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Dark Angel Comes to Town...Again #03

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Here to stay, witches & wizards never die and so is Satan.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/21/2014
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Witches and wizards never die. They are here now and are here to stay. ...And so is Satan.

Warlocks, Wizards, and Sorcerers #1, 2, and 3

Taking this naming of witches a step further, in the way that woman can be witches, men can be warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers. How else can one explain the explosive success of Simon Cowell, Ryan Seacrest, and Randy Jackson? Look at them. Just look at them. None of them really good looking. All of them are shorter than average height. They are just ordinary men at best. Except for Randy who plays bass guitar, none of them have any real talent. So I ask you this, how can these three men have acquired the monumental success that they have?

Why do you think they're all so rich? In the case of these three men, how is their financial success even possible? My only explanation, do you think they're a warlock, a wizard, and/or a sorcerer? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Simon Cowell, Ryan Seacrest, and Randy Jackson of being a warlock, wizard, or sorcerer?

Do you hereby accuse Simon Cowell of being a warlock? Do you hereby accuse Ryan Seacrest of being a wizard? Do you hereby accuse Randy Jackson of being a sorcerer? They could be a modern day warlock, wizard, and sorcerer. Are they a warlock, a wizard, and a sorcerer? I really don't know if they're a warlock, a wizard, or a sorcerer or not but them to have the super success that they have I bet they are.

"Warlock! Wizard! Sorcerer!"

* * * * *

Warlock, Wizard, or Sorcerer #4, #5, and #6

How about Harvey Weinstein and Quentin Tarantino? Do you think they are a warlock, a wizard, or a sorcerer? Let me ask you this. Who is one of the biggest Hollywood producers? Harvey Weinstein. Now let me ask you think. Who is Harvey Weinstein? Hands? Does anyone know who he is other than he's suddenly taken over Hollywood by storm? He materialized out of the blue, hasn't he? A modern day Cecil B. DeMille, seemingly he has his hands in every movie produced. Where did this guy come from for him to make deals and arrange for big stars to make his movies?

Here are just a few, a mere sampling, of the movies that he's produced. By the way, keeping in mind that this man may be in bed with the Devil, pay attention to some of the names and to the themes of many of these movies. Halloween, Kill Bill, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Amityville, Vampire Academy, do you see where I'm going with this? He's also produced Scary Movie 5, Scream 4, Inglorious Basterds, Grindhouse, Dracula III, Lord of the Rings, and Pulp Fiction, as well as one hundred other movies. Wow!

Not bad for someone we never heard of until his Weinstein logo hits you in your face nearly every time you sit down to watch a movie. Suddenly, this guy is everywhere. Suddenly the camera zooms in to show him at the Oscars, the Globes, and the premiers of movies. Oddly enough, many of his movies are the same movies that Quentin Tarantino made. How about that? That's an odd coincidence, isn't it, that a warlock and a wizard should be working so closely together?

Even though I loved Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino is a twisted mother fucker. To name just a few, he does make some very violent movies, Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds, Death Proof, Grindhouse, and Natural Born Killers and others. To say that Quentin Tarantino is not influenced by Satan is to say that Shirley Temple wasn't too good to be true. To say that Quentin Tarantino is not controlled by the Devil is to say that Dorothy Gale in the Wizard of Oz didn't rejected the witch of the west, the ruler of Winkie Country, to embrace Glinda, the good witch and the witch of the north.

While we're naming names, we can say the same thing about Howard Stern. Other than being a rude, big mouth, ignorant pig, he doesn't have any real talent. You tell me. What's his talent? It's oxymoronic that he should be one of the judges of the show, America Got Talent, when he doesn't have any talent at all. He can't sing. He can't dance. He doesn't play a musical instrument. Judging by the idiotic movie he made, Private Parts, he can't act.

With his sexual appetite and animalistic bad looks, tell me he's not the Devil incarnate. All he needs are horns, a red cape, and a pitchfork to look more like what Satan would look like if he was alive today, which he is of course and the point of this whole story. I seriously doubt that Howard Stern was at the right place and at the right time to be offered a five hundred million dollar Sirius radio deal. For Howard to be so rich, Satan was the dark force behind that transaction.

So what do you think? You tell me. Do you think Harry Weinstein, Quentin Tarantino, and Howard Stern are a warlock, a wizard, and a sorcerer? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Henry Weinstein of being a warlock? Do you hereby accuse Quentin Tarantino of being a wizard? Do you hereby accuse Howard Stern of being a sorcerer? They all could be a modern day warlock, wizard, and sorcerer. Are they a warlock, a wizard, and a sorcerer? I really don't know if they are or not but for them to be so frigging rich and famous I bet they are but I bet they are.

What do you think? Do you think Harvey Weinstein is warlock? Do you hereby accuse Harvey Weinstein of being a warlock? He could be a modern day warlock. Is he a warlock? I really don't know if he's a warlock or not but I bet he is.


What do you think? Do you think Quentin Tarantino is a wizard? Do you hereby accuse Quentin Tarantino of being a wizard? He could be a modern day wizard. Is he a wizard? I really don't know if he's a wizard or not but I bet he is.


What do you think? Do you think Howard Stern is a sorcerer? Do you hereby accuse Howard Sterns of being a sorcerer? He could be a modern day sorcerer. Is he a sorcerer? I really don't know if he's a sorcerer or not but I bet he is.


* * * * *

Warlocks, Wizards, and Sorcerers #7-19

Now that we've barely scratched the surface of warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers, let's delve deeper, shall we? We could even point our fingers of accusation at those athletes who have accomplished superhuman feats. Sure, we could point the finger at PEDS, performance enhancing drugs, only we'd be more accurate to point our finger at the Devil for his satanic help in a certain few athletes smashing every record.

At a time before PEDs when drinking whiskey and smoking long cigars was his daily vice, how else would we explain someone as fat and as out of shape as Babe Ruth hitting all of those homeruns? Think about it. How on Earth did such an overweight, drunken man swing a bat fast enough to beat the best fastball pitcher of the day to hit 729 homeruns out of the park.

"No way!"

What do you think? Do you think that Babe Ruth was a wizard? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Babe Ruth of being a warlock? He could have been a modern day warlock. Was he a warlock? I really don't know if he was or not but for Babe Ruth to hit all of those homeruns, I bet he was.


* * * * *

Speaking of wizards, tell me that Tiger Woods is not a wizard. Go ahead. I dare you to tell me that Tiger Woods isn't a wizard. Oh, he's a wizard alright. Can't you just see Tiger Woods wearing a purple, pointy hat, a black, velvet hooded cape, and holding a glittering, golden magic wand while sacrificing some young, hot, blonde babe on his altar that he calls a bed?

What do you think? Do you think that Tiger Woods is a wizard? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Tiger Woods of being a wizard? He could be a modern day wizard. Is he a wizard? I really don't know if he is or not but for him to win so many titles and to have so many endorsements, I bet he is.


* * * * *

While we're pointing fingers of accusation, what about Lance Armstrong? Tell me he's not in cahoots with the Devil. Even with his admitted blood doping, a superhuman feat, do you think what he did in winning the famed Tour de France not once or twice but seven consecutive times was by his own devices.

"C'mon, give me a break? Are you kidding me? No frigging way!"

Who does that? No one does that. No human beats the world's best time again and again and again and again and again and again without the help of the Devil? No one.

What do you think? Do you think that Lance Armstrong is a sorcerer? He did get Cheryl Crow in bed. Certainly, he'd have to be a sorcerer to do that. Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Lance Armstrong of being a sorcerer? He could be a modern day sorcerer. Is he a sorcerer? I really don't know if he is or not but for him to win the Tour de France seven consecutive times, I bet he is.


* * * * *

Do you seriously think that a black man bouncing and shooting a basketball can become rich and famous without the help of Satan?

"I don't think so, especially not in this country, racist America. No way. It's impossible."

How else would you explain the unprecedented and unrivaled success and superhuman feats of Michael Jordon, Magic Johnson, Shaq O'Neil (who's not really Irish by the way), Kobe Bryant, and Lebron James?

"Give me a break."

I don't believe it and you shouldn't believe it either. We've all been had. We've all been duped. I'll willing to bet that they all have a 666 tattoo somewhere on their very tall bodies.

What do you think? Do you think that they're all warlocks, wizards, or sorcerers? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Shaq O'Neil, Kobe Bryant, and Lebron James of being a warlock, a wizard, or a sorcerer? They could be a modern day warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers. Are they a warlock, a wizard, or a sorcerer? I really don't know if they're a warlock, a wizard, or a sorcerer or not. Yet for them to gain such fame and fortune by bouncing and shooting a basketball, instead of protecting us as police officers, saving us from fire as firemen, and/or teaching our children as teachers, I bet they are.

"Warlock! Wizard! Socerer! Wizard! Warlock!"

* * * * *

Stepping away from Hollywood and from the field of sports, let's delve into the world of business.

"Nothing personal. It's only business," said the Godfather before he summarily executed his competition.

Other than the fact that he paid most of his employees minimum wages with little or no benefits, how else can we explain Sam Walton, a hillbilly from Arkansas amassing that kind of wealth by selling inferior products in his stores? He didn't do it. The Devil did it.

When he was alive, I remember the TV ads he ran. He was proud of the fact that everything he sold was made in America. How about that? Then, as soon as he died and left his vast fortune to his children, inking the trade deals before his body was buried, nearly everything Wal-Mart sells is imported from the far orient.

Yes, that's right, no longer proud that everything they sell is made in America, nearly all that Wal-Mart sells is made in, guess where, China. Maybe it's time we all learned to speak Chinese. Maybe if we spoke the language instead of just blindly buying all of their inferior goods and sub-standard products, we'd all have jobs. We'd all be working.

So, back to Sam Walton, what do you think? Do you think he was warlock? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse the late, great Sam Walton of being a warlock? He could have been a modern day warlock. Was he a warlock? I really don't know if he was a warlock or not but for him to amass that much of a fortune and win the label of the richest man in the world, I bet he was.


* * * * *

Now that we're naming names, what about Warren Buffet? Compared to him Donald Trump is small potatoes. Definitely, without a doubt, good, old Warren had the help of Satan for him to have that kind of multi-billion dollar success. I don't care how savvy smart he is around the financial markets, there are lots of savvy smart people who lose everything they have playing the stock market. There's just no way that Warren Buffet didn't have the Devil guiding his hand when he was choosing which stocks to buy and which stocks to dump.

So what do you think? Do you think he's a warlock? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse the Warren Buffet of being a warlock? He could be a modern day warlock. Is he a warlock? I really don't know if he is a warlock or not but for Warren Buffet to amass that kind of fortune, I bet he is.


* * * * *

Speaking of billionaires and one of the, if not the richest men on the planet, how about Bill Gates? The nerdiest of the nerds, do you think that he happened to be at the right place and at the right time when IBM told him to screw and take their operating system with him? A good story that he enjoyed telling at the time but, sorry, that's just not believable. IBM isn't a dumb company. After investing all of that money in personal computers, they just wouldn't give away their operating system for free. You can't tell me Satan wasn't behind the scenes when Bill was stealing formatting code from Apple's Steve Jobs for him to turn IBM's PC Dos to MS Dos. C'mon, we weren't all born yesterday not to believe that Bill Gates, as is Warren Buffet and was Sam Walton, in cahoots with the Devil.

So what do you think? Do you think he's a warlock? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse the Bill Gates of being a warlock? He could be a modern day warlock. Is he a warlock? I really don't know if he is a warlock or not but for him to be one of the richest men on the planet, if not the richest, I bet he is.


* * * * *

The Devil wears many disguises. The Devil in disguise, you can't tell me that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame didn't have Satan's help when he stole ConnectU, the idea to use as Facebook from Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra. You can't tell me the Devil wasn't present in that room when Mark Zuckerberg turned his back on his best friend, Eduardo Saverin, one of the founders of Facebook and Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes, and Andrew McCollum and cheated them by paying them pennies on the dollar for their huge behind the scenes contributions. Especially by turning his back on and cheating his friends, one man doesn't amass that kind of success, fame, and/or fortune without the help of the Devil.

"Oh, yeah. Facebook was the Devil's doing."

So what do you think? Do you think he's a warlock? Say it. Don't be afraid to say it. Do you hereby accuse the Mark Zuckerberg of being a warlock? He could be a modern day warlock. Is he a warlock? I really don't know if he is a warlock or not but, if only by how he got where he is, I bet he is.


* * * * *

Now that we've named the warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers in Hollywood, sports, and business, let's turn to the real Devils, our elected officials, our public servants, those who greedily serve themselves more than they serve us, the politicians. You can't tell me that the Devil wasn't in that room when George W. Bush was tapped to run for the President against Al Gore. You can't tell me a deal wasn't made with the Devil when Gore refused to have a vote recount after losing by only 350 votes with that Florida chad fiasco from faulty Diebold voting machines.

"I'll tell you what Al. If you don't ask for a recount, I'll have Hollywood make your movie, An Inconvenient Truth. Not only that but how does winning an Oscar sound to you? I can make that happen. It's just a phone call away," I imagine Dick Cheney telling Al Gore what he'd gain instead of taking the presidency away from George W.

You can't tell me the Devil wasn't there again when Bush stole the election from Kerry with rigged Diebold voting machines, machines owned by Walden O'Dell, one of Bush's largest fund raisers. Do they really think we're all that stupid? Indeed we were all that stupid for voting George W. Bush into the office of President not once but twice.

They never found the weapons of mass destruction, did they? Wasn't that the whole reason why we bombed Iraq and turned the Middle East into chaos with dictator after dictator falling and upsetting the balance of that oil rich area? Wasn't that the reason why so many of our sons and daughters died and/or were seriously injured when fighting a war that was fueled by money and greed?

Explain this to me, if you can. If Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about receiving a blowjob from Monica Lewinski, a witch in her own regard, why wasn't George W impeached for saying that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when, obviously, they didn't? That doesn't make any sense to me. Does that make any sense to you unless it was the Devil that did it?

Tell me this. Are you alone? Is there anyone with you right now? Eyes are everyone. Forget about George Orwell's 1984, Big Brother is watching more now than that creative writer ever imagined. Come closer to the screen so that no one else can read what I'm about to write. Now for fear that someone may hear you reading, don't read while moving your lips. Okay? Nod your head so that I know you understand.

When Wall Street collapsed by their own devices and invention, how come no one went to jail? No one, not even a scapegoat was charged, tried, convicted, and incarcerated. How come brokers still received their big bonuses? How come banks and insurance companies not only received TARP bailout money from you and me but also used that money to pay for bonuses to the people who got us into all of this illegal fiasco in the first place? From the CEO's to the Wall Street traders, why weren't they all tried, convicted, and put behind bars?

I'll tell you why. Because they were all in on it. Against SEC rules and regulations, even our elected politicians, some public servants they are, were given stock tips. Angelo Mozilo of Country Wide Bank, one of George W's very best friends, made sure to give nearly every senator a sweet low interest or no interest loan. After forcing thousands of people out of their homes in mortgage scams that resulted in home foreclosures, instead of going to jail, he retired with $450 million dollars.

"How's that for a golden parachute when he should have been planted in a shit dump head first?"

We can say the same thing about Henry Paulson, the then Secretary of the Treasury. He's the one who not only opened the vaults to the treasury for the banks and insurance company to take however much they wanted but Mr. Paulson didn't even take the time to record who took how much money?

"Are you kidding me? Where was the IRS during this armed robbery?"

Why wasn't Secretary Paulson arrested and thrown in jail for stealing all of our money? Instead, he was allowed to walk away with $450 million tax free dollars, a convenient law passed by congress, when he took the job as Secretary of the Treasury after being SEO of Goldman Sachs. For him to get his money from Goldman Sachs, he lied to congress. A month before, swearing under oath, he lied to congress that Goldman Sachs was solvent just so that he could get his $450 million dollars out of there. A month later Goldman Sachs went bankrupt and all the little people lost real money while all the big players made hundreds of millions and even billions. Tell me, why wasn't Paulson charged with fraud, lying to congress, and sent to jail?

In this racist country, a black man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his family will go to jail for 20 years. Yet, not one white collar, Caucasian went to jail for the collapse of America's financial markets, even though there was enough evidence to put hundreds of people in jail.

"I don't get it. I don't understand."

Where was our bailouts when we didn't even have jobs? Where was our bailouts when we were thrown out of our homes and had our cars repossessed? Where was our bailouts when we couldn't even afford to take our children to the doctor? Was it because we weren't giving our souls to the Devil? Or was it because we didn't have the money to give to politicians? Was it that simple? If I knew that, for the sake of a big house and a new BMW, I would have sworn my loyalty to Satan.


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