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Daniel and Jamie's Romantic Night

Story Info
Two couples meet and fulfill their same sex fantasies.
14.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/26/2017
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Jamie stepped out of the cold up to the hostess desk at the chic, trendy, new restaurant. It was the first time that she had been out with her husband, without the kids, in she couldn't remember how long.

It was a weird feeling, she thought to herself. Not to have to worry about anyone making it inside or helping kids off with their jackets. It was liberating, but the same time odd. As her husband, Daniel, shut the door behind them she caught herself checking for kids trapped outside.

"Keep it in the moment," she muttered under her breath. This was something that she had been struggling with for some time. It always seemed that there was something to plan or some place to be with her job or her kids. She never felt that she was living her life, just watching it. She hated that feeling.

She had decided a few weeks ago that she would live in the moment more. Hence the first date that she had been on in years with Daniel, alone. The kids were at her parents for the weekend and there wasn't anything for her to worry about except, well, everything.

She knew that they were struggling as a couple. They used to be spontaneous, fun, even, a little crazy. But now they were adults, like real adults, with regular jobs, kids' soccer schedules, flannel pajamas and fuzzy slippers. They still had sex a few times a week, and Jamie was never unsatisfied with that, but at the same time she was never wowed anymore either.

They had settled into the doldrums of married life. She didn't like it. She felt that they were missing out on life. She was here to help spice things up.

That was why she was wearing a dress that felt like a slutty Halloween costume. Black, barely covering her nipples with a black strapless pushup bra, it was so short that she was afraid to take normal sized steps because someone would see the sheer lace black thong she was wearing underneath. Couple that with the 5 inch stiletto heels she was wearing and she felt sexy. She hadn't dressed like this in, well, since she was a slutty whatever for Halloween in college.

It's not that she felt Daniel wasn't attracted to her, his raging hard on whenever she came bed gave that away, it was that she needed to be attracted to herself again. She needed to be more than a working mom who got fucked every couple of days by her husband, laying in her bed, and afterwards falling asleep to trashy TV.

So when she had this epiphany that she needed to live in the moment, she went out and got some slutty lingerie and a little black dress. She also picked up a matching black sheer thong for Daniel. It took very little convincing to get him in it, and as he closed the door the restaurant, and after she reminded herself to keep it in the moment, she thought of his cock, encased in sheer lace underneath his slacks. It was worth it. That's what I'm talking about, she thought to herself.

She had to dress him the rest of the way for their date, as per usual. She always was the one with the style sense in the family. She had him in a pair of dark grey, slim fitting slacks, tight enough to just make out the outline of his cock and ass, but not so tight as to be creepy. She had gotten him a slim fit, black stretchy long sleeve shirt that outlined his torso and especially his pecs and shoulders. Jamie realized she was getting wet just glancing at her husband.

The Grotto was one of those trendy restaurants where they have too many tables in too small a room, so there isn't privacy for anyone, but it was trendy and different which is why she chose it. A little annoyed by the apparent lack of privacy all the same, Jamie teetered up to the hostess to discuss their reservation.

Daniel came up behind her and helped her slip off her jacket as she waited for the hostess to finish talking on the phone. His fingers felt electric over her very bare skin.

"How can I help you," the hostess asked. She was young, too young Jamie thought. She was pretty though, in that hometown sort of way.

"We have a reservation for two," Jamie replied and gave the hostess her name.

"We have a table available now, but is a foursome so you will be sharing it another couple." This was not what Jamie wanted to hear. "It you choose to wait for a table for two the wait is approximately..90 minutes" the hostess explained as she checked her seating chart.

"Shit...What do you think, honey?" Jamie asked, turning to her husband.

"Well I had planned to get out of this thong and into you sooner rather than later, so I say we take the table now and hope we don't get stuck with a couple of dopes," he replied back.

She thought for second and decided she wanted his hard cock inside her more than she wanted privacy. "We'll take the table now please," she told the hostess.

"Alright, follow me." The hostess said smiling. She grabbed a few menus and turned into the restaurant. Jamie noticed her pert little ass, and short skirt, as she followed. She didn't know why, but this made her hornier so she grabbed Daniel's hand as they threaded their way through the tightly packed tables.

"Here we are. Your waitress will be with you shortly," the hostess told them as they arrived at a table set against the wall. There was already a couple there, sitting opposite each other.

As they arrived Jamie took stock of the people she would have to share her romantic dinner date with. The man was dark skinned, with dark short hair. He was above average height with relatively broad shoulders, well dressed in a tight fitting long sleeve shirt and nice jeans. He was very handsome. Rugged features, prominent brow, squared jaw and dark brown eyes.

Jamie thought that he didn't look at all that dissimilar from Daniel. A little darker, a little taller, but all in all, very much like her husband. He spoke with a deep, but quiet voice as he stood and introduced himself as Liam and the woman sitting across from him as his wife, Ally. She stayed seated but shook Jamie's hand as Liam shook Daniels.

She was a beautiful woman, Jamie thought. She was blond with should length hair, petite, high cheekbones, full, pouty lips, and piercing blue eyes with perfectly done eye shadow and mascara. She was wearing what appeared to be a black party dress that had a plunging neckline and cap sleeves. Jamie could see she was wearing a pair of 6 inch sparkling pumps.

Jamie realized that she was taking a little too long to get into her seat, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Ally. She couldn't help but compare herself. She was a little shorter and probably a little fuller in the middle, but that's what you get with three kids. Her hair was about the same length but Jamie dyed hers blond and bet that Ally was a natural. Jamie's breasts were a solid C while she guessed that Ally was a large C or maybe a D. All in all, Jamie thought to herself, they look just like us, only a little younger, taller and...well...hotter.

After Jamie eventually got into her seat and the requisite pleasantries were taken care of, the waitress came and took their order. Daniel had explained to Liam and Ally that they were on their first date in a while and Ally replied that they were in a similar situation. Given that, everyone ordered drinks first.

While Jamie had at first been opposed to sharing their romantic evening with a couple of strangers, she began to enjoy their company. Liam and Daniel had hit it off discussing all manner of male oriented topics, while she and Ally had immediately started discussing their fashion, and then everyone else's fashion, good and bad, within eye shot.

The meal progressed quickly. Daniel frequently reached over and held Jamie's hand and she noticed that Liam would also follow suit. Jamie shared several meaningful looks with Daniel when topics came up that they had some inside jokes for. It felt like they were dating again and just going out with some friends.

Jamie appreciated the ease with which they had fallen into easy conversation with Liam and Ally. Throughout the meal, Jamie caught herself making furtive glances towards Ally. She eventually admitted to herself that she was somewhat captivated by her beauty. She tried to control her looks of admiration and, if she was being fully honest, lust towards Ally and felt that she was doing a pretty good job. She didn't want anyone feeling uncomfortable.

She also noticed that, while Daniel had been attentive to her throughout the evening, he and Liam had been engrossed in each other's tales of daring and stupidity from their younger years.

Dessert had come and gone and they were really just sitting and talking together with a few drinks, sharing stories of kids and stupid coworkers. A lull in the conversation made clear to Jamie that it was time to go home. She could see by the look that Daniel gave her that he felt it too.

Surprisingly, she didn't want to go home and jump into bed with her husband. She was horney. And she did want to fuck him, but she was enjoying hanging out with what had become a new couple friend. They all could tell the waitress was getting impatient so they began to gather their things to go.

As they gathered jackets and purses, Ally asked Jamie if she wanted to go to the bathroom. Daniel grabbed Jamie's hand and gave her a very meaningful look and nodded his head. What the hell was he going on about, she thought to herself.

She left her jacket with Daniel and followed Ally to the bathroom. She didn't really have to go, but didn't mind going with Ally and figured that she could fix her makeup for her fucking tonight. Thinking about her husband's engorged cock leaking precum got her wet as she reapplied some lipstick and straightened up her hair. Ally came out of the stall and they made small talk while she washed her hands and straightened her hair and makeup.

As Jamie turned to exit the bathroom she ran smack into Ally, who was standing facing her. Jamie felt her breasts rub against Ally's and gazed into her pouty, slightly open lips for second before making eye contact, with a confused look.

Before Jamie could react Ally grabbed Jamie's hips and pulled her in for a kiss. It was soft and tentative, searching for permission. Jamie didn't pull away; she didn't know what to do. In a second her mind went several different directions.

She was flooded with her fantasies from years ago. Of her tasting and feeling another woman. Of her husband watching. She remembered that he too had a bisexual fantasy and she wondered about Liam. She thought of their weekend of freedom and how she wanted to live in the moment and not worry so much about the future. Here was the woman of her fantasies, blond and beautiful, kissing her.

In that second, Jamie decided that she would live in the moment. She realized what the look and nod from Daniel meant, somehow he had seen what was developing, and had given her permission. At least she hoped that was what he had done because in that moment Jamie kissed back.

She reached her hands up to Ally's face and caressed both of her cheeks as she slowly thrust her tongue into her mouth, probing, exploring. Ally pulled Jamie's body closer, pressing her breasts into Jamie's, and sliding her hands onto her ass. The kiss became passionate, lustful and full of possibility. As Ally grabbed and explored Jamie's ass, Jamie began to run her fingers through Ally's hair.

After a few seconds, Ally broke their kiss and whispered in Jamie's ear, "My husband wants to fuck yours and I'm pretty sure yours wants to be fucked or fuck mine. Your house or ours?"

Jamie's pussy was on fire. She was tingling all over. She couldn't stop biting her own lips and she became aware that she was so wet she had soaked through her sheer panties. Her body was still pressed against Ally's; her hands were now wrapped behind her neck. She could feel the taught muscles of her core under her dress and her perky tits pressed up against her own. All she wanted right then was to taste her, to feel her, to make her shudder and convulse under her touch and have Ally do the same to her. She knew she what she wanted to have happen, and she was 99% sure that her husband wanted it too.

"Ours. Follow us home," she whispered back as she disentangled herself from Ally's grip, but not before leaning in and giving her a light, sensual kiss.

Jamie knew she was flushed as she walked out of the bathroom, followed closely by Ally. She didn't care. Her whole body was humming with sexual energy and desire. She hadn't wanted anything like this for years. It made her feel alive, which, she realized, was the whole point of this weekend.

She rounded the corner towards their table to find the boys standing, jackets on, waiting for the ladies to return. Jamie glanced at Liam first, just for a second, and he winked back. Did everyone know what was going on but me, Jamie thought to herself. As she looked at her husband he broke into a grin. It was a shit eating grin that she knew well. It said "I told you so and it looks like I'll get my way soon."

As Jamie approached, Daniel held up her jacket to help her into it. He didn't say anything. He was being smug and she knew it. It would have been annoying if she still weren't dripping wet and hornier than she had been in a long time. As they approached the exit, Jamie turned to say something to Ally, who was with Liam behind them.

However, Daniel steered her back around and whispered in her ear, "It's already taken care of. I texted Liam our address." Jamie looked at him in shock. How could he have known? Was this a set up? She intended to find out in the car.

Daniel was the perfect gentleman and opened the door so that Jamie could get in the car. She could see Liam doing the same for Ally a few rows over. As they exited the parking lot, Jamie found her way out of the shock of the last ten minutes.

"Did you set this up?" She asked him, somewhat accusatorily.

"No, I didn't. You set up the restaurant and didn't even tell me where we were going until we got in the car, remember?" He replied. She did remember. How in the hell...

"Then how did you know that she would come on to me in the bathroom and how did you know to text Liam OUR address?" Jamie asked. She was genuinely curious now.

"Well, I saw all the looks that you were giving Ally throughout dinner. I know you thought you were being sly, but remember that I'm a therapist. I read people for a living." She did know that, but she had forgotten how good he was at his job.

Daniel continued, "I know that she fits your girl on girl fantasy to a T and I saw her giving you the same glances when you couldn't see." Jamie was dumbfounded. How had she missed that?

"Also Liam put his hand on my knee during dinner and slid it up my inner thigh, so I knew he was into me and figured that they were both probably into us, especially when she asked if you wanted to go to the bathroom." Jamie's head was spinning.

Liam was just as forward as Ally and her husband, her virile, manly husband, had not only allowed him to caress his inner thigh but it appeared as if he encouraged it. Then she remembered his bisexual fantasy.

"But how did you know I would be ok with inviting them to our house and not want to go to theirs or to a hotel?" She inquired.

"Because I know you and you like to be comfortable, which you wouldn't be at their house or a hotel. Plus you like control and you know we have a very large collection of sex toys, probably more than they do," he answered with a smirk.

She couldn't deny that he was right, which brought her full circle to thinking about how hot the kiss was that she shared with Ally in the bathroom. What would they do when they got home? How far was she willing to go?

"We need ground rules," Jamie announced. Daniel nodded in agreement. "I don't want you fucking her. Period."

"I agree. I don't want Liam to fuck you either." He stated in reply. "I DO want to watch you fuck her and her fuck you though."

"Ditto," she said, with a sly smile. "I want to watch you take every inch of his dick in your ass. I bet he has a huge cock too."

"One can only hope," Daniel said wistfully.

"Are we really going to do this?" Jamie asked.

"How do you feel about it? I mean I know that we've been distant lately and this is the first weekend we've had to ourselves in a long, long time. But we used to talk about this sort of thing and it seemed like an awesome fantasy. I, for one, want to do it, but we can have a few drinks and send them home if that is what you want. I want you to be comfortable with this." Daniel stated in reply.

Jamie thought for a moment. The feelings, the tingling in her pussy and nipples came back as she remembered her body pressed against Ally's and her lips against hers. "No, I want to do this as long as you are there with me. I think this will bring us closer together. Maybe we can get back into doing some of the sex things we used to do with each too," she said, as horny as she was at the restaurant again.

He looked at her and smiled, "Absolutely."

As they pulled up in the driveway, Liam and Ally's car pulled onto the street in front of their house. Daniel left the garage closed and started to get out.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you opening the garage?" Jamie asked.

"I have a plan, just follow my lead," Daniel replied.

"I guess you are better at these sorts of things," Jamie muttered under her breath.

As they approached the front door, Liam and Ally joined them. Jamie was unsure how to pick things back up where they left off. She was planning on getting everyone some drinks and maybe just getting comfortable and seeing where things went from there. I mean a kiss doesn't necessarily mean she want to sleep with me, right? She thought to herself.

However, as they walked through the door Ally grabbed her and spun her around. She kissed Jamie hard, tongue probing her mouth as her hands worked Jamie's jacket off her shoulders. Jamie's surprise lasted only a second and then she was kissing back, her tongue meeting Ally's, as she began helping Ally out of her jacket as well. The kiss was passionate, excited, full of promise for a night of sensual pleasure and exploration. Guess I was wrong, thought Jamie.

After her jacket came off, so did Ally's. Then she was slipping Ally's dress over her shoulders, lips still locked together. After Ally had her arms free of her dress she reached around to unzip Jamie's dress in the back.

As she unzipped her dress their lips never parted. They continued to passionately kiss. It was a kiss of sensual desire. They both knew that this was going to be a night neither would ever forget. Ally wriggled out of her dress as she peeled off Jamie's. To finish the job she had to break off their minute long, passionate and sensual kiss.

As she lowered Jamie's dress off her hips, Jamie looked over at her husband, who was grinning from ear to ear like a dope. So was Liam though. She noticed that each had raging hard ons evident through their tight fitting pants. As Ally pulled Jamie's dress off, she kissed down her shoulder, over her strapless push up bra and down her side. This elicited a low moan from Jamie. As she moaned she caught Daniel's eye and glanced from him to Liam. Jamie wanted him to enjoy himself too.

Daniel got the hint. As he watched his wife's super tight, super hot dress being slowly peeled off her body by a blond beauty, who herself was clad only in a sheer black bra, a black g string and sparkling stilettos, he reached over to Liam and began to trace his cock in his pants.

Daniel tore his gaze from the beautiful, mostly nude women to look at Liam. He was a handsome man, he thought. He had always wondered what it would be like to be with a man. As he grazed his finger on the outside of Liam's cock he realized that his own dick was hard as a rock. As every man is wont to do, Daniel mentally compared Liam's cock to his own. Daniel figured that Liam's was slightly longer and more girthy than his own, but he'd have to get up close and personal to know for sure.

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