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Daddy's Girl

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Dad teaches his Daughter all she needs to know.
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My earliest memories of childhood are clouded in a mist of sorts. I can remember my daddy coming home at weekends but nothing of him during the week. As I got older it became clear he worked very hard for us.

One of my most abiding memories of him is standing for hours on Friday evening, waiting for his car to come into the drive. As soon as the engine stopped I would rush out to meet him, jumping into his arms.

He had a warm comfortable smell about him, a mixture of engine oil and tobacco - he smoked a pipe in those days. He would throw me up in the air and put me on his shoulders as he marched into our lovely home.

But suddenly he didn't come home. I was seven and couldn't understand why. My mom told me they were going to divorce, but I didn't know what it was about.

Then my mummy met another man. She brought him to our home and told me to call him Daddy, but I couldn't. My daddy was a big man who loved me so much, not this rather smarmy little man she had in her bed at night, Mom making all sorts of very strange noises, frightening me.

Because I didn't like him, couldn't like him, I was sent to boarding school at ten, made to grow up before my time. I know I became a right little bitch, but made friends at the all girl school, even going home for the holidays with my new friends.

Anything to not have to be in the same house as her new man. He made me feel so strange with his sneaky looks every time I was not fully dressed. He would take every opportunity to come into the bathroom when I was bathing, and his hands were always touching me.

My dad used to send me parcels every week, and money. I was probably one of the richest kids in the school, always having the best clothes, but I so wanted to be with him. I wrote to him, sometimes twice in one day, always begging him to take me with him, but Mom had custody of me till I was eighteen.

At last that day came, my birthday, eighteen at long last. Oh, how I longed to go to him. My birthday present was a new car, a shiny new bright red Mini.

The head teacher gave me the keys and said, "There is something in the car for you."

I rushed out to unlock the car and on the seat was a road map, with directions to his home.

The letter read "There will be a proper grown up party for you at seven this evening. Please, don't be late."

I studied the map for ages, till I knew every turn I had to make, right to his door. My best friend had been invited so was going with me on this first ever journey in my own car. I had passed my test as soon as I was seventeen, so I'd driven on many occasions, but only the school's mini buss.

I can't remember much about that journey except it brought me nearer to my dad. At last we turned the corner. His house stood well back from the road. It was huge. He had done very well for himself, now owning of the company he used to work for.

He met me at the door his arms going out to pick me up like he used to but he stopped and said, "Perhaps it's not the way to treat a very beautiful young woman."

Instead he took me in his arms and hugged me tight, the smell of oil and tobacco still there. I had come home at last.

The party was great, even the older people seemed happy with the rock band, not once complaining about it being too loud. The food was fantastic, but the highlight of the whole evening was when he took me onto the floor and waltzed me around the room in his big strong arms. I felt so safe, at last.

My friend was almost as smitten with my dad as I was. She talked about him all night, telling me how wonderful he was and what a lucky girl I was to have such a wonderful dad.

We crawled out of bed at lunch time the following day. Dad was up and working in his study so we made some breakfast and sat with him as he worked at whatever it was he had to do.

He announced it was time for a swim, "I hope you girls have brought your bathing suits with you."

I told him we hadn't known he had a swimming pool.

"Not to worry," he replied, "there are some things in the bedroom that will probably fit you."

I suppose you ought to know what we looked like. I was five feet five high, with a trim size ten figure, but my boobs were a lot bigger than my size ten ought to have, only 34" but double D. My friend was about the same size, just a little shorter with normal size C cups.

We found some swimming things, but they weren't the sort we were used to, our school swimming costumes were the regulation black with full bodies. All we could find were very skimpy bikinis, and even those were a bit too tight around my bust, causing me to almost spill out over the top.

With a towel wrapped round me to hide the fact that I was too big for this costume, we went down to the pool. It was outside but covered by a roof and surrounded by a high hedge, giving us total privacy. We got in quickly because both of us felt overexposed. Do you remember your first bikini? Well, this was much smaller then it ought to have been.

Dad came out in a pair of Speedos. Yes, they were the fashion then, black and very small, emphasizing his masculine charms.

"Oh my goodness," my friend gasped, "he looks like some sort of god."

I was annoyed at her remark, after all, he was my dad. He dived in, swimming across the pool towards us. My heart was beating so hard. I didn't want him to think I was too big, but knew he had noticed my womanly assets as we danced last night.

The bikini I had on was pale pink. It had become almost transparent in the water, and my nipples showed though. I know he noticed because his eyes kept straying back to them, no matter how hard he tried to look into my eyes. He just couldn't help straying back to my tits.

"You look like your mother when she was your age, but even more beautiful."

I know I blushed, I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

We swam for a while, all the time my mind wondering how the hell I was going to get out of the pool without showing even more of my very ample charms. Up to this point I had been so proud of my bosom. The other girls at college had been so envious of the attention my tits received, but at this moment I would have gladly swapped my friend for her more modest "C" cups.

Dad climbed out and walked across to the BBQ shouting, "I hope you girls like steak, because it's all I'm good at cooking."

There was nothing for it, I had to get out. And because of his idea of eating outside, I was going to be in this revealing outfit for the next hour or so at least.

He had loungers around the BBQ so we sat on either side of him as he expertly cooked the steaks. Because of the angle of the seat I was leaning back showing my tits off to his roving eyes. He also noticed my flat tummy and I'm sure he sussed out the wet triangle of my tiny briefs, only just hiding my smooth pussy.

Why did an eighteen year old virgin take the trouble to depilate her bush? It's simple really, I hate hair on my body. Except my head, of course. Some of my friends had hair on their legs and under arms, but I thought it looked horrible, so at first I shaved it off. I later learned about better ways, so bought a machine that made me so smooth. It made me feel so womanly and cute.

The effect of this tiny bikini and my smooth pussy was the material pulling into the cleft of my sex and accentuating the shape of my outer lips, leaving not a lot to the imagination. I noticed his trunks were struggling to contain his rather large package, it seemed to have grown since he first walked to the pool. Was he getting off watching his own daughter?

Later that evening my friend's parents called to pick her up. We had arranged it earlier because my dad's place was halfway home for her. We kissed and held each other, not knowing when we would meet again. Our college course was over now, we were going into the real world.

She whispered in my ear as she left, "I think your Dad is the sexiest thing on legs."

I gave her a slap on her bum as she climbed into the car.

That evening I learned so much about my Father, and his failed marriage. I never knew what had split them up. Apparently my mum was having an affair with the man she brought into our home all those years ago. My dad wanted me to live with him but due to his life style it was agreed that I would be better off with my mum. If only he knew the truth.

We sat talking into the early hours of the morning, him asking about my life, wanting to know who I had dated and even asking me how far I had gone with the boys I went out with. I thought it would have embarrassed me to talk like this to my dad, but it was just so easy, he seemed to make me feel safe.

I told him I had petted and even held a boy's cock in my hand but never gone all the way with any of them. I explained how it didn't feel right at the time. I admitted to him that one boy in particular had touched me there and made me feel so sexy, but something had just held me back.

He told me how proud he was of me, for being so strong, "It should be something very special the first time. You were so right not to have given in to the temptation."

We at last went to bed, Dad in his own room, me in the guest room he had prepared for me. It was perfect, a mix of girly pink and teenage horror, even my favourite group posters on the walls, with a TV and music centre, everything a girl could want.

He had gone when I got up next day. His housekeeper, a stern looking older woman, came in to clean and prepare our evening meal. We couldn't have been more different; she was as black as I am white, she was short and plump to my skinny, her hair was short but mine hung down my back in great waves of shimmering auburn. We had one thing in common though, she had a huge bust, even bigger than mine.

Jasmine, as I found her name to be, was a widow who was glad of having the work to supplement her meagre income. We became friends that first day despite my first impressions of her sternness. She showed me all over the house, telling me where everything was kept and showing me how to use the huge range in the kitchen. I love cooking so asked if I could prepare the evening meal.

With her help I made Dad's favourite supper. As soon as she left I dashed up to my room, finding the best clothes I owned, right down to my very best underwear, a balconette bra and matching thong in soft pink. You may have guessed my favourite colour is pink. I finished the outfit with hold up stockings and a short skirt. My top was a bit daring but he had seen most of me, at the pool yesterday.

I added a little of the perfume he had provided for me, it looked and smelt very expensive. I had just finished putting the final details on his supper, and myself, when he breezed in asking, "How's my favourite girl?" He took me in his arms, giving me a kiss that made my knees go weak.

The meal was a wonderful success and he complimented me many times. The wine was stronger than any I had drunk before and I could feel it going to my head, making me say and do things perhaps I should not have.

We sat in the lounge watching the TV for a while before he asked if I wanted play chess. He knew I was good, but I didn't know how good he was. We played for over an hour, before deciding to give it up for the night at a stalemate. It was getting quite late, but tomorrow was Saturday so he didn't have to get up for work.

I had felt his eyes on me so many times, it was confusing. I was quite used to men looking, with my chest it was almost normal, but he was my dad. It made it feel somehow perverted, but it also turned me on so much to think he fancied me.

I went to bed and played with myself to relieve the feelings that had built up in my body during the evening. I remembered what my friend, Sandy, had said about my dad being the sexiest thing she had ever seen, and as I reached my climax it was him I was thinking of.

Dad woke me the following morning with a coffee. He sat on the side of my bed in just a robe, and not a very long one. It just about covered his obvious erection, but only just. I had on baby doll pj's, not hiding much. They were pink, of course, and see through; just a little lacy strappy top with a thong. The covers hid me from the waist down.

I didn't feel so embarrassed this morning, it seemed more natural to be with him in this rather daring attire. I sort of felt proud that I was so good looking, more so than ever before. I wanted to look sexy for him.

I had to go to the loo, and the en suite was only a few feet away but I knew as soon as I pushed the covers back I would be very exposed.

I said, "I must go to the loo, do you mind?"

He stood up and walked towards the door. As I stepped out of the bed, he turned to say something. I will never forget how his face lit up with pride and yes, lust, as he took in my body standing there in nothing but a little lace that enhanced my figure rather than hide it.

I ran to the toilet, locking the door behind me. I was shaking, but not with fear. His look had done something to me that I simply can't explain. His eyes had made me feel so desirable, so downright sexy. Stripping of my pj's I got into the shower to try to wash away the feelings he had generated deep inside me.

What can I say, it didn't work. The hot water streaming down my body just made me feel more turned on, to the point where I had to use my fingers to give myself another orgasm and even that didn't lessen the lust I had for my dad.

Wrapping a large towel round my body I ventured back into the bedroom and found him still standing where I had left him, his face was a mirror of my own feelings.

In a very gruff voice he asked, "What the hell are we going to do about this? I feel terrible wanting my own daughter, but you remind me so much of your mother when we first met."

I said, "Come sit on the bed with me, let's talk about this."

I thought I was so grown up, giving council to my own father. As soon as he came near me the feelings multiplied by hundreds. I almost grabbed him, having to use every bit of self control I had to stop myself.

We tried to talk but as soon as I opened my mouth I knew talking wasn't what we needed.

I just looked at him and pleaded, "Show me how to be a woman, please, Dad."

He held me in his strong arms for a long time, my breathing shallow, my heart racing, my hand so near his huge erection.

Did I dare touch it?

I let my hand wander those few inches till I was touching his enormous cock. My fingers opened, letting it slip into my hand. It felt so very big and hard. He groaned as he felt my tiny, cool hand on his hot cock.

Dad moved to give me easier access to his wonderful cock, as we were so close it was difficult. In doing so it caused the towel to slip down my body, exposing my naked tits to him. His hand, like mine, was drawn towards them, first just touching the tips. It was like getting an electric shock as his fingertips touched my hard nipples.

We sat holding each other for some time, it was the most natural thing in the world to me. No embarrassment at all now, just a feeling of deep contentment. His fingers making little circles round my engorged nipples, sending wonderful feelings down my body and making my pussy throb with wanting.

He eased me back till I was lying across the bed, the towel slipping down to the floor. He stopped touching me, then standing between my legs just looking down at me.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Your body is perfect. I want you so much."

I closed my eyes, and waited for him to penetrate me.

Being so naïve, not understanding what can happen between a man and a woman, I expected him to just stick it in me. I wanted him to so much, but he was on different plane than me. He knew how to please a woman.

He dropped to his knees, his face only a few inches from my sex. I could feel his hot breath on my naked pussy, making me feel so hot and sexy. Then he did something I will never forget. His tongue parted my lips, finding my clitty instantly. It only took a few seconds of this wonderful sensation to bring me off big time.

As I thrashed around the bed in the throes of the biggest orgasm of my young life, he just watched till I regained some level of control of myself.

He repeated, "You have the most amazing body I have ever seen," and with that he returned to my pussy.

His tongue entered me like a tiny cock probing my inner lips, flicking my clit every so often as I begged him to make me come again.

Of course he obliged, making me come so many times I lost count.

"Your turn now."

I honestly didn't know what he meant.

"You will have to tell me what to do."

He stretched out on the bed beside me, his cock sticking up. So sexy.

"Kiss it for me."

I leaned over till it was touching my lips, not knowing what to do with it.

"How do you want me to do it?"

"Just open your mouth and let it in."

I did as he told me. It felt so big. My mouth was open wide but it pulled at the corners, as he pushed about two or three inches in.

It was uncomfortable leaning over as I was, so thinking it would be better, I got up on my knees, moving between his legs. This was much easier. He groaned as I took as much as I could in my mouth, sucking and nibbling on his big knob. By the sounds he was making I had got it right, he sounded like he was enjoying it.

I had never dreamt of this. Sucking a man's cock was something I had not contemplated, but it was making me so horny to give him so much pleasure.

"Slow down or you will make me come."

I didn't want to stop, his groans of lust were like music to my ears.

But he had warned me and suddenly his cock erupted in my mouth, almost choking me as his come streamed out. I had to let his cock come out of my mouth, but his stuff kept coming, splashing all over my face, in my eyes and down over my tits. He must have come gallons.

I sat back on my heels looking down at my dad. His face was a picture of pure pleasure. He looked at me, his come running down my face and dripping onto my tits.

"Are you sure you haven't done that before?"


"You are either a very quick learner or a complete natural. That's the best blow job I have ever had."

His cock had softened; I thought I had done something wrong, so asked him why it had gone little again. He smiled, explaining that a man needs time to recover after a climax, not like a woman, who can go on having one after the other.

"Don't you like it when it's little?"

"I don't know but I want it inside me," I replied, "how long do we have to wait?"

He laughed and told me if I wanted it big again quickly to do what I just done again, but first he wanted to do something to me. He laid me back on the bed, and kissed me both on the lips and on my tender nipples. He kissed all his come off me, letting his lips nip my bare flesh all over till I was a quivering wreck.

By the time he had finished I didn't need to do anything about his cock, it was as hard as iron again. He moved till he was between my legs, his hands on either side of my head, his cock only a fraction of an inch away from my waiting pussy.

I have no idea why I knew I needed to guide him into me, it just seemed the right thing to do. As his cock entered me, my hips tilted up to meet his cock with no conscience thought from me, just pure instinct.

He lowered his body down, driving his cock deep into me. Yes, it hurt just a bit, but the sensations were thousands of time greater than the pain. Then I felt his coarse hairs touching my bare sex and thought it was right in. I sort of relaxed, but he pushed more into me, this time with some passion. It took me by surprise, so much so that I climaxed.

If I thought the orgasm he had given me with his tongue was good, this was on a different scale altogether. It felt as if it came from my toes and rushed through my body like an express train, taking all of my senses with it, exploding in my head.


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