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Daddy Needs Love

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Heartbroken father needs help from daughter.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/14/2023
Created 01/11/2019
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Thank you very much for reading this work of mine, I hope you enjoy it. All characters are above 18 years of age.


Amy Scott sat alone at home, sipping on a glass of red wine. On the TV some random action movie was playing but she paid little attention to it. She rolled her shoulders, having just come home from overtime at her work once again. The apartment had felt as empty as always the past two months after she kicked Bradley out. She took a big gulp of wine as she unwittingly reminded herself of her ex-boyfriend, annoying her. She stretched out in the couch, trying to tell herself that she was happier now than when he had been here. She knew full well it was a lie, a way to escape the pain of finding those messages on his phone and then catching him in the act, in their apartment. She had thrown out the mattress along with the rest of his stuff, screaming at him to never show his face in front of her again. She groaned, covering her eyes with a hand, trying not to think about her situation.

Two months ago she had been dating her boyfriend since college, waiting for him to pop the question. Instead, she found him cheating on her, and when she found out that he had been doing it for more than a year, she lost all patience. Now she sat here, alone, a young woman in her prime but betrayed by the man she thought she loved. Sure, at 23 years of age she had more time, but she doubted she would get into the dating game again anytime soon. Though she would likely have takers, there was little doubt of that. Guys seemed to flock to her large breasts and the firm ass she kept in shape thanks to working out. Bradley had always said that her blue eyes were like a deep ocean, her amber hair the colour of a vibrant autumn. She took another gulp of wine, angered at him entering her thoughts again.

There was a sudden knock on the door and Amy stood up, putting down the glass of wine on the table, the action movie still running. Confused she went to open the door and she froze in shock when she saw the one who had knocked. Soaked from the downpouring rain and with two bags at his side her father stood. Matthew Scott, the tall teddy bear of a man with a bushy moustache who always had a smile on his face now looked like his heart had been broken. His shoulders were slumped and she thought that the droplets running down his face was not just from the rain.

"Dad?! What's going on?" She was utterly shocked, she had never seen her father with such an expression before.

Matthew smiled sadly as he looked at her. "Hey, sweetpea. Can I come in?"

Amy stepped out of the way, grabbing his shoulder to guide him inside. "Just get in here already, I can't have you catching a cold like this." She closed the door to her apartment behind him as the large man began to take off his coat. Amy was nearly in panic mode, needing to figure out why her father of all people had suddenly showed up on her doorstep.

"Dad, something happened, didn't it? Where's mom?" As she finished the sentence she could see her father's eyes darken, and a sniffle came from him. Amy immediately regretted her words and went to hug him, wanting to comfort him like he had done so many times as she grew up. She had always been a daddy's girl, and now she figured he needed someone to hold him like he used to.

"I-I'm sorry, sweetpea. I won't stay long." He hugged her back tightly, and she could feel his entire body shaking. She brought a hand up to his head and patted it gently.

"It's alright, daddy. You're no trouble. Please, you need to get out of those clothes, it's cold outside." She felt her father release the hug and he nodded towards her, his expression still very sad.

"Thank you, sweetpea. I'll change in the bathroom." She saw him step away, dripping water onto the floor as he went but she didn't mind. What was important right now was making sure her daddy was okay. Amy went into the kitchen and pulled out some instant hot chocolate and quickly made two cups for them and went to sit down in the couch while she waited for her father.

Some minutes later Matthew emerged from the bathroom, now dressed in clean clothes and his face dry. He smiled softly as he sat down next to her in the couch, his posture still very slouched. Amy pushed one of the cups towards him as she grasped her own.

"Daddy, please tell me what's going on. I'm getting more worried by the second." She took a careful sip of the steaming hot beverage, looking at her father intently. He was a large man with hairy arms and a proud moustache on his lip that apparently made up for his lack of hair on top of his scalp. His eyes were the same deep blue as hers, but now they were more like mist on a unruly sea. She saw him take a deep breath before he answered her, his voice incredibly pained.

"It's over between me and your mother. She was cheating on me."

Amy nearly threw her cup to the floor in anger. "Mom did? Are you sure?" She tried to keep her voice level, though her entire body burned with fury.

Matthew nodded. "Yes. I saw her with a young man... in our bed. She thought I was out of town, but I came back because I forgot something. That's when I saw her." Those deep blue eyes were welling up with tears now, dripping into the hot chocolate.

Amy put down the cup, afraid of what she might do if it stayed in her hand. "When did you see this? Surely there's something you can do?"

Matthew shook his head. "I caught her this afternoon. The moment she left with her lover to go somewhere I walked in and packed all of my things I care about. Then I came here."

Amy gritted her teeth. "Dad, this is serious, you should do something, take out a divorce, claim she cheated on you!"

Her father shook his head again, a sad chuckle escaping his mouth. "Truth is, I had suspected it. She kept up appearances, but when you moved out, there was no affection left. I think she got bored of me years ago." He took a sip of the chocolate. "But I don't want to hurt her. She hurt me, yes, but that's because I wasn't enough for her anymore. And that's on me."

Amy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sure, her dad was the sweetest, gentlest guy she knew, but for him to accept the blame? Like he was the one at fault? That was outrageous. "Dad, pardon my french, but that's bullshit. You were faithful to her for more than 25 years, and instead of addressing any complaints she had, she abandoned you and left you in the dark. That's not love. That's pure selfishness."

Her father took another sip and closed his eyes. "Amy, don't hate your mother. If anything, we were both at fault."

Amy stood up, now furious. "Bullshit! The only one at fault here is her. And I am a grown woman now, I can do what I want." With those words she took out her phone and dialed the number to the woman she now just wanted to strangle for hurting her daddy.

"Sweetpea, don't do this, please."

Amy held up a finger as she waited to get connected and after a few beeps she were. "Hey mom. Am I interrupting something?" In the background she could hear another man's voice before her mother responded.

"Not at all. Is there anything you need?"

Amy took a deep breath. "If you ever come near daddy again I will wreck you. You selfish bitch, you have no idea what you have done. Go ahead, get fucked by those young gigolos you find while you think about how you broke the one who loved you. I hope it was worth it."

The voice on the other end was suddenly frantic. "Amy what are you talking about?"

Amy did not relent. "You cheated on daddy. He caught you. Now, he doesn't want to do anything drastic, but I sure as hell will. If you even think about coming after us, I suggest you think twice. I hope you have a nice life, Grace. Those gigolos better have been worth it." She hung up, tossing the phone onto the couch.

Her father sat dumbfounded, his fingers locked around the cup. "Sweetpea, that was..."

Amy interrupted him, her eyes still filled with anger. "I did what needed to be done. Daddy, you need to realise your own value. You were wasted on that bitch, and you will find someone who appreciates you for who you are."

Matthew looked at her sternly. "Amy, do not speak about your mother that way."

Amy sat back down, grasping her father's hand. "I do not see her as a mother any longer. Not after she hurt the person I love the most in the whole world. She fucked up, daddy. And you are free now."

Her father began to tear up again, his voice shaky. "I-I don't know if I will make it. She's been the only woman in my life for a quarter century. And I don't know if I want to risk feeling like this again."

Amy leaned in and gave her large father a big hug, wrapping her arms around him. "Just take it slow, daddy. You can stay here as long as you like. You don't have to hurry."

Her father put down the cup and embraced her right back. "Thank you, sweetpea. Just until I get back on my feet. Can I take the couch?"

Amy nodded, still hugging him tightly. "Don't worry about it, daddy. There's room for you, especially after I kicked out Bradley."

Matthew broke the hug, leaning back into the couch. "It's been a long day. Mind if I retire early?"

Amy smiled and stood up. "I'll get you some sheets and blankets. We can talk more in the morning."

"Thank you, sweetpea. I love you."

Amy smiled warmly at her father as she took out the blankets and pillows. "I love you too, daddy. Now get some rest." She gave him a kiss on the cheek as she put them down and walked back into her bedroom. She was still burning with anger regarding her mother for hurting a wonderful man like her father, and she was determined to help him get back up on his feet. As she closed her eyes and went to sleep she just thought of her daddy, smiling like he used to.

Amy awoke feeling slightly groggy. She was glad that it was a saturday and that the office had not requested her to come in, not yet at least. She got out of her bed and walked into the kitchen, yawning softly.

"Good morning, sweetpea." Her father was standing with his back to her, and the smell of scrambled eggs was wafting through the air.

Amy paused and looked down at herself. She had entirely forgotten about last night for a moment and therefore she had walked into the kitchen in just her panties as usual. She stood rooted to the spot, unable to move.

"Breakfast will be in just a bit..." Matthew had turned around and seen her, and with a quick motion he brought a hand up to cover his eyes as he turned back around. "Sorry, sweetpea. I forgot that of course you would dress as comfortably as you wanted since you live alone."

Amy had instantly covered her breasts and begun to walk backwards out of the kitchen. "Sorry, daddy. I'll go put some clothes on." She walked back to her bedroom, picking out a bra and shirt along with her yoga pants. In the mirror she could see that she was blushing, which surprised her. Then again, of course she would be embarrassed by her father seeing her pretty much naked. After dressing more properly she walked back into the kitchen, seeing her father sitting down with a plate in front of him and one set out for her.

"I hope you like it. There wasn't much in the fridge." She saw him chuckle nervously as he began to carve into the bacon.

Amy sat down, a bit puzzled. Was that a bit of red along her father's cheeks? Had he blushed as well earlier? For some reason that thought made her feel a bit warm inside, and she gave him a warm smile. "It's what happens when I don't go shopping too often. Work keeps me busy, so it's mostly takeout."

Matthew shook his head dramatically. "That's not good, sweetpea. Cooking is good for you, did I not teach you that?"

Amy sighed and ate a piece of her breakfast. Of course he was right, he was a chef after all. As she tasted the crispy bacon she realised how much she had missed her father's cooking. It felt like coming home again. "Unlike you, I'm a disaster in the kitchen."

Her father chuckled, taking another bite. "Well, while I'm here I'll make sure you eat well at least. I already called my boss, said I was taking out those weeks of vacations I had stored up. As much as I like working, I doubt that's the healthiest option for me right now." His eyes darkened a bit, staring at the plate.

Amy sighed and nodded. "I wish I could help you more, daddy, but my office won't let me stay home. As soon as I get off work, I'll help you with whatever you need." She smiled softly.

"Well, today's saturday. Would you be against going on a little shopping tour with your father? I figure we need to stock your kitchen a bit more, you need to eat better young lady."

Amy lit up at the prospect and nodded as she swallowed another piece of bacon. "That sounds great! I would just need to take a shower and then I'll be ready to go."

Matthew nodded. "Alright, sweetpea. I already took a shower so take your time. I hate to say it, but your couch is not all that comfortable for sleeping."

Amy giggled. "It's really not. It's far too soft, and you fear you will sink into it. We'll work on a solution. Worst case scenario, you could just sleep in the bedroom."

Matthew froze and swallowed. "Sweetpea, what did you say?"

Amy only now realised what she had proposed. That her father share the bed with her. She shook her head, giving him a weak smile. "Nothing, daddy. We can probably find one of those camping beds, if that works better?" She had felt a twinge of warmth running through her as she spoke and desperately needed to change subject.

"T-that would perhaps be nice. Now, eat up and take your shower. I'll take care of the dishes."

Amy ate the last few pieces on her plate and downed the glass of orange juice before standing up. "Thank you, Daddy. You're the best." She walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she could stop herself, and for an instant she realised that part of her wanted more than a peck on his cheek. She began to blush fiercely as she walked out, heading to her bathroom and closing the door.

Puzzled, she walked over to the mirror over the sink, looking into her own face. She was blushing, there was no doubt about it with those small rosy spots on her cheeks. But why? She looked at her body and found the answer.

"Damn it, girl. It's only been two months, why are you this unreasonable? That's your father, for heaven's sake!" She spoke to her reflection, and to her horror realised that her words carried little weight. She removed her shirt, looking at her breasts held up by the simple bra. With a sudden premonition she unhooked the clasps and tossed it into the hamper. And as she feared, she could see her nipples standing out ever so slightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you, young lady? Are you getting the hots for your father of all people?" She stared into her own eyes, looking for an answer. Her mind went back to the night before, to when she found out. Her beloved father had been betrayed, by the only woman he had been with for 25 years. What's worse, Amy had felt absolutely furious. As she gazed into herself she blinked several times before taking a deep breath.

"So that's why. You love him. Not only as a daughter, but as a woman. That's why you felt so angry at her betrayal. The man you love was stabbed in the back, and now he's come to you for comfort. And you only now realise that your feelings are not what you thought they were."

She looked into her own face and understood that it was the truth. She loved that man. She loved him above anyone else. Not even Bradley could have competed with the pure love and affection she felt for her darling daddy.

"So now you understand. We need to find a way to solve this. He would never accept this love, but that's okay. As long as we find a way to make him happy, that's all we need. Bury those feelings, do not push him away. He is your father, and you his daughter. Don't ruin it, you silly girl."

Amy's heart ached as she spoke, this lying to herself causing her to almost start crying. She wrapped her arms around herself and wished it was her father embracing her. She sobbed silently as she gathered the composure to step into the shower and begin her cleaning routine. She could not ruin this. Her father needed a loving daughter, not whatever she dreamed of now. She had to play the part, even if it hurt.

Amy opened her eyes, finding her view a bit dimmed. Not thinking much of it she threw off her sheets, feeling a shiver run through her entire body. She really had to increase the heat in the room, it shouldn't be this cold. She grabbed a t-shirt from the drawer next to the bed, pulling it over her head as she rolled out of bed, finding her legs a bit shaky this morning. Ignoring it, she stood back up and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway.

Amy was greeted by seeing her father lying in the couch, checking his tablet while resting his head on the arm-rest. She put a hand to her head, feeling a slight headache coursing through her entire skull.

"Good morning, sweetpea. You seem a bit dazed."

Amy tried to smile as she looked at her father. Her heart still ached a little bit every time she did, though she had done her best to numb the pain. Two months had passed since he came to her, and she was enjoying having him around a whole lot. They had grown closer like the old days, going to the movies, taking walks, trying to teach her cooking... the last one with mixed results. She treasured the weekends with her father, days where she could just enjoy being by his side. Deep down however, she knew that her resistance was crumbling. Being so close to the man she loved while still trying her best to play the part of the supporting daughter was draining. She did not know how much longer she could keep it up.

"Morning, daddy. Just a bit..."

She did not understand. She had just closed her eyes and suddenly she was looking up into the roof, her daddy beside her. Her head was hurting really badly and she thought she could feel something warm running down her scalp.

"Amy! Dammit, stay still."

She felt his large hand cover her forehead before retracting hurriedly. She could barely make out an expression of concern on his face.

"Sweetpea, you're burning up. We need to get you back into bed."

Unable to protest, she felt his strong arms pick her up and carry her like a babe back into her bedroom, laying her down gently.

"Stay there, I'll go get some medicine."

Amy tried to reach out to touch him before he left but she was too slow. As he walked out of the bedroom she began to shiver, her entire body feeling very cold.

Within a minute she felt a weight settling on the mattress and a hand gently grasping her chin.

"You need to eat this, sweetpea. It will make things better."

She opened her mouth, letting the pill be placed on her tongue followed by the rim of the glass of water. She swallowed slowly, her entire body feeling sluggish. Before she could even relax a piece of metal was placed in her mouth and she tried to focus as hard as she could.

"Just taking your temperature, sweetpea. I need to know how bad your fever is."

She nodded once, waiting for the invasive tool to finish its work and after a short while it let out several small beeps and the instrument was removed.

"40 degrees Celsius. You are not getting out of bed today, sweetpea. Let me care for you, you deserve that much."

Amy found her mouth dry despite the water she had been given and simply nodded as her father left the room again. Feeling utterly exhausted she closed her eyes, drifting off to an uneasy slumber within moments.

Amy was in her bed, the light in her room a bit harsh for her eyes. Her body felt so very cold, and she needed warmth. As she tried to focus she saw her father sitting at the bedside. A rush flowed through her as she realised how close she was to him. He would be warm, he would hold her. She moved slowly, coming up behind him to embrace her daddy tightly.


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