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Dark Angel Comes to Town...Again #02

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Witches never die, here to live forever, so is Satan.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/21/2014
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Witches never die. Living forever, they are here now and are here to stay. ...And so is Satan.

So, with witches all around us, just out of curiosity, who do you think is a witch today? If witches lived today, do you suspect anyone as being a witch? With them easy to identify in the way they looked more than 300 years ago, seemingly witches had a difficult time hiding their identities, albeit more so then than now. Yet, even today, not all witches are difficult to spot. Today, all one really needs to suspect a woman of being a witch is to find one who's beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident.

With all the plain and ordinary women on the planet, there really aren't very many who fit the above definition of a modern day witch. Think about it. Think long and hard who you suspect is a witch. Run all of the women you know through your mind who fit the above definition of a modern day witch. Who do you know who's beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident?

Certainly, instead of thinking of sorceresses negatively and as ugly wretches, we now have a long list of positive attributes for witches. With seductresses needing to change their evil image and demonic ways, witches have come a long way to evolve and to live among us in the 21st century. No longer do they ride around on brooms, have long, stringy hair, and missing teeth. No longer do they use their black cats to do their dirty work. No longer are they ugly and walk around wearing a black dress and a big, black hat. No longer are they easy to identify.

With today's witches, we may be unable to tell a witch from a bitch and if the witch is a bitch, God help you. Yet, if you know that you're looking for, a woman who's beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident, you'll have more success in spotting a witch than not. Trust me. There may be lots of women who fit some of those adjectives but there are very few women who fit all of those adjectives. If you discover such a woman who can be described using all of those adjectives, then chances are, they are the women who, more often than not, are the witches. We may suspect a woman of being a witch, yet until she turns someone into a frog, we may never know if she's a witch or not.

* * * * *

Witch #1

Bear with me by believing in the concept of witches and that witches are alive today, are well, and walk among us. I have a nearly two dozen woman who I suspect are witches and unlike those who refuse to believe that there are witches walking among us, I'm not afraid to name names. For those of you who do not believe in witches and/or are afraid of witches, please do not read my story. For those of you who believe in witches and/or who are unafraid of witches, please continue reading my story. Yet, for those of you who are unafraid of witches, you should be afraid of witches.

Are you ready for me to continue? The self-professed witch of today, supposedly retired now, the leader of all those into witchcraft is Laurie Cabot of Salem Massachusetts. Born Mercedes Elizabeth Kearsey, she's transformed herself when she worked as a dancer in the Latin Quarter nightclub for Barbara Walter's father, Lou Waters. More than a strange coincidence, there's more about the connection between Laurie Cabot and Barbara Walters later.

Laurie Cabot was a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show, a fact that I find as interesting as I do quite revealing. So who do you think is a witch? Definitely by her own admission, without a doubt, Laurie Cabot is not only a witch but she's the self-professed queen of witches.


* * * * *

Witch #2

Now that we've outted one witch, who else do you think is a witch? What about Diane Sawyer, the anchor of ABC News? Do you think she's a witch? For sure, she doesn't look like any sixty-eight-year-old woman that I know. Checking all the boxes, beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident, she could be a witch. Even though she's from Kentucky, circumstantially enough evidence to accuse someone of being a witch more than 300 years ago and suspect someone as being a witch now, she did attend Wellesley College in Massachusetts. With Wellesley not very far from Salem, Massachusetts by car or by broom, I'd be inclined and of the mind to suspect Diane Sawyer as being a witch.

Go ahead. Take your time. Contemplate Diane Sawyer as being a witch. Her face is always plastered all over the TV screen when she's doing the news and when she's not taking another night off from work. Take a long, hard look at her. She's beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident enough to be a witch.

What do you think? Do you think she's a witch? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Diane Sawyer of being a witch? She could be a modern day witch? Is she a witch? I really don't know if she's a witch or not but I bet that she is a witch.


* * * * *

Witch #3

What about Joan Rivers? Look at her. Just look at her. Take a good, long, hard look at her. Do you think Joan Rivers is a witch? If you ask those who know her they'd say, for her to have accomplished all that she's accomplished, that she's a real bitch. Oh, yeah, by no stretch of the definition of the word bitch, she's a real bitch. Yet is she a witch? With so very many women who are bitches, except for your mother who's a saint, some of your wives, your sisters, and perhaps even your mother-in-law, especially your mother-in-law, it's still quite difficult to go from bitch to witch. Being that any woman can be a bitch, not every woman can be a witch.

No easy feat, Joan Rivers has had a very long, illustrious, and successful career by reinventing herself over and again. Certainly with her made from enough plastic and silicone implants, we'd be stretching the definition of human by calling her human. So, what do you think, is she a witch or just a bitch? Maybe she's a bitch who's a witch. Definitely, especially with her abrasively caustic humor, she could be a bitch and perhaps even a witch. Even with all of her plastic surgery, breast implants, and only God and her plastic surgeon knows what else, she doesn't look like any 81-year-old woman that I know.

What do you think? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you suspect Joan Rivers of being a witch? Do you hereby accuse Joan Rivers of being a witch? She could be a modern day witch? Is she a witch? I really don't know if she's a witch or not but I bet she's a witch.


* * * * *

Witch #4

What about Barbara Walters, the woman who befriended the self-professed Queen of witches, Laurie Cabot, decades ago? Do you think Barbara Walters is a witch? Laurie Cabot, the admitted head of witches worked for Barbara Walter's father, Lou Walters, when he owned the nightclub, the Latin Quarter, in Times Square, New York.

Laurie Cabor met Barbara Walters many years ago when they were both young. Don't you think that's of some significance that a self-professed witch, supposedly the self-professed queen of witches, not only met Barbara Walters but also worked for her father? If I had to pick one woman as a modern day witch, I'd pick Barbara Walters. Look at her, just look at her. Take a good, long, hard look at her. Oh, yeah, definitely, Barbara Walters a witch.

Fearless in her inability to back down, with the set of testicles on her with her interviewing dictators, madmen, killers, criminals, and celebrities alike, charmed by the Devil and used for his purposes as his mouthpiece, definitely she's a witch. Seriously she doesn't look like any 85-year-old woman that I know. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, of all places, whether by car or by broom, she wasn't born very far from Salem, Massachusetts. What do you think? Do you think she's a witch? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Barbara Walters of being a witch? She could be a modern day witch? Is she a witch? I really don't know if she's a witch or not but I bet she's a witch.


* * * * *

Witch #5

Certainly there are those who'd say that Hillary Clinton is not only a bitch but also a witch. What do you think? Do you think Hillary Clinton is a witch? If you were to ask any Republican from across the aisle, they'd say without a doubt, without hesitation, and without stipulation that Hillary Clinton is not only a bitch but also that she should be put to death for being a witch.

"Wow!" If this was the 17th century by the testimony of the Republicans alone, they would have stripped Hillary Clinton naked and burned her at the stake.

How else would we explain her meteoric rise from being the obscure, cheated on wife of an ex-president to being on the threshold of becoming Madam President herself? Yet, just because she sometimes comes off as being a bitch doesn't necessarily mean that she's a witch. Then again, perhaps we'd only have to open her closet door to find her broom, her crystal ball, her black cloak, and her magic book of spells and potions.

"Oh, look, now that's very telling. There goes her black cat, Diablo, walking right in front of you. You'd better not walk under that ladder."

Oh, yeah, for sure, never wanting to be locked in a room with her, I'd never turn my back on that one. In the way they accused women of being witches more than three hundred years ago, without proof and with only having circumstantial evidence, she's a witch, definitely without a doubt, Hillary Clinton is a witch.

Surely no woman can accomplish what Hillary Rodham Clinton has accomplished by not being a witch. Look at her. Just look at her. Can't you just see her all dressed in black and wearing a big witch's hat while holding a broom and with a black cat by her feet? In the way you took a long, hard look at Diane Sawyer, Joan Rivers, and Barbara Walters, take a long, hard look at Hillary Rodham Clinton.

What do you think? Do you think she's a witch? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Hillary Clinton of being a witch? She could be a modern day witch? Is she a witch? I really don't know if she's a witch or not but I bet she's a witch.

"Try her! Convict her! Condemn her! Put her to death for practicing witchcraft and for being a witch. She's a witch!"


* * * * *

Witches 6, 7, 8 & 9

Yet, seemingly so by the names of the next three women on my list of accused witches, and rightly so, maybe the Prince of Darkness prefers dark meat to white meat. Maybe he more enjoys the taste of Nubian Princesses than he does skinny, white women. An interesting concept calling Satan the Dark Prince, in the way we tell the good cowboys from the bad cowboys by the color of that hats they wear, white or black, we tell the good angels from the bad angels by the color of their white or black wings. Yet, being that Satan is indeed the Prince of Darkness, maybe Satan is into the dark skinned, women, whether black, brown, or mulatto, maybe he prefers women who know how to get down, dirty, and twerk dance with the Devil.

Now that I think of it, I wonder if a witch is born white, if she can return to life as a black witch. Yet in this society where black people are so prejudice against, why would any white woman want to return back as a black woman, unless, of course, they were a witch and can easily defend and protect themselves from rednecks, the KKK, and from the Aryan Nation? Taking this train of thought a step further, I wonder if a wizard born as a man can return to life as a witch or vice versa. Now being that men are the chosen gender, I don't know why any man would want to return as a woman, unless, of course, he was a wizard who could easily protect himself from wife beaters and women abusers.

I don't know. I just don't know. What do you think? Being that I'm not a witch, all I can do is to speculate not only if witches are immortal and if they are here among us now. Yet, there are those who'd argue that in this age of racial prejudice, especially in this age of racial prejudice, that Oprah Winfrey, Michele Obama, and Beyoncé are all witches.

What do you think? Do you think that Oprah Winfrey, Michele Obama, and Beyoncé are witches? Let's add another black woman to the mix, shall we? How about Halley Berry? Maybe she's a witch too. Assuredly and admittedly, she's certainly beautiful enough, successful enough, intelligent enough, articulate enough, and confident enough to be a witch? Do you think that Halley Berry is a witch?

Let's be honest here. Tell me. In these times of racism still alive and well in America, how else can four black women become so prominently famous, so highly successful, and so fabulously rich? Not only must they overcome being a woman but also they must overcome being a black woman, an impossible feat of dedicated determination and luck, wouldn't you say?

Yet, forget about what I think for a minute. What do you think? Do you think they're all witches? Do you hereby accuse Oprah Winfrey, Michele Obama, Beyoncé, and Halley Berry of being witches? They all could be modern day witches? Are they witches? I really don't know if they're all witches or not but I bet that they are.

Definitely, I dare write that Oprah Winfrey, Michele Obama, Beyoncé, and Halley Berry are witches. What do you think? Do you think they're witches? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Oprah Winfrey, Michele Obama, Beyoncé, and Halley Berry of being witches? They could all be modern day witches? Are they witches? I really don't know if they're all witches or not but I bet they're witches.

"Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch!"

* * * * *

Witches 10 & 11

Indeed, if any women are witches today, they are women who are still practicing their spells, making their potions, and applying their enchanted witchcraft for their personal benefit and perhaps, even for the benefit of others. With some people believing in miracles, maybe the miracles they suspect happening is really black magic and witchcraft performed by witches instead of saints. Certainly with all of the good that these four woman have done for society whether entertaining them, serving them, and/or donating to charity, just because they're witches doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad witches. Oh, no. Just as there are a lot of bad witches out there, there are plenty of good witches around too. For all that I know, with the transformation that witches have had to make over thousands of years to survive until today and to continue to thrive in the future, they all could be good witches.

Although, staying true to their roots, maybe one of them is a bad witch. If one of those four women mentioned was a bad witch, who would you pick as the bad witch? If I was to pick which one of those four women is the bad witch, Oprah, Michele Obama, Beyoncé, or Halley Berry, I'd pick Oprah. She looks as though she's hiding a dark secret other than the fact that she's lesbian.

As beaten down that black woman still are in our modern day society, how else can we explain that these four, powerful, black women could break their binds that chain them without the help of magic, spells, potions, witchcraft, and the help of the Devil? Taking witchcraft and them being the Devil's disciples a step further, how else can we explain the superhuman feats and inherent supernatural tennis talents of the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena? Oh, yeah, what about these two women? Do you think they're normal human beings or do you think they're witches?

Fearsome on the tennis courts, other than that they are witches who practice witchcraft, these two sisters being witches is the only logical explanation that we have that they aren't superhuman but not human at all. No other women have accomplished what these two witches have. Bigger than life, they are stronger, faster, and more powerful than any other women on the planet. It just makes me wonder what kind of deal they made with the Devil for him to reward them with such success and riches.

What did they promise Satan for him to give them all that they have? Maybe it was just sex. Maybe in the way that Oprah, Michele Obama, Beyoncé, and Halley Berry promised the Devil sex, maybe the Williams sisters had and are still having sex with the Devil too. Surely, only the Devil could handle the Williams sisters in bed. If they sucked and fucked the way they play tennis, they'd kill an ordinary, human man.

Definitely they're witches. What do you think? Do you think they're witches? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena Williams of being witches? They could be modern day witches? Are they witches? I really don't know if they're witches or not but I bet they're witches.

"Witch! Witch!"

* * * * *

Witches #12, 13, 14, 15 & 16

Yet even though the Dark Prince may perhaps prefers dark mean to white meat, obviously he's not confined to just having demonic sex with black women. Oh, yeah, white, yellow, red, brown, or black, Satan loves women. No matter what the color, Satan loves pussy. Satan loves sex. Take a moment to think about who else may be a witch. Can you think of any other women practicing witchcraft and black magic? Can you think of any other women who may be witches?

If they aren't witches, how else can we explain the rocket to stardom rise of Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus? Unless these five women are witches who made a pact with the Devil by giving him sex, none of them have any real beauty, talent, or intelligence? Once their makeup is scraped off, not one of them is even very pretty. Certainly the talent and intelligence of any one of them or all of them combined is not deserving of the fame and the fortune they've received.

What do you think? Do you think they're all witches? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus of being modern day witches? They all could be modern day witches? Are they witches? I really don't know if they're witches or not but I bet they're all witches.

"Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch! Witch!"

* * * * *

Witch #17

Now that we've uncovered sixteen suspected witches, who else do you think is a witch? What do you think about Angelina Jolie as being a witch? Is she a witch? She's beautiful, sexy, charming, captivating, successful, articulate, intelligent, and confident enough to be a witch.

Rubbing it in our faces by taunting and teasing us, when she recently played a wicked witch in Maleficent, maybe that wasn't much of a stretch for her to pretend that she's a witch. Maybe in reality she is a witch, an evil witch. If you were to ask Jennifer Aniston if Angelina Jolie is a witch, without hesitation, she'd say that she is a witch. Do you think Angelina Jolie is a witch for her to steal Brad Pitt away from Jennifer Aniston?

What do you think? Do you think she's a witch? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Angelina Jolie of being a witch? She could be a modern day witch? Is she a witch? I really don't know if she's a witch or not but I bet she's a witch.

I can just imagine her standing over a boiling cauldron of vile, sickening, secret ingredients while saying the words she needed to say for her magic spell to work.

"Before I take a fit, Deliver me Brad Pitt. Remove him from Jennifer Aniston, Before they have a daughter or a son."

"Wow!" Oh, yeah, definitely, I'd bet that Angelina Jolie is a bitch and a witch.


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Witch #18

With the rocket to fame stardom of Sophia Vergera, possibly she's a witch too. Seriously what human woman has a body like that without her being a witch? C'mon, let's be real here. Even a team of plastic surgeons can't make the sexy body that she has. I'm willing to bet that Sophia Vergera is a witch.


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