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Daniel and His Mother Ch. 01

Story Info
Daniel gets violated by his mother.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/14/2019
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Disclaimer: This story can be triggering even for seasoned fetish readers due to a combination of three things; it involves religion, family and features a lot of emotional torment.

If any of these subjects are off limits to you then you should definitely not read this story.

If it only makes you more interested in reading it however then you might enjoy it very much.



Daniel had just turned eighteen and this year had been rocky to say the least, his maternal grandfather had passed away a couple of months ago and since he had never known his biological father his grandfather had been the closest thing to a father figure he had.

The numerous boyfriends his mother had brought home over the years didn't count, at least not to him. To top it off his mother had also started behaving strangely since her father died, she had become overly strict and religious.

She had introducing several 'house rules' that had a strong religious tilt to them.

First she forbade him to swear, which he found annoying but could live with, he didn't swear a whole lot anyway, if anything he swore less than she did. Then she made him pray with her before eating dinner, something they had never done previously, he was still okay with it as he understood it was her way of dealing with her father's death and it was very small hassle for him to do. But she quickly took it one step too far and required him to thank the lord before 'any' meal. Now that was annoying, if he ate as much as a cookie without praying out loud, mom would be all over him and scold him for not thanking the lord.

She was starting to freak him out, he had hoped it was just a phase but he feared that it might not be. As much as he hated it when mom had come home late on weekend nights with a stranger around her arm and then having to listen to her moan loudly as she was getting plowed by the equally loud stranger. He actually preferred that mom over the type of person she was starting to become. At least previously she didn't bother him too much directly, all this religious bull she insisted on however always found a way to impact him directly.

It wasn't that Daniel didn't have sympathy for his mother, she hadn't had it easy, becoming pregnant at the age of 21 by a boyfriend who immediately left her couldn't have been easy. And losing both her parents while still in her 30's must've been hard, but he felt she could've handled it much better. For example, he understood why she wanted to go to church every Sunday, but why did she have to force 'him' to go with her? He wasn't religious, and she hadn't been until her mother died two years ago, and even then she hadn't been a fanatic or anything. But after her father's death this year she had almost lost her mind, the latest 'house rule' she introduced filled him with rage, for some reason she thought it was appropriate for her to forbid him to masturbate.

Yes, she actually forbade him to masturbate, he told her she was out of her mind if she thought he was going to adhere to that rule but she had doubled down, "It specifically says in the bible that masturbation is a sin Daniel and I will not allow you to sin while living under my roof! Ever! Do you hear me?" she had yelled.

Seething with anger Daniel had locked himself in his room and stayed there the whole day, refusing to eat dinner. He had just turned eighteen years old but the way his mother treated him made him feel like a child more than ever before.

Chapter 01: Who Does Mom Think She Is?

Daniel dragged himself out of bed, he hadn't eaten any dinner last night and back then it had felt like a punishment towards his mother, but as his empty stomach rumbled weakly it became evident to him that he had mostly punished himself. He went to the bathroom to take a leak and to freshen up.

He splashed some water into his face and looked up into the reflection in the mirror, his dirty blonde hair was a mess and his blue eyes were sunken in from fatigue. He also spotted more pimples than usual, on his best day you could say he looked handsome due to his pronounced jaw line, but today was not his best day. Daniel felt like he needed a shower bad, but food in his stomach even more badly so he exited the bathroom and headed to the kitchen.

He had hoped mom wouldn't be up yet but she was. She stood in the kitchen with her arms crossed as if she had been waiting for him. He had a feeling she hadn't gotten saner over night so he looked down at the floor and tried to sneak by her on his way towards the fridge.

Mom uncrossed her arms however and blocked his path with her left arm, forcing him to look up at her, at 5'8 feet tall mom was only two inches shorter than him. He looked up into her cold blue eyes; she had tied her long brown hair up into a top knot and looked dissatisfied at him with a frown on her face.

"What now?" Daniel asked tiredly.

"You better not have masturbated yesterday!" mom said and looked at him suspiciously.

Daniel sighed loudly and rolled with his eyes, "You still on about that?" he said and attempted to reach the fridge again but mom didn't budge, even though he outweighed her by thirty pounds she had some kind of strength he couldn't understand.

"Answer me Daniel, and you better not lie to me!" she said and looked sternly at him.

Daniel rolled his eyes again and looked contemptuously at his mother, "You can't do anything about it anyway so there's no point in asking." he said as assertively as he could.

"Is that so?" mom said and laughed coldly, "Is that food you're trying to get from my fridge?" she said and smiled.

"You're gonna starve me now? Wow, some mom you are!" he said angrily.

Mom smiled and looked satisfied, "You're eighteen years old now so I don't have to provide for you anymore. If you don't like my house rules you don't have to live here."

"Then maybe I won't!" Daniel said threateningly.

Mom laughed, "You've got no money and no education, where would you go and what would you do?"

Blushing with anger Daniel said, "Anything beats staying here and obeying your psychopathic rules!"

To his great surprise mom slapped him across the face, almost to shocked to be angry he quietly whispered, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Another slap followed and mom looked fearlessly at him, with perfectly calm voice she said, "I'm disciplining you, which I should've done a lot earlier young man."

"You can't just slap me whenever you feel like it!"

"I can and I will if you don't behave." she said strictly with her lips tightly pursed.

Daniel's head was spinning, he couldn't find a retort, mom wasted no time and grabbed the initiative.

"You will do as I tell you or suffer the consequences." she said calmly, "And if you want food today you better tell me if you masturbated yesterday."

Daniel shook his head reluctantly, "I didn't, okay. You happy now?" he said, looking angrily at her.

Mom smiled and appeared satisfied, "Good, and do you promise not to masturbate in the future?" she asked.

Daniel's eyes were filled with disgust as he answered his mother, "I promise I won't masturbate, happy?"

"I will be if you keep your promise, but if I catch you masturbating I will be very very angry with you!" she said and looked sternly at her son.

Humiliated and angry, Daniel lowered his eyes to avoid his mother's gaze, without saying anything mom took a step to the side, allowing him to open the fridge.

Furious and embarrassed Daniel took some butter and cheese out of the fridge put it on a couple of sandwiches, he got ready to leave for his room when mom keenly stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Forgot something?" she asked expectantly.

Daniel knew exactly what she was referring to and said monotonously, "Bless us lord for these gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through our lord Christ, amen."

Mom let go of Daniel's shoulder and he went to his room to eat. He chowed down his sandwiches and headed to school, rarely had he preferred being in school than at home but this was certainly one of these instances, Mom had gone completely mad, he had no plans to follow her crazy new rule but now he had to pretend like he did which was unfortunate.

Time flew at school and Daniel found himself back home far quicker than he'd like to.

He sighed when he saw mom's car being parked on the driveway, sometimes she would be home from her job late and he hoped it would be one of those occasions but it wasn't.

He had no interest in interacting with her as every time he spoke with her she created some new crazy rule for him to follow. As soon as he closed the front door behind him mom appeared from the bathroom, she said 'hi' and he returned the sentence with no emotion.

He quickly took off his jacket and his shoes but before he could sneak into his room she hit him with an uncomfortable question.

"You haven't masturbated at school have you?" she asked.

Daniel immediately answered, "No." and prepared to close the door behind him but stopped in his tracks.

"Is that a new rule you have now? That I can't masturbate anywhere?" he asked with contempt.

"It's the same rule, no masturbating. It's a sin according to the bible." she said calmly and stirred the tea she was holding.

"Yeah but if I'm not doing it here, I don't see how it's any of your business, like at all!" he said, feeling the frustration beginning to pile up inside again.

"I don't want you to masturbate because I don't want you to go to hell Daniel." she said seriously, "And God doesn't care where you masturbate, only if you do."

"I doubt he does that either." Daniel muttered to himself.

"What was that?" mom asked alertly and eyed him suspiciously.

"Nothing." Daniel said and closed the door forcefully behind him.

He sunk down on his bed. It was really true; every time he saw her she came up with another crazy rule that limited his freedom. He really needed to move out of the house soon, but he had no money and he was still studying. He couldn't just quit school and he had nowhere to live until then, he was going to have to suffer a bit longer, but only a little while more, he was eighteen after all.

Not feeling in the mood to do his homework he got on his computer and played some games instead. He played a shooter game and imagined that his mother was the one he was shooting at. He played for a couple of hours and suddenly he noticed a shadow behind him, he almost jumped out of his chair as his mother stood right behind him wearing an apron.

"Dinner's ready." she said with a smug look on her face.

Daniel took off his headphones, "Why didn't you knock?" he said and put the headphones down.

Mom smiled a smile that made Daniel feel uncomfortable, "Well I wanted to see that you were not masturbating hunny." she said.

Rather than taking what he felt was a bait Daniel merely got up and went to the kitchen, he put food on his plate and got ready to leave for his room but mom stopped him.

"We eat dinner at the table Daniel." she said lecturingly.

"I'll say the prayer out loud if you want and then leave." Daniel said in an attempt to compromise.

"No, you eat dinner at the table, not in front of the computer, that's how we eat dinner in this house."

Rather than argue with her, Daniel put the plate down and waited impatiently for his mother to put food on her own plate and join him. They said the prayer and Daniel tried to eat as quickly as possible to avoid talking with his mother but she told him to eat slower and rather than taking the fight Daniel again opted to do as he was told. They ate in silence until mom broke it.

"You know something Daniel?" she asked and wiped her lips with a napkin.

Daniel reluctantly stopped eating for a while and looked at her suspiciously.

"I've been talking to the pastor lately and he confirmed something I've been thinking a lot about." she paused for what Daniel assumed was dramatic effect, "It's about the duty of children towards their parents."

Daniel wanted to leave; he didn't like this subject matter at all.

Rather smugly mom continued her monologue, "The pastor said that the Lord expects children above a certain age to aid their parents any way that they can." she took a sip of wine and smacked her lips, "He said that since children owe their parents their life, it falls on them to repay that debt as best they can."

Daniel looked down at his plate, steadily starting to feel his anger rise up inside of him, he felt sure she was just about to introduce some new crazy religious rule.

"And that got me thinking about what you have done to repay your debt to me."

Daniel continued to stare down at the plate.

"I came to the realization that you don't really do a whole lot for me." she said and paused, probably to see if he was going to interrupt her but when he didn't she continued, "I do everything around here and I don't think it's fair Daniel, I think it's about time you start to do some household chores."

Daniel sighed of relief, he had thought it was going to be something crazy but if it was just about doing the dishes or something like that then he could live with.

"I know you don't have any experience with cooking but I think it's about time that you learn to." she said and took another sip of wine, "I've been unable to go to the gym as often as I'd like to and if I didn't have to cook dinner every single day I'd have more time for it."

Daniel sighed yet again but this time not of relief, of all the chores around the house cooking was the most difficult one, he looked up at her with a defeated look on his face and said, "Okay, but I can't guarantee it will taste good."

"Oh you'll learn in no time, I wasn't good at it either but then I learned pretty quickly." she said and smiled happily.

They ate in silence and Daniel quickly left for his room once he was done. Another rule for him to follow, he couldn't wait to move out of home, though this task would be something he'd have to keep doing so in some ways it wasn't so bad. Either way it wasn't something he looked forward to doing. He doubted mom would take her ass to the gym, she would probably stand behind him and observe so he didn't make any mistakes. Daniel shivered as he pictured it in his mind. To shake the thoughts away he went back to playing games on his computer.

He played until late and when he exited his room he noticed that no lights were on in the house, mom must've gone to bed. A jolt of joy went through his body as he finally felt a little bit free from his mother's oppression, she couldn't harass him if she was asleep. A thought came across his mind, he almost felt daring to come up with it, a bit pathetic really given what he thought off, but it excited him nonetheless. What if he were to masturbate right now? Mom was asleep so there was no way she could catch him masturbating in her sleep, he'd get to relieve himself of tension and rebel against her and all the while not suffer any consequences for it. He felt his cock stiffen in his pants; he hadn't come in at least five days and decided he was going to do it.

He went to the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth before returning to his room, he closed the door, took off his clothes and sat down in front of the computer. He went straight to pornhub and immediately found a hot brunette with huge breast that jiggled when she got fucked, and she got fucked hard. He imagined himself fucking her and jerked his big cock diligently. He rubbed his chest with one hand while stroking his big cock with the other.

Daniel had measured it numerous times, it was 8 inches long and 6 inches around. He had googled average penis size and found to his joy that he was bigger than most. It was one of his happiest days, he hadn't been with a girl yet but once he did he was sure she was going to be impressed.

The porn actress started moaning loudly so Daniel quickly plugged in his headphones and put them on, he wanted to really hear her moan. His cock grew harder as she moaned loudly in his ears. But he didn't want to come too early, he wanted to savour this moment so he let go off his cock for a while and just watched her get smashed from behind, the guy unloaded on her face and made her lick his cum off his fingers.

Eager to find more he clicked on another video, this time featuring a brunette milf who also had huge juggs, he stroked his cock hard as she got plowed from behind, imagining himself as the lucky guy getting to fuck her. Then to his terror he all of a sudden felt a hand around his arm, he turned around; it was mom!

"YOU LYING LITTLE SHIT!" mom yelled as she yanked on his arm, red faced and only wearing lingerie she looked terrifyingly angry and her grip tightened around his arm.

Daniel stammered trying to find his words, "I...I..."

"IS THIS WHAT YOU DO AT NIGHT? YOU SNEAK UP AND SIN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT SO I WON'T NOTICE? HUH!" she sputtered angrily and pointed to the screen, tightening her grip around his arm even more.

"Mom please... let go of my arm, you're hurting me." Daniel said meekly, his head was spinning and he couldn't think straight, was this really happening?


Daniel felt a jolt of anger through his body, temporarily overriding his fear, "Let go off me!" he said and pulled his arm out of her grip, "You have no right..."



To his shock mom slapped his penis, it didn't hurt much physically but emotionally it sapped him of all his energy. His newly acquired courage was gone and he sunk down to his knees and stared with apathy down at the floor as his mother continued to scold him.


It didn't hurt much physically either but it still hurt him tremendously. He began rocking back and forth on his knees as mom continued her verbal onslaught.


Daniel nodded in terror without looking up at her.


After that outburst mom finally started to calm down, she was still seething with anger however.

"You're going to be properly punished for this tomorrow, when you get back from school you're going to get an ass whooping unlike ever before!" she promised and shut the door behind her forcefully.

After hastily turning off the computer Daniel collapsed into his bed, he was a mess; he didn't understand what had just happened or why he had been so utterly powerless to do anything about it. 'Why was I so weak? Why did I let mom walk all over me like that?' he wondered.

He tried to in vain to push what had just happened out of his head as he huddled up in bed.

Daniel didn't get much sleep that night and woke up late for school, he didn't have time to eat nor did he want to, he went straight to the bathroom and went to school shortly thereafter. School felt like a sanctuary compared to the hell that was home. As the day progressed the thoughts of home unfortunately started to creep back in, he shivered when he thought of the spanking he was going to get when he got home, how ridiculous wasn't that? That an eighteen year old man was afraid of getting spanked by his mother? Daniel felt a sudden jolt of pride through his body, 'He wasn't going to put up with it! She was not going to get to spank him!' he decided. He had to put down the foot at some point. 'She had already humiliated him last night she was not going to do the same today!'

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