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Dark Web Ch. 03-06

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The Dark Web beckons.
8.2k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 11/03/2022
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Dark Web-Dark Commissions


It wasn't until the weekend, that Peter got a call from Samantha. She arranged to meet him at his office and go through what had happened, with her assignment to the taskforce. Peter, of course, was unimpressed as advancement in Samantha's career but he was very anxious to tell her about his break-through.

"Well Samantha, perhaps you might startle your superiors with some more insight into this gang." Peter smiled, enjoying Sam's excitement in getting some 'real action' as she called it.

"So, what do you have?" Samantha breathed to calm herself down. Peter was all business now.

"I think that this is real dark-web stuff. I have printed you out a report, so you can pass my work off as your own, but you need to know it inside and out and fill in some of the blanks. Your bosses will have quite a few queries." Peter handed her a Manila file and prompted her to read it with him."

Samantha scanned the first page, "Christ! there's pages and pages here?"

"So, stretch your brain, dummy." Peter scowled, "This is serious Sam."

Samantha's reaction to having him use her shortened name, she saw the intensity in his eyes.

"These operators know all the counter forensics you can name; they are patient and clever. They have worked as a team of three for long time, they have trust in each other and they are well-financed," Peter was in full delivery, Samantha knew not to interrupt, " I think their whole operation have evolved into a lucrative industry. It bothered me that the women that these men went for were not brutalised," Peter looked at Samantha, "Look at the medical reports, it's as if they went out of their way not to hurt them. With every victim, they had them cooperating in their own abuse." They managed the situation that they were able to debauch their victims." Peter paused to let the phrase sink in.

"Debauch?" Samantha looked up at the smiling Peter.

"I suspect that these three men have been paid specifically to target those women for a particular party and filmed for that specific audience." Peter delivered his lines with a sense of triumph in his tone.

"They are still rapists you know!" Samantha's voice had an icy edge.

"Of course they are, but what you are not seeing... page four please, " Peter encouraged her to find the page, " is that these men are using some form of hypnosis or hypnotic suggestion to allow these women to lose some of the natural inhibitions and then promote a sense of licentiousness in their films."

"Hypnosis?" Samantha was sceptical.

"Yes, the success of other abductions, going completely unreported, suggests more than the threat of the women's video disclosure or the vague hint of a threat." Peter had spent all night trying to iron out the details, and he had burned through until the dawn to find the lead into the dark-web, "they have been implanted a suggestion to not report it because they think that the attackers were police-officers!"

"The brother officer's phrase!" Samantha exclaimed.

"Yes, the phrase 'brother officers', triggers the post hypnotic suggestion and allows the gang to tap into the women's minds."

"It's unbelievable!" Samantha was aghast, then suddenly stopped, "but why are any reports made, then?" Samantha pointed out.

"Ah, well that's the even more impressive part of this whole operation, "Peter sat down opposite Samantha and looked into her blue eyes, " it's advertising!"

Samantha's brow furrowed, "Advertising?"

"Yes, the perpetrators can use the reports to promote their services, " Peter showed Samantha cuttings from the local newspapers and URL markers to online reports, " the gang uses the press to show that they are uncatchable and even when they are reported, they are Teflon- completely untouchable!" Peter moved in to kiss Samantha's mouth, but she moved back.

Peter moved back, judging that his timing was off and settled back and allowed Samantha to process the information.

"This is huge!" Samantha's mind was on overload, partially due to implications of what this group of men had been getting away with. Then it occurred to her, who was paying for all this"

Peter was prepared for this," The preps are getting paid in three ways, I think. Number 1, I think someone in these women's lives had paid these men to abduct and film them doing all manner of sex acts. Their client could be watching a live stream and typing to the men, directing the action or it's even possible that the client is there, watching them in the flesh, possibly joining in and then have a commemorative uncut version of the video and perhaps paying for their underwear as a trophy,"

Samantha was shocked at the enormity of what these men were achieving.

"Secondly, they are clearly showing an edited version on the dark-web for paying customers, with jaded palates and no longer stimulated with the fake porn industry and live stream shows online. These clients, don't really have to be very rich, as the revenge pornography makes money on the side." Peter counted off on his fingers.

"And the final pay-off?" Samantha was almost too afraid to ask.

" Well, this is stretch," Peter looked down at his feet and then at Samantha, " what if these guys are setting their clients up with trigger phrases, that allows their clients to 'follow-up' on the victims."

"What!" Samantha stood up. She couldn't believe what Peter had suggested.

"Listen, I have no proof on this, but consider a well-organised group. They gain access their victim, with information that have been provided by their client-an old boyfriend, even an ex-husband or in the worst-case scenario- a stalker." Peter made it clear that he found this last point, very much to his dislike.

"Oh God!" Samantha had followed the train of his thought.

"Yes, you have it now, don't you?" Peter looked for the final revelation in Sam's eyes.

"These men whet the appetite of the client with a short abduction, they have the women engage fully in all manner of sexual antics. Then they sell on the film and the underwear and then offer the client, the final thrill- the specific word that will turn on the hypnotic suggestion again. So, the client can visit the women anytime and she'll turn into his own private..."

Samantha stood in Drummond's office, after delivering Peter's explanation, almost word for word.

"Pornstar" Drummond finished off her sentence.

Drummond couldn't believe what Samantha had said, he looked over at Markham and looked back to Samantha, standing stiffly and tried to calm her nerves, and the adrenaline that was surging through her system

"Are you sure about your facts?" Markham managed to say, taking a long pull on a bottle of water in his hand.

"It's in the file, Sir." Samantha answered simply.

Drummond looked at Samantha, "Please sit down PC Archer...Samantha," His voice trailed, as he wasn't altogether comfortable with the informality.

"Sam.Sir "Samantha answered. Only Peter used her full name habitually.

"This is a lot of work. And there's a lot of conjecture in this, "Drummond looked at Sam and back to Markham, "but it's an impressive stuff, and all your own work, I assume."

Sam knew that they were probing, "I had to ask someone about the dark-web as I knew nothing about it." It was a small lie but an acceptable one.

"Well, we are going to have to get someone in to work on the cyber-crime aspect. Someone from the Met, perhaps." Drummond was thinking aloud. Markham nodded along.

"We could take this to an outside asset. There's a lot of people, we have some leverage on." Markham smiled, "What about Billie the Fish?" Drummond's brow raised.

"I thought she was still inside?" Drummond asked.

"Out now and working legally, with that anti-hacking group set up by Google, the one I got her into." he added,

Samantha had to ask, "Billie the fish?" Markham smiled.

"Ah, before your time. Billie, a very smart but troubled young lady, about your age get into trouble with hacking and general cyber troublemaking. She is a top line cyber snooper and might have some ideas for us." Markham sat back, regarding Sam. Her trim figure, even in her uniform was something he enjoyed.

Samantha was intrigued, "Can I meet her?"

"Well, a word of warning, you are exactly her type but you are a professional police officer, so I'll be going along with you." Markham insisted.

By 4:45 pm, Billie the Fish was already squatting in a chair in a greasy-spoon cafe in a side street in Stevenage. Markham and Sam sat in an unmarked car and wore plains clothes. Markham made a point of warning Sam her about Billie's sexual preferences.

"It's okay, Sir I can handle myself." Sam smiled. She liked Markham's protective manner and had come to admire her superior officer. He was rather attractive, if a little older than men, she usually dated. Her mind cast back to the sex with Peter but pushed the thought away. Peter was a hook-up and both knew their relationship was nothing more than that. Markham was different, Sam liked his tight, lean frame and soft brown eyes. Of course, she had checked him out with records, he was divorced but no children. Sam had been surprised to find that he had not 'dipped into the station pool' of single women. She assumed that with his looks, some of the other WPC's might have made a pass at him at social occasions. Sam thought of the inquisitive Beverley, on attachment to Operation 'McKenna', she knew all the secrets in the station and a world -class gossip.

On entering the cafe, Sam was confronted with a short platinum-blonde haired girl. Her distressed jeans were tight and a leather jacket and a distinct 'Hanna Hart' look about her. Billie exuded confidence and liberated attitude to her sexual orientation. Sam kept her stare just a moment too long, and Billie noticed. She was clearly attempting to attract attention and shock the over 50's. Billie made an immediate impression on Samantha.

"Billie," Markham introduced himself quietly, "Been behaving, I hope?"

"Mr M&M!" Billie ignored the question and immediately focussed on Sam, "Who's the babe?"

"Sam," Sam smiled but didn't offer a handshake, Billie was too cool for that. Her eyes were pools of grey blue. Sam looked away furtively. Score point for me, thought Billie.

Markham sat down opposite Billie and Sam, sat to one side, cornering Billie, "Billie, I need a favour." he smiled

"Another one? Well, it's going to cost you." Billie and looked over at Sam. She liked the young, fresh-faced copper. Billie had a huge sexual appetite and particularly enjoyed the challenge of turning a straight girl. Sam could feel the weight of Billie stare and smiled back. Sam wasn't going to be intimidated. Markham leaned in closer, "Billie leave my young colleague alone and listen carefully. I have a job for you and I can, maybe, make your ever increasing list of misdemeanours go away."

Billie looked back to Markham, "Well, why do you tell me all about it. I'll have a latte, " Billie turned to Sam, " if you wouldn't mind sweetie?" Sam looked back at Markham. He nodded and asked her for a espresso too, " if you wouldn't mind,Sam?" Billie looked up, "Oh Sam, I like that name." Markham waited for Sam to move to the counter.

"No messing Billie, It's serious. What do you know about Dark web, in particularly the adult entertainment side?" Markham had waited for Sam to be out of ear shot.

"Adult entertainment? You mean sex sites?" Billie smiled, "Are you asking for access? Or names?" Billie looked over at Sam, admiring Sam's tight jeans and how they cupped her bum.

"No, Billie. Bad people doing very bad things to women for money. And they are selling what they film to the darkest corners of the web." Markham was dead serious, and his tone was hard. Billie sat up and looked at him, she could tell that he was serious, and her manner changed completely. She hated how women could be humiliated for the pleasure of men. She was not an ardent feminist but the depths that some men were capable of, made her glad she was gay.

"I don't do a lot of dark-web stuff and it's fucking hard to get into those sites, you know that." Billie glanced over to see Sam coming back over.

"I know," replied Markham, " we're doing what we can at Cyber crime but if you could give us a clue." Markham sat back and waited for Sam to return. Sam put down the tall latte glass in front of Billie.

"One latte and one espresso, " Sam said brightly, wishing she had been privy to their conversation.

Billie smiled at her, "Thanks Sweetie." Billie looked at Sam and gave her the best 'come home and fuck me look.'

Markham wouldn't be dissuaded, "So can you help?" Billie looked up. Markham pulled out a long white envelope and gave it to her, "Please have a look for me,B."

"Give me a couple of days and I'll contact... her," Billie nodded at Sam. Sam looked back at Markham. He nodded, as if to ask Sam's permission. Sam smiled back and then looked at Billie.

"Give me your phone," Sam held out her hand and Billie gave her phone to her," it's Thursday today, so next week, we'll go for a drink and you tell me everything you know about the grimy, dirty corners of the dark-web." Billie smiled happily. Sam smiled back, her challenge has been accepted." For a fleeting moment, Sam wondered what Billie's kiss would feel like.

Back at the station, Markham addressed the small team, he had assembled and outlined in simple terms what Sam had provided but didn't use her name.

"Okay, Cyber crime will be here tomorrow afternoon, I want you to work up the evidence, we have and get ready to re-interview our three victims. I will be having a chat with practitioners of the dark arts of hypnosis, with the aid of Pc Archer at first light." Sam buried herself in a pile of paper-work before another WPC, Beverley walked over,

"So, Sam, you and M&M are getting cosy." he voice was sweet, dripping in curiosity. Her afro bun was tight against her scalp and her caramel skin was smooth.

"M&M? "Sam looked up. She remembered Billie using the phrase but forgotten it.

"Michael Markham, M&M" Beverley answered simply, "hard, sweet shell all chocolatey goodness inside!"

" Oh no, He's not my type." Sam lied back with a smile.

" Of course, he isn't," Beverley smiled the lie back to Sam, "What do think about this hypnosis crap, then? It's a bit Derren Brown?" Her tone was flat and sceptical.

"Maybe, but how do your account for vagueness of the victims and only three reports over three years?" Sam turned back to her pile of files. She opened the file and wondered if Billie was thinking about her?

Chapter Three - Billie

Billie spent most of her weekend trying to locate dark-web sites that might fit the description that Markham had given her. The envelope had two pages of printed details and a six £50 pound notes. Markham had used Billie as an informer before and the money would help to get her moving on his case. Most of Billie's time was spent avoiding being discovered by masking her own IP numbers by rerouteing through a myriad of servers across the UK and Europe. She had contacted her 'grey hats',those who were only doing things slightly illegal, and enlisted their aid in finding possible sites. She found an alarming number of sites, that were drug related but there were just too many variables. At about 2am,Billie her most productive time, considered ways to create a darknet site that would be suitable for the material needed. She scribbled a list on a Post-It note;

1. Able to be found by clients with at least six relays, to mask the IP's

2. The site needs HD Video compatibility so they could upload video footage.

3. Cash-probably crypto exchanges using - Smartmixer or Dark Wallet.

4. Overlays should mask Ips and Darknet sites. Tor wouldn't be used- too easily flagged by Cybercrime.

These guys know what they're doing, or they have got someone doing it for them.

Billie pushed the laptop to one side and rolled off her disordered bed. She wore panties and a overly large t-shirt, her hair was disordered but she was working. She wandered into her little kitchen and pulled open the fridge and took out a cold full-fat Coke can, opened it and gulped it down. The bubbles and the caffeine would kick start her brain. Billie looked around her bed-sit and then back to her fridge -freezer. She sighed and opened the freezer and searched in the bottom drawer and retrieved her 'black-book'. She flicked through the pages; all of her black hats were in here and one of them just might have an idea.

Samantha got a text from Billie on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm, she asked her to pick her up at the Thirty-Eight bar in Stevenage. Sam forwarded the text to Markham and waited for a reply, while changing out of uniform, By the time, she had donned tight black jeans, white t-shirt and her favourite Spencer cut jacket. On her way out, she checked her phone and saw Markham's reply.





Sam smiled at his concern. She replied that she would be careful.

It was just over a half an hour, when Sam found the Thirty Eight bar and went in. The place was heaving, since the Covid restrictions relaxation, the bar scene had picked up well. The brick walls and the Berwick football shirt memorabilia were familiar as she was frequented the bar in her days living in Stevenage. Sam wandered through the bodies, she found Billie at the back. Only then did Sam realise that she had dressed to impress her. Suddenly uncomfortable, as Billie looked up. Sam sat down next to her and looked at her.

"Officer Sam, you look positively delicious!" Billie teased, "So M&M has you running his errands."

"Do you have something for us, Billie?" Sam tried to be workman-like, but Billie wanted to play.

"I do but let's have a little drink and enjoy each other's company first." Billie teased further.

Sam didn't know what to say to Billie, she'd never met someone who had made such an impression on her, so quickly. She wasn't gay but Billie had a presence that Sam couldn't and didn't want to ignore. However, she wasn't going to make it easy for her either.

"We are not going to sleep together, Billie." Sam leaned in closer.

"Who said anything about sleeping?" Billie flashed a brilliant smile.

After Billie had put down four tequila shots, they retired to Sam's little Ford Fiesta. Billie explained what she had discovered and more importantly what she thought these men had done. She handed Sam a print off and a memory stick of her research.

"There's no way to track these fuckers, they will have bought the best black hat, they could find." Billie pointed to the three scribbled names that she had gleaned from her black book.

"Black hats?" Sam enquired.

"Hackers and Dark-web programmers that I know of." Billie remarked.

"Oh, I don't really know about this stuff." Sam confessed.

"I'll help you," Billie leaned in as if to show her something on the sheet and then stole a kiss from her.

Sam initially resisted her but then relaxed her mouth and the kiss became full and wanton. In car, on the way to Billie's bed-sit, Billie discussed how the dark web would have to have been set up. There was no real way to access the site unless they here granted access. This gang, she explained. She theorised that the group would only open their site to people who had already engaged them to make the films. Specific open access or public access would only be allowed through known ISP's. When Sam parked her little Ford in a space by the road, Billie got out and paused,

"Come on up. It'll be our secret. M&M won't know. I swear it.". Sam switched off the engine and followed Billie up to her flat.

Sam and Billie fell onto the bed, quickly and messily attempting to undress each other. Jackets thrown around the room, jeans and leggings pulled off with impatience. Sam let Billie take control, she hadn't fucked a woman before and felt a wave of insecurity. Sam had a great body and was feeling the delicious throes of arousal. Billie, despite her elfin looks and small stature was demanding and dominant. She pulled Sam's bra away and licked her stiffened nipples to even greater arousal. Sam lay back, enjoying the attention and marvelling at her excitement of being licked by another woman. Billie kissed her breasts and massaged them to excite Sam further. Once satisfied with getting Sam tensing, accepting her mouth gratefully. Billie recognised a potential pillow princess when she saw one but for some completely illogical reason, she had an overwhelming desire to fuck this copper.

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