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Dark as Daylight Ch. 05a

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Flying through Time on Earth and in Space.
  • December 2015 monthly contest
34.5k words

Part 5 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/06/2015
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Note: This the property of Prolonged_Debut10. Information available at Literotica .com. All persons in this NOVEL are fictitious. There will be very little sex and it will not be of a graphic or vile nature. I hope you take this journey me as you did in my previous, SHORT, work. There will a great deal of science, how interpersonal relationships work in an enclosed space, and rollercoaster rides through Wormholes, White Holes, and possibly a Black Hole. (Einstein said it was possible; why not give it a try, ON PAPER OF COURSE." Let's Begin.


Chapter 5

14. Challenges

"Why aren't you warming up Janet?"

"This Captain Jamison is going to be a turkey Gordon. I've never seen her up here working out or lifting weights. She's probably a powder puff."

"You should still be limber, and stretch your muscles before every bout. She may be faster than you think."

"It's almost 1930 hours, and she's not here yet. Three more minutes and she forfeits. The only other person here is Monty, and she's just doing her normal routine."

"Okay, I'm going to sit with Zoey, because they're going to announce the match now."

The arena area was full as the announcer called for quite.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, for your pleasure tonight, we have a thirty-minute match between two aspiring captains. On your left a big round of applause for Captain trainee Janet

On your right, a big round of applause for a brand new Captain trainee;

Montgomarie Jamison."

The look on Janet's face was priceless.


Janet looked at Gordon, who was holding his sides laughing hysterically.

"You bastard, you knew it was her. Why didn't you tell me?"

"You kept saying you were better than everybody else. I told you to warm up, and you said she was a turkey. She may be as big as a turkey, but that turkey is going to squash you to the size of an egg. Put on your running shoes Janet, because you're going to need them."

"I've known that bitch for seventeen years, and I didn't know she had a last name. She's going to tattoo it on my head tonight."

The announcer asked, "Are the contestants ready?"

Monty said, "You bet I am."

Janet said, "Bring it on Tubby."

The whistle blew, Monty charged at Janet hitting her in the chest knocking her to the mat.

Janet didn't move.

Monty walked over to her, and picked her up.

"Oh no little girl, you are not getting away with it that easily. I'm going to hit every bone in your body until you hurt. You will be visiting Doctor Finch when mismatch is over to see if he can put you back together again."

"It's not fair Monty. I gave you an easy win, and you refused it. Now I have to really fight you, and you are going to pay for it."

Janet charged and slid between Monty's legs as she had in the last fight.

Monty didn't fall for it this time. Instead of turning as she did last time, she fell backwards landing on top of Janet. It was a trick Gordon taught her, and it worked perfectly for Monty, but not so well for Janet, who screamed breathlessly.

Monty rolled away, took Janet's left arm, until she was face down on the mat. Janet screamed in pain and attempted to use a leg kick to move Monty's mass away from her body. It did not work. Monty twisted Janice's arm further upward towards her head, and asked politely, "You don't want to quit yet do you Janet?"

"You know I won't quit."

"Excellent, because I just found the perfect place for you."

Holding her arm in place, she grabbed Janet by her waist, and lifted her over her head.

The crowd roared as Janet kicked her feet like a child. Monty approached the board where they stacked the weights, and pressed her between the two top tiers.

Janet could not move, regardless of what she tried to do.

The audience was on its feet applauding Monty. There was one person in the audience that was applauding the loudest, and that was Gordon.

The announcer rushed over, took Monty's hand and raised it, as much as he could, over her head. He didn't realize he was about to insult her.

"The winner of this match, Captain trainee, Montgomarie Jamison, in two minutes and twelve seconds. She is now the number two ranked contender for our ship's crown as overall champion. Our overall champion remains Gordon Luck."

Gordon saw the look on Monty's face change from a smile to a look that would kill the announcer in a split second. He charged the stage and took the microphone away from him.

"Everyone, I want you to listen to me for a moment. Montgomarie Jamison has been my constant since I was four years old. That's when she started to train me to protect myself. This Captain trainee taught me everything I know about being a man. She taught me everything I know about owning up to my failures, and learning from them. This announcer did not tell you I have never fought Monty, because of the respect I have for her. You just saw what she did to Janet, and I trained Janet. In a month, when I get my strength back, that could be me, because Monty asked me to fight her as a courtesy to this ship. I have never said no to my teacher, and I won't say no to her now."

When Gordon was finished there was a huge round of applause, for his sense of appreciation for what Monty did for him over the years, and how he came forward to vindicate her from the backhanded compliment of the announcer. He would try to do something about that also.

As everyone was leaving he said to Monty, "If you don't take her down I will."

"Why do you always have to ruin my fun?"

"There are nine cameras looking at us and what we are doing right now. My dad wants you to be a Captain; so do I. Captains do not leave members of the crew stranded."

"According to the documents, if I become a captain, I am your senior."

"Do you think that bothers me one bit? You've been my senior all my life, why should anything change now?"

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told your father; "I don't like you."

"As I said Monty, why should anything change now?"

"Okay, let's go get that piss ant down."

As they walked back into the gym Janet said, "I knew you wouldn't leave me here like this."

"Monty, all of a sudden I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?"

"Of course, it will be my treat."

"No it is my treat. You spoiled me all my life, it's now my turn to spoil you."

"Gordon do you remember what you said to me a few moments ago; why should anything change?"

"Can I have shredded wheat with powdered milk?"

"They should have left you in stasis. How can you possibly live on that stuff?"

"You can't, it's awful. That's why when they sneak in the turkey soup it tastes great."

"We haven't had any in over four months, because you are in stasis."

"The hens aren't laying eggs?"

"You didn't leave us any instructions on what to do for them."

"Didn't you ask my sister, she knows."

"Your sister was in no state to talk to anyone."

"I'll take a look at them tomorrow and see what I can do."

"Remember Gordon, you're not allowed to fuck turkeys, you're married."

"Monty, you know damn well I was celibate until I met Zoey. She was my first, and I was hers. We both have tempers, but we have a wonderful way of resolving our problems."

"The entire ship knows how Zoey solves your problems. Has the doctor taken pictures of your head?"

"One of his nurse trainees did it. Her name was Fatima, and she was more gentle than Doctor Finch was. She took the x-rays and the CAT scan, and everything came out perfect the first time. Hannah is doing a great job training the new nurses."

"Are you going to tell me how it came out, or do I have to beat it out of you?"

"When I get called to the infirmary to find out the results, I'll call you so you can be there, and hear it firsthand. The doc was supervising a nurse delivering a baby, and another young woman was in labor. He did not have time to look at the results. He said when he had the time, he would look at the films, and give me a call."

"You sound like you're not even interested."

"Teddy told me what I needed to know. The tumor shrunk considerably. It should make the operation easier for Doctor Finch, and a shorter recovery time for me."

"I've seen Teddy do magical things Gordon, but I'm still worried about Finch's hands playing inside your brain."

"If Finch was proctologist I would be worried too. He's a plastic surgeon, and after he drills a hole in my head he'll be fine."

"Gordon, you never cease to amaze me."

"You two get back here and get me down."

"Did you hear anyone calling to us for help, but not using the word please in that sentence?"

"Please, please, please get me down from this place. I'll even shine your shoes."

"How do you shine cloth shoes? She did say please, three times, and we could accidently drop her, when we pull her out from between the bars."

"Gordon, I wasn't going to accidentally drop her, I was going to throw her on the weights."

"What a wonderful idea. Let's do it now."

"You better not. Look at all those cameras watching every move you make. You'll be in the brig for days. Be careful with me. Don't you dare throw me.

I'm going to hate you both for the rest of your lives. Gordon, Monty don't do iiiiiiiittttttttttt..."


Sunday 0716 Hours

"Captain Abrams, X-ray scan shows an extremely large object bearing 221°, heading 355°, distance 1.2 million miles, speed 45,000 mph. Current course will bring it into the left quadrant of the White Hole."

"What is our current distance from the White Hole, our heading and speed."

"Captain, we have just finished our outbound leg of the holding pattern, turning inbound. Our distance is 35,200 miles from the entrance, speed 155,000 mph and we are now steady on our inbound course of 010°."

"Thank you Mister Hathaway."

After thinking for a moment Gloria said, "Let's go look at that thing. We may be able to follow it through the White Hole."

"I think so too. I would sound the general quarters and have everyone start strapping their belongings. We're only talking about forty-five minutes to an hour before doing it by the book anyway."

"Get Gordon in here first, and let him look at it. He takes over at 0800 hours."

While Janet called Gordon, Gloria said, "Helmsman turn right heading 190° increase speed to 200,000 miles per hour."

"Captain in order to increase speed by that amount, I'm going to have to increase our angle of declination by 15°. There is not enough mass in these small meteors and asteroids to do it any other way."

"Increase angle of declination by 15°."

"Increasing angle of declination by 15°.

"Put that thing on the forward screen, and scan it for major cracks, and density"

As Gordon came onto the bridge he heard, "Captain the density of the asteroid is 280 feet and there are no major cracks."

"Sound general quarters."

"What's up Gloria, I take over in thirty minutes, and I want to know how much shit I'm getting into."

"Since you are a full-fledged Captain, you can take over now if you want. There is an asteroid 1.2 million miles away, heading for the White Hole. It's moving at 45,000 miles an hour and I've just move our speed up to 150,000 mph. I want to check that thing out very closely before I make a decision to follow it in. If everything happens the way we've watched it before, as soon as it reaches a point where the White Hole has influence over it, it will pick up speed. It is my opinion if it moves to the left and it looks like it's going to bounce off, we should follow it off and not attempt to go through the White Hole without the protection it would afford us."

"Gloria slow us down we don't want to overshoot that thing."

"Helm reduce speed to 100,000 mph."

"What could this ship do to ensure that object goes into the White Hole? Remember you have to do it prior to that rock become influenced by the White Hole."

"I'm not sure."

"We've done it once already; think about what we can do to that big rock."

"Could use the forward engines and use them in reverse on the right side of the asteroid. If we pull it back 6 to 10°, it will be pointed at the right side of the White Hole. Once the effect takes place, it will pull it towards the center."

"Very good, but 3 to 4° at this distance is more than enough."

"Captain we are 10000 miles from the asteroid."

"Turn left heading 335°, reduce speed to 45,000 mph. Don't catch that thing, make sure we stay behind it."

"Roger Captain 335° reducing speed to 45,000 miles an hour, and make sure we don't hit that thing in front of us, or anything trailing it."

"That was an excellent order Captain, it sounds like something I would do."

"You are going to have us 25,000 meters behind that thing, while we are going through the White Hole."

"Yes I am, but Callie is going to do all the navigating and the separation while were doing it."

Monty, Jennifer, and I showed up on the bridge after we locked down our rooms to see what was happening.

Jennifer said, "Send someone outside to clean those cameras. All I can see is a grey rock in front of us."

"Very funny mom, very funny."

"Gloria, Janet what are you still doing here?"

"Gordon said it was okay for us to stay on, because we found this rock. It looked like the one we were going to take through the White Hole. He helped us with positioning the asteroid so it would not bounce off, but we have done everything else."

I looked at my son and was about to ask him how you move something of that mass and was moving that fast, but he beat me to the punch.

"Please not now dad, I'll have Gloria and Janet explain it to you later."

My son could be infuriating that way sometimes. I couldn't figure out who he took after.

"Mom where the babies?"

"All babies, less than one-year old, are in a special nursery. Hannah, Sandy Finch and all the nurse trainees will be there with them. You can't tie them down as tight as you can tie a grown-up. It's working according to the plan, although some of the newer mothers are not happy with it.

Joe Finch believes everyone got pregnant a few days before departure or a few days afterwards. There are fifteen new occupants on board. We've gone from 66 to 81 in a little more than nine months, but our food supply is doing wonderfully. Everyone is eating less than expected, thanks to turkeys."

"Mom is anyone using turkey eggs?"

"Yes, the cook uses them every day."

"I'm going to kill that idiot. We need the eggs to make more turkeys, not to make soup, or omelettes."

"Gordon, we can't afford to feed them people food."

"They are becoming people food dad. I'll trade you my shredded wheat for a plate of turkey. One 20-pound turkey can feed up to eight people maybe more. The bones can help make soup and then be crushed to help make bedding for the turkeys. There will be no waste at all."

I joked and asked him, "What about the beak?"

"You can kiss them all you want."

"Captain this is the helm."

"Go ahead helm."

"The asteroid is picking up speed. It is now at 45,300 mph."

"Helm move your position to 25,000 meters from the asteroid and match its speed."

"Captain trainee Montgomarie Jamison, Captain Jennifer Luck, and Captain Even Luck, you are all off-duty. I request you leave the bridge and find other duties you may be helpful with. There is a qualified Captain in charge and three top-flight trainees on the bridge. Your presence is not required."

It was happening to me again, and I did it to myself. I set up the schedules, and I set up the rules. My son was kicking me off the bridge legally, and I could not say a thing about it. Where was Rod when I needed him.

My son was looking at me with a smile on his face, because he knew he had me. I was not going to go peacefully.

"Captain Even Luck, if your legs are bothering you again, I can get security up here to carry you off the premises."

I didn't answer him, I just stared at him. He picked up his communicator, opened it, and looked at me.

"Okay I'm leaving." I took Jennifer's arm and said to her, "That's your son."

"When did he go from our son to my son?"

"About twenty seconds ago, when he pissed me off."

"So this is only temporary, am I correct?"

"I guess so."

She reached back, hit me across my face with an open hand, and walked away. I stood there stunned by her action. I ran after her, grabbed her arm, and asked her what I did?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to piss you off, like MY son did, and have you reject me as your wife. As long as it's only going to be short term, I figure you'll come crawling back to me in a few hours to apologize and reclaim me. Have a Nice Day Even!"

"But...But...But...I am an Asshole!"

"Even go to the auditorium."

I looked around to see who was calling me, but there was no one there.

I closed my eyes and said "Divine, is that you?"

"You're getting very good at this; now go to the auditorium so we can talk."

I walked into the auditorium, and knew my time was at an end. My sister was sitting at a ghostly white table, with only one chair. I didn't hesitate, because I knew it was for me. I walked up, and sat down.

"What, no kiss for your sister?"

"If I knew it was possible to kiss you, I would have been all over you trying to apologize for having ruined your life. I killed you, and our daughter is messed up nearly beyond repair, because of it.

If it is a sin to lust after your sister, I am guilty beyond redemption. I wanted you in the worst possible way, and wanted to be anyone else's son but our fathers. I wanted you to be anyone else's daughter than his, but it wasn't to be. That's the reason I ran away from you, ran away from our home so you would never know my shame.

When I found out about that man, and how he treated you, I tried and tried and tried to get you out of his clutches, but you would not listen to me. I could have given that man a check and he would've been gone; out of your life, out of Delicious' life forever. Why wouldn't you listen to me?"

"Even, why did you just have an argument with your son? Why did your wife just slap you? Sometimes we just have things in our heads that are backwards. As long as he didn't touch me or our baby, I believed everything would be fine. By the time I realized what it was doing to our baby it was too late.

I am more at fault then you are. Your phone calls always gave me hope. If you didn't call, maybe I would have had to call you in desperation. Everything happened because you were a wonderful brother, and I was a confused girl, with the child she was trying to protect from an abusive husband, plus a father that hated her for getting pregnant. If he ever knew what really happened he would have killed both of us, even though you slept through the entire event."

"How long do I have?"

"It will be soon, but I'm not allowed to tell you when. Continue living as you would normally, and an event will happen that will put everyone to sleep. We will take your body. Your essence will be left within the computer. Your speech mannerisms, your sense of humor, and your brilliance. Your comrades, your children, and your wife will not lack your companionship.

Your spacecraft will pass through "The White Hole" without any damage. It will continue searching for a planet viable to live on. They will set up a colony and prosper. Soon afterwards they will discover other people, like yourselves, are living on the planet also. They have been stranded there for decades, because their ship malfunctioned. They have set up a community, based on an agrarian society. Your two societies will get along well. Gordon and Newton will be able to repair their spacecraft, and then they will have a decision to make.

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