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Daddy, Take Me Ch. 13-14

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The day after the night before, My Birthday and Paris!
13.3k words

Part 9 of the 32 part series

Updated 07/11/2023
Created 08/25/2022
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As always, my sincere thanks to Kenji for his editing and punctuation help. This story is taking on a life of its own so... Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read, and/or comment. It is certainly appreciated.

Chapter 13

The day after the night before

It was Maisie's turn to be the annoying one, as I woke to her green eyes staring at me now! I could only mutter a soft, "Mmmm....morning, my love," and then closed my eyes. She planted her icky lips on mine, my grimace showing less than the appreciation she was probably expecting.

"Brush..." I half-giggled, my arm lazily on her back.

"Humph!" she frowned, but relented and crept from beneath the thin, heavy-cotton sheet. I wrapped the warm covering over me, content with a few more minutes of sleep. Sooner than expected, she was back, handing me a hot cup of tea. Reluctantly, I sat up, thanked her and drank the welcome, fragrant tea. She laid her head on my covered lap, as I contemplated the morning...and the evening just passed. My fingers tenderly swept through her long, tousled hair, wrapping it around my fingers.

"Last night was everything I had ever imagined, Maisie...and more. There's no going back there?" I asked, uncertain if I wanted the answer, and took another long sip.

"We do have a few things to talk about, aye? Can we put that off for a while and just enjoy the morning?" she asked, not exactly the whole-hearted enthusiasm I was hoping for.

"Mmmm...sounds perfect, mon amour," I replied, lying.

I slowly ran my fingers over her face, tracing the shape and curves of her bonny face. I put my empty cup on the cabinet and spread my legs, still covered by the sheet. Maisie moved her head firmly between my legs as her eyes looked up at me.

"Perhaps go and...pee?" she asked, shyly. "We don't want any...accidents or..." she giggled.

"I wouldn't say no to any, uhm, accidents. Things happen, hmm?" I teased, slipped from her head and the sheets and ran to the bathroom, giggling.

"You're such a tart!" she shouted at me, and smiled.

I half-closed the door, stripped off my silky boy shorts and threw them out into the bedroom.

"Chloe Madden! God...what AM I going to do with you?" she cackled.

I quickly peed and brushed and walked back to the bed as nonchalantly as possible...which didn't work, as I stubbed my bloody toe on the bed frame.

"OUCH! Fuck...fuck!" I cried, and laughed.

I pulled the sheet off Maisie, and she was naked. That was quick, I thought!

"Great expectations, hmm?" I snickered, as I slowly unbuttoned the last few clasped ones and let my blouse slide to the floor. I crawled on the bed, Maisie elegantly spreading her legs, as I slipped between them, my pussy sliding on her leg, as I moved up to her lips. I moved my leg from hers and fell into the open space. I pressed my pussy on her mons and leaned down and kissed her. My hips were sliding and gyrating, Maisie moaning into my mouth.

I let my pelvis do all the talking, as I swept my hands over her face and into her hair, our kisses deeper and wetter, as my anxious cunt rubbed her pussy. Maisie lifted up, our pussy lips kissing one another, the moisture adding to the sensuousness of our entanglement.

" drive me to distraction, Chloe," she groaned, lifting her hips and rubbing her vulva on mine.

My hand slipped between our bodies, as I grasped her entire breast and squeezed, fondling and caressing her, as my pelvis continued to slide on her. Maisie's hands moved to my tiny ass, and she held me, rubbing her wet labia on mine.

"," she moaned, her head thrown back, as our clits fleetingly touched. "Don't —uggh— ever —uggh— stop —uggh— Chloe," she whined, as I lifted myself onto my hands, looked at her and flicked my hips against hers, our slick cunts moving across the others.

"That's — pant — it — pantohhhpant — fuck — pant — Mai—" I whimpered, as we took each other.

I arched my back, and threw my head back, as Maisie caressed my mounds, tweaking my nipples, as I felt my clit begin to tingle. With a sudden burst of pent-up emotion, I came, my pussy throbbing and gushing on Maisie's. We rubbed our clits together, our eyes wide and breathing on each other. Our hands and lips madly touched each other with small kisses as our pelvises tumbled against the other. The last thing I remembered was Maisie's beautiful cum face, as I slumped to her chest. As I collapsed on her body, I felt wet and relieved. She playfully slapped my ass, giggling like a mad woman, as we sloppily kissed.

"Morning, darling," she wheezed.

"My God, think so?" I giggled, as I slid off her body, but moved my head to her stomach and used her as a pillow. I smiled at how her tummy rose and fell, and heard her desperate gasps for air. My nose was twelve inches from her wetness, so I moved down, kissing her red-haired pussy, my hands running along her legs.

"Here...up here, mo ghràdh," she said, and I relented and moved to her. We held each other's face, kissed, and buried ourselves in each other's hair.

"Perfect," I heard her whisper, and I pulled her tighter to me.

We finally came to, showered, dressed and headed out for our last breakfast in Brighton. We talked about everything, but the most important There would be time enough for that, so we enjoyed our final walk through the town, the Sunday markets crowded already.

"Thank you for the most wonderful gift, Maisie. This has been special in so many ways. I wouldn't want anyone but you here with me," I murmured.

"And I've loved spoiling you, Chloe," she sighed, as we sat on benches on the seafront. "One more thing, leannan," and she handed me a small package. I carefully opened it, knowing any pleas of 'You shouldn't have' would be brushed aside. Inside was the beautiful, stone-laden silver bracelet we had seen on Friday.

"My God, Maisie! How...when did you...I...I love it. It's are you," I sighed, and kissed her sweetly. "This...all of this is perfect."

I laid my head on her shoulder and almost cried.

"We can't possibly go a year, Maisie. I'm ready...if you are. I love you just the way you are, mon amour. As flawed as you think you may be, and as incomplete as you think you may be, I love you. You don't hide from me...and I won't hide from you. I want to take this chance with you, Maisie. The only thing I'd ever regret is not taking this chance. I know our youth is against us, but I want to be with you...if you want to be with me," I sighed, my heart almost breaking.

Maisie looked deep into my eyes for the longest time, almost too long, 'til her hands gently cradled my face and said, "I couldn't have said it better, Chloe. Let's do this together..." and we kissed. We sat on that bench for ages, wrapped in each other, the sea breeze whipping our hair around and the smells of the sea, one I would never forget.

We drove the long way home, stopping in small, quaint Sussex villages, popping into antique shops and bookshops, and then found a quirky pub for lunch. Too soon, the landscape of London reared its head. Neither of us wanted this quiet weekend to end, but knew we'd have more in the future. We pulled into the drive, Maggie and Lily waving to us from inside. God, I hoped they hadn't been there all day! They ran and hugged us, shrieking with childish delight. Mums and dad were out in the garden, so we joined them, hugs and kisses all around. They facetiously asked if we had a good weekend. I think our blushes answered better than our words. We gave the kids their little gifts, apologising for not getting my parents anything.

"It seems you may have been a bit too...busy?" mom smirked, and I blushed again. "Don't worry. As long as you both had a good time, that's all that matters," she smiled, lovingly.

Maisie thought she should be getting home to get herself sorted, so we all said our goodbyes, ours somewhat extended.

"Thank you again, mon amour. I'll...never forget this time with you. See you tomorrow," I whispered, and waved her off.

I spent the rest of the late afternoon with my sisters, catching up with them and their weekend. In no time, it was a bath and bedtime for those two, and afterwards, I sat with my mums and dad in the front room, drinks in hand and the mood relaxed.

"So..." mom smiled. "Tell us...all?"

It was wonderful, mom. More than I expected," I said, then bored them all with the weekend high

lights "We're...together now, 'kay? It just makes sense to do it, learn and see where it takes us. Maisie has said that I can still, well, sleep with you...if that's all right? I know what we talked about, but could I...please...sometimes, still?" I asked, hopeful they'd still want me in their bed.

"Hmmm," mum hummed. "Leave that with us, all right. Chloe, we don't want to influence or spoil what you have together and never want to be in the way. Leave it with us, and we'll figure it out, all right?" she said, understandingly.

Dad was unusually quiet but was happy for me. We'd be in Paris in three weeks anyway, so...The next week went too quickly, as my party was Saturday, but mums had everything sorted, luckily.

The day of my party arrived, and Maisie came over early without her mother, who'd come later with the other guests. We pottered about, mums not letting us do any prep. However, there was little to do as dad had catered the whole event, even having waitresses to serve everyone! How very posh! I was in the front room with my sisters and Maisie when David and Leila walked in. I jumped into his arms, hugging and kissing him. I warmly hugged and kissed Leila. It was wonderful to see them both after so long, it seemed. Maggie and Lily clambered all over David; their affection was so evident. I introduced them to Maisie without blushing, and they hugged and kissed her affectionately. David did the old 'eyebrow' thing to me, and I snickered and nodded emphatically, 'Yes'. Wordlessly, he walked to me and embraced me. That's all that was needed.

More and more guests arrived; Ben and Eloise with the teenaged Simon in tow. I hugged them both excitedly. He was practically family to us. Again, I introduced them to Maisie, determined to share her with the people who meant the most to me. Their love and acceptance meant the world to me. There were many neighbours and work colleagues; Matthew and his wife, Corrine from the V&A, and Jeremy and Isabella from dad's work even showed up. I was absolutely touched. Mums had arranged extra seating in the garden, and the caterers professionally cared for everyone. I had too many gifts and was slightly embarrassed by the outpouring of kindness from everyone. I think I played the 'perfect' hostess okay, ensuring everyone was mingling, fed and watered. I lost track of the number of times I hugged, kissed and thanked my parents. Well, it's not every day a girl turns twenty-one, hmm?

Sitting here now, twelve years later, I'm still overwhelmed by the day. I stepped back every so often and just looked at all these wonderful people that were such a massive part of our lives, albeit from mums and dads, but just the fact they took the time to come for my day touched me. So many had been pivotal and helpful when we first came here, almost twenty-five years ago. Their genuine interest in me and what I was doing was beyond thoughtful. I still remember that every one of mums and dad's friends extended their help if ever needed. I loved my parents, even more that day, if that was possible. The relationships they had built and nurtured over the years were impressive.

Maisie's mum, Ainslie, finally arrived, making her way through the house 'til she caught my eye. I rushed to her, hugged and kissed her, and then turned to look for her daughter. Maisie had explained my parents, uhm, unusual relationship, but she was nonplussed about it...or so she told me. I had my arm looped through hers as we searched for her stray daughter. I introduced her as we walked along to anyone who seemed interested. I saw mum, so we walked to her first and I did the introductions.

"Ainslie, this is mum, Emily. Mum, this is Ainslie, Maisie's mum," I said, both hugging amicably enough. They chatted easily, laughing at little quips I didn't hear. Mom walked over to us, somehow

knowing who this ravishing redhead was.

Again, I did the simple intro, "Ainslie, this is my mom, Chrissie. Mom, this is Ainslie, Maisie's mum...wherever she is!" I chuckled. They hugged and started chatting cheerfully, mom saying how much they all loved her daughter and what a good influence she has been on me. If they only knew, hmm? Maisie finally saw us, came over, wrapped her arm through mine and caught up with everyone. It was all so easy...and comfortable. Her mum seemed very at ease with my mums, the connection tangible. I saw dad across the garden, so I waved him over, hugged him and did the same introductions, albeit without the hugs, but there was a socially acceptable 'cheek kiss'. As our guests thinned out, mums asked Ainslie if she wanted to stay behind and chat. Maisie and I looked at each other, smiling that they seemed to be getting along better than we had expected.

The caterers cleared up everything, so Maisie and I sat outside, as we no longer needed to bridge any social gaps between our parents. We sat on the swinging bench under the mature willow tree and took the day in. I lazily laid my head in her lap with the soft sounds of dad's music and the grasses blowing in the breeze. I had the best birthday...ever. I guess this growing older lark wasn't too bad!

"So, leannan, Paris next weekend, eh? You're SO spoiled, you know?" she laughed.

"Hey...I've been owed this for thirteen years! I can't wait, though. It's always been one of those dreams my parents have given me. Sure, we've been to France plenty of times, but never Paris! God...I do wish you were coming, mon amour. One day, though?" I asked.

"I'll hold you to that, all right? Chloe, I want you to connect with your dad, all right? I know that ever since we came back from Brighton, we've been this couple, and I know I said I still wanted you to be with your parents, right? I know you haven't, but this is an important trip. I get that. It may be your 'goodbye' to that part of your life, so I want you to indulge yourself. I'll be here when you return, okay? Enjoy yourselves, with no boundaries, okay?

I pulled her head down to mine, just as our parents approached us, and kissed her.

"I'm heading off now, Maisie," Ainslie said. "Chloe...I hope you've had a wonderful Birthday. And thank you for inviting me. It's been wonderful to meet and get to know your parents. See you at home, darling," she said to Maisie, and hugged and kissed me goodbye.

"Thanks, Mrs. Fer—I mean Ainslie," waved. "And thank you for coming. It meant a lot to us."

We all walked her to the front door, everyone warmly embracing and saying they'd see each other soon. Hmmm...

Maisie and I grabbed a last drink and went outside to our seat.

"You know, your mom's pretty hot," I giggled. "You've got good genes, mon amour."

Not to be outdone by my teasing, Maisie said, "And so's your dad, so..." and chuckled, and swatted my leg.

The following week went too quickly, although Maisie and I did manage some time together. We had dinner at hers and mine, enjoying and getting to know each other's parents a bit more. Well, differently, I should say. Our relationship had shifted, so we were treated as adults now, rather than 'uni' friends. I was taking two days off from uni, as dad wanted to be in Paris on Thursday, so we would have some extra time. I quivered when he said, 'extra time,' my mind wandering to all sorts of erotic possibilities. On Wednesday, mums helped me pack, vicariously, I think. I saw the whimsical look in mom's eyes when we talked about what I wanted to see. I'm sure she had some pretty special memories of Paris herself!

Chapter 14

Daddy takes me to Paris...finally!

Finally! I woke too early, excited about my time away with daddy. He was finally making good on his promise! I was shaking slightly when I woke, a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Why the nervousness, though? I was going with my last!

I dressed in my loose, grey silk blouse (sans bra) and a pair of tailored linen trousers mom had talked me into buying. Well, she bought them, but still. I understood, at that moment, what she had said about clothes, and how they can change a person. I felt, well, not exactly elegant, but more self-assured. I did wear a lovely pair of trainers rather than the low pumps she suggested. Still, I felt beautiful! Mum's Liberty scarf and broach finished off my first Parisian look!

I couldn't stop smiling at breakfast, everyone up for school or work. Maggie asked dad if he would take her to Paris one day, and it seemed this was turning into a family tradition! He cheekily said he would, but she'd have to learn French first.

"I have been," she said, with a certain amount of sass.

"Okay," he asked. "What's your name?"

Maggie sat there thinking, looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"Go on. You know," I encouraged her; then she said, "Jemma pell...Maggie," and we all laughed, as she squealed with pure delight.

"Et tu?" dad said to Lily.

She looked at Maggie, who leant over and whispered in her ear.

Confidently, she said to us all, "Jemma pell...Lily," and had a fit of the giggles with her sister.

"Well, dad?" I smirked.

"Okay. When you're eighteen, all right?" he said and hugged them both through laughter-filled eyes.

We kissed everyone goodbye, telling Maggie and Lily I'd bring them something special. Mums just swatted my butt and told me to, uh, enjoy my time. I blushed, but told them I most certainly would!

We threw our cases in the back of dad's Porsche, and headed for St Pancras station.

"Thank you, daddy. This is just...the best. I've been waiting my whole life for this, so thanks," I whispered, and squeezed his thigh, as he quickly shifted gears and roared down the quiet streets.

"Remember, only French once we get to the station. I can't wait to show you Paris, darling. I'm glad we have this time alone, as it may be the last time, hmm?" he said.

"We'll see, daddy. It kind of looks that way, but as Maisie said, she's fine with us, uh, you know, being together."

"That's not what we agreed, though, is it? Let's just enjoy the next few days and see what happens, all right?" he charmingly smiled.

Daddy, of course, had booked First Class seats on Eurostar, so we had no queues to deal with. He handed over our passports in his impeccable French, the customs man looking at him quizzically and re-checking his passport.

"You're...American?" he asked, in French, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Yes...originally. British now, thank you," he answered, again in French.

He looked over my passport and asked what was in my case and something else inconsequential. He smiled and stamped my passport when I answered him in equally fluent French. "Bon voyage, mademoiselle," he smiled, and we walked to the train.

Daddy found our seats quickly and took my case, stowing it away. We sat, and I moved my arm between his and held him tight. "Thank you, daddy," I whispered in French, and kissed him romantically. His eyes went from mine to my taut, firm nipples sticking out beneath the silk blouse, and he only smirked at me.

"What?" I seductively laughed.

"Hmmm," he smirked again. "Drink?"

"Tea would be lovely; thanks, daddy." I loved calling him 'daddy' in French, as it was 'papa' and knew there would be no raised eyes at a young lady calling her older companion, papa. Not that I was bothered either way. Still, it felt liberating to call him daddy in public.

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