any trouble," Lauren gulped. Her heart start pounding.

"We can see that, baby. You look hot as fuck in that dress. Looking for some fun, babe?"

The gang were smirking, one or two with their hands inside their pants as they eyed Lauren like a piece of meat that had just been thrown to a pack of hungry hyenas.

Anywhere else in the city, and Lauren would have looked like another beautiful, young woman out enjoying the sun in her red and white ditsy, floral, shirred back cami dress. She'd be teasing the male population with her ample cleavage to, but here, in the slums, having arrived in a bright yellow car, with a private number plate, she looked like a sexy, young woman who'd just driven into the wrong neighbourhood, an easy victim for a gang of youths who didn't give two-fucks about the law.


Lauren and the gang looked up at the front of the tower block to find a man, with a shaved head and goatee beard, glaring down at them. He looked full of rage, ready to jump out the window and carry out his threat.

"Chill out, mate! We were just asking if she needed directions!" the ringleader squeaked, cowering back to his BMX.

Lauren smiled and her father waved her up to the sixth floor.

"Take care, blondie. You're hot, but you ain't worth the hassle from your dad."

The gang rode off on their BMXs, leaving Lauren relieved and free to enter the run-down tower block.

When Lauren stepped out of the urine, graffiti-stained elevator, which had noisily limped its way to the sixth floor, Zack was waiting full of pride to greet his daughter. This is what real freedom looks like, he thought.

"Lauren," he grinned, close to tears.

"DADDY!" she screamed and ran to her father like she was ten years old again.

Their tight hug, full of love and joy, brightened up the gloomy sixth floor of the tower block. Zack inhaled a deep breath and squeezed his daughter tighter. The scent of her fragrance and shampoo filled his senses, and her large, firm, teenage breasts squashed against his hard body.

Smelling and holding a woman for the first time in eight years, even his own daughter, had Zack feeling uncomfortably aroused.

"How have you ended up here?" Lauren was still beaming with joy, but her words and tone were full of sadness. Her father was a good man, who'd made a terrible mistake. He didn't deserve this, she believed.

"It's only temporary until I can find some work. My probation officer is going to fix me up in the mechanical industry again. Come in love. It's the cleanest place in this shithole."

Lauren followed her dad into the flat and felt relieved to find it immaculate. It didn't have much in the way of furnishings, but her father had done a good job tidying the place. It smelt like a home, even if it only had a bed, cooker, fridge, some cupboards and a kettle. A TV, two-seater sofa, wardrobe and small set of drawers.

"You look the spitting image of your mother, Lauren. How is she doing these days?" Zack asked, handing his daughter a cup of coffee.

"She's doing really well. She's so happy you're finally out of prison," Lauren sat up from the sofa and carefully took the hot drink from her dad.

"Not happy enough to call or come visit though," Zack sat beside his daughter, having caught a glimpse down her dress at her voluminous bust.

"She still feels guilty for not staying loyal to you," Lauren squirmed on behalf of her mother.

Zack glanced at his daughters smooth, bare thighs, remembering the days he would stroke her mother's thighs before fucking her ragged.

"It was to be expected. We were only twenty-six at the time. I never held any hope that she would wait around for a guy like me," Zack reflected on his short temper, his inability to fight with his head and not his fists.

"You're free now! That's all that matters!" Lauren bounced on the sofa, full of smiles again.

Zack laughed, being reminded of when his daughter was a little girl, bouncing excitedly on the sofa every time he arrived home late from work.

Zack may have been a young, angry man not to be messed around with back then, but he loved his family. He never raised a hand to his daughter or her mother, but he hated seeing the vulnerable suffering street violence.

However, watching his now not-so-little girl bouncing up and down on the sofa, his pussy-starved cock stirred inside his pants. Especially when he tried to reason with himself that he didn't really know Lauren anymore. His daughter was frozen in time. Frozen as the ten-year-old angel he left behind to go serve his sentence.

Now, before him sat an excited, beautiful, sexy, ripe eighteen-year-old teenager. Ripe for plucking. Ripe for something he longed for. Her soft lips looked so kissable. Her supple neck, perfect to sink his teeth into. To top it off, her scent was intoxicating, calling to him like a bitch in heat. Zack wondered if his daughter was still a virgin, before he suspected she probably wasn't.

"Are you ok, dad?" Lauren giggled. "You look to have wandered off into a daydream."

Lauren realised her dad was having inappropriate thoughts about her. She understood and sympathised because of the length of time he served in prison. It was the same look all men gave her when she walked down the street, especially older men. It caused her own libido to ignite.

Zack shook his head and smiled. "Sorry, love. I just can't believe how grown up you are. So, are you dating a nice young man? Is he treating you right?"

Lauren blushed, noticing her father's gaze wander her body again. "I was dating a guy called Mark. We broke up a few months ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Lauren. I hope it was on your terms?" Zack smiled and raised an expectant eyebrow.

"Yeah, it was. He gave me an ultimatum, so I told him to sling his hook." Lauren blushed again as she giggled, realising it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what that ultimatum was.

She was right. "I see," Zack chuckled. "Better off without him then."

"Yeah," Lauren continued blushing. "Anyway ..."

For the next hour, the two of them talked about prison and school. They laughed, cried and laughed some more. Throughout their time together, Zack's thoughts wreaked havoc on his hormones. Having not been laid in years, he wished Lauren was not his daughter, as he continued to steal glances at her cleavage and legs until it was time for her to leave. They promised to meet the next day, go for a drive and dinner. They had eight years of catching up to do.

Zack, being the red-blooded male he was, again looked inappropriately at his daughter when she bent over and picked up the empty cups of coffee. Her swollen mounds fell forwards in her dress, offering a very deep view of her cleavage. Lauren noticed then blushed as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen sink to wash the cups.

As his daughter stood with her back to him, Zack's gaze skirted the length of her slender legs, right up to the hem of her pretty dress. A vision of thrusting his hand up that dress sent shockwaves throughout his nervous system. He then scanned her firm hips, wishing his hands were holding them, bending her body over the sink. His gaze travelled further up her body to her long natural blonde hair. Memories of taking her mother from behind came flooding back, as he visualised the time, they conceived Lauren.

Zack had a fistful of her mother's hair in his hand, smashing her from behind as she begged him to fuck her harder with his big cock. He remembered it well. The night he blasted his potent seed into Lauren's mother's fertile womb and gave it life.

Zack snorted and shook his head, only to imagine briefly what the gang of boys would have done to her sexy body if he hadn't shouted down and scared them off.

"She's your daughter for fucks sake," he muttered under his breath, trying to clear his head of those evil thoughts.

"What did you say?" Lauren glanced over her shoulder at her dad, her blonde hair swinging from one shoulder to the other.

God she is beautiful, Zack thought. "Oh nothing, love. I was just saying I can't believe how much you remind me of your mother."

Lauren turned her head back round and smiled into the kitchen sink. She washed the cups and other dishes knowing her dad was aroused by her. She too realised she didn't really know him. He was a stranger of sorts, really. Only their biological bond had kept them together. But now other parts of their biology had woken up and began to stir.

Being the virgin that she was, Lauren naively dried her hands and returned to her father on the sofa. She wanted the arousal to last a little bit longer. Not act upon it, just experiencing it for a while longer.

"I thought you said you were meeting friends?" Zack said, pleased his daughter had come and cuddled into him on the sofa.

"You're my dad. I haven't seen you in eight years. They can wait," Lauren giggled, dropping her head into her dads thick, muscly chest.

Zack lifted his arm and draped it round the back of her neck and across her shoulder. They sat in silence for a few moments, aroused and confused. Lauren felt her heart race when her dad bent his arm at the elbow and started stroking her arm with his fingertips. It caused her goosebumps and she smiled.

"It must have been hard for you in prison," Lauren assumed.

"You quickly find your feet. I had a few wannabes try and bully me, but they soon learned the hard way."

"I meant being lonely. You know, going from mum to a prison cell. It must have been hard love," Lauren grimaced.

Zack didn't realise it as he pondered his daughter's words, but his hand absentmindedly made its way over to her breast. Lauren felt herself enter a state of paralysis. Only her heart seemed to move as it began to pound against her chest.

"You learn to live with that to," Zack chuckled, grazing Lauren's left breast through her dress. "Some guys learn to love each other. But not me."

Lauren thought maybe she should get up and leave, but she felt unable to as her dad rested his hand on top of her swollen breast now, still over the dress.

"I don't know love either," Lauren confessed, then bit down on her lower lip. "That kind of love, I mean."

Zack silently mouthed the word 'FUCK' and clenched his teeth together. He now knew his daughter was still a virgin. A tight virgin. He was close to losing it, remembering the night he deflowered her mother. Zack's cock hardened inside his trousers, and he knew his daughters head was angled that she could look straight down at his groin.

Selfishly, full of desire, Zack shifted in his seat to pronounce the bulge more clearly, and then gently caressed his daughter's breast through her dress.

A soft gasp escaped Lauren's lips, as she warmed to her father's touch and glared at the pole straining to turn his pants into a tent.

"Lauren," Zack swallowed hard, realising he was about to potentially jeopardise any future relationship with his daughter.

"Yes, daddy?" she murmured, sounding so innocent.

"Would you like to see my bedroom?" Zack gulped and preyed up at the ceiling for forgiveness.

"Yes," Lauren answered nervously.

Zack stood and gently pulled his daughter up by her hand. He couldn't look her in the eye just yet, as he led her into his small bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom Zack's hands began to shake. He stood Lauren at the foot of his single bed and stood back to admire her beauty once more.

"I'm only going to be able to ask you this once, Lauren," he warned her. She sensed it.

"Ask me what, daddy?" Lauren murmured again.

"As you know my angel, eight years is a very long time for anyone, especially a young, virile man."

Lauren gulped and stepped back when her father removed his t-shirt and revealed his prison trained body. Years of working out, eating little junk food, had thirty-four-year-old Zack looking very ripped and muscly. His tattoos made him appear menacing, but in a dominant sexy way.

Lauren gasped and stepped back further when her father started unbuckling and unzipping his jeans. But this time the backs of her legs hit the bed and she fell onto her backside and sank into the mattress.

"Do you want to leave, Lauren? Or do you want to stay?"

Seeing the look of seriousness on her father's face, Lauren knew she was being given a straight choice. Get up and leave or stay and lose her virginity to her father. Her father who hadn't had sex for eight years. A father who was prepared to fuck his own daughter because he'd gone so long without any pussy.

"Will you be gentle? Daddy?" Lauren clammed up with anxiety and excitement. She couldn't rationalise what was actually going to happen. Sex yes, but how? She didn't have a clue.

"Of course, I will," her father replied, stripping down to his boxers, revealing indeed, a tent pole inside them. "Lay down on the bed, Lauren."

Lauren didn't question her father. She slid her backside up the bed then led down flat, gazing anxiously up at the ceiling. She found a black stain on the plaster and focused on it, as her dad removed her sandals, spread her legs and climbed between them.

Hovering on all fours above his daughter, Zack glanced down at her inviting cleavage and shuddered. No turning back now, he told himself. I need to fuck this willing, beautiful, blonde virgin. That's what he told himself. That's who she was. Not his daughter. Just a gift from the universe for serving his time so patiently.

Zack lowered his face to Lauren's and kissed her whilst pulling the dress straps from her shoulders. She's perfect, he thought, as she closed her eyes and kissed him back. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, and they moaned.

Lauren remained motionless and shy, apart from kissing her father in silence as he pulled down her dress straps and kissed her passionately. He then stopped kissing his daughter and sat up on his knees, tugging her pretty red and white floral dress down her body.

"You're beautiful, Lauren," he said, his voice hoarse as her big, juicy, white-lace-bra covered tits came into full view.

But still, Zack pulled the dress from his daughter's body, walking his knees backwards until he was on the end of the bed with her dress in his hands. Her tight mound bulged at the front of her white-lace panties.

Admiring the beautiful teenager laying before him, in her ironic virgin-white matching lace lingerie set, he wondered if she'd worn them for him all along.

Lauren's attention was once again focused on the black stain on the ceiling, waiting for it all to be over, waiting for it all to begin. She was torn between being aroused and terrified.

Seeing the look of anxiety and confusion on his daughter's face, Zack closed her legs and lay beside her. Expecting to be pounced upon, Lauren looked at her father and thanked him with a slight smile.

"I won't hurt you, Lauren," he whispered. I promise."

Lauren felt something lift from her body, like a huge weight had suddenly disappeared, leaving her free to move and make decisions again, although she didn't quite know what decisions they would be.

She cupped her father's face and stared into his brown eyes, while he cupped her face and smiled into her beautiful blue eyes. Just like your mother, Zack thought again, then they kissed for a second time.

As their tongues swapped saliva, the same DNA mixing passionately, Zack moved his hand from his daughters face to the other strap on her shoulder.

Lauren giggled, quickly sat up and unclasped the back of her bra. She'd had her tits fondled by Mark a few times; she was now ready to let her father feel them. Zack grinned at his daughter's sudden confidence, at her gorgeous, big, teen tits as they flopped free and rested firm upon her chest.

Lauren's tits were round and full of hard protruding nipples and small pinkish areolas. Zack told his daughter she had perfect breasts, forcing her to blush and coo before they resumed kissing, after she cast the garment to the side of the bed and led back down again.

Her big tits also reminded Zack of her mother, before he planted his big hand on her left tit and rolled her over onto her back. They continued kissing as Zack caressed, squeezed and groped his daughters' young tits. He then moved onto kiss, lick, suck and softly bite her sensitive nipples for a couple of minutes. His cock was now oozing pre-cum.


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