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Dad's Kinky New Wife Ch. 03


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He said heatedly, "I only see a man and his twisted spawn."

Guiding him to stare at her, she said, "Then you're not looking at your true reflection. Look at me. I've not changed. There's no lust in my eyes, only a daughter's love."

He saw himself reflected in those enthralling blue eyes and felt a tremble. Uncrimping his fists, he found himself incapable of responding.

Sliding her hands to his hairy chest, she placed a hand over his heart. "You've been deceived, but it's not by your family. That woman may have altered your perception, but no one has the power to remove what's here."

His skin paled and his hands shook. "Carol," he blubbered and then burst into tears.

Sliding both hands down his chest, she leaned in to peck kisses between them. "Shush," she said.

Her lips hesitated upon reaching the top of his pubic mound. She then lavished the area with a swathe of licks which resulted in him shivering as if he were chilled.

Pulling back, she looked up at him with a playful smile and an endearing expression.

Again, he tried to voice a discomfited objection, but she silenced him by grasping his pulsating rosy colored dick between her hands. After inhaling a deep breath, she centered her gaze upon the bulbous red head. It broadened and jerked in anticipation. With an obsessive need, she dove her mouth upon it.

When she vibrated a pleasurable hum, he mumbled with a throaty grunt and then said in a whisper, "My god, who taught you—"

After licking underside along the veiny ridge, she responded with laughing eyes that displayed a teasing thought that provided him an answer. You trained me, daddy.


Seated on the living room sofa, Paul thrust with his pelvis and ejaculated.

Martha pulled back onto her knees and wiped a string of spunk from the edge of her mouth with the back of her hand.

Feeling sticky, she finished cleaning the filmy residue with a curved swath of her tongue.

She exclaimed, "Oh fuck me, I can't believe I just swallowed the entire load my son-in-law's cum. What's worse is that I'm getting used to it."

Paul giggled and then replied, "Ah, thanks—mom. I needed that. We could've fucked. You didn't need to finger yourself to orgasm."

Laughing in response, she said, "I wanted to feel the girth of your cock in my mouth."

"No, I think it has more to do with you getting turned on from watching Carol give her dad a blow job."

"Young man, I can always torment you by holding back next time." She winked, snatched her robe and then stood.

"How long have they been in there?" he said.

"I suspect around two hours. Argh, I can't believe we're discussing this. What the hell's wrong with us? I know what they're doing and it doesn't bother me. How did she manage to calm him down? He's returned to normal."

He replied, "It's quirky, I know. I saw it yesterday before she went to sleep. She gave me a calming look that gave me hope. She's forgiven me. I'm flabbergasted by the change. Her sex drive is off the charts."

Martha walked to the kitchen sink to wash her hands and teasingly said, "Apparently, she and I are similar in that respect. Paul, regardless of what you think, I've never disliked you. Honestly, I felt Carol could've done better, but you've grown on me. I've acquired a taste, so to speak. I don't deny that the intimacy has brought us closer. It also helps that you have a big dick."

"Most men would fantasize over a mother-in-law that looks like you. Perhaps that makes me a perv, but I'll not apologize for natural attraction. It's kind of strange, but I believe I'm enamored with you both because you look alike. I want you to know that I love your daughter. Does this mean you've forgiven me?"

"Let's just say, get us out of this mess and I'll give you restitution. That's the moment I'll show you glorious absolution for an entire day." She blew him a kiss and added, "You'll be given unlimited freedom to show how sorry you really are. Hopefully, that's encouragement enough for you to find your fucking balls."

"Well, I did find paperwork in that bitch's car, so that's a step. Although she took our phones, she didn't know about the computer in the den. Later, I'll show everyone what I found. We need to discuss what to do next."


Revelation and Answers

The family gathered in front of the monitor as Paul moved the cursor and clicked a button on the mouse.

Carol said, "So, her real name's Anna Coulter. She hasn't been active on her social network page in over five years. It says she was a sex therapist that used hypnosis as a tool to help people."

"I'd say the bitch isn't helping anyone anymore," Paul replied.

Carol pointed a finger at a posted message, and said, "Look here, her last post was a depressing statement. She apparently miscarried after her husband killed himself. That's obvious anguish over those tragedies. She doesn't appear to be coping."

Martha said, "So she spoke the truth about her husband."

"Looks like her friends ditched her afterward. That is if she ever had any," Paul said.

Harold said, "Look, there are several links to videos. Play the oldest first."

The movie showed Anna and her husband at a park. They appeared happy and were celebrating. After a few minutes, the couple kissed and congratulated themselves for their second anniversary of marriage.

Carol said, "She sounds nothing like Kasha. How could someone so pleasant turn into a monster?"

Pointing a finger at the husband in the video, Martha said, "Oh my, see him. He turned to ogle those two teenage girls on the left. I know that look. That's an unmistakable perv gaze if I ever saw one."

"Paul, try the next one," Harold said.

The next video showed the woman around eight months pregnant. She wept and expressed sorrow over the death of her husband. She became angry and began spouting blame on everyone, but her husband. The mirror reflected her raising a silver bejeweled locket and swaying in back and forth causing a refraction of light to hit the camera lens. In misery, she displayed it as her husband's last gift.

That's when Carol shouted, "That's it!"

"What?" they said in unison.

"It all makes sense now. She utilizes some wacky form of hypnotism using a mirror. The gypsy persona is just a disguise to convince people they've been cursed. It's a brilliant way to reinforce the trance."

Martha responded by saying, "I don't understand how any of it is possible. Not even an experienced hypnotherapist can make people do things against their will."

"No, it's most definitely unusual, but a skilled professional can effectively change a person's perception and mood. If you truly accept the hypnotism, then anyone can be made to feel cold when their hot and visa-versa. She's gone a step further and uses a mirror to twist a person's perspective of themselves. It's unique and genius."

Martha exclaimed, "Oh my, I remember now. The mirror. She did it to me. I was made to feel extreme sexual arousal. I couldn't stop touching myself. Oh, Jesus, I'm remembering what she made me do. Those weren't fantasies, she did those things to me for real. I think I'm going to be sick."

Paul added, "I still don't get it. I don't remember a mirror."

"Probably because you were drunk as a skunk," Harold said.

Banging her fist on the table to get their attention, Carol said, "Listen, it's proven that if a person unquestionably believes in something with conviction, they can be easily manipulated. There's nothing more powerful. Religions have always used the power of belief to control their flock. People with a limited capacity to think for themselves become fanatics. Dressed as a gypsy, she covered the hypnotism by making you believe you were cursed."

Again, Paul said, "I still don't get it."

Carol responded by saying, "For example, look at the 2016 election. People were desperate for a savior. Even smart people were duped into believing every lie spewed from their candidate's mouth as fact. It's the hysteria effect. Tell people the same lie of doom and gloom over and over and they begin to believe it without questioning the facts. Tell those people that you're their only savior and those misguided people would willingly give away their freedom and their country. It's known that a voodoo priest can kill with a curse. His power is only effective if that individual believes without a doubt. Essentially, that person destroys themselves."

Harold questioned, "Honey, I'm amazed. Where did you learn about all of this?"

"Dad, I'm a psychology major. You know that. This was one of my studies."

Paul said, "So, I'm not cursed? She fucked my mind and my dick stayed hard because I'd been manipulated into believing I was horny?"

"Yes, that's a simplified way of explaining it. You became sexually aroused because she'd outlined what turned you on. You believed so strongly in the curse that your body functioned based on those predefined triggers. Basically, it's mind over body."

Martha said, "Damn, we did all of that sick shit and we could've stopped if only we quit believing."

"I'm sorry, but what I'm about to say might throw you. It contradicts what I said earlier. You're partially correct. Basically, mom, the truth wanted to fuck, Paul. A spark of desire had to exist to motivate you to go through with it. If you were truly repulsed by him or the action, you could've successfully refused the compulsion."

Paul paled at that announcement. He immediately thrust himself up from the chair. "Now I'm going to be sick. Argh..." He then barreled past them and rushed to the bathroom.

After an epiphany over his reaction, Carol exclaimed, "Oh Jesus."


"I should have left that out of the conversation."


"Remember, Paul told us what she made him do. I think it has to do with what he did to dad and with all those other men."

Martha responded, "It's still not his fault. He was influenced."

"Let's change the subject. Please don't bring it up when he returns. He needs time to deal with that on his own. We have enough information to go to the authorities."

Harold angrily said, "Hell No!"

"Dad, why not?"

"After what she's done to us, justice must be served, but not by law enforcement."

"You can't kill her. That's murder."

"I said nothing about eliminating her from existence. This is retribution by a family that's been irreparably harmed and forever damaged."

"I understand it's been a nightmare, but some good came from this. I also know what's happened to the woman. I saw her hypnotizing herself. She intentionally created the Kasha persona to deal with her grief. She turned herself into a vengeful fiend. Dad, she practically made you a male version of Kasha, so I know it's possible."

Martha said, "Harold, what are you suggesting we do?"

"I don't know yet. We'll have to discuss a plan, but for now, we can't give any indication that we're no longer under her control. Until she shows, we must continue pretending."

"Daddy, what we've done together was no act. What I feel for you is real. Are you saying this is temporary until you've dealt your so-called justice?"

"Paul's not the only one dealing with his demons. What's befuddling to me is that neither of you seemed disturbed by it. Perhaps that bitch really is a witch and she's turned you both into actual whores."

Martha quipped, "How can you say such a thing? Neither of us understands why we feel the way we do. The desire exists and we've opened ourselves up to it. It doesn't make us sick. I feel more normal than I ever have. It's liberating."

Carol placed a hand on her father's arm and said, "It's okay. I know it's difficult dealing with this. I'll live with whatever you decide, including mom. Isn't that right, mother?"

"Sure, sure. Give a kitten catnip and then take it away. How does one go back to doing humdrum once they've savored the taste of kink? Ah, I'm not so sure I'm willing to give this up as easily as you are dear. I say we shelve this discussion until we have time to talk as a family without pressure. Harold, at some point, you and I need to talk privately as husband and wife."

"I can't believe you're seriously considering continuing such wickedness. What's happened to you?"

"I said drop it. You and I will discuss this later when you're not so angry."

"Mom, dad, stop. Someone's at the door. I heard the chime."

Paul reappeared and said, "I just checked, it's not her, she wouldn't use the doorbell. She'd enter without announcing herself. It's some fat redheaded man with freckles dressed in a blue pinstriped suit."

Martha said, "Damn, that describes my boss. Why is he here? With everything that's going on, I forgot to call in sick. Then again, that horrible woman took our phones. I'll get rid of him."


Revealing Pictures

After the door opened, the man grinned broadly and shifted his gaze to her parted robe.

Damn, the appalling chubby man is ogling my boobs.

Blushing, she frenziedly crimped the housecoat together in a fisted grip. Exhaling a heavy cough into her other hand, she croaked, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to call in sick. John, why are you here?"

"Martha, there's no need to pretend. I received your pictures along with your text. I'm here because you begged me to come. It didn't take much to persuade me. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"What pictures? What text—I never—oh god..."


"Ah, please take a seat on the sofa. We need to talk about this."

Walking to the couch with a confident stride, he said, "I'm not here to waste time chit-chatting. You were rather direct in what you wanted. You sent so many revealing pictures. Only a horny skank would pose herself in those stances. You've never shown interest before, but now I know the truth."

"I believe I can explain. It's all a misunder—"

"Stop. No need to express how you feel. I'm not interested in your love. I already have a wife. Where do you want to do this? Here or the bedroom?"

"You need to underst—argh. Okay, John. Yes, the bedroom. Specifically, my daughter's old room. Down the hall, the door on the right. Take off all your clothes and fantasize about me. Give me a few minutes to prepare myself."

"So, I give you a raise and you give me a rise, just as you said in the text. Don't worry sweet cheeks, I'll give you a new position. I'll even let you pick your preference, missionary, doggy, or cowgirl."

She wanted to gag. Instead, she kept her face neutral and replied, "Ah, I'll get back to you on that. For now, position yourself on your back and wait for me. Since you're not into wasting time, get yourself raging hard. I want it pulsating and angry. John, can you do that for me?"

Watching his fat ass wobble down the hall, she bit down on her bottom lip and grimaced.

"Oh hell no," she whispered to no one.

Rushing like a gazelle to the den, she stopped in front of her family and said, "What's this about pictures? Harold, did you take sexually explicit images of our daughter?"

Harold stuttered.

Carol moved in front of him and said, "Mom, he believed I was you, pretending to be me. Argh...that's confusing. Yes, he did, but it's my fault, I made him do it."

Martha replied, "Well, the bitch sent them to my boss and arranged for me to have sex with that disgusting bastard. Those aren't even pictures of me and I'm humiliated. Regardless, I know the man. He'll use them as blackmail and make me his office slut. No fucking way am I whoring myself to that asshole."

Harold exclaimed, "Paul and I will get rid of him. There's no need to do any of this."

Martha cocked her head and gave him a naughty smile. Flipping the robe from her shoulders with both hands, she stood voluptuous and naked. "Weren't you the one that said we should continue the masquerade? That nasty woman is no doubt watching and expecting it. What do you think I should do, huh?"

Carol said, "Well if you're not having sex with the man, what's your plan?"

"Dear daughter, you have much to learn. Men manage the office, but pussy irrefutably controls the home. At work that bastard always stares at my breasts and never at my eyes. I'm taking a page from that foul woman and will use manipulation to stand up to that gawking son-of-a-bitch. If you want to watch, go to the master bedroom. I'm sure the video's still streaming."

"You're actually going through with it?" Harold worriedly questioned.

Directing her eyes to him, she said, "Husband, do I detect jealousy in your voice. Hon, I love you and I'm still your kinky wife. Go watch, but don't get a hard-on just yet. I'm not entirely sure my plan will work. If it looks like trouble, I expect you'll intercede of course."

Paul giggled and said, "Jeez, you've changed. Now I'm curious."


Delusional Ding-a-ling

Entering the room naked, Martha pranced and swayed her hips seductively about the room as if to seduce him with a dance. "So, John, you like my pictures, huh? Did you share them with anyone?"

With an air of intimidation, he replied, "Of course not. Provide satisfaction and I see no reason to distribute such gifts. Our romance will remain between us. I don't know why you're concerned. You sent them to me."

"Ah yes, but with an expectation that our affair stays discreet. You understand."

"I'm not in a chatty mood. Get over here. I'm hard, just as you asked."

Sliding upon the bed beside him, she said, "Oh my, you do have an adorable little prick."

He was so smitten over her delectable jugs that he overlooked the tone of ridicule veiled behind her use of adorable.

Walking two fingers' over the hump of his pudgy stomach, she said, "You're perspiring heavily and shivering at the same time. Do I turn you on that much?"

"Yes, you're my dream."

She said, "You flatter me. It's exciting to watch you. It makes me so wet. Oh, baby, keep jerking it."

Feeling frisky and brave, he reached out with his free hand to touch her breast.

Along with a yelp, she swatted and then grasped his wrist. "Oh no, not yet, lover. I need my juices stirred. Keep yanking."

Redirecting his hand, she shifted it down and made him cup his hairy balls.

In frustration, he said, "Martha, come on, enough with the tease. Move between my legs and put my massive cock in your mouth or at the very least touch it."

She was bemused by his statement. The man was delusional to think the ding-a-ling between his legs had any impressive girth. She estimated it to be five and a half inches, which is average for most men. However, it was a wrinkled uncircumcised penis of thin flesh with a pointed head. The reality of that made it less than acceptable. She doubted a woman would find gratification, much less feel the spongy hard-on between their slit. A self-guided finger was more than adequate and always knew the pleasurable spots.

Like his egotism and skewed idea of self-importance at work, his misplaced arrogance over his own endowment might be an advantage to end this.

Contorting her face, she turned to the concealed camera. There's no way I'm putting that pathetic wiener in my mouth. Crumpling her brow, she expressed that thought to her voyeurs. It allowed her to calm the queasiness of her stomach.

After drawing a smiley face on his sweaty chest, she traveled it playfully upward. She giggled girlishly while drawing a line along his throat and up to his chin. With emphasis, she purred, "Oh, John, show me how wet you are."

She then tapped two fingers upon his bottom lip to encourage him to open.

His eyebrows pulled down over his questioning eyes.

Dragging her tongue in a curve along her bottom lip, she cooed and batted her lashes seductively.

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