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Dad's The Man Ch. 01


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Daddy and Peggy are in some of them, too. He was as handsome in his youth as he is in his middle age, but the change in how he looks is hard to really point out. Those old images of him were every bit as interesting to me as the ones of Sheila, not to mention the pictures that Aunt Peggy are in.

At first, I didn't even recognize her, coming to wonder who the alluring, energetic looking, young brunette in the background was until I came to one where she was the main subject, along with Sheila. Those green eyes and her warm smile were unmistakable as she dared the camera to tell her life was anything but super fantastic, her arm around Sheila's shoulder with a bottle of beer in that hand.


Sept. 19/08

I've been studying the pictures very closely and I've made some further observations. I'm the same height as Sheila is, or was, going by how tall she is while standing beside Daddy in the pictures, and our bodies are about the same, except it looks like her boobies and hips are a bit smaller than mine. In most of the pictures, she's dressed in such a way as to show herself off. Her makeup is done different than how Aunt Peggy taught me to do mine, kind of more dramatically, but not exactly overdone. Her hair kind of follows the same rule, long and with a lot of body, and her long, brightly coloured nails make an appearance in some of the shots.

In one of them, she's holding Daddy's chin in the palm of her hand as they both smile for the camera, his one of happiness, hers one that makes me think of the Grinch who stole Christmas.

I still don't know what do about the dildo, either. Maybe I'm supposed to have lubrication. Something like baby oil? I know miffy can stretch, but that much? Obviously, this isn't the kind of problem I'd want to bring to Aunt Peggy.

Still unemployed. I was stupid for wasting my money on that thing, anyway. Daddy would tell me that. Worst of all, it was money that he gave me.

Sept. 22/08

Something struck me this morning after breakfast.

I was in my room, grabbing my coat and about to leave with Daddy when I remembered, making a sudden, hasty detour to the floor of my closet. Routing through certain clothes I keep handy down there, I came up with my old work coat and quickly poked my fingers to the bottom of the inside pocket as Daddy called.

And then I felt it, closing my fingers around it and dropping the jacket even as I removed my hand from its pocket. I called out that I was coming while quickly checking to be sure of what I had.

Gina 836-9080

I made the call at a payphone later, after dropping Daddy off and before trying to find some places where I hadn't already applied for work, or dropped my laughable resume off at.

"Hello?" her voice asked from the other end.

"Uh, (ahem), hello, may I speak to Gina Green, please?"

"You got her," her curious tone answered. "Who's this?"

"This is Kathleen. Kathleen Hale?"

"Kath,... Oh, Kathleen! Hiya!"

"Hi," I said, not being able to help my smile. "How are you, Gina?"

"Not bad, yourself?"

"I'm fine."

" ... Except,..." she correctly assumed.

"Um,... well, I wonder,... It doesn't seem to fit."

"What's this, now?"

"The uhh,... you know."

"Oh, the dildo?"

"Yes. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? Maybe he,... I mean the guy who,... you know, maybe he did something wrong?"

"I would bet good money he did all kinds of things wrong, but apparently, even the dumbest penis bearer can get that right. Was he a needle dick?"

"Uhh, I- I wouldn't- I don't know."

"Hm. Look, I'm at work right now, but-"

"Oh, Gina, I'm sorry! I should have known you'd-!"

"Forget it, it's totally okay. How about we hook up Friday night? I can help you, but it's not really a phone thing, if you know what I mean, and I gotta go in a minute."

"Uh, I think so, bu-"

"You want me to pick you up at home, or do you want to meet out somewhere?"

"Uhmm,... I guess I- I'll meet you somewhere, but-"

"Same place, Tim's on the corner? Seven o'clock?"

"Okay," I said, swept along.

"Gina, now!" somebody yelled in the background on her end.

"Great! Gotta go, Kathleen, Kiss-kiss," she hurriedly bade before adding to whoever was yelling at her, "God dammit, I was on th-!"

I looked at the silent receiver in my hand, processing what I'd somehow gotten myself into for a few moments before hanging it up and walking back down the sidewalk to the truck with the beginnings of a nervous stomach cramp.

Sept. 26/08

I told Daddy about Gina. More or less. I mean, I pretty much had to because I needed a ride to town and the truth, more or less, would be best. Anyway, there's no real reason why I have to lie, except about the actual circumstances of our meeting.

"Job interview at this hour?" he assumed, looking away from the sink full of dishes in front of him and at me, seated at the table with a coffee.

"No, I'm meeting someone."

He was in the act of turning back to the pot he was working on, but did a double take, his efforts on the pot stopped up entirely.

"You are?"

"Don't panic, Daddy, it's not a date."

"Well,... I wouldn't panic if it was, it's just out of the ordinary. For you, I mean."

"Someone I met while I was out looking for work. She's really friendly, she actually started talking to me. I like her."

"Oh. Well, that's good. What are yas gonna be doing?" he inquired casually, although nothing else was happening with the pot yet.

"I don't know. I called her and she wanted to meet me out."

" ... Yeah, I'll take you. Will you need a ride back?"

"I don't know. I've never gone out like this before."

" ... You seem nervous."

"I guess I am, kinda."

"Don't be. You're a great girl, people will like you. There is life after high school, y'know," he assured with a smile before turning back around to address the pot.

"Life after high school would be a lot better if I had a job."

"Yeah, things aren't too shit-hot right now, are they?"

"They sure aren't."

"It's alright, you'll find something sooner or later. How long are you gonna be out?"

"I don't even know that."

"Do me a favour and don't be out past three?"


"I think it's pretty reasonable and I won't be too happy going out to get you past three."

"It's more than reasonable, I just woulda thought,..."

"You're eighteen, and I like to think I raised you well enough to know better than to let yourself get into any stupid and dangerous situations, but when in doubt, never hesitate to call, no matter what. Even if you just want to come home, I'll go right out and get you."

"Thanks, Daddy."

"Just be sensible, that's thanks enough. You'd best hop to it and get ready, though," he said, glancing at the clock.

So, later that night, he's dropping me off in front of the corner Tim's. I was about to tell him goodbye, when he took something from his shirt pocket and dropped it in my purse. It looked like a small card, or something.

"Have a good time, kitten."

Digging it out, I saw it was a one hundred Dollar bill, neatly folded in three.



"I can't take this, it's a hundred bucks!"

"Don't sweat it, kitten, we're okay. Just have a good time and call if you need me."

I slid across the seat and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight and kissing his cheek.

"You're the best, Daddy. I love you."

There was no mistaking that long, thick black hair and cross legged sitting posture, even from the back, when I quickly, nervously scanned the dining area of Tim's for Gina. She looked surprised when I walked around the table and sat down.

"Hi, Gina."

"Hey, Kathleen. Wow, you look different. Oh! You were in disguise that day," she hissed conspiratorially with a well meaning grin.

I smiled, looking down at the table, my coffee already there and hot, fixings on the side, and explained, "Well, they're what I wear when I'm helping Daddy with the truck, or in the back yard, or whatever. At least at this time of year."

"So, you are a bit of a tomboy."

"Uhh,... I never thought of it that way. Just stuff that needs to get done, but I guess, maybe."

"I think it's cool. I can just picture you with your head stuck under the hood of some big old truck, round little ass in the air. You do look really nice tonight, though, especially in that coat."

My coat was made of a sort of crinkly brown leather with understated fur collar and cuffs. Underneath, I wore a light, short sleeved pullover, black with a squared, but modest neckline. I also wore one of my old, dark green school skirts, somewhat thick and seeming like new now that it was shortened to just above my knees. Sheer stockings, sensible black shoes and a brown plastic hair band completed my usual conservative outfit but, underneath all this, I wore the bra and panty set she'd given me. I don't quite know why I wore these, other than the fact that it was the nicest set I had and I loved it, was waiting for a chance to wear it out, and this seemed to be the proper occasion. The feel of them is great, especially how my boobies bounce when I walk, however, they shrank when I washed them and now those four yellow triangles are a bit smaller. Even better.

Gina had draped her long, black coat on one of the spare chairs and was sitting in what was a somewhat racy little dress, the kind Sheila might have worn. As I glanced over the little black number that showed a moderate amount of thigh and cleavage, I politely complimented her clothes as well, suddenly understanding how exciting it would be to wear clothes like that, but unable to fathom how any woman could ever have the nerve.

"Thanks," she said. "Uh,... is that real fur?"

I paused, glancing around and leaning forward to say in a voice just above a whisper, "Yes, its baby seal, but Daddy told me not to tell anyone because one of Paul McCartney's buddies might throw paint on me."

She looked at me kind of funny then, a slow smile spreading across her face before she replied, "Wise of him, there's a lot of fucking idiots running around. He got it for you?"

"Last Christmas."

" ... You're mother doesn't live with you two, does she?"

"No, she left when I was a baby."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay," I said, shrugging my shoulders and feeling relaxed enough to start fixing my coffee.

"You like movies?" she asked some moments later, taking a sip of hers.

"Mov- Uh, yes. We rent one every weekend."

"Yeah, but what about the theater? Ever go?"


"I do. Preferably with a friend. How does Lakeview Terrace sound?"

" ... Um,..."

"Samuel L Jackson," she prodded further.

" ... Well,... O-okay. Wait, there's not a bunch of jerks that hang around there, is there?"

"Just me. We'll have to catch the ten o'clock show, you okay with that?"

"I told Daddy I'd call him by three."

"Right on. Wanna do some shopping between coffee and the movie?"

"Well,... I don't have a lot of money. I've been looking for a job, but I can't find one."

"I understand. I really think Harper will get us through this recession mess, though."

"I think so, too, but Daddy says it all depends on whether or not the Americans can get their shit together."

Gina chuckled over this and said, "Again, he's right, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. The Americans are very good at getting their shit together when they need to and they'll come out of this, so will we and you'll have a job. Besides, the world's only going to explode in twenty-twelve anyway, right?"

We both had a laugh about this, me becoming more relaxed with her as I found she would converse about things I knew of.

"Gina, I never got the chance to thank you for what you gave me. The, uh, yellow set? I really love it and it was awful nice of you."

"Oh, yeah! Hey, don't mention it, but I bet they look great on you."

I suddenly remembered staring at myself in the mirror that day while Daddy was at work, what I did after and the reason why I was actually there. I blushed, looking down at the table with an embarrassed smile, but nodded with my answer.

"I think it does, yeah. I don't have anything like that."

"Are you wearing them now?"

My embarrassment level went from three to ten in a heartbeat, a hot flush blooming over my entire body as I suddenly felt a little turned on.

"Gina!" I whispered, trying not to break out in a nervous giggle.

"It's okay," she chuckled. "It's not like they're work undies. My god, you're shy, aren't you?"

I didn't answer, only looked at the floor, mortified that I let her find out.

"Oh, Kathleen, it's okay. Sometimes, I don't wear anything at all under my clothes. A lot of women are like that, you know. It's fun and sexy."

" ... Really?"

"Yes, it's normal. So, you wanna go shopping with me before the movie?"


"Great, we'll hit the mall. They don't have anything really nice there, or anywhere else in this jerkwater berg, but sometimes you never know what bargains you'll find at the mall."

"As long as we're not going to the sex shop."

"Don't worry, no sex shop tonight."

When we first got to the mall in her Corvette, (Yes, she actually owns a shiny, red Corvette!) she led me into the uninhabited washroom where she drank what she called a micky. She offered me one, explaining that it was just a small amount of vodka and that it wouldn't make my breath smell at all. I refused at first, even though Daddy's been letting me have a beer on the few occasions he buys it for himself since I turned eighteen. So, when she told me it would only amount to the same buzz as one beer, if that, I took it and tipped it, quickly throwing the yucky stuff past my tongue like she advised.

Boy, what a great time we had. She was right about the micky, too. It actually relaxed me enough so that I could enjoy myself without wondering if everyone was looking at me for it.

She explained that shopping wasn't necessarily about buying, but browsing around here and there. Incredibly, she even bartered with the sales girls for the items she found and it worked! I had no idea people could do that.

She caught me looking thoughtfully at a short, pleated, black skirt and told me it would look great on me and that I should get it. I told her I had some money, but didn't like to spend thirty dollars of it on one skirt because Daddy gave it to me and I wanted to make it last as long as I could.

"Yeah," she said, "But he also told you to have fun, and this is how girls have fun. Judging by that coat, I'm betting he knows that and I'll get it down to less than twenty-five, anyway."

"How do you do that?" I asked, feeling so glad that I went out to meet her.

"They have their little sales, but really, everything's always on sale."

I ended up getting another sexy bra and panty set, but not as sexy as the set Gina gave me. This one was black lace with full, but smallish cups and more bum coverage. More stockings were something I needed anyway, so I spent a little more on nicer ones and was even persuaded to buy a flimsy little piece of what she called sleepwear. It's white and has a slit down the front of the short, see through lower portion that starts under two very low cut, white lace cups, running down to part the short hem. After buying some new makeup, Gina helping to pick colours, I was left with twenty two Dollars. Not bad, really. I got a lot of good stuff I both needed and wanted at some pretty good bargains.

The movie was great, too. We got popcorn and soft drinks and the whole theater thing was totally cool, especially up on the balcony where we were. At one point during the show, when there was a lull in the action, Gina leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"How much bigger is it? Like, is it twice too big for you, or just a quarter,...?"

I turned my head and whispered , "I think it's about half too big."

"Okay," she whispered back. "Here's what you'd have to do: You'd start out with a finger, you understand?"

I nodded, definitely understanding this.

"And then you'd use two, then three, then maybe four. You'll open up enough to take it, but you have to stretch yourself out, first. But, you're just really tight and that's a good thing, so I wouldn't do that. If you want, we can get you something smaller."

"Uhh,... I don't know, I already have that one now and I can't afford to get another."

"Don't go and stretch yourself out, forget I said that. We'll deal with it next Friday."

I was about to answer, but she moved away, putting some popcorn in her mouth as a good part started on screen.

She had me home at just past twelve thirty. After genuinely thanking each other for the fun evening, she took off, me watching her bright red tail lights as I walked around to the back door with my prizes.

Daddy was asleep on the couch when I came in. The paper was folded and on the couch beside him, his feet on the floor, hands across his flat belly. He looked so peaceful there, I didn't want to disturb him, but I had to let him know I was back and I didn't want him sleeping there all night. It's not good for his back.

I walked around and behind the coffee table, putting my shopping bags on it, and sat softly beside him. He woke slowly, looked over at me and blinked a couple times.

"Hey, kitten,... What time is it?"

"Quarter to one. You're a heavy sleeper, Daddy. If I was a serial killer, you'd be dead now."

Sitting forward and rubbing his face with his hands, he monotoned, "If you were a serial killer, I'd take you to a union meeting. She bring you back?"


"Have a good time?"

"I had a great time."

"Good. I see you went shopping."

"Yeah. Sorry, I spent most of the money you gave me."

"It's okay, I wanted you to have fun and I expect you didn't blow it on stupid stuff. I assume you got clothes, right?"

"Uh huh. And some new makeup and girly things. We saw a movie, too."

"Good, sounds fun."

"It was. Thanks again for taking me and giving me the money."

"You deserve it, you're a good girl. Glad you got a friend, too. Hey, we gotta fuck with that hot water heater-"

"Oh, no! Daddy, you know you're not good with fixing that, please call someone!"

"I did and they told me what to do. I need you to help me drag it out and shit."

"Oh,no!" I repeated, shaking my head.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen this time, nobody's gonna get hurt and I won't even get mad. And you don't have a choice."

"I'll help you drag it out, but I'm not hanging around if you mess with it, somebody's gotta be left alive to call the ambulance."

He'll mess with it again, you'll see. He won't stop until he feels he's conquered it, or something.

Anyway, he turned in and I'm in my room here, about to do the same. I can't wait until next Friday night and I'm going to look extra hard to find a job next week.

It's strange, but Gina really makes me think of Peggy from those pictures, maybe a little of Sheila, sharing the same appearance of fun and high spirits, casual attitude and all, except without that underlying gleam in Sheila's eyes. Like she's planning something, or like she's afraid that somebody might eventually recognize her in the picture.

Sept. 27/08

I tried on all my new stuff. The skirt is a little shorter than I expected and I'm wondering if I'd have bought it if I had the nerve to try it on in the store. It's the nightie that I really like. I don't have any nice panties to go with them, but going without is just as good, maybe better. Maybe I'll let just a little hair grow back down there.

Daddy actually managed to fix the hot water heater without any terrible accidents and without too much cursing. He made me clean up the mess while he went and cleaned up to start supper, joking that it was punishment for not believing in him.

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