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Dale's Women Ch. 16

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Gloria, Lois, and Harvey all have a good time.
3.7k words

Part 16 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/07/2019
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Dale's Women (Chapter 16)

Kathryn M. Burke

When Dale went off to convince Bethany and Bridget of the wonders of sexual union, Lois and Gloria found themselves unwontedly lonely. Dale had been a pretty constant presence in the house—and in their beds—ever since they had known him, and although they felt a vague sense of the fitness of his partnering with women of his own age, they still felt bereft. Gloria's afternoon encounter with Harvey hadn't led to any further developments, and when the two women were preparing for bed, they looked glum and forlorn.

"I hate to say this," Gloria said, "but I guess I've gotten used to having a man around."

"Me too," Lois said quietly.

She was about to head to the master bedroom—a room that Gloria still refused to occupy—when Gloria stopped her.

"Would you care if I joined you?" she said.

Lois looked at her wide-eyed. What exactly do you mean by that?

Gloria quickly reassured her. "Just to sleep. I'm feeling a bit lonely tonight."

Lois brightened. "So am I! I'd love to have you with me. God knows the bed is big enough."

They both went to their separate rooms to change into nightgowns. When Gloria entered the master bedroom, Lois had already slipped into bed. She looked small and childlike as she clung to the far right side of the bed, leaving more than two-thirds of it to her friend.

"Lois," Gloria chided, "you really don't have to be so far away. I won't bite."

"Sorry," Lois mumbled, sliding fractionally closer to the middle.

They stared at the ceiling for a while, feeling rather foolish. Then Gloria let out a big sigh and said, "Oh, for Pete's sake, come over here! Let's snuggle for a bit."

Lois let out a little whimper of protest, but that didn't prevent her from rolling over into Gloria's arms. Her thin cotton nightgown hugged her body, and Gloria's arms encircled her waist as the two women cuddled. Lois didn't know what to do with her own arms, and they were pinned awkwardly to Gloria's chest as she was held fast by the other woman.

Lois, head all but pinned to Gloria's neck, took in the remnants of her friend's perfume. "You smell nice," she said lamely.

"So do you," Gloria said, stroking the back of Lois's head.

Slowly, almost infinitesimally, Lois's arms snaked out to wrap themselves Gloria's neck. As a result, their breasts jostled each other in a way that stirred both their emotions.

"I—I like that," Lois said in a whisper.

"Like what?" Gloria asked, although she was pretty sure what Lois meant.

"Um, your breasts against mine. I've never felt anything like that."

"So you haven't done this before?"

"Done what?" Lois asked, almost alarmed.

"Been in bed with a woman?"

"No! Of course not!" Lois cried. "I mean, we're just in bed—we're not actually doing anything."

"Do you want to?" Gloria said softly.

"I don't know what you mean," Lois moaned.

"Of course you do."

Lois said nothing for a long time. Then: "Have you?"

"Have I what?"

"Have you done it?"

"With a woman, you mean?"


"A long, long time ago. In college. Once or twice."

"Did you like it?"

"Certainly. I wouldn't have repeated the experience if I didn't."

"What's it like?"

"Oh, Lois, I can't describe it for you. You'll just have to experience it for yourself."

"Are you saying . . .?"

"Yes," Gloria said flatly. "I'm saying we could do it right now."

Lois again lapsed into silence. At last she said: "I'm not sure I'm ready for this."

"Oh, my dear, there's nothing to it. It comes very naturally to women, I think."

With that, Gloria began pulling up Lois's nightgown over her head. Lois put up only a token resistance. After getting it off of her, she stripped herself in seconds.

"Let's just see what this feels like," Gloria said soothingly, urging Lois to fall back on herself again. As the two women got used to the sensation of their mutual nakedness, they felt both a strange calm come over them as well as the first stirrings of excitement. Gloria reached down to stroke Lois's bottom, then slipped her hand between her friend's legs, where she encountered more wetness than she had expected. Lois let out another whimper, kissing Gloria's neck and shoulders as her friend coaxed an orgasm out of her in a matter of minutes.

After Lois's moans—muffled by her face being pressed close to Gloria's neck—subsided, Gloria said wonderingly, "Man, you come fast!"

Lois giggled in embarrassment. "Sorry. I always have."

"You want to return the favor?"

Lois looked uncomfortable. "I—I'm not sure I know how."

"Oh, sure you do. You have the same parts. I'll respond pretty much the way you did—it may just take a little longer."

Remaining on top of her friend, Lois let her hand slide down to Gloria's sex, which was also sopping wet. The moistness seemed to unnerve Lois a bit, and she moved her hand quickly away—but Gloria firmly reinstated it between her legs, and Lois gradually got into the spirit of things. As she stroked Gloria's labia and clitoris, she was rewarded with moans and groans that resulted, in a surprisingly short time, in a climax of her own.

"Wow!" Gloria said. "I've never come so fast—not in a long time!" Looking up at Lois, she said, "You were really good!"

Lois actually blushed. "Oh, well . . . I've never done it before."

"As I say, it comes naturally."

Both women laughed at the unintentional pun.

Later, as they became more comfortable with each other's bodies, they engaged in a long session of sixty-nine, during which each of them came at least twice. Gloria wanted to keep on, but Lois protested.

"Oh, Gloria, I'm so tired! I'm just worn out."

"Okay, dear," Gloria said soothingly, "we'll rest for a bit."

Lois just wanted to go to sleep, but Gloria kept her friend on top of her in a tight embrace.

"You know," she said, "there's a lot to be said for lesbian sex. We all love men, but that damn thing of theirs can be so—insistent. It just wants to poke itself into you wherever and whenever it can, and it gets a little tiresome. Don't you think so?"

"I guess so," Lois said in a small voice, not really knowing what to think.

"I mean, I love rubbing my tits against yours. There's just no feeling like it! You can't do that with a guy, can you?"

"My breasts are a lot smaller than yours," Lois said self-deprecatingly.

"Oh, there's not that much difference. At least you have breasts. Of course there are older guys who have those horrible flabby man-breasts. Ugh! there's nothing worse than that!"

Lois giggled at the idea, not that she'd had much experience with it.

"You see," Gloria said sententiously, "it's all about the orgasm, isn't it? You don't need a cock to achieve climax—in many ways a cock gets in the way of a woman's climax. Doesn't it? A man has to service you either before or after he takes care of himself. It's not a very efficient system!"

Lois was quickly falling asleep and wasn't interested in the respective virtues and drawbacks and heterosexual and lesbian sex.

"Okay," Gloria said tartly, "I can see I'm boring you."

"No, dear," Lois said. "I'm just so sleepy."

"All right, you go to sleep."

And Gloria allowed her friend to roll away and curl up on the other side of the bed. To her own surprise, she fell asleep only minutes after Lois did.


Harvey moved back into Gloria's house—which, of course, was the house they had shared for the better part of their marriage—soon afterward.

He had, for the past two years or more—ever since his return to the area after his disastrous Florida excursion with Fran—been living in a tiny, rather grubby apartment in Stamford. He had convinced himself it was only a temporary arrangement until he could find a suitable house for himself, but in reality it was a kind of penance he was inflicting on himself because of his stupidity and thoughtless treatment of his ex-wife.

But when Gloria said casually, after several more sessions with him, "Why don't you just come back and live here?" he jumped at the offer.

The task of moving didn't take long, as Harvey had shed most of his previous possessions. So within a few days he was well ensconced.

But now an awkward question arose: Where did Lois fit in?

In all frankness, Gloria was still not fully reconciled to Harvey—and didn't have the least desire to marry him again. She could sense that Harvey wanted that, but she nixed that idea pretty firmly. "Maybe if we're still together a year or so from now, I'll consider the matter again," she said severely, and Harvey had to be satisfied with that.

But Harvey's return to the household did cause some juggling of the sleeping arrangements. Grudgingly, Gloria returned to the master bedroom to bed down with Harvey—but she soon realized that this was not to her liking on an everyday basis. During the three years she had spent alone, she had gotten to like being alone in bed; and much as she now enjoyed sex with Harvey, she didn't look favorably upon him as a bedmate every night.

Lois had meekly moved into the guest room that Gloria had occupied. There were one or two more guest rooms in the large house; and on those nights when Gloria wanted to be alone, Harvey dutifully slept in one of these.

But Gloria could sense Lois's discomfort.

One morning, after Harvey had a quick breakfast and toddled off to his office, Gloria sat quietly with Lois at the dining table. She was going to work a little later that morning and didn't have to catch her train for another half-hour or so.

She looked penetratingly at her friend. "You like Harvey, don't you, Lois?"

Lois flushed immediately. "Of course I like him," she said defensively. "I've always liked him. He—he's always been nice to me."

"Yes," Gloria said dryly, "I'm sure he has."

"What do you mean by that?" Lois said hotly.

"Nothing, dear. I'm just teasing." Then, after a pause: "But I've seen how you look at him."

"I don't look at him!" Lois protested.

"Lois, darling, it's okay," Gloria said reassuringly, stroking her friend's arm. "I'm not making anything of it. I no longer have any jealousy as far as he's concerned. I suppose I love him, and I'm pretty sure he's not going to do anything stupid again—but it's not as if I want him all to myself."

"I just don't know what you're saying!" Lois said in pitiable confusion.

"I think you do," Gloria said quietly. "I think you've always . . . admired him. You like big guys, don't you?"

Lois's husband had had a fairly substantial physique—not quite as tall or broad-shouldered as Harvey, but taller than the short, compact Dale.

She just gaped at her friend, as the implication began sinking in.

"You—you want me to sleep with him?" she said, aghast.

"If you want," Gloria said blandly. "You'll actually be doing me a favor. Ever since he moved in, I can sense that he wants to be with me—or some available female—every night. No doubt he's gone through a long drought. But I'm frankly not up to that kind of attention. I didn't even want Dale every night, and he is, in all honesty, a much better lover than Harvey. So—"

"So I'm supposed to fill in for you?" Lois said, outraged.

"I don't mean it that way. But I don't see any problem in our alternating."

"Wh-what makes you think Harvey wants that?"

Gloria looked at her friend as if she were a thick-witted schoolgirl. "Surely you must know that Harvey wants you too."


"Of course he does. He's a man. You're living in this house, and you go around in your nightgown or robe and make him all hot and bothered. I think he always wanted you, even when you were married."

"Oh, that's ridiculous!"

"Is it? You don't know him the way I do. He's always had a roving eye. He was just too timid to do anything about it—until he became infatuated with that secretary of his."

When Lois lapsed into a nervous silence, Gloria said blithely, "Well, we can talk it over with him tonight."

The opportunity came sooner than expected. Gloria and Harvey came home from work nearly at the same time, just before 6 p.m. Lois, now a kind of stay-at-home pseudo-wife to both of the others, had been busy preparing a fairly lavish dinner—moussaka, garlic bread, Greek salad, and even baklava for dessert. As the two wage slaves were chilling out with a stiff cocktail in the living room, Gloria said blandly:

"So why don't you cuddle up with Lois tonight?"

Harvey almost choked on his drink. Coughing painfully and turning bright red, he said: "What did you say?"

"You heard me. I think she's lonely, now that Dale is, um, occupied elsewhere."

Harvey looked at his ex-wife with a kind of frightened awe. "You're not serious, are you?"

"Of course I am!" Gloria said brightly. "She'll be ever so grateful—and you'll like it too, I daresay."

"But she—she can't possibly . . ." Harvey blundered.

"Don't worry about that. She can and she will."

Harvey seemed to quiver all over, as if he were a life-size statue made of Jell-O. He got up and walked stiffly, like an automaton, to his place at the dinner table. When Lois came in bearing the large dish of moussaka, he gazed at her as if he had never seen her before. She eyed him quickly and then looked away, blushing crimson.

That was when he knew.

The evening passed in a daze for the two of them, with Gloria watching on like a sardonic commentator. They watched a movie, but couldn't remember a thing about it after it was over.

And then it was time for bed.

"You two take the master bedroom," Gloria said lightly, tripping up the stairs. "I'll be fine in the guest room."

Harvey and Lois remained glued to the living-room sofa, staring straight ahead, as if they were holding a contest to see who could remain motionless the longest. At last Harvey got up and said: "Well, I guess we should get ready for bed."

Even that harmless statement made him shiver, and he trudged up the stairs without seeing if Lois was following. She didn't rise from the sofa until he was all the way upstairs; only then did she get up, giving one quick look at the front door as if she contemplated bolting out into the night.

Both Harvey and Lois had their clothes in the master bedroom—a fact that made for some awkwardness. Harvey dug out some pajamas that he almost never wore—he preferred to sleep in his underwear—and quickly darted into the bathroom to change. Lois, uncertain what to do, fished out a long and, she hoped, notably unsexy nightgown from the closet and waited for Harvey to emerge before slipping into the bathroom herself. In doing so she tried to avoid the least contact with any part of his person.

When she came out, Harvey gazed at her. He swallowed hard, standing in the middle of the room and feeling like an idiot.

Lois wasn't in much better shape. She kept her eyes fixed on the floor, as if fascinated by some insect making its slow way across the room. She approached the bed but didn't get into it right away. Standing irresolute, she looked behind her at her potential bedmate.

"Wh-what would you like to do?" she stammered.

"Whatever you want to do," Harvey replied quietly.

That's not very helpful! she screamed inwardly. You're the man—you're supposed to take the initiative!

Harvey in fact did that—at least to the extent of taking Lois in his arms and holding her. But he did so as if she were a rare Ming vase that would shatter at the slightest touch.

This close contact with a man she really did like, admire, and—if she were honest with herself—find very appealing finally compelled Lois to let her inhibitions go, and she embraced him closely. He was almost a foot taller than her, so she had to stand on tiptoes and strain her arms to reach around his shoulders. The thin fabric of the nightgown didn't offer much protection as her breasts pressed against his chest; and she wasn't slow in sensing the growing mass at his groin.

Harvey got into the spirit of things also, holding Lois tighter and then gently lifting her face up to his so that he could give her a tender kiss. This was nothing like the ridiculous air-kisses or formulaic hugs that she had received from him during all those years when she and her husband would get together with him and Gloria. On those occasions, they were just friends—or, more precisely, friends of their spouses. Now, something more was about to happen.

Harvey broke off the long kiss only to the extent of whispering in Lois's ear, "May I remove this?"

She was gasping from excitement, but managed to say, "Yes. Yes, of course you may."

He grabbed large fistfuls of the nightgown and tugged it over her head. As expected, she was naked underneath.

He held her at arms' length to gaze at her body. He had sensed what a lovely figure she had: smallish breasts, but exquisitely shaped, and exquisite curves at hips and bottom. She seemed curiously vulnerable as she turned her head away from him—a gesture of shyness and embarrassment that touched his heart.

"You're so beautiful, Lois," he said fervently.

"Oh, you're being silly," she said dismissively—but she was already busy unbuttoning his pajama top. It came off easily, and she wasted no time in pulling down his pajama bottom to the floor, so that he could kick it away. He was now naked also.

It was her turn to look admiringly. He was a superb figure of a man—tall, broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, with thick, strong thighs and muscular calves. His member, now fully erect, was a tad shorter than Dale's—but not by much.

She fell to her knees and put it into her mouth.

This initial sexual contact electrified him, and his organ actually quivered in her mouth as she sucked and licked it. She reached up a delicate hand to brush his testicles; then, to his surprise, bent her head down to place those tender balls in her mouth. Harvey came close to ejaculating on the spot: this was something Gloria almost never did—and here was her best friend having not the slightest problem in performing the act!

Harvey pulled Lois up to her feet and led her to the bed. He placed her carefully on her back, looked down at her for a moment, then positioned his head at her breasts. He wanted to touch and taste those splendid lumps of flesh before any more time passed. After giving them several minutes of attention, he licked and kissed a path down to her delta, where he buried his face in her warm, moist sex, licking up the juices already flowing freely from her.

As was usual with her, she came quite fast—far faster than Harvey expected. When she bucked her hips and cried out, then fell back in exhaustion, he couldn't quite believe what had happened. Gloria takes a lot longer to reach climax than this! He wondered if he had done something wrong, but Lois's expression of dazed delight convinced him that everything was just fine.

He slid up her body and without any further delay plunged into her.

They both gasped—both at the glorious physical sensation of copulation, and at the spiritual sensation of union between two loving people. For they realized simultaneously that there was, and had always been, much more than mere friendship here, and the fusion of their bodies was a prelude and a symbol for the emotional fusion that they had, unbeknownst to themselves, sought in vain for so many years.

Given his excitement and anticipation over this event, Harvey wasn't sure how long he could last—but was gratified that he was able to thrust into her for a good many minutes, rubbing her breasts and bottom and plastering kiss after kiss on her face, neck, and shoulders, before he exploded in her with an overwhelming climax that sent jets of fluid deep into her.

As he rolled off of her, she burst out with: "Omigod! That was so wonderful!"


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